Discovery Data Analysis Program (DDAP)
The ROSES 2022 Discovery Data Analysis Program (DDAP)   Appendix C.11
Notice: This program element uses a mandatory Notice of Intent as described in Section 2 of C.1 The Planetary Science Division Research Program Overview. See Section 6.1 of this program element.
Mandatory Notice of Intent (NOI) is due August 30, 2022, and Step-2 Proposals are due November 1, 2022.
Neither NSPIRES cover page budgets nor detailed budgets are requested at the time of proposal submission; proposers must merely identify the project duration and cost category (small, medium, or large). Please note the $ thresholds have changed, see Section 7.3.
The Data Management Plan is not part of a separate 2-page section but must be included in the 15-page S/T/M section of the proposal, see Section 4.3.
Proposals to this Program Element will be evaluated using dual-anonymous peer review. Proposals must be prepared following the guidelines in Section 6.2 of this Program Element and the "Guidelines for Anonymous Proposals" document.
NASA's Discovery Data Analysis Program (DDAP) advances the planetary sciences through research based on select missions of NASA’s Discovery Program, and ESA’s Rosetta and BepiColombo missions. DDAP’s objectives are to enhance the scientific return of these missions by supporting new analyses, approaches and interpretations of data and samples.
See Section 2 of this Program Element for Significant Changes from recent years.
NASA’s Discovery Data Analysis Program (DDAP) solicits proposals to pursue any research topic that advances the Planetary Science goals articulated in the NASA 2018 Strategic Plan and 2020 Science Mission Directorate Vision for Scientific Excellence ( using archived data or samples from the following missions:

NEAR, Stardust, Stardust-NExT, Genesis, Deep Impact, EPOXI, MESSENGER, Dawn, Kepler/K2 (Solar System targets only), Rosetta and BepiColombo.

Critical Dates
NOI Due Date Data Included in PDS by Step-2 Proposal Due Date
08/30/22 10/02/22 11/01/22
Mission data are available from the Planetary Data System (PDS).
Data Available at PPI
Other Data Within PDS
The following Discipline Nodes have additional information (may be in lien resolution):
Atmospheres Node
Cartography and Imaging Sciences Node
Geosciences Node
Small Bodies Node
Ancillary data (SPICE files) can be obtained from the NAIF Node
Data used in DDAP investigations must be available in the Planetary Data System (PDS) or equivalent publicly accessible archive, at least 30 days prior to the Step-2 due date for DDAP proposals. Analysis of scientific data, samples, and other observations that is not available in such archives is not eligible for support in DDAP investigations. The calendar of record for data released in the PDS is the PDS Data Release Calendar.
Proposals submitted to this program element must include a Data Management Plan (DMP). For this program element the DMP must be included in the 15 page Science/Technical/Management Section of the proposal.
All data products produced by funded DDAP investigations must be made publicly available, following the guidelines described in C.1 Planetary Science Overview ("Data Management Plans and Archiving").
All proposals must include a letter of support from the manager of the appropriate PDS data node. Such letters should be included in the "Expertise and Resources – Not Anonymized" document. For additional information, refer to the PDS Proposer's Archiving Guide. Data products, including maps, improved calibrations, etc., must be submitted to the PDS or the U.S.Geological Survey, as appropriate, by the end of the funded research period, unless the investigator explicitly makes a case in the proposal for a later date.
Proposals submitted to this Program Element must follow all formatting requirements that are described in program element C.1 , and Section IV(b)ii of the ROSES Summary of Solicitation and in the NASA Guidebook for Proposers. Violation of these rules is sufficient grounds for a proposal to be rejected.