Pioneer Venus Orbiter Magnetometer and Electric Field Detector Ancillary Data Bundle Readme Introduction ============ This document contains information pertaining to the Pioneer Venus Orbiter Magnetometer and Electric Field Detector Ancillary Data Bundle. This bundle includes engineering and phase offset data. The data is provided in ASCII and Original Binary forms. This bundle is organized into several collections, including: PVO OMAG/OEFD Engineering Data Collections (urn:nasa:pds:pvo-omag-oefd-anc:data-eng-bin & urn:nasa:pds:pvo-omag-oefd-anc:data-eng-asc) PVO OMAG/OEFD Phase and Offset Data Collections (urn:nasa:pds:pvo-omag-oefd-anc:data-phaseoff-bin & urn:nasa:pds:pvo-omag-oefd-anc:data-phaseoff-asc) and document. PDS4 documentation is all XML. There is an XML label for every product in the archive. PVO OMAG/OEFD Engineering Data Collections ========================================== The data contains temperatures, magnetometer modes, magnetometer sample format, magnetometer spin average select, telemetry data format, telemetry bit rate, spacecraft spin period, pulse time, the difference between the Sun pulse time and the Rip pulse time, and the pulse time flag. PVO OMAG/OEFD Phase and Offset Data Collections =============================================== The data contains the phase amplitude of sun synchronous modulation of the 4 signals (E100, E730,E5.4 and E30K), and offsets of the G sensor. Every effort has been made to insure that the data are of the best quality available. However, users are encouraged to verify the correctness of the data prior to submitting any publications or other work based on these data and report any issues to PDS/PPI. This is a PDS4 archive of ancillary data found in the following PDS data sets: PVO-V-OMAG-3--SCCOORDS-HIRES-V2.0 (https://10.17189/ktv3-t936.), PVO-V-OMAG-3-P-SENSOR-HIRES-V2.0 (, PVO-V-OMAG-4--SCCOORDS-24SEC-V2.0 (, PVO-V-OMAG-4-P-SENSOR-24SEC-V2.0 (, PVO-V-OEFD-3--EFIELD-HIRES-V1.0 ( PVO-V-OEFD-4--EFIELD-24SEC-V1.0 ( These data sets were originally archived under PDS3 in volumes PV01_0001 to PV01_0068. Under the PDS3 standard all archives were self contained and could in principle be stored in a single file system (disk, CD-ROM, etc.). PDS4 takes advantage of the network capabilities that allow archives to be distributed. As a result, some of the documents and metadata previously stored in the PDS3 catalog files are no longer maintained locally, but are maintained in a central repository. Those files are referenced by unique PDS logical identifiers that are included in the document collection inventory. Errata ====== Engineering ASCII data files (data-eng-asc) were regenerated. More information can be found in the errata-pvo-omag-efd-anc.txt file in the document collection (urn:nasa:pds:pvo-omag-oefd-anc:document:errata-pvo-omag-efd-anc). Contacts ======== For questions or problems regarding this bundle, please contact the PDS Planetary Plasma Interactions Node: Email