Solar System Workings (SSW) Program
The ROSES 2024 Solar System Workings (SSW) Program Appendix C.3
NOTICE: This is a No Due Date (NoDD) program. Proposals may be submitted at any time, pending certain eligibility timing issues related to resubmissions and duplicate proposal avoidance. See Appendix C.1, Section 2.4 for further information.
Proposers are strongly advised to read C.1, The Planetary Science Research Program Overview in its entirety to help ensure that they have all the necessary information to be compliant with their proposal submission.
The Solar System Workings (SSW) program solicits investigations that address compelling scientific questions into the evolution of our Solar System during the time that large planetary bodies were in or near their modern configuration up to the present day. Typical studies focus on: planetary bodies and/or their satellites and rings, including their interiors, surfaces, atmospheres, exospheres, and magnetospheres. Projects may also concentrate on specific processes as they occur within the Solar System, or involve terrestrial analogs of planetary materials and/or environments.
This program element may prioritize studies that address The Twelve Priority Science Questions in Table 3.1 of the 2022 decadal survey (
Data within the Planetary Data System (PDS) are available to support this call. Spacecraft mission data and high-order mission data products to be used in proposed work must be available in the Planetary Data System (PDS), or an equivalent, publicly accessible archive, at least 30 days prior to the full proposal due date or proposal submission date for proposals submitted to NoDD programs, unless otherwise specified in the program call. The calendar of record for data released in the PDS is the PDS Data Release Calendar.
Data archived in the Planetary Data System (PDS)are intended for long-term preservation and must be in PDS4 formats as well as undergo a separate peer review process. Proposers intending to archive data in the PDS must obtain a letter of support from the appropriate PDS Discipline Node confirming that the PDS is willing to accept their submission. This letter must be included in the proposal package and placed in a section for Statements of Commitment and Letters of Support, Feasibility, and Endorsement (see Table 1 of the ROSES-2024). Letters must be requested at least one week prior to the program element due date and proposers are strongly encouraged to initiate conversations with the relevant PDS Discipline Node several weeks ahead. (see Appendix C.1, Section 3.7.6).
Proposals submitted to this program element must include an Open Science and Data Management Plan (OSDMP). As described in Section 3.7 of C.1, the Planetary Science Research Program Overview, the OSDMP must be placed in a special section, no longer than two pages in length, that immediately follows the References and Citations section for the Scientific/Technical/Management portion of the proposal.
Additional submission instructions for NoDD programs are provided in Section 2.4 of C.1 of the Planetary Science Research Program Overview and
See the Information for Data Proposers and Guidelines for Archiving sections of the PDS website for more information.
Mission data are available from the Planetary Data System (PDS).
Data available from The Planetary Plasma Interactions (PPI) Node
Other Data Within PDS
The following Discipline Nodes have additional information:
Atmospheres Node
Cartography and Imaging Sciences Node
Ring-Moon Systems Node
Small Bodies Node
Geosciences Node
Ancillary data (SPICE files) can be obtained from the NAIF Node