Voyager 1 Saturn CRS Resampled Summary D1/D2 192 Second Counting Rate Data Bundle Readme Introduction ============ This is a PDS4 archive of the VG1-S-CRS-4-SUMM-D1/D2-192SEC-V1.0 dataset that was originally archived under PDS3 in the VG_1601 volume. Under PDS4 this volume is organized into several collections, including Data, Browse and Document. PDS4 documentation is all XML. There is an XML label for every product in the archive. Under the PDS3 standard all archives were self contained and could in principal be stored in a single file system (disk, CD-ROM, etc.). PDS4 takes advantage of the modern network capabilities that allow archives to be distributed. As a result, some of the documents and meta data previously stored in the PDS3 catalog files are no longer maintained locally, but are maintained in a central repository. Those files are referenced by PDS unique identifiers. This document contains information pertaining to the Voyager 1 Saturn CRS Resampled Summary D1/D2 192 Second Counting Rate Data Bundle. It contains Voyager 1 Cosmic Ray data from the Saturn encounter. The data set provides the 192.0 second electron counting rate measurements for detectors D1 and D2. Every effort has been made to insure that the data are of the best quality available. However, the PDS and the Planetary Plasma Interactions (PPI) Node in particular, assume no liability for this volume or its contents. Users are encouraged to verify the 'correctness' of the data prior to submitting any publications or other work based on these data. Contacts ======== The person most directly responsible for the construction and release of this bundle is Mr. Steven Joy. He was the PPI Node Data Administrator at the time this bundle was created and understands as much about the structure and data organization as anyone. The construction of the PDS labels and templates was done by Mr. Joe Mafi. Other PPI personnel who may be aware of about issues related to this bundle include Dr. Raymond Walker, the PDS/PPI node manager. For questions or problems regarding this bundle, please contact the PDS/PPI PDS operator: Email For questions regarding PDS Standards or other bundles available from PDS, please contact PDS Operator at the PDS Central Node (at JPL): Email