PDS3_DATA_SET_ID = VG1-J-PRA-4-SUMM-BROWSE-48SEC-V1.0 DATA_SET_NAME = VG1 JUP PRA RESAMPLED SUMMARY BROWSE 48SEC V1.0 START_TIME = 1979-01-06T00:00:48.000 STOP_TIME = 1979-04-13T23:58:24.000 ORIGINAL_DATA_SET_RELEASE_DATE = 1998-05-01 PRODUCER_FULL_NAME = MICHAEL L. KAISER REFERENCE: Warwick, J.W., J.B. Pearce, A.C. Riddle, J.K. Alexander, M.D. Desch, M.L. Kaiser, J.R. Thieman, T.D. Carr, S. Gulkis, A. Boischot, C.C. Harvey, and B.M. Pedersen, Voyager 1 Planetary Radio Astronomy Observations Near Jupiter, Science, Vol. 204, p. 995, 1979. DATA_SET_DESCRIPTION Data Set Overview ================= Instrument P.I. : James W. Warwick Data Supplier : Michael L. Kaiser Data sampling rate : 48 seconds Data Set Start Time : 1979-01-06T00:00:48.000Z Data Set Stop Time : 1979-04-13T23:58:24.000Z This data set consists of edited browse data derived from an original data set obtained from the Voyager 1 Planetary Radio Astronomy (PRA) instrument in the vicinity of Jupiter. Data are provided for 70 instrument channels covering the range from 1.2 kHz to 1326 kHz in uniform 19.2 kHz steps, each 1 kHz wide. Data are included for the period 1979-01-06 00:00:48 through 1979-04-13 23:58:24. In order to produce this data set from the original raw PRA data, several steps have been taken: 1. The PRA operates in a variety of modes; data from modes in which the receiver does not scan rapidly through its frequency range have been removed; 2. The data have been calibrated as best we know how; 3. The data have been split into Left Hand Circular (LHC) and Right Hand Circular (RHC) components; 4. The data have been binned into 48-second intervals. Thus, values at a given channel are separated in time by an increment of 48 seconds; each 48-second time interval has associated with it a value for LHC polarization and one for RHC polarization. During data gaps, the entire record is absent from the data set; that is, missing records have not been zero-filled or otherwise marked. Bad data within a record is indicated by the value zero, which cannot otherwise occur. Each datum is returned as a 16-bit quantity; it represents the mean power received in the given channel at the specified time and polarization. The returned quantity is the value in mB about a reference flux density. To convert a returned quantity to flux, use the formula: flux = 7.0x10^(-22)x10^(mB/1000) W m-2 Hz-1 Parameters ========== Data Set Parameter 'RADIO WAVE SPECTRUM' ---------------------------------------- Data Set Parameter Name : RADIO WAVE SPECTRUM Data Set Parameter Unit : MILLIBEL Sampling Parameter Name : TIME Sampling Parameter Unit : SECOND Sampling Parameter Resolution : 0.001 Sampling Parameter Interval : 48 Minimum Available Sampling Int : 12 Noise Level : 2400 A set of derived parameters consisting of power fluxes at various contiguous frequencies over a range of frequencies. Millibels may be converted to watts/m**2/Hz by using the formula for flux indicated above. Source Instrument Parameters ============================ Instrument Host ID : VG1 Data Set Parameter Name : RADIO WAVE SPECTRUM Instrument Parameter Name : WAVE FLUX DENSITY ELECTRIC FIELD WAVEFORM ELECTRIC FIELD COMPONENT MAGNETIC FIELD COMPONENT WAVE ELECTRIC FIELD INTENSITY WAVE MAGNETIC FIELD INTENSITY Important Instrument Parameters : 1 (for all parameters) Data Coverage ============= Filename Records Start Stop ------------------------------------------------------------------- T790106 1565 1979-01-06T00:00:48.000Z 1979-01-06T23:59:12.000Z T790107 1430 1979-01-07T00:01:36.000Z 1979-01-07T23:59:12.000Z T790108 1454 1979-01-08T00:01:36.000Z 1979-01-08T23:59:12.000Z T790109 1518 1979-01-09T00:01:36.000Z 1979-01-09T23:59:12.000Z T790110 1517 1979-01-10T00:01:36.000Z 1979-01-10T23:59:12.000Z T790111 1522 1979-01-11T00:01:36.000Z 1979-01-11T23:59:12.000Z T790112 1460 1979-01-12T00:01:36.000Z 1979-01-12T23:25:36.000Z T790113 298 1979-01-13T07:27:12.000Z 1979-01-13T23:58:24.000Z T790114 1460 1979-01-14T00:00:48.000Z 1979-01-14T23:59:12.000Z T790115 1535 1979-01-15T00:01:36.000Z 1979-01-15T23:59:12.000Z T790116 1424 1979-01-16T00:01:36.000Z 1979-01-16T23:59:12.000Z T790117 1442 1979-01-17T00:01:36.000Z 1979-01-17T23:59:12.000Z T790118 1440 1979-01-18T00:01:36.000Z 1979-01-18T23:59:12.000Z T790119 1371 1979-01-19T00:01:36.000Z 1979-01-19T23:59:12.000Z T790120 1396 1979-01-20T00:01:36.000Z 1979-01-20T23:59:12.000Z T790121 1540 1979-01-21T00:01:36.000Z 1979-01-21T23:58:24.000Z T790122 1551 1979-01-22T00:00:48.000Z 1979-01-22T23:59:12.000Z T790123 1039 1979-01-23T00:01:36.000Z 1979-01-23T23:59:12.000Z T790124 1407 1979-01-24T00:01:36.000Z 1979-01-24T23:58:24.000Z T790125 1515 1979-01-25T00:01:36.000Z 1979-01-25T23:59:12.000Z T790126 1575 1979-01-26T00:01:36.000Z 1979-01-26T23:59:12.000Z T790127 1556 1979-01-27T00:01:36.000Z 1979-01-27T23:59:12.000Z T790128 1578 1979-01-28T00:01:36.000Z 1979-01-28T23:59:12.000Z T790129 1602 1979-01-29T00:01:36.000Z 1979-01-29T23:57:36.000Z T790130 1625 1979-01-30T00:01:36.000Z 1979-01-30T23:59:12.000Z T790131 1775 1979-01-31T00:00:48.000Z 1979-01-31T23:59:12.000Z T790201 1751 1979-02-01T00:00:48.000Z 1979-02-01T23:59:12.000Z T790202 1704 1979-02-02T00:00:48.000Z 1979-02-02T23:24:48.000Z T790203 1250 1979-02-03T06:25:36.000Z 1979-02-03T23:59:12.000Z T790204 1607 1979-02-04T00:00:48.000Z 1979-02-04T23:59:12.000Z T790205 1659 1979-02-05T00:00:48.000Z 1979-02-05T23:59:12.000Z T790206 1409 1979-02-06T00:00:48.000Z 1979-02-06T23:59:12.000Z T790207 1648 1979-02-07T00:00:48.000Z 1979-02-07T23:58:24.000Z T790208 1676 1979-02-08T00:00:00.000Z 1979-02-08T23:59:12.000Z T790209 1219 1979-02-09T00:00:48.000Z 1979-02-09T23:59:12.000Z T790210 1604 1979-02-10T00:00:48.000Z 1979-02-10T23:24:00.000Z T790211 1190 1979-02-11T06:24:48.000Z 1979-02-11T23:57:36.000Z T790212 1678 1979-02-12T00:06:24.000Z 1979-02-12T23:59:12.000Z T790213 1655 1979-02-13T00:00:48.000Z 1979-02-13T23:59:12.000Z T790214 1457 1979-02-14T00:00:48.000Z 1979-02-14T23:59:12.000Z T790215 1661 1979-02-15T00:01:36.000Z 1979-02-15T23:59:12.000Z T790216 1533 1979-02-16T00:00:48.000Z 1979-02-16T23:59:12.000Z T790217 1678 1979-02-17T00:00:48.000Z 1979-02-17T23:59:12.000Z T790218 1692 1979-02-18T00:00:48.000Z 1979-02-18T23:59:12.000Z T790219 1611 1979-02-19T00:00:48.000Z 1979-02-19T23:59:12.000Z T790220 1600 1979-02-20T00:00:48.000Z 1979-02-20T23:23:12.000Z T790221 1272 1979-02-21T01:24:00.000Z 1979-02-21T23:59:12.000Z T790222 1730 1979-02-22T00:00:48.000Z 1979-02-22T23:59:12.000Z T790223 1764 1979-02-23T00:00:48.000Z 1979-02-23T23:59:12.000Z T790224 1645 1979-02-24T00:00:48.000Z 1979-02-24T23:59:12.000Z T790225 1700 1979-02-25T00:00:48.000Z 1979-02-25T23:59:12.000Z T790226 1679 1979-02-26T00:00:48.000Z 1979-02-26T23:59:12.000Z T790227 1710 1979-02-27T00:00:48.000Z 1979-02-27T23:59:12.000Z T790228 1697 1979-02-28T00:00:48.000Z 1979-02-28T23:58:24.000Z T790301 1674 1979-02-29T00:00:00.000Z 1979-02-29T23:58:24.000Z T790302 1694 1979-03-02T00:00:00.000Z 1979-03-02T23:59:12.000Z T790303 1381 1979-03-03T00:00:48.000Z 1979-03-03T23:59:12.000Z T790304 1700 1979-03-04T00:00:48.000Z 1979-03-04T23:59:12.000Z T790305 1701 1979-03-05T00:00:48.000Z 1979-03-05T23:59:12.000Z T790306 1661 1979-03-06T00:00:48.000Z 1979-03-06T23:59:12.000Z T790307 1726 1979-03-07T00:00:48.000Z 1979-03-07T23:59:12.000Z T790308 1700 1979-03-08T00:00:48.000Z 1979-03-08T23:59:12.000Z T790309 1714 1979-03-09T00:00:48.000Z 1979-03-09T23:59:12.000Z T790310 1635 1979-03-10T00:00:48.000Z 1979-03-10T23:59:12.000Z T790311 1718 1979-03-11T00:00:48.000Z 1979-03-11T23:59:12.000Z T790312 1676 1979-03-12T00:00:48.000Z 1979-03-12T23:59:12.000Z T790313 1731 1979-03-13T00:00:48.000Z 1979-03-13T23:59:12.000Z T790314 1709 1979-03-14T00:00:48.000Z 1979-03-14T23:59:12.000Z T790315 1654 1979-03-15T00:00:48.000Z 1979-03-15T23:58:24.000Z T790316 1617 1979-03-16T00:00:00.000Z 1979-03-16T23:59:12.000Z T790317 1670 1979-03-17T00:00:48.000Z 1979-03-17T23:54:24.000Z T790318 1667 1979-03-18T00:06:24.000Z 1979-03-18T23:58:24.000Z T790319 1674 1979-03-19T00:00:48.000Z 1979-03-19T23:59:12.000Z T790320 1674 1979-03-20T00:00:48.000Z 1979-03-20T23:59:12.000Z T790321 1664 1979-03-21T00:00:48.000Z 1979-03-21T23:59:12.000Z T790322 1647 1979-03-22T00:00:48.000Z 1979-03-22T23:59:12.000Z T790323 1676 1979-03-23T00:00:48.000Z 1979-03-23T23:59:12.000Z T790324 1669 1979-03-24T00:00:48.000Z 1979-03-24T23:59:12.000Z T790325 1685 1979-03-25T00:00:48.000Z 1979-03-25T23:59:12.000Z T790326 1366 1979-03-26T00:00:48.000Z 1979-03-26T23:59:12.000Z T790327 660 1979-03-27T00:00:48.000Z 1979-03-27T09:09:36.000Z T790328 1354 1979-03-28T00:20:00.000Z 1979-03-28T23:59:12.000Z T790329 1692 1979-03-29T00:00:48.000Z 1979-03-29T23:59:12.000Z T790330 1651 1979-03-30T00:00:48.000Z 1979-03-30T23:59:12.000Z T790331 1666 1979-03-31T00:00:48.000Z 1979-03-31T23:58:24.000Z T790401 1666 1979-03-32T00:00:00.000Z 1979-03-32T23:59:12.000Z T790402 1570 1979-04-02T00:00:48.000Z 1979-04-02T23:59:12.000Z T790403 1652 1979-04-03T00:00:48.000Z 1979-04-03T23:53:36.000Z T790404 1636 1979-04-04T00:01:36.000Z 1979-04-04T23:59:12.000Z T790405 1140 1979-04-05T00:00:48.000Z 1979-04-05T23:59:12.000Z T790406 1678 1979-04-06T00:00:48.000Z 1979-04-06T23:59:12.000Z T790407 1622 1979-04-07T00:00:48.000Z 1979-04-07T23:59:12.000Z T790408 1695 1979-04-08T00:00:48.000Z 1979-04-08T23:59:12.000Z T790409 1433 1979-04-09T00:00:48.000Z 1979-04-09T20:34:24.000Z T790410 1250 1979-04-10T05:28:48.000Z 1979-04-10T23:20:00.000Z T790411 287 1979-04-11T14:03:12.000Z 1979-04-11T23:59:12.000Z T790412 1671 1979-04-12T00:00:48.000Z 1979-04-12T23:59:12.000Z T790413 1601 1979-04-13T00:00:48.000Z 1979-04-13T23:58:24.000Z CONFIDENCE_LEVEL_NOTE = " Confidence Level Overview ========================= This data set includes all the available low-rate scanning mode data for the frequency range below 1326 kHz for the time interval covered. Known bad data have been set to zero. Data which appear to exceed the Full Scale Deflection (FSD) of the instrument (i.e. the most intense signal which can be measured reliably) have also been set to a zero (should they occur). Planetary Radio Astronomy (PRA) suffers from interference from many other instruments aboard the spacecraft. No attempt had been made to remove these interferences in this data set. Two obvious examples are the 136 and 193 kHz channels which are nearly always contaminated by interference. The separation into LHC and RHC polarization components is performed on the basis of the polarization of the incoming wave as perceived by the instrument. This takes into account neither the antenna transfer function nor the spacecraft orientation with respect to the source. In general, the mapping of perceived polarization back to emitted polarization cannot be solved without a knowledge of both of these factors, as well as a knowledge of the type of polarization coming from the source region (e.g. is it linear or circularly polarized?). Most planetary emissions are circularly polarized. Below is a table showing the response of the experiment to a low frequency (100 kHz) LHC wave. The response does not change much up to about 5 MHz. The coordinate system used is: THETA == 0 is along the MAG boom; PHI == 0 is the bisector of the two PRA antennas. The third column is the apparent value of the left hand component as perceived by the receiver. That is, a value of +1.0 indicates that the incoming LHC wave is correctly detected as a pure LHC wave. A value of -1.0 will be detected as being of the correct strength, but incorrect polarity. A value of, say, 0.6 indicates that the total energy is split 60% into the apparent LHC component and 40% into the apparent RHC component."