Ulysses Energetic particle Composition (EPAC)

Proton-Rate Sectored Telescope

This data set contains Ulysses Energetic Particle Composition Experiment (EPAC) 1 hour averaged sectored proton flux data from the Ulysses Jupiter encounter 1992-Jan-25 to 1992-Feb-28. These data were recorded by Proton-Rate Sectored Telescope 3 (PRTL3).

Ulysses Mission Document
Instrument Host Document
Instrument Document
Dataset information
Reference Information

Ephemeris data
Geometry data

INFO.TXT - General and statistical information regarding this dataset

EPACDATA.FMT - Data format file

DataPDS Label
T92025.TAB T92025.LBL
T92026.TAB T92026.LBL
T92027.TAB T92027.LBL
T92028.TAB T92028.LBL
T92029.TAB T92029.LBL
T92030.TAB T92030.LBL
T92031.TAB T92031.LBL
T92032.TAB T92032.LBL
T92033.TAB T92033.LBL
T92034.TAB T92034.LBL
T92035.TAB T92035.LBL
T92036.TAB T92036.LBL
T92037.TAB T92037.LBL
T92038.TAB T92038.LBL
T92039.TAB T92039.LBL
T92040.TAB T92040.LBL
T92041.TAB T92041.LBL
T92042.TAB T92042.LBL
T92043.TAB T92043.LBL
T92044.TAB T92044.LBL
T92045.TAB T92045.LBL
T92046.TAB T92046.LBL
T92047.TAB T92047.LBL
T92048.TAB T92048.LBL
T92049.TAB T92049.LBL
T92050.TAB T92050.LBL
T92051.TAB T92051.LBL
T92052.TAB T92052.LBL
T92053.TAB T92053.LBL
T92054.TAB T92054.LBL
T92055.TAB T92055.LBL
T92056.TAB T92056.LBL
T92057.TAB T92057.LBL
T92058.TAB T92058.LBL
T92059.TAB T92059.LBL

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