Ulysses Magnetometer

Ulysses magnetic field data in Jovigraphic (JG) System III coordinates in 60 second averages.

The data set covers the period Jan 25 through Feb 18, 1992 (days 25 to 48 inclusive). Files VHMxx_xx.TAB and FGMxx_xx.TAB contain one minute averages of the magnetic field components and magnitude measured by either the VHM (Vector Helium Magnetometer) or FGM (Fluxgate Magnetometer), where xx_xx = Days of Year covered (25 = Jan 25). The three days of closest approach (38-40) are FGM; the others are VHM.

Ulysses Mission Document
Instrument Host Document
Instrument Document
Dataset information
Reference Information

Ephemeris data
Geometry data

INFO.TXT - General and statistical information regarding this dataset

MAGDATA.FMT - Data format file

DataPDS Label
FGM38_40.TAB FGM38_40.LBL
VHM25_37.TAB VHM25_37.LBL
VHM41_48.TAB VHM41_48.LBL

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