Planetary Data Archiving, Restoration, and Tools (PDART)
The ROSES 2024 Planetary Data Archiving, Restoration, and Tools (PDART) Program Appendix C.4
Notice: This No Due Date (NoDD) program element does not have a proposal due date. Proposals may be submitted at any time, pending certain eligibility timing issues related to resubmissions and duplicate proposal avoidance, see C.4, Section 3 and Section 2.4 of C.1 the Planetary Science Research Program Overview.
New: The Open Science Data Management Plan (OSDMP) is now a separate 2-page section after the references and citations for the S/T/M section of the proposal. See C.4, Section 2.4 and C.1, Section 3.7 for information. In PDART, the credibility of the OSDMP and its proposed plan for dissemination and archiving is weighted more heavily than in other programs.
New: PDART no longer accepts proposals for the long-term maintenance of software tools (see C.4, Section 2.1).
Proposers are strongly advised to read C.1, The Planetary Science Research Program Overview in its entirety to help ensure that they have all the necessary information to be compliant with their proposal submission.
The Planetary Data Archiving, Restoration, and Tools (PDART) program solicits proposals to: generate higher-order data products; archive and restore data sets or products; create or consolidate reference databases; generate new reference information, such as laboratory measurements; digitize data; and develop or validate software tools.
The objective of this program element is to increase the amount and quality of digital information and data products available for planetary science research and exploration. For all types of proposals, the products of selected proposals must be made available to the scientific community. Selected investigations are expected to result in data products that are of broad use to the science community, including maps, data with improved calibrations, etc.
Proposals for work that would support lunar science research priorities as described in C.8 LDAP Section 1.3 or upcoming NASA missions are encouraged. Projects that have smaller scopes are also strongly encouraged. This program element does not accept proposals in which the main focus is hypothesis-based planetary science or instrument development.
PDART requires that data produced by selected investigations be archived in the Planetary Data System NASA Planetary Data System (PDS) or a data repository that meets the criteria and best practices for Federal repositories as outlined in the OSCDO guidance and this White House memo, by the end of the award period. Proposers should communicate with the PDS Discipline Node responsible for curating similar data (links to the PDS Discipline Nodes are at ) to discuss procedures and requirements prior to proposing and to help with discerning the most efficient way to archive the proposed data products.
Proposers intending to archive data or products in the PDS must obtain and include a letter of confirmation from the appropriate Discipline Node that the PDS is willing to accept their submission. It is the proposer's responsibility to conform to PDS standards. All PDS submissions are required to be in PDS4 format; if an exception is needed, please contact the PDART program lead (see Appendix C.4, Section 4 ) before submission of the proposal to discuss.
Mission data are available from the Planetary Data System (PDS).
Data available from The Planetary Plasma Interactions (PPI) Node
Other Data Within PDS
The following Discipline Nodes have additional information:
Atmospheres Node
Cartography and Imaging Sciences Node
Ring-Moon Systems Node
Small Bodies Node
Geosciences Node
Ancillary data (SPICE files) can be obtained from the NAIF Node
Proposals submitted to PDART will be evaluated based on merit, relevance, and cost as defined in the NASA Guidebook for Proposers. However, in keeping with the nature of this program, the review of proposals submitted to this program element will also include merit factors not listed in the NASA Guidebook for Proposers. These include: the perceived impact of the new products or datasets on future planetary science research and exploration, the uniqueness and/or time criticality of the proposed new products or datasets, the credibility of OSDMP and the proposed plan for dissemination and archiving (this is weighted more heavily than in other programs. This factor includes both the format that the data and software products would be in and how they would be made available for the scientific community.), and any applicable factors described in C.4, Sections 1.3-1.8.
Proposers are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the Planetary Data Ecosystem Independent Review Board (PDE IRB) report, and the Lunar Critical Data Products report.