Version History =============== Bundle Modification Version Date Description ------- ------------ ----------------------------------------------- 1.0 2017-11-28 This is the initial release of the MAVEN ROSE Raw bundle. Coverage includes 2016-07-05 to 2017-06-27. 1.1 2018-03-01 The EDP data in this version include 5 additional parameters in MSO coordinates. Coverage includes 2016-07-05 to 2017-06-27. 1.2 2018-04-16 This is an incremental release of the MAVEN ROSE Derived bundle, including the initial release of data covering 2017-08-15 to 2017-11-14. 1.3 2018-05-08 This is an incremental release of the MAVEN ROSE Derived bundle, including the initial release of data covering 2017-11-15 to 2018-02-14. 1.4 2018-08-30 This is an incremental release of the MAVEN ROSE Derived bundle. It includes the initial release of data covering 2018-02-15 to 2018-05-14, and of occultation egress observations from not included in previous releases. 1.5 2018-12-19 This is an incremental release of the MAVEN ROSE Derived bundle, including the initial release of data covering 2018-05-15 to 2018-08-14. 1.6 2019-02-12 This is an incremental release of the MAVEN ROSE Derived bundle, including the initial release of data covering 2018-08-15 to 2018-11-14. This also includes the initial release of EDP data from LGA occultations from the previous release time period. 1.7 2019-05-03 This is an incremental release of the MAVEN ROSE Derived bundle, including the initial release of data covering 2018-11-15 to 2019-02-14. 1.8 2019-08-07 This is an incremental release of the MAVEN ROSE Derived bundle, including the initial release of data covering 2019-02-15 to 2019-05-14. 1.9 2019-08-29 This version includes updated versions of the SIS and Overview Table documents. 1.10 2019-11-13 This is an incremental release of the MAVEN ROSE Derived bundle, including the initial release of data covering 2019-05-15 to 2019-08-14. 1.11 2020-02-14 This is an incremental release of the MAVEN ROSE Derived bundle, including the initial release of data covering 2019-08-15 to 2019-11-14. 1.12 2020-05-20 This is an incremental release of the MAVEN ROSE Derived bundle, including the initial release of data covering 2019-11-15 to 2020-02-14. This version includes the redelivery of some previously delivered EDP data products that were originally generated using SKY data products that contained gaps. For the regenerated products the gaps were filled in the SKY data by interpolation of adjacent points before the EDP data were generated. Changes in the actual electron density profiles are very small, so there are probably no actual consequences for data users. The affected EDP files are noted by a Modification_Detail note in the accompanying PDS4 label files. Note that gapfilled SKY data are not included in the PDS archive. 1.13 2020-08-13 This is an incremental release of the MAVEN ROSE Derived bundle, including the initial release of data covering 2020-02-15 to 2020-03-10. 1.14 2020-11-13 This is an incremental release of the MAVEN ROSE Derived bundle, including the initial release of data covering 2020-05-29 to 2020-08-14. 1.15 2021-02-12 This is an incremental release of the MAVEN ROSE Derived bundle, including the initial release of data covering 2020-08-15 to 2020-11-14. 1.16 2021-05-13 This is an incremental release of the MAVEN ROSE Derived bundle, including the initial release of data covering 2020-11-15 to 2020-12-09. 1.17 2021-08-11 This is an incremental release of the MAVEN ROSE Derived bundle, including the initial release of data covering 2021-03-19 to 2021-04-23. 1.18 2021-11-14 This is an incremental release of the MAVEN ROSE Derived bundle, including the initial release of data covering 2021-07-12 to 2021-08-14. 1.19 2022-02-13 This is an incremental release of the MAVEN ROSE Derived bundle, including the initial release of data covering 2021-08-15 to 2021-11-10. 1.20 2022-05-13 This is an incremental release of the MAVEN ROSE Derived bundle, including the initial release of data covering 2021-11-15 to 2021-12-27. 1.21 2022-08-11 This is an incremental release of the MAVEN ROSE Derived bundle, including the initial release of data covering 2022-02-22 to 2022-05-02. 1.22 2022-11-15 This is an incremental release of the MAVEN ROSE Derived bundle, including the initial release of data covering 2022-06-13 to 2022-08-11. 1.23 2023-02-10 This is an incremental release of the MAVEN ROSE Derived bundle, including the initial release of data covering 2022-08-15 to 2022-11-14. 1.24 2023-05-16 This is an incremental release of the MAVEN ROSE Derived bundle, including the initial release of data covering 2022-11-16 to 2023-02-13. 1.25 2023-08-11 This is an incremental release of the MAVEN ROSE Derived bundle, including the initial release of data covering 2023-02-16 to 2023-05-13. 1.26 2023-11-14 This is an incremental release of the MAVEN ROSE Derived bundle, including the initial release of data covering 2023-05-15 to 2023-07-10. 1.27 2024-02-15 This is an incremental release of the MAVEN ROSE Derived bundle, including the initial release of data covering 2023-09-07 to 2023-11-10. 1.28 2024-05-15 This is an incremental release of the MAVEN ROSE Derived bundle, including the initial release of data covering 2024-01-05 to 2024-02-11. 1.29 2024-08-15 This is an incremental release of the MAVEN ROSE Derived bundle, including the initial release of data covering 2024-02-15 to 2024-05-14. Bundle Description for the MAVEN ROSE Archive Bundle ==================================================== Overview ======== The MAVEN ROSE archive bundle includes data from the Radio Occultation Science Experiment (ROSE) investigation on the Mars Atmosphere and Volatile EvolutioN (MAVEN) spacecraft. The MAVEN mission and spacecraft are described in the MAVEN mission and spacecraft description documents, which are available in the MAVEN archive bundle. ROSE is a two-way, single-frequency (X-band) radio occultation experiment designed to measure electron density in the ionosphere of Mars. The ROSE investigation is described in the MAVEN ROSE Software Interface Specification (SIS) which is available in the document collections. Data Collections ================ Data are provided in three different processing levels: raw, calibrated, and derived. The original data recorded by the ground station during an occultation are classified as raw data. The electron density profiles are classified as derived data. Other data products are also provided. The ROSE archive contains three bundles: rose.raw, rose.calibrated, and rose.derived. The rose.raw bundle contains raw (Level 0) data files and other files that are naturally associated with them. The other files are not necessarily raw Level 0 files. The rose.calibrated bundle contains calibrated (Level 2) data files. The rose.derived bundle contains derived (Level 3) data files. All data products are outlined in the MAVEN ROSE Software Interface Specification (SIS) which is available in the document collections. The SIS explains the relationships between different data products, which is helpful for determining the number of high-level files associated with a given low-level file. The electron density profiles are anticipated to be the most widely-used data product. They are generated from time series of frequency residuals. As discussed in the SIS, not all archived time series of frequency residuals have yielded an archived electron density profile. At the time of writing, 48 of 53 ingress frequency residuals have yielded archived electron density profiles. Ingress occultations for a set of proof-of-concept observations conducted on 2016-02-19, 2016-02-23, and 2016-02-26 did not extend to high altitudes due to unfavorable orbit geometry. Consequently, the pre-occultation baseline is contaminated by ionospheric effects. Ingress occultations on 2016-09-30 and 2017-02-28 were adversely affected by timing errors. Appropriate observations did not begin until the ray path was below the ionosphere. At the time of writing, none of the 39 egress frequency residuals have yielded archived electron density profiles. Signal re-acquisition for the two-way egress observations does not occur immediately after the ray path clears the surface of Mars. Instead, the closest approach distance of the ray path is generally near the 80 km altitude at which the refractivity changes from being positive due to the neutral atmosphere to negative due to the ionosphere. Since this transition is a critical part of the baseline correction in the generation of electron density profiles, late re-acquisition of the radio signal on egress occultations makes egress observations challenging to process. The ROSE team is working to generate electron density profiles from those time series of frequency residuals that have not yet yielded archived electron density profiles. Document Collections ==================== The document collections contain the MAVEN ROSE Software Interface Specification (SIS), which includes a full description of the format and content of some types of data products and a brief description of the ROSE investigation. The document collections also contain detailed descriptions of the format and content of some types of data products. Simple ASCII data products are described in the SIS. More complicated data products, which are generally standard outputs generated by the DSN during radio science observations, are described in dedicated documents. Context Collection ================== The context collection contains pointers to the context information including mission, spacecraft, instrument, and bundle descriptions. XML_Schema Collection ===================== The schema collection contains pointers to all schemas used to generate the MAVEN ROSE bundle.