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Models and Simulations Data Holdings
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Verision ID :1.0
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NASA Planetary Data System
This bundle contains the results from the simulation study presented in Lapenta, G.; Schriver, D.; Walker, R. J.; Berchem, J.; Echterling, N. F.; El Alaoui, M.; Travnicek, P., Do we need to consider electrons' kinetic effects to properly model a planetary magnetosphere: the case of Mercury, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 127, e2021JA030241. The data includes fully kinetic global PIC simulations of Mercury's magnetosphere that include both ion and electron kinetic effects along with MESSENGER data. The energy conserving version of the ipic3D simulation code (ECSIM) (Lapenta, 2017 doi:10.1016/ was used to study the evolution of Mercury's magnetosphere. This work was funded by NASA grants HSR 80NSSC19K0841 and HSR 80NSSC19K0846 and NASA SSW 80NSSC19K0789 and 80NSSC21K0053. Resources supporting this work were provided by the NASA High-End Computing (HEC) program through the NASA Advanced Supercomputing (NAS) Division at Ames Research Center and NCCS at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.
This bundle contains the results from the simulation study presented in Lapenta, G.; Schriver, D.; Walker, R. J.; Berchem, J.; Echterling, N. F.; El Alaoui, M.; Travnicek, P., Do we need to consider electrons' kinetic effects to properly model a planetary magnetosphere: the case of Mercury, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 127, e2021JA030241. The data includes fully kinetic global PIC simulations of Mercury's magnetosphere that include both ion and electron kinetic effects along with MESSENGER data. The energy conserving version of the ipic3D simulation code (ECSIM) (Lapenta, 2017 doi:10.1016/ was used to study the evolution of Mercury's magnetosphere. This work was funded by NASA grants HSR 80NSSC19K0841 and HSR 80NSSC19K0846 and NASA SSW 80NSSC19K0789 and 80NSSC21K0053. Resources supporting this work were provided by the NASA High-End Computing (HEC) program through the NASA Advanced Supercomputing (NAS) Division at Ames Research Center and NCCS at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.
Verision ID :3.0
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NASA Planetary Data System
This bundle consists of code for calculating the current sheet structure at Jupiter at a particular point in space and time. It is published in support of the paper: TBD
This bundle consists of code for calculating the current sheet structure at Jupiter at a particular point in space and time. It is published in support of the paper: TBD
Verision ID :1.0
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NASA Planetary Data System
This bundle consists of code to model KMAG - a global magnetic field of the Saturn's field (Khurana et al., 2006) that includes modules that specify (1) the internal spherical harmonic field, (2) the ring current and the magnetotail current system, (3) the field from the radial current system which reinforces corotation on the outflowing plasma, (4) the shielding fields from an axially symmetric but hinged magnetopause and (5) the interconnection magnetic field from the solar wind IMF. The current sheet field is based on models of disk-shaped current sheets by Tsyganenko and Peredo (1994). The tilt, and hinging of the current sheet is based on the general deformation technique of Tsyganenko (1998, 2002a, 2002b). The shielding fields are derived using a model of the magnetopause by Arridge et al. (2006) constructed from magnetopause crossings observed by both Cassini and Voyager. Saturn’s internal field uses magnetic moments derived from the Cassini Saturn Orbital Insertion (SOI) measurements (Dougherty, 2005). KMAG is based on a previous Euler-potential model of Jupter's magnetospheric field (Khurana, 1997).
This bundle consists of code to model KMAG - a global magnetic field of the Saturn's field (Khurana et al., 2006) that includes modules that specify (1) the internal spherical harmonic field, (2) the ring current and the magnetotail current system, (3) the field from the radial current system which reinforces corotation on the outflowing plasma, (4) the shielding fields from an axially symmetric but hinged magnetopause and (5) the interconnection magnetic field from the solar wind IMF. The current sheet field is based on models of disk-shaped current sheets by Tsyganenko and Peredo (1994). The tilt, and hinging of the current sheet is based on the general deformation technique of Tsyganenko (1998, 2002a, 2002b). The shielding fields are derived using a model of the magnetopause by Arridge et al. (2006) constructed from magnetopause crossings observed by both Cassini and Voyager. Saturn’s internal field uses magnetic moments derived from the Cassini Saturn Orbital Insertion (SOI) measurements (Dougherty, 2005). KMAG is based on a previous Euler-potential model of Jupter's magnetospheric field (Khurana, 1997).
Verision ID :1.0
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NASA Planetary Data System
This bundle contains documentation and the data presented in Omidi, N.; Zhou, X.Y.; Russell, C.T.; Angelopoulos, V., The Dominant Role of Energetic Ions in Solar Wind Interaction with the Moon, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 124. The data presented in this paper are available at
This bundle contains documentation and the data presented in Omidi, N.; Zhou, X.Y.; Russell, C.T.; Angelopoulos, V., The Dominant Role of Energetic Ions in Solar Wind Interaction with the Moon, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 124. The data presented in this paper are available at
Verision ID :1.0
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NASA Planetary Data System
This bundle contains the simulation output presented in Brecht, S. H. and S. A. Ledvina, An explanation of the nightside ionospheric structure of Venus, JGR, 2020.
This bundle contains the simulation output presented in Brecht, S. H. and S. A. Ledvina, An explanation of the nightside ionospheric structure of Venus, JGR, 2020.
This bundle contains the code presented in Verma, A. K., A Python-based tool for constructing observables from the DSN’s closed-loop archival tracking data files, SoftwareX, Volume 19, 2022, 101190, ISSN 2352-7110, Radio science data collected from NASA’s Deep Space Networks (DSNs) are made available in various formats through NASA's Planetary Data System (PDS). The majority of these data are packed in complex formats, making them inaccessible to users without specialized knowledge. This bundle includes the Python-based tool presented in the paper that can preprocess the closed-loop archival tracking data files (ATDFs), produce Doppler and range observables, and write them in an ASCII table along with ancillary information. A copy of the paper is also included in this bundle. This research was funded by NASA Cooperative Agreement Notice (CAN) Award 80NSSC22M0023.
This bundle contains the code presented in Verma, A. K., A Python-based tool for constructing observables from the DSN’s closed-loop archival tracking data files, SoftwareX, Volume 19, 2022, 101190, ISSN 2352-7110, Radio science data collected from NASA’s Deep Space Networks (DSNs) are made available in various formats through NASA's Planetary Data System (PDS). The majority of these data are packed in complex formats, making them inaccessible to users without specialized knowledge. This bundle includes the Python-based tool presented in the paper that can preprocess the closed-loop archival tracking data files (ATDFs), produce Doppler and range observables, and write them in an ASCII table along with ancillary information. A copy of the paper is also included in this bundle. This research was funded by NASA Cooperative Agreement Notice (CAN) Award 80NSSC22M0023.
This bundle contains the data and documentation associated with the 2020 NASA ROSES CDAP, Global Survey of Individual Water Group Ion Properties in Saturn’s Magnetosphere: Cassini CAPS Observations, grant number 80NSSC21K0530. The data in this bundle include bulk plasma parameters for saturnian magnetospheric ion species measured by CAPS-IMS. A reference to the JGR-Space Physics paper, "Comprehensive Analysis of Individual Water Group Ion Properties in Saturn’s Magnetosphere with Cassini Plasma Spectrometer Data" will be added when the paper is published. The data in this bundle include bulk plasma parameters for saturnian magnetospheric ion species measured by CAPS-IMS.
This bundle contains the data and documentation associated with the 2020 NASA ROSES CDAP, Global Survey of Individual Water Group Ion Properties in Saturn’s Magnetosphere: Cassini CAPS Observations, grant number 80NSSC21K0530. The data in this bundle include bulk plasma parameters for saturnian magnetospheric ion species measured by CAPS-IMS. A reference to the JGR-Space Physics paper, "Comprehensive Analysis of Individual Water Group Ion Properties in Saturn’s Magnetosphere with Cassini Plasma Spectrometer Data" will be added when the paper is published. The data in this bundle include bulk plasma parameters for saturnian magnetospheric ion species measured by CAPS-IMS.
Verision ID :1.3
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NASA Planetary Data System
This bundle contains supplementary information to assist with understanding of the data obtained from the CRaTER instrument aboard the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter spacecraft.
This bundle contains supplementary information to assist with understanding of the data obtained from the CRaTER instrument aboard the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter spacecraft.
Verision ID :1.0
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NASA Planetary Data System
This bundle contains the maps of the lunar crustal field magnitude and the three vector components at altitudes of 30 and 20 km over both the north and south polar regions (60 degrees latitude to the poles) presented in Hood, L. L; Bryant, I.; van der Leeuw, J., Lunar Magnetic Anomalies and Polar Ice, Geophysical Research Letters, 2022. ( This work was funded by a 2021 NASA ROSES LDAP proposal. Grant number 80NSSC21K1478.
This bundle contains the maps of the lunar crustal field magnitude and the three vector components at altitudes of 30 and 20 km over both the north and south polar regions (60 degrees latitude to the poles) presented in Hood, L. L; Bryant, I.; van der Leeuw, J., Lunar Magnetic Anomalies and Polar Ice, Geophysical Research Letters, 2022. ( This work was funded by a 2021 NASA ROSES LDAP proposal. Grant number 80NSSC21K1478.