The Planetary Plasma Interactions (PPI) Node of the Planetary Data System (PDS) is responsible for the acquisition, preservation, and distribution of fields and particles data from all planetary missions (excluding Earth observations). The primary goal of the PPI node is to make available to the research community the highest quality data possible. To ensure that the data are of the highest quality, they are reviewed, and re-formatted where necessary in order to meet the documentation and quality standards established by the PDS.
The PPI node also provides a variety of services to the research community. One service is a menu based interactive system for the selection, viewing, and ordering of data sets. The data will be delivered either electronically or on physical media. Other services include the ability to build custom data sets from existing data and indirect access to science consultants who can answer data set specific questions. Users of PDS data are requested to acknowledge the PDS and principal investigator in all publications that use PDS data.
PPI Citations List)
For information about other services of the Planetary Plasma Interactions Node of the Planetary Data System please contact:
University of IOWA: | | Outer planets specialists (W. S. Kurth, Manager) |
Fundamental Technologies: | | Particles (Jerry Manweiler, Manager) |