Author | William Kurth, Darrelle Wilkinson |
Publicatio Year | 2024 |
This collection contains documents that are related to this PDS4 bundle including research papers. |
doi | 10.17189/7vyr-fb84 |
Author | William Kurth |
Publicatio Year | 2024 |
This collection contains electron plasma density data along with the key plasma frequencies used to derive these densities from Juno/Waves observations. Data products in this collection are formatted as simple delimited text that should be readable by almost any scientific data analysis package. Within the files are the originally digitized data points along with the resulting characteristic frequencies from cold plasma theory including, but not limited to, the plasma electron frequency, the lower-hybrid resonance, and the upper-hybrid resonance. Electron cyclotron values provided by the Juno FGM instrument team are essential for most calculations. For a full description of the source, usefulness and limitations of data in this collection see the associated documents collection provided in this bundle. Measurements in this small collection were derived from data gathered during one or more flybys of Europa and thus are provided along with plasma corotational coordinates. Since flybys occur infrequency, most of the data in the bundle may be found in the primary Jovicentric collection. All data values were digitized manually using the open-source Autoplot program. |
Author | Chris Piker,William Kurth |
Publicatio Year | 2024 |
This collection of browse products provides a visual overview of plasma density values and spacecraft trajectories during flybys of Europa by Juno while in orbit about Jupiter. Each image consists of two sub-plots. One of which orients the Juno's trajectory in plasma corotational coordinates, the other plots density versus time and provides higher data value resolution. The geometric plasma wake is indicated in both plots. This is merely a cylinder starting at Europa and extending in the corotation direction, with the same radius as the moon itself. This is only intended to provide a rough guidline on when wake effects may be present. All plots were generated courtesy of the open-source Matplotlib Python package. |
Author | McComas, D.J., P. Valek, F. Allegrini, C. Loeffler, R.J. Wilso |