This data set contains Ulysses ephemeris data near Jupiter covering the dates 1992-01-25 to 1992-02-18. Two slightly different versions of these data are included. The first (TRJ25_48.TAB), provided by the Ulysses MAG team (Imperial College/JPL), includes position data in Sys 3 spherical, ECL50 spherical, and ECL50 Cartesian coordinates. The Ulysses spin axis position is also provided in ECL50 spherical coordinates. The second version (SPK25_48.TAB), generated at the PDS/PPI node (UCLA), includes Sys 3 spherical trajectory, plus a spacecraft local time. Note that the position values for these two versions differ slightly. This variation is due to differences in the definitions of the Jovian physical constants used to generate them.

Ulysses Mission Document
Instrument Host Document
Dataset information
Reference Information

Geometry data

INFO.TXT - General and statistical information regarding this dataset

DataPDS LabelFormat file

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