This is the Venus Express (VEx) Analyzer of Space Plasmas and EneRgetic Atoms, 4th edition (ASPERA-4) ELectron Spectrometer (ELS) Pitch Angle Distribution data bundle. This bundle was produced with funding from NASA Solar System Workings (SSW) 2019, grant #80NSSC21K0151. This bundle contains four collections, each of which is briefly described below. Listed for each collection is a description of the type of data file contained. browse_pad: This collection contains images of the VEx ELS pitch angle distribution, VExELSPADRG - These files are focused around the perigee of the Venus Express spacecraft and are png images of small pieces of data. They are not intended to be summary plots of the entire data set. These images come in two types: Data and Mode. Data plots show only the 90-100 deg pitch angle data along with the data from the Venus Express Magnetometer (not included in this archive). Mode plots show how the PAD data was generated. data_pad: This collection contains the VEx ELS pitch angle distribution data products. VExELSPADRG - The pitch angle sorted electron distribution. This data is contained in two file types: Data and Mode. The Data product is in ASCII Comma Separated Values (CSV) format, organized as the step, energy, velocity, and 18 separate pitch angle measurements. The Mode product is in ASCII table with 38 columns which indicate how the data was processed. document_pad: Documents that should be considered required reading for this bundle. There are two documents in this collection: VEX_ASPERA-4_ELS_PAD_Spec - This is the Software Interface Specification (SIS) document. It describes the archive contents and structure, including file naming conventions, LID formulation, standards used, and details of the data products and their formats. VEX_ASPERA-4_ELS_PAD_Fields.txt - This document contains a description of the contents and fields within the Data CSV and the Mode txt files. miscellaneous_pad: This collection contains two files: one document file and one multi-table document file. The document file contains a description of the format of the table file and explains on how the tables were used to generate the PAD. ASPERA4Scanner_NYSA_Blockage - This document explains the miscellaneous table file format, how it was generated, and discusses the use of the multi-tables. The document file is written in ASCII and describes how the tables were used to generate the PAD. ASPERA4Scanner_NYSA_Blockage_Tables - This document contains the miscellaneous tables. It is prefaced with some information about the tables in this file, which is written as ASCII. Represented in this file are 361 tables, one for each 1 deg offset of the -Y solar array on the venus Express spacecraft. Each table is indexed by the ASPERA-4 experiment's scanner location and each of the 16 sectors of the electron spectrometer. There are 181 values in each table for the ASPERA-4 scanner location and 16 blockage factors. Values in the tables represent the percentage blockage by the spacecraft and its appendages.