Planetary Data System
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This bar indicates that you are within the PDS enterprise which includes 6 science discipline nodes and 2 support nodes which are overseen by the Project Management Office at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC). Each node is led by an expert in the subject discipline, supported by an advisory group of other practitioners of that discipline, and subject to selection and approval under a regular NASA Research Announcement.
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10.17189/qgbw-zk54Cassini MIMI LEMMS Calibrated 1 Hour Pulse Height Analysis Averages Data Collection
10.17189/kc6d-9r91Cassini MIMI LEMMS Calibrated 1 Minute Accumulation Rate Averages Data Collection
10.17189/tq3a-p829Cassini MAG Calibrated 1 Min. Avg. Data in KSM Coords. Collection
10.17189/5shs-zt88Cassini MIMI LEMMS Calibrated 1 Minute Pulse Height Analysis Averages Data Collection
10.17189/06r9-8p61Cassini MAG Calibrated 1 Sec. Avg. Data in J3 Coords. Collection
10.17189/xqsr-2717Cassini MAG Calibrated 1 Sec. Avg. Data in JMXYZ Coords. Collection
10.17189/hyxn-js95Cassini MAG Calibrated 1 Sec. Avg. Data in KSM Coords. Collection
10.17189/3n1m-4727Cassini MAG Calibrated 1 Sec. Avg. Data in KSO Coords. Collection
10.17189/9jfh-3a88Cassini MAG Calibrated 1 Sec. Avg. Data in GSE Coords. Collection
10.17189/yg94-6e83Cassini MAG Calibrated 1 Min. Avg. Data in KRTP Coords. Collection
10.17189/b730-5011Cassini MAG Calibrated 1 Sec. Avg. Data in RTN Coords. Collection
10.17189/j1gb-e836Cassini MAG Calibrated 1 Min. Avg. Data in KSO Coords. Collection
10.17189/desd-0c05Cassini MAG Calibrated 1 Sec. Avg. Data in KRTP Coords. Collection
10.17189/2wax-gm60Cassini MAG Calibrated 1 Min. Avg. Data in RTN Coords. Collection
10.17189/6c1p-jj58Cassini MAG Calibrated Full Res. Data in J3 Coords. Collection
10.17189/3wk1-gw20Cassini MIMI INCA Calibrated Differential Intensities of Uncertainty Data Collection
10.17189/9gbp-6x14Cassini MIMI INCA Calibrated Angle Image Averages of High Spatial Resolution Data Collection
10.17189/7p0m-7z07Cassini MIMI INCA Calibrated Angle Image Averages of High Time Resolution Data Collection
10.17189/08q5-qz25Cassini MIMI INCA Calibrated Differential Intensities of Image Data Collection
10.17189/dyh1-cv32Cassini MIMI INCA Calibrated Angle Image Averages of High Mass TOF Resolution Data Collection
10.17189/7965-rp32Cassini MIMI CHEMS, INCA and LEMMS Ancillary Data Collection
10.17189/g2tc-e893Cassini MIMI INCA Calibrated Differential Intensities of Pitch Angle Data Collection
10.17189/5qm3-zp79Cassini-Huygens Plasma Spectrometer (CAPS) Calibrated Ion Mass Spectrometer 'Time Of Flight' Straight Through Data Collection
10.17189/fjj9-4740Cassini-Huygens Plasma Spectrometer (CAPS) Calibrated Electron Spectrometer Data Collection
10.17189/rjaf-3553Cassini-Huygens Plasma Spectrometer (CAPS) Calibrated Ion Beam Spectrometer Data Collection
10.17189/y06h-zr38Cassini-Huygens Plasma Spectrometer (CAPS) Calibrated Ion Mass Spectrometer 'Time Of Flight' Linear Electric Field Data Collection
10.17189/1518302Cassini RPWS Electron Densities from Upper Hybrid and Plasma Wave Frequencies
10.17189/nzk5-rq31Cassini-Huygens Plasma Spectrometer (CAPS) Derived Electron Moments Data Collection
10.17189/0tg3-2z14Cassini-Huygens Cassini Plasma Spectrometer (CAPS) Derived Ion Moments Data Collection
10.17189/n7eb-4k86Cassini-Huygens Cassini Plasma Spectrometer (CAPS) Derived Spacecraft Potential Data Collection
10.17189/y2wv-m504Cassini MIMI CHEMS Calibrated Mass per Charge Data Collection
10.17189/atyx-gk63Cassini MIMI LEMMS Calibrated Full Time Resolution Pulse Height Analysis Data Collection
10.17189/vv95-vf14Cassini MIMI CHEMS Calibrated Pulse Height Analysis Data Collection
10.17189/6zzh-am95Cassini MIMI CHEMS Raw Pulse Height Analysis Data Collection
10.17189/n2ky-bd12Cassini Scalar Helium MAG Calibrated Housekeeping Data Collection
10.17189/pjw0-sm25Cassini MIMI CHEMS Calibrated Full Time Resolution Intensity Data Collection
10.17189/m3xv-6v94Cassini MIMI CHEMS Raw Science Rates Data Collection
10.17189/pg4n-f845Cassini Scalar Helium MAG Calibrated Science ASCII Data Collection
10.17189/9zka-rd52Cassini MIMI LEMMS Calibrated Full Time Resolution Priority Accumulation Rates Data Collection
10.17189/827g-fe03Cassini MAG Calibrated Full Res. Data in JMXYZ Coords. Collection
10.17189/7pdg-da68Cassini MAG Calibrated Full Res. Data in KRTP Coords. Collection
10.17189/vz11-df47Cassini MIMI LEMMS Raw Pulse Height Analysis Data Collection
10.17189/225f-7w68Cassini MIMI LEMMS Raw Fine Accumulation Rate Data Collection
10.17189/bn5h-8e81Cassini MAG Calibrated Full Res. Data in GSE Coords. Collection
10.17189/9025-xn95Cassini MAG Channelized User-Defined Engineering Data Collection
10.17189/5g8s-2s29Cassini Scalar Helium MAG Calibrated Housekeeping ASCII Data Collection
10.17189/82js-d828Cassini CAPS Raw Ion Mass Spectrometer Logicals (LOG) Data Collection
10.17189/tn5b-v234Cassini MIMI CHEMS Raw Accumulation Rates Data Collection
10.17189/kkw6-1j66Cassini CAPS Raw Ion Mass Spectrometer Singles (SNG) Data Collection
10.17189/483t-5b71Cassini CAPS Raw Ion Beam Spectrometer (IBS) Data Collection
10.17189/dp7a-ty26Cassini CAPS Raw Actuator (ACT) Data Collection
10.17189/2myh-nj38Cassini MAG Calibrated Full Res. Data in RTN Coords. Collection
10.17189/r4v7-mv45Cassini MIMI LEMMS Calibrated Full Time Resolution Accumulation Rates Data Collection
10.17189/4z9y-f346Cassini MAG Vector Helium Magnetic-Field Data at the Science Rate Collection
10.17189/f6gd-6687Cassini MAG Configuration Image Data Collection
10.17189/5yzc-j694Cassini CAPS Raw Electron Spectrometer (ELS) Data Collection
10.17189/8pge-t991Cassini MAG Fluxgate Magnetic-Field Data at the Housekeeping Rate Collection
10.17189/vrnm-k942Cassini MAG Fluxgate and Vector Helium Calibration Data Collection
10.17189/324t-wa59Cassini Scalar Helium MAG Calibrated Science Data Collection
10.17189/1521149Cassini CAPS Moments Data Collection
10.17189/cwy2-s017Cassini Analog Data from the MAG Control Unit Collection
10.17189/xax7-t938Cassini MAG Channelized Spacecraft Attitude Data Collection
10.17189/j50a-4y59Cassini CAPS Raw Ion Mass Spectrometer Time Of Flight (TOF) Data Collection
10.17189/w05b-d416Cassini CAPS Raw Ion Mass Spectrometer Ion Data Collection
10.17189/rkct-9c92Cassini MAG Vector Helium Magnetic-Field Data at the Housekeeping Rate Collection
10.17189/3pap-xq51Cassini MAG Fluxgate Magnetic-Field Data at the Science Rate Collection
10.17189/ah99-1530Cassini MAG Error Counter Information Data Collection
10.17189/bnzx-g561Cassini CAPS Raw Ancillary (ANC) Data Collection
10.17189/cm05-cz83Cassini MAG Command Validation Information Data Collection
10.17189/p5bb-rs65Cassini MAG Magnetic-Field Browse Plots in RTN Coords. Collection
10.17189/kxt1-6m05Cassini SPICE Metakernel Collection
Mission : Start date : 1997-10-15 ~ Stop date : 2017-09-15

The Cassini-Huygens mission will accomplish a variety of scientific
objectives en route to and at Saturn [JPL D-5564].

While en route to Saturn, Cassini performed three sets of Gravitational
Wave Experiments (GWEs), each scheduled near opposition and each lasting
approximately 40 days. During these observations, Cassini acted as a point
mass which would be perturbed by propagating gravitational waves resulting
from sudden destruction (or creation) of large masses in the general
direction of the spacecraft-to-Earth line.

While en route to Saturn, Cassini was also used in two Solar Conjunction
Experiments (SCEs), each lasting approximately 30 days. The objectives of
these observations was to test general relativity and to improve our
understanding of the solar corona.

The general scientific objectives of the Cassini mission at Saturn were to
investigate the physical, chemical, and temporal characteristics of Titan
and of Saturn, its atmosphere, rings, icy satellites, and magnetosphere.
These are listed more specifically below:

Saturn (Planet) Objectives.

a) Determine temperature field, cloud properties, and composition of the
atmosphere of Saturn.

b) Measure the global wind field, including wave and eddy components;
observe synoptic cloud features and processes.

c) Infer the internal structure and rotation of the deep atmosphere.

d) Study the diurnal variations and magnetic control of the ionosphere of

e) Provide observational constraints (gas composition, isotope ratios, and
heat flux, etc.) on scenarios for the formation and the evolution of Saturn.

f) Investigate the sources and the morphology of Saturn lightning, Saturn
Electrostatic Discharges (SED), and whistlers.

Titan Objectives.

a) Determine abundance of atmospheric constituents (including any noble
gases), establish isotope ratios for abundant elements, constrain scenarios
of formation and evolution of Titan and its atmosphere.

b) Observe vertical and horizontal distributions of trace gases, search for
more complex organic molecules, investigate energy sources for atmospheric
chemistry, and model the photochemistry of the stratosphere, study
formation and composition of aerosols.

c) Measure winds and global temperatures; investigate cloud physics,
general circulation, and seasonal effects in Titan's atmosphere; search for
lightning discharges.

d) Determine the physical state, topography, and composition of the
surface; infer the internal structure of the satellite.

e) Investigate the upper atmosphere, its ionization, and its role as a
source of neutral and ionized material for magnetosphere of Saturn.

Ring Objectives.

a) Study configuration of the rings and dynamical processes (gravitational,
viscous, erosional, and electromagnetic) responsible for ring structure.

b) Map composition and size distribution of ring material.

c) Investigate interrelation of rings and satellites, including embedded

d) Determine dust and meteoroid distribution in the vicinity of the rings.

e) Study interactions between the rings and Saturn's magnetosphere,
ionosphere, and atmosphere.

Icy Satellite Objectives.

a) Determine the general characteristics and geological histories of the

b) Define the mechanisms of crustal and surface modifications, both
external and internal.

c) Investigate the compositions and distributions of surface materials,
particularly dark, organic rich materials and low melting point condensed

d) Constrain models of the satellites' bulk compositions and internal

e) Investigate interactions with the magnetosphere and ring systems and
possible gas injections into the magnetosphere.

Magnetosphere Objectives

a) Determine the configuration of the nearly axially symmetric magnetic
field and its relation to the modulation of Saturn Kilometric Radiation

b) Determine current systems, composition, sources, and sinks of
magnetosphere charged particles.

c) Investigate wave-particle interactions and dynamics of the dayside
magnetosphere and the magnetotail of Saturn and their interactions with the
solar wind, the satellites, and the rings.

d) Study the effect of Titan's interaction with the solar wind and
magnetospheric plasma.

e) Investigate interactions of Titan's atmosphere and exosphere with the
surrounding plasma.
133 Collections Found
Version ID : 1.0
Start Date: 2004-06-30T00:00:00Z - Stop Date: 2017-09-16T00:00:00Z
Cassini MIMI LEMMS Pitch Angle F1 Channels Browse Collection
Version ID : 1.0
Start Date: 2004-01-01T00:00:00Z - Stop Date: 2017-09-16T00:00:00Z
Cassini MIMI LEMMS Calibrated 1 Hour Pulse Height Analysis Averages Data Collection
Version ID : 1.0
Start Date: 2004-01-01T00:00:04.734Z - Stop Date: 2017-09-15T10:34:09.423Z
Cassini MIMI LEMMS Calibrated 1 Minute Accumulation Rate Averages Data Collection
Version ID : VERSION 3
Start Date: 1998-12-30T11:38:29Z - Stop Date: 2017-09-12T22:14:31Z
Cassini Orbiter Magnetometer Calibrated MAG data in 1 minute averages available covering the period 1999-08-16 (DOY 228) to 2017-09-12 (DOY 255). This volume contains new versions (KRTP, KSO and KSM PRODUCT_VERSION_ID 7 and RTN PRODUCT_VERSION_ID 8) of these data products, processed using an updated calibration. The data are provided in RTN coordinates throughout the mission, with Earth, Jupiter, and Saturn centered coordinates for the respective flybys of those planets. These data have passed PDS peer review. Every effort has been made to ensure that the data and documentation are of the best possible quality. However, users of this data set are encouraged to verify the correctness of the data prior to submitting any publications or other work.
Version ID : VERSION 3
Start Date: 1998-12-30T11:38:29Z - Stop Date: 2017-09-12T22:14:31Z
Cassini Orbiter Magnetometer Calibrated MAG data in 1 minute averages available covering the period 1999-08-16 (DOY 228) to 2017-09-12 (DOY 255). This volume contains new versions (KRTP, KSO and KSM PRODUCT_VERSION_ID 7 and RTN PRODUCT_VERSION_ID 8) of these data products, processed using an updated calibration. The data are provided in RTN coordinates throughout the mission, with Earth, Jupiter, and Saturn centered coordinates for the respective flybys of those planets. These data have passed PDS peer review. Every effort has been made to ensure that the data and documentation are of the best possible quality. However, users of this data set are encouraged to verify the correctness of the data prior to submitting any publications or other work.
Version ID : VERSION 3
Start Date: 1998-12-30T11:38:29Z - Stop Date: 2017-09-12T22:14:31Z
Cassini Orbiter Magnetometer Calibrated MAG data in 1 minute averages available covering the period 1999-08-16 (DOY 228) to 2017-09-12 (DOY 255). This volume contains new versions (KRTP, KSO and KSM PRODUCT_VERSION_ID 7 and RTN PRODUCT_VERSION_ID 8) of these data products, processed using an updated calibration. The data are provided in RTN coordinates throughout the mission, with Earth, Jupiter, and Saturn centered coordinates for the respective flybys of those planets. These data have passed PDS peer review. Every effort has been made to ensure that the data and documentation are of the best possible quality. However, users of this data set are encouraged to verify the correctness of the data prior to submitting any publications or other work.
Version ID : VERSION 3
Start Date: 1998-12-30T11:38:29Z - Stop Date: 2017-09-12T22:14:31Z
Cassini Orbiter Magnetometer Calibrated MAG data in 1 minute averages available covering the period 1999-08-16 (DOY 228) to 2017-09-12 (DOY 255). This volume contains new versions (KRTP, KSO and KSM PRODUCT_VERSION_ID 7 and RTN PRODUCT_VERSION_ID 8) of these data products, processed using an updated calibration. The data are provided in RTN coordinates throughout the mission, with Earth, Jupiter, and Saturn centered coordinates for the respective flybys of those planets. These data have passed PDS peer review. Every effort has been made to ensure that the data and documentation are of the best possible quality. However, users of this data set are encouraged to verify the correctness of the data prior to submitting any publications or other work.
Version ID : VERSION 3
Start Date: 1998-12-30T11:38:29Z - Stop Date: 2017-09-12T22:14:31Z
Cassini Orbiter Magnetometer Calibrated MAG data in 1 minute averages available covering the period 1999-08-16 (DOY 228) to 2017-09-12 (DOY 255). This volume contains new versions (KRTP, KSO and KSM PRODUCT_VERSION_ID 7 and RTN PRODUCT_VERSION_ID 8) of these data products, processed using an updated calibration. The data are provided in RTN coordinates throughout the mission, with Earth, Jupiter, and Saturn centered coordinates for the respective flybys of those planets. These data have passed PDS peer review. Every effort has been made to ensure that the data and documentation are of the best possible quality. However, users of this data set are encouraged to verify the correctness of the data prior to submitting any publications or other work.
Version ID : 1.0
Start Date: 2004-05-11T00:00:30Z - Stop Date: 2017-09-12T22:14:31Z
Cassini MAG Calibrated 1 Min. Avg. Data in KSM Coords. Collection
Version ID : VERSION 3
Start Date: 1998-12-30T11:38:29Z - Stop Date: 2017-09-12T22:14:31Z
Cassini Orbiter Magnetometer Calibrated MAG data in 1 minute averages available covering the period 1999-08-16 (DOY 228) to 2017-09-12 (DOY 255). This volume contains new versions (KRTP, KSO and KSM PRODUCT_VERSION_ID 7 and RTN PRODUCT_VERSION_ID 8) of these data products, processed using an updated calibration. The data are provided in RTN coordinates throughout the mission, with Earth, Jupiter, and Saturn centered coordinates for the respective flybys of those planets. These data have passed PDS peer review. Every effort has been made to ensure that the data and documentation are of the best possible quality. However, users of this data set are encouraged to verify the correctness of the data prior to submitting any publications or other work.