Ulysses cosmic ray and solar particle investigation (COSPIN)

Anisotropy Telescope (AT) experiment

Naming convention
Data files in this data set are named according to the convention:


where   yy = the last two digits of the year ('92' for 1992)
       ddd = the day of the year covered by the file

Data column descriptions
time      a24        spacecraft event time
fluxch1   1pe10.3    channel 1 spin-averaged flux
fluxch2   1pe10.3    channel 2 spin-averaged flux
fluxch3   1pe10.3    channel 3 spin-averaged flux
fluxch4   1pe10.3    channel 4 spin-averaged flux
fluxch5   1pe10.3    channel 5 spin-averaged flux
fluxch10  1pe10.3    channel 10 spin-averaged flux
fluxch11  1pe10.3    channel 11 spin-averaged flux
fluxch12  1pe10.3    channel 12 spin-averaged flux
fluxch7   --         8 1pe10.3 flux data values from sectors 1-8 from channel 7

Ulysses Mission Document
Instrument Host Document
COSPIN Instrument Document
COSPIN Anisotropy Telescope (AT) instrument description
Dataset information
Reference Information

Ephemeris data
Geometry data

INFO.TXT - general and statistical information reagarding this dataset

COSPIN.FMT - data format description

DataPDS Label
T92025.TAB T92025.LBL
T92026.TAB T92026.LBL
T92027.TAB T92027.LBL
T92028.TAB T92028.LBL
T92029.TAB T92029.LBL
T92030.TAB T92030.LBL
T92031.TAB T92031.LBL
T92033.TAB T92033.LBL
T92034.TAB T92034.LBL
T92035.TAB T92035.LBL
T92036.TAB T92036.LBL
T92037.TAB T92037.LBL
T92038.TAB T92038.LBL
T92039.TAB T92039.LBL
T92040.TAB T92040.LBL
T92041.TAB T92041.LBL
T92042.TAB T92042.LBL
T92043.TAB T92043.LBL
T92044.TAB T92044.LBL
T92045.TAB T92045.LBL
T92046.TAB T92046.LBL
T92047.TAB T92047.LBL
T92048.TAB T92048.LBL

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