add(PDSElement) - Method in class pds.label.PDSLabel
Add an element to the end of a label.
add(PDSLabel) - Method in class pds.label.PDSLabel
Add a label to the end of a label.


clear() - Method in class pds.label.PDSElement
Clears an element and set it to an initial state
copy() - Method in class pds.label.PDSElement
Create a copy of the element and return a new instance of a PDSElement.


deleteString(char[], int, int) - Method in class pds.label.PDSElement
dump(PrintStream) - Method in class pds.label.PDSElement
Dump all information about an element.
dump(PrintStream) - Method in class pds.label.PDSValue
Dump all information about an element.


empty() - Method in class pds.label.PDSItem
Clears all settings of the item.
extract(PDSItem) - Method in class pds.label.PDSLabel
Extract a portion of a label into a new instance of label.


filePointers() - Method in class pds.label.PDSLabel
Search the label and return a list to all points to files.
findItem(String) - Method in class pds.label.PDSLabel
Find the item with the given name.
findItem(String, PDSItem) - Method in class pds.label.PDSLabel
Find the item with the given name constrained to some portion of the label.
findItem(String, int, int) - Method in class pds.label.PDSLabel
Find the item with the given name constrained to some portion of the label.
findItem(String, int, int, boolean) - Method in class pds.label.PDSLabel
Find the item with the given name constrained to some portion of the label.
findItemInObject(String, PDSItem) - Method in class pds.label.PDSLabel
Find the item with the given name in the object containing the passed item.
findNextItem(String, PDSItem) - Method in class pds.label.PDSLabel
Find the next item with the given name starting at some point within the label.
findNextItemInObject(String, PDSItem, PDSItem) - Method in class pds.label.PDSLabel
Find the item with the given name following the passed item in the in the object containing the passed item.
findNextObject(String, PDSItem) - Method in class pds.label.PDSLabel
Find the next object with the given name ocurring after the passed item.
findNextObject(String, PDSItem, PDSItem) - Method in class pds.label.PDSLabel
Find the next object with the given name ocurring after the passed item and within the passed object.
findObject(String) - Method in class pds.label.PDSLabel
Find the object with the given name.
findObject(String, PDSItem) - Method in class pds.label.PDSLabel
Find the object with the given name within a partion of a label.
findObject(String, int, int) - Method in class pds.label.PDSLabel
Find the object with the given name within a partion of a label.
formatValue() - Method in class pds.label.PDSValue
Format the value and return a string containing it.
formatValue(boolean) - Method in class pds.label.PDSValue
Format the value and return a string containing it.


getDefaultStyleSheet() - Method in class pds.label.PDSLabel
Obtain a StreamSource to the default XML Style Sheet.
getDocument() - Method in class pds.label.PDSLabel
Creates a DOM (Document Object Model) representation of the label.
getElement(PDSItem) - Method in class pds.label.PDSLabel
Return the element data associated with an item.
getElement(String) - Method in class pds.label.PDSLabel
Find the element with the given name.
getElement(String, PDSItem) - Method in class pds.label.PDSLabel
Find the element with the given name within a section (usually an object).
getElementValue(String) - Method in class pds.label.PDSLabel
Find the value assocated with an element with the given name.
getElementValue(String, boolean) - Method in class pds.label.PDSLabel
Find the value assocated with an element with the given name.
getElementValue(String, PDSItem, boolean) - Method in class pds.label.PDSLabel
Find the value assocated with an element with the given name within a section of the label.
getElementValueInObject(String) - Method in class pds.label.PDSLabel
Find the value assocated with an element with the given name within implied object of the a label.
getElementValueInObject(String, PDSItem, boolean) - Method in class pds.label.PDSLabel
Find the value assocated with an element with the given name within a section of the label without decending into sub-objects.


indexOf(char[], char) - Method in class pds.label.PDSElement
insertAfter(PDSItem, PDSLabel) - Method in class pds.label.PDSLabel
Insert a label after another element in this label.
insertAfter(PDSItem, PDSElement) - Method in class pds.label.PDSLabel
Insert an element after another element in this label.
insertBefore(PDSItem, PDSLabel) - Method in class pds.label.PDSLabel
Insert a label before another element in this label.
insertBefore(PDSItem, PDSElement) - Method in class pds.label.PDSLabel
Insert an element before another element in this label.
isLabel(String) - Method in class pds.label.PDSLabel
Determines if a file contains a PDS label.
isObject() - Method in class pds.label.PDSElement
Determines if an element is an "OBJECT".
isQuoted() - Method in class pds.label.PDSValue
Returns true is the data type of the value is quoted.
isSpace(int) - Method in class pds.label.PDSElement
Determines if a character is a white space character.
isValid() - Method in class pds.label.PDSItem
Determines if a PDSItem is valid.
isValidItem(PDSItem) - Method in class pds.label.PDSLabel
Determines if an item is a valid.


length() - Method in class pds.label.PDSValue
Return the length of the value when formated using PDS standards.
loadFile(String) - Method in class pds.label.PDSUtil
Reads the contents of a file as a set of text strings terminated with a newline character.


main(String[]) - Static method in class pds.label.PDSLabel
Entry point for testing
mComment - Variable in class pds.label.PDSElement
The comment text found within the element.
mElement - Variable in class pds.label.PDSLabel
The list of elements in the label
mEnd - Variable in class pds.label.PDSItem
The index of the end element of the item
mKeyword - Variable in class pds.label.PDSElement
The text found before the equal sign of an element.
mLineCount - Variable in class pds.label.PDSElement
The count of the number of physical lines parsed into this element
mMaxLength - Variable in class pds.label.PDSElement
Maximum line length when printing.
mPathName - Variable in class pds.label.PDSLabel
The path and file name used when loading a label from a file.
mRaw - Variable in class pds.label.PDSElement
The raw line as read from the file.
mStart - Variable in class pds.label.PDSItem
The index of the first element of the item
mSyntaxError - Variable in class pds.label.PDSElement
Indicates whether a symtax error occurred will parsing or reading a line.
mType - Variable in class pds.label.PDSElement
The basic type of the value.
mType - Variable in class pds.label.PDSValue
The data type for the value
mUnits - Variable in class pds.label.PDSValue
The units of the value
mValue - Variable in class pds.label.PDSElement
An array containing a PDSValue object for each value following the equal sign in the element.
mValue - Variable in class pds.label.PDSValue
The value assocated with the instance


nextItem(PDSItem) - Method in class pds.label.PDSLabel
Return the next item after the given item.


pad(int) - Method in class pds.label.PDSUtil
Pad each line with spaces to the given length.
padFile(String, int) - Method in class pds.label.PDSUtil
Reads the contents of a file and pads each line to the have the given length.
parse(BufferedReader) - Method in class pds.label.PDSElement
Parses the next element from a file stream.
parse(String) - Method in class pds.label.PDSLabel
Parses a file containing a PDS label into its constitute elments.
parse(InputStream) - Method in class pds.label.PDSLabel
Parses a file containing a PDS label into its constitute elments.
parse(BufferedReader) - Method in class pds.label.PDSLabel
Parses a file containing a PDS label into its constitute elments.
parseValue(char[], int) - Method in class pds.label.PDSElement
Parses a string as a value according to the PDS Object Defnition Language (ODL).
parseValue(String) - Method in class pds.label.PDSElement
Parses a string as a value according to the PDS Object Defnition Language (ODL).
parseXML(String) - Method in class pds.label.PDSLabel
Parses a file containing XML into its constitute elments.
parseXML(InputStream) - Method in class pds.label.PDSLabel
Parses a file containing XML into its constitute elments.
path() - Method in class pds.label.PDSLabel
Returns the path portion of the fully qualified name of the file which was parsed.
pathName() - Method in class pds.label.PDSLabel
Returns the fully qualified path and name of the file which was parsed.
pds.label - package pds.label
PDSElement - Class in pds.label
PDSElement is a class that contains a single definition or line as specified in the PDS Object Defnition Language (ODL).
PDSElement() - Constructor for class pds.label.PDSElement
Creates an instance of a PDSElement
PDSElement(int) - Constructor for class pds.label.PDSElement
Creates an instance of a PDSElement
PDSException - Exception in pds.label
PDSException implements an Exception class.
PDSException() - Constructor for exception pds.label.PDSException
PDSException(String) - Constructor for exception pds.label.PDSException
PDSItem - Class in pds.label
PDSItem is a class that descibes the location within a PDSLabel of one or more elements.
PDSItem() - Constructor for class pds.label.PDSItem
Creates an instance of a PDSItem
PDSLabel - Class in pds.label
PDSLabel is a class that contians all information regarding a PDS label entity.
PDSLabel() - Constructor for class pds.label.PDSLabel
Creates an instance of a PDSLabel
PDSLabel(PrintStream) - Constructor for class pds.label.PDSLabel
Creates an instance of a PDSLabel
PDSUtil - Class in pds.label
PDSUtil is a class that contains utility methods which are useful for working with instances of PDSLabel and PDS labeled products.
PDSUtil() - Constructor for class pds.label.PDSUtil
Creates and instance of a PDSUtil
PDSValue - Class in pds.label
PDSValue is a class that contains a value which can be associated with an element.
PDSValue() - Constructor for class pds.label.PDSValue
Creates and instance of a PDSValue
print(int, int, int) - Method in class pds.label.PDSElement
Print the element according to PDS specifications for label files to Syste.out.
print(PrintStream, int, int, int) - Method in class pds.label.PDSElement
Print the element according to PDS specifications for label files.
print() - Method in class pds.label.PDSLabel
Print all elements in the label according to PDS specifications for label files using default indent and equal sign placement.
print(String) - Method in class pds.label.PDSLabel
Print all elements in the label according to PDS specifications for label files using default indent and equal sign placement.
print(String, int, int) - Method in class pds.label.PDSLabel
Print all elements in the label according to PDS specifications for label files using default indent and equal sign placement.
print(PrintStream) - Method in class pds.label.PDSLabel
Print all elements in the label according to PDS specifications for label files using default indent and equal sign placement.
print(PrintStream, int, int) - Method in class pds.label.PDSLabel
Print all elements in the label according to PDS specifications for label files.
print(PrintStream, int, int, PDSItem) - Method in class pds.label.PDSLabel
Print a range of elements in the label according to PDS specifications for label files.
print(PrintStream, int, int, int, int) - Method in class pds.label.PDSLabel
Print a range of elements in the label according to PDS specifications for label files.
print() - Method in class pds.label.PDSValue
Output a value formated using PDS standards.
print(PrintStream, int, int, int) - Method in class pds.label.PDSValue
Output a value formated using PDS standards.
printMessage(String) - Method in class pds.label.PDSLabel
Display the passed text as a message to System.out Preceeds the text with a stanard phrase.
printSpaces(PrintStream, int) - Method in class pds.label.PDSElement
Print a string of spaces to an output stream.
printVariable(PrintStream) - Method in class pds.label.PDSLabel
Prints out the label as a set of variable definition in the PPI Ruleset lanaguage.
printXML(PrintStream) - Method in class pds.label.PDSLabel
Generates an XML representation of the label and streams it to the print stream.
pushNode(Node, PDSElement) - Method in class pds.label.PDSLabel
Pushes a DOM node as a label Element.
pushObject(Document, Element, String, int) - Method in class pds.label.PDSLabel
Pushes (adds) a PDS label object to the document tree (DOM).


readLine(BufferedReader) - Method in class pds.label.PDSElement
Read the next element definition from an input file stream.
remove(PDSItem) - Method in class pds.label.PDSLabel
Remove a range of elements from the label.
replace(PDSItem, PDSLabel) - Method in class pds.label.PDSLabel
Replace an item in a label with another label.
reset() - Method in class pds.label.PDSLabel
Reset all internal variables to the initial state.


setLog(PrintStream) - Method in class pds.label.PDSLabel
Set the log print stream
setValue(String) - Method in class pds.label.PDSElement
Sets the value of an element.
setValue(String, int) - Method in class pds.label.PDSElement
Sets the value of an element and set the type of the value.
strlen(char[]) - Method in class pds.label.PDSElement
strlen(char[], int) - Method in class pds.label.PDSElement


trimRight() - Method in class pds.label.PDSUtil
Trim any white space from the right side of each line.
trimSpace(char[]) - Method in class pds.label.PDSElement
Trims the leading and trailing white space from a character array.
trimSpace(char[], int) - Method in class pds.label.PDSElement
Trims the leading and trailing white space from a character array.
TYPE_BLANK_LINE - Static variable in class pds.label.PDSElement
A blank line
TYPE_COMMENT - Static variable in class pds.label.PDSElement
A comment
TYPE_LITERAL - Static variable in class pds.label.PDSValue
A literal (') string.
TYPE_NONE - Static variable in class pds.label.PDSElement
Unspecified grouping type.
TYPE_NONE - Static variable in class pds.label.PDSValue
Data type is unspecified
TYPE_ORDERED - Static variable in class pds.label.PDSElement
Ordered list of values.
TYPE_STRING - Static variable in class pds.label.PDSValue
A quoted (") string.
TYPE_UNORDERED - Static variable in class pds.label.PDSElement
An unordered list of values.


units(int) - Method in class pds.label.PDSElement
Returns the units associated with the value item in the value array that is assocaited with the given index.


valid() - Method in class pds.label.PDSItem
Determines if a PDSItem is valid.
value(int) - Method in class pds.label.PDSElement
Returns the value associated with the value item in the value array that is assocaited with the given index.
valueSize() - Method in class pds.label.PDSElement
Returns the number of values in the value list.
valueString() - Method in class pds.label.PDSElement
Create a string representation of the value.
valueString(boolean) - Method in class pds.label.PDSElement
Create a string representation of the value.
valueString(boolean, boolean) - Method in class pds.label.PDSElement
Create a string representation of the value.
version() - Method in class pds.label.PDSLabel
Returns a string with the release information for this compilation.


wrapPad(String, int, int, int) - Method in class pds.label.PDSValue
Reformats a string so that it does not exceed a given length.
writeFile(String) - Method in class pds.label.PDSUtil
Writes the lines to a file.