sedr2asc User's Guide =========================================================================== General Info: =========================================================================== The sedr2asc program is used to extract data from the PDS Archive CD-ROM's containing the Pioneer Venus Orbiter (PVO) Supplemental Experimenter Data Record (SEDR) dataset. The program is written in the C programming language and will compile using either the Gnu C Compiler (2.3) with the "-traditional" option or the sun C compiler version 3.1. The original PVO SEDR tapes contained 6 files per orbit (logical header, pulse time, spin period, selected roll reference, attitude, and ephemeris). This program can extract any of these files and either display the data to the screen or output data to an ASCII file on the local system. In addition to the basic 6 files, this program can extract data identical to the ephemeris dataset submitted by the Magnetometer instrument team or it can output the matrix which rotates from Inertial Spacecraft Coordinates to Venus Solar Orbital coordinates. Please see the coordinate system description text on the CD-ROM for definitions of these coordinate systems. =========================================================================== Usage =========================================================================== The program is command-line driven. All options to the program are given at run-time in the same command that executes the program. All options, except colfile are required!!! Usage: sedr2asc [infile=AAA] [ascfile=BBB] [host=CCC] [filetype=DDD] (colfile=EEEEE) or , to reducing typing, sedr2asc [i=AAA] [a=BBB] [h=CCC] [f=DDD] (c=EEEEE) Options: infile: The complete name including path to the input data file. ascfile: The name of the output file or "-" for output-to-screen. host: The type of host system you are working on. VALID: sun, SUN, IBM, HP, MSB (MicroSoft DOS), PC (IBM DOS) filetype: The type of input file. VALID: PULSE, SPIN, EPHEM, LOGISTIC, SEL_ROLL, ATTITUDE, MAG_EPHEM, SC2VSO_MAT colfile: An ASCII file containing a list of column (numbers) to be extracted from the "ephemeris" dataset. This file contains 1 column number per line. =============================================================================== Examples =============================================================================== For all usage examples, we will assume an IBM PC or compatible computer with a CDROM mounted as drive D: -------------------------------------------------------------- Example 1: -------------------------------------------------------------- Extract an ephemeris data file for orbit 291 to the file "mydata.asc" sedr2asc infile=D:\DATA\EPHEM\ORB0201\EP0291.DAT outfile=mydata.asc host=pc filetype=ephem -------------------------------------------------------------- Example 2: -------------------------------------------------------------- Extract the list of columns specified in the file "eph_cols.asc" from the ephemeris data file for orbit 291 to the file "mydata.asc" sedr2asc infile=D:\DATA\EPHEM\ORB0201\EP0291.DAT outfile=mydata.asc host=pc filetype=ephem colfile=eph_cols.asc -------------------------------------------------------------- Example 3: -------------------------------------------------------------- Extract a spin period data file for orbit 363 to the screen sedr2asc outfile=- host=pc filetype=spin infile=D:\DATA\SPIN\ORB0301\SP0363.DAT -------------------------------------------------------------- Example 4: -------------------------------------------------------------- Extract a spacecraft attitude data file for orbit 341 to the screen sedr2asc filetype=attitude infile=D:\DATA\ATTITUDE\ORB0301\AT0341.DAT outfile=- host=pc -------------------------------------------------------------- Example 5: -------------------------------------------------------------- Extract a pulse time data file for orbit 241 to an ASCII file sedr2asc filetype=pulse infile=D:\DATA\PULSE\ORB0201\PT0241.DAT host=pc outfile=mydata.asc As you can see the order in which options are given is not important. The software only requires that all options be fully specified.