This directory contains the Ulysses Neutral GAS Instrument data recorded around the Ulysses Jupiter encounter phase. The data cover the period 1991-07-22 to 1992-04-10.
The data are provided in three different formats including Postscript plots (*.PS), GIF plots (*.GIF), and ASCII files (*.TAB). Each file consists of a 50 record (938 byte) header, followed 118 byte data records. The PDS label file (.LBL) describes some of the physical properties of the data files and plots. There is a single format file (GASDATA.FMT) which describes the columns of data records of the *.TAB files. For more information please refer
Ulysses Mission Document
Instrument Host Document
Instrument Document
Dataset information
Reference Information
INFO.TXT - General and statistical information regarding this dataset
GASDATA.FMT - Data format file