The ROSES 2022   New Frontiers Data Analysis Program (NFDAP)
  Appendix C.7
NOTICE: Proposals submitted to this program will be evaluated using a dual-anonymous review process. Proposals must be prepared according to the guidelines in
Section 2.2 of this program element and in the associated
"Guidelines for Anonymous Proposals" document under "Other Documents" on the NSPIRES page for this program element.
This program element continues to solicit proposals via a two-step proposal submission process described in
Section 2 of C.1 The Planetary Science Division Research Program Overview. |
Step-1 proposals are due September 1, 2022, and Step-2 proposals are due November 3, 2022.
The objective of the New Frontiers Data Analysis Program (NFDAP) is to enhance the
scientific return from New Frontiers missions by broadening scientific participation in the
analysis and interpretation of data returned by these missions. NFDAP also solicits
proposals for the analysis of mission data from the JAXA Hayabusa2 mission, which is
not a New Frontiers mission. Other mission and non-mission data sets may be used to
supplement spacecraft data in a supporting role, but all proposals must require the use
of data from at least one qualifying mission: New Horizons, Juno, OSIRIS-REx, or
Hayabusa2. |
Proposals must include data-analysis tasks but may also include non-data-analysis
tasks that are necessary to interpret the data or enhance its use. Proposals may make use of Hayabusa2 remote-sensing data but may not include any
laboratory studies of samples returned to Earth by Hayabusa2. |
Proposals must demonstrate that all data, including higher-order data products, that
would result from the research will be made publicly available, following the guidelines
described in
Section 3.7 of C.1, Planetary Science Overview ("Data Management Plans and Archiving"). New data products, including maps, improved calibrations, etc., must be submitted to the PDS, the USGS, or another appropriate archive, by the end of the funded
research period. Proposed data products for delivery to the PDS must be clearly described, appropriate time and effort for
delivery and ingestion must be budgeted, and the proposal must include a letter from the manager of the appropriate PDS data node. Such letters should be included in the “Expertise
and Resources –Not Anonymized” document. For additional information, refer to the PDS Proposer's Archiving guide . |
Mission data are available from the Planetary
Data System (PDS). |
The following Discipline Nodes have additional information: |
Atmospheres Node
Cartography and Imaging Sciences Node
Ring-Moon Systems Node
Small Bodies Node
Geosciences Node
Ancillary data (SPICE files) can be obtained from the
NAIF Node |