DATA_SET_ID = "MESS-E/V/H/SW-EPPS-3-FIPS-DDR-V2.0" DATA_SET_NAME = "MESSENGER E/V/H/SW EPPS CALIBRATED FIPS DDR V2.0" DATA_SET_COLLECTION_MEMBER_FLG = "N" DATA_OBJECT_TYPE = TABLE START_TIME = 2004-257T00:00:00 STOP_TIME = 2015-120T15:08:14 DATA_SET_RELEASE_DATE = 2016-05-06 PRODUCER_FULL_NAME = "JIM RAINES" DETAILED_CATALOG_FLAG = "N" DATA_SET_TERSE_DESC = "The FIPS DDR observations consist of density, energy spectra, pitch angle distributions, ion flux maps, and viewing normalizations data collected by the EPPS/FIPS instrument during cruise, flybys and orbital operations." ARCHIVE_STATUS = "ARCHIVED" CITATION_DESC = "Raines, J., MESSENGER E/V/H/SW EPPS CALIBRATED FIPS DDR V1.0, MESS-E/V/H/SW-EPPS-3-FIPS-DDR-V1.0, NASA Planetary Data System, 2009." ABSTRACT_DESC = " Abstract ======== This data set consists of the MESSENGER Energetic Particle and Plasma Spectrometer (EPPS) calibrated observations, also known as DDRs. The system encompasses 2 instrument subsystems - the Energetic Particle Spectrometer (EPS) and the Fast Imaging Plasma Spectrometer (FIPS). This data set contains FIPS instrument data. FIPS covers the energy/charge range of < 46 eV/q to 13 keV/q. There are eight FIPS DDR data products (one retired)." DATA_SET_DESC = " Data Set Overview ================= The data set consists of advanced data products, also known as DDR/DAPs. For all the DDR products there is a detached PDS label file that describes the contents of one data file. Each label file will have the same base name as the data file it is describing, with the extension .LBL to denote a label file. The label file defines the start time and end of the observation, product creation time, and the structure of the binary (or ASCII) tables. Each data product is identified within the PDS label by a STANDARD_DATA_PRODUCT_ID value, shown in parentheses in the table below. The FIPS portion of the data archive currently consists of eight DDR data products (one retired). The following table shows the different FIPS data products and their files. Following is a description of each of the current FIPS DDRs. A more complete description of each may be found in the EPPS DDR SIS document, located in the DOCUMENT directory of the document volume. Current FIPS Data Products: FIPS Observed Density (FIPS_NOBS) Contains observed density (n_obs) for all major ion species as well as UTC and MESSENGER position. FIPS Energy Spectra (FIPS_ESPEC) Contains differential energy flux at each E/q value for selected ion species during selected time periods. FIPS Pitch Angle Distribution (FIPS_PCHANG) Contains histograms of pitch angle in 5 degree bins for selected ion species during selected time periods. FIPS Energy-Resolved Pitch Angle Distribution (FIPS_ERPCHANG) Contains histograms of pitch angle in 5 degree bins for selected ion species during selected time periods with the additional separation of energy/charge (i.e., E/q). FIPS Pitch Arrival Direction (FIPS_ARRDIR) Contains ion flux as a function of arrival direction in units of (cm^2 s keV/keV sr)^-1. NOTE: This product is contained only in version 1.0 of this data set and is retired as of the Mercury Orbit Year 2 Phase of the mission. FIPS Kinetic Properties (FIPS_NTP) Contains number density (cm^-3), temperature (K) and pressure (nPa) for selected major ion species over selected time periods. FIPS Viewing Normalization (FIPS_ROTMSO) Contains rotation matrix from FIPS cartesian to MSO for each energy scan. FIPS Angular Flux Map (FIPS_FLUXMAP) Contains a mapping of the integrated ion flux as a function of flow direction for selected ions and regions around Mercury. Instrument Overview =================== The FIPS sensor consists of an electrostatic analyzer (ESA), located at the entrance to the sensor, a post-acceleration chamber between the output of the ESA and the carbon foil, and a time-of-flight telescope. The ESA at the entrance to the FIPS acts as a wide-angle lens for ions. It only allows ions with a specific energy/charge band to enter through its output plane. See the EPPSINST.CAT file for more information and [ANDREWSETAL2007] for full details. Calibration Overview ==================== This data set is calibrated and noise-corrected. Individual ion events (pulse height analyzed, PHA) have been converted to observed densityCount rates have been converted from raw counts to counts/sec and, where possible, to fluxes. See the DDR SIS document for details. Parameters ========== The energy per charge (E/q) tables are programmable as described in the CDR SIS document and EDR to CDR calibration document. The various adjustable parameters used in the noise removal process are described in the DDR SIS. Data ==== The FIPS DDR data set products are described as follows (the STANDARD_ DATA_PRODUCT_ID value is given in parentheses). The notes provided in brackets give the current status of the data product in version 2 of the data set. Each file has an index column which contains values unique for the day. This index can be used to exactly match data in one file to data in the other two. FIPS Observed Density (FIPS_NOBS) is the main DDR data product. It contains observed density (n_obs) for all major ion species: H+, He2+, He+, O+ group and Na+ group. This data has been noise corrected. MESSENGER position information in MSO and altitude, latitude and local time is also included., as well as UTC converted from MET by SPICE. FIPS Energy Spectra (FIPS_ESPEC) contains differential energy flux at each of the 64 E/q values (0.046 - 13.3 keV/e) for selected major ion species during selected time periods. FIPS Pitch Angle Distribution (FIPS_PITCHANG) contains a histogram of pitch angle in 5 degree bins for selected major ion species during selected time periods. Pitch angle is the angle between the particle incident and the local magnetic field vector (from MAG). FIPS Arrival Direction (FIPS_ARRDIR) contains ion flux as a function of arrival direction in units of (cm^2 s keV/keV sr)^-1. This product is provided for selected major ion species over selected time periods. When necessary, this product is provided at a lower time resolution than the fundamental instrument scan, to allow accumulation of enough raw data to facilitate scientific interpretation. FIPS Kinetic Properties (FIPS_NTP) contains number density (cm^-3), temperature (K) and pressure (nPa) for selected major ion species over selected time periods. Also included are error measures for each quantity. This product contains the full number density, rather than observed (partial) number density included in other products. When necessary, this product is provided at a lower time resolution than the fundamental instrument scan, to allow accumulation of enough raw data to facilitate scientific interpretation. FIPS Viewing Normalization (FIPS_ROTMSO) data product contains a rotation matrix from FIPS cartesian to MSO coordinates, for each FIPS energy scan. This matrix can be used to rotate ion incident angles in CDR PHA data into MSO coordinates needed for producing normalized directional maps (e.g. FLUXMAP or PITCHANG) for arbitrary time resolutions, in multiples of 10s." CONFIDENCE_LEVEL_NOTE = " Confidence Level Overview ========================= The EPPS DDR data are the processed data set released for the EPPS. Data presented here are an accurate representation of the EPPS data as received from the spacecraft and have been processed from instrument unit to physical unit. Review ====== The EPPS DDR was reviewed internally by the EPPS team prior to release to the PDS. PDS also performed an external review of the EPPS DDR. Data Coverage and Quality ========================= Data reported are the processed data received from the spacecraft during the following mission phases: Launch, Earth Cruise, Earth Flyby, Venus 1 Cruise, Venus 1 Flyby, Venus 2 Cruise, Venus 2 Flyby, Mercury 1 Cruise, Mercury 1 Flyby, Mercury 2 Cruise, Mercury 2 Flyby, Mercury 3 Cruise, Mercury 3 Flyby, Mercury 4 Cruise, Mercury Orbit, Mercury Orbit Year 2, Mercury Orbit Year 3, Mercury Orbit Year 4, and Mercury Orbit Year 5. These mission phases are defined as: Start time End time Phase Name Date (DOY) Date (DOY) ----------------- ---------------- ---------------- Launch 3 Aug 2004 (216) 12 Sep 2004 (256) Earth Cruise 13 Sep 2004 (257) 18 Jul 2005 (199) Earth Flyby 19 Jul 2005 (200) 16 Aug 2005 (228) Venus 1 Cruise 17 Aug 2005 (229) 9 Oct 2006 (282) Venus 1 Flyby 10 Oct 2006 (283) 7 Nov 2006 (311) Venus 2 Cruise 8 Nov 2006 (312) 22 May 2007 (142) Venus 2 Flyby 23 May 2007 (143) 20 Jun 2007 (171) Mercury 1 Cruise 21 Jun 2007 (172) 30 Dec 2007 (364) Mercury 1 Flyby 31 Dec 2007 (365) 28 Jan 2008 (028) Mercury 2 Cruise 29 Jan 2008 (029) 21 Sep 2008 (265) Mercury 2 Flyby 22 Sep 2008 (266) 20 Oct 2008 (294) Mercury 3 Cruise 21 Oct 2008 (295) 15 Sep 2009 (258) Mercury 3 Flyby 16 Sep 2009 (259) 14 Oct 2009 (287) Mercury 4 Cruise 15 Oct 2009 (288) 03 Mar 2011 (062) Mercury Orbit 04 Mar 2011 (063) 17 Mar 2012 (077) Mercury Orbit Year 2 18 Mar 2012 (078) 17 Mar 2013 (076) Mercury Orbit Year 3 18 Mar 2013 (077) 17 Mar 2014 (076) Mercury Orbit Year 4 18 Mar 2014 (077) 17 Mar 2015 (076) Mercury Orbit Year 5 18 Mar 2015 (077) 30 Apr 2015 (120) A dark count signature was discovered in the FIPS PHA data. These counts appear in a time-of-flight -- E/q histogram of PHA data as straight tracks in E/q, centered at about 8 different time-of-flights. These dark counts significantly complicate the analysis of FIPS PHA data, though not significantly for low mass ions (H+, He+ and He2+). All data since launch is affected. This situation has been well characterized by the FIPS team and models/algorithms for removing these counts have been developed [Gershman et al., 2013,]. These algorithms have been used in the processing of this data. In orbit (Mercury_Orbit phase), FIPS is regularly taken out of nominal configuration for various spacecraft operations, such as commanded momentum dumps and eclipses, typically prevent possible high voltage discharge within FIPS or for power considerations. On occasion, the EPPS flight software autonomously takes FIPS out of nominal configuration in response to an anomaly. There intervals are marked as bad in the data quality field with a value of 1. (Good data contains a 0 in this field.) FIPS regularly experiences penetrating radiation which serves as an additional noise source in the start and stop single-coincidence rates. These counts are identified in start and stop rate spectra as relatively constant streaks across the energy spectrum, because they bypass the electrostatic analyzer energy selction when they pass through the FIPS solid structures to trigger the detectors. Typically, these signals do not occur in double-coincidence and therefore do not affect the science data. (That is, they do not generate PHA events or add to the valid event or proton rate.) When double-coincidences do occur, they are often so short in duration (< 1 min) that they can be ignored in all but the most fine time scale analysis. Occasionally, events occur that are of sufficient intensity and duration as to make the double coincidence data unusable, such as long duration solar energetic particle (SEP) events. These events are not suitable for normal science analysis and are excluded from this data set. In some scans, the pitch angle distributions show very high values in one of the edge bins, 0 or 180 degrees. These values are artifacts of the processing and should not be used. As of the 10th PDS delivery, FIPS CDR data has a new quality flag system, which automatically flags SEP events and other issues which would affect data quality. This quality flag is a bit field, with each bit set signifying the condition detailed below: Flag Bit Position Decimal Value ------------------------------ ------------ ------------- Bad data (reason undefined) 0 1 PHA hot pixel* 1 2 Scan hard limit reached* 2 4 SEP event 3 8 Start rate anomaly* 4 16 Instrument off 7 128 Bad data (manually marked bad) 15 32768 Multiple conditions set multiple bits, effectively adding the numbers in the value column. (This is the same as performing a logical OR on the binary values.) For example, if PHA hot pixel and SEP event are both set, the flag will have the decimal value 10 (binary: 1010). If the start rate anomaly and scan hard limit reached flags are set in addition, the decimal value would be 30 (binary: 11110). For most science uses, only data with a quality flag value of 0 should be used. However, data with the flags marked with '*' above is often often usable for science. Users should consult with the instrument team for details. From May-Sept 2013, MCP voltages higher than the nominal -2520V were tested on FIPS, with a goal of recovering counting efficiency lost through use thus far in the mission. Since the counting efficiency is a little different for each of these voltages, users are advised to consult the actual MCP voltage stored in housekeeping when using data from this period. This effect is expected to be small. Corrections for these variations will be applied in the next release. In this version of the dataset, many of these products are provided in regions determined by hand-picked or modeled bow shock and magnetopause boundaries. Boundary picking was done by the MAG team at a level of accuracy sufficient for the relatively low time resolution FIPS data (10s - 60s). Where these were not available, the model given by Slavin et al. [Science, 2010] is used. The recovered density, temperature and pressure (NTP) product is particularly sensitive to the region of Mercury's space environment in which the data was taken. The reasons for this, based on validity of required assumptions, are described in detail in the DDR SIS. This data is provided within the magnetosphere, where the assumptions are likely to hold for averages of 1 minute ore more. It is is also provided in the magnetosheath within a 45 degree cone angle of the X_MSO axis. The validity of the assumptions is much more variable here, though they will often hold. USERS ARE STRONGLY CAUTIONED to read the NTP section of the DDR SIS follow the recommendations for using these quantities. The region and type of boundary used is encoded in the NTP data quality flag as a bitfield according to the table below. Since it is a bit field, the bits are cumulative. For example, when the spacecraft is in the magnetosheath flanks, which is outside of the magnetosphere and outside the 45 deg cone angle of X_MSO, both bits 0 and 1 would be set (value of 1), leading to a value of 3. Individual bits can be extracted by performing a bit-wise AND on the quality flag value with a value with a single bit set, e.g. 1, 2, 4, and 8, for bits 0-3, resp. Further information on handling bit fields can be easily found in programming resources on the web. Bit Value Meaning when set --- ----- ---------------- 0 0 Inside Magnetosphere 1 Outside Magnetosphere 1 0 Magnetosheath, inside 45 cone angle of X_MSO 1 In magnetosheath, outside 45 cone angle of X_MSO 2 0 Hand-picked bow shock used 1 Bow shock model used 3 0 Hand-picked magnetopause used 1 Magnetopause model used NTP data is not produced when the corresponding CDR scans are marked with the SEP flag (see above), when the method does not converge or when the minimum count value (20) is not reached for a given accumulation. These time steps are simply omitted in the data file. Limitations =========== This data set is fully processed, science quality data. It has been reviewed at high level by the FIPS instrument team. It has not been, however, manually validated on a point by point. Users are encouraged to contact the FIPS instrument team when questions about the data arise. Some analysis of this data requires detailed knowledge of FIPS pointing which can be extracted from SPICE."