Lunar Prospector MAG/ER Derived Data Bundle Readme 1998-02-01 to 1999-07-02 Planetary Plasma Interactions Discipline Node of the Planetary Data System ============================================================================= Introduction ============================================================================= This bundle is organized into several collections, including: browse, data-moon-pos, data-spacecraft-pos, and document. PDS4 documentation is in all XML. There is an XML label for every product in the archive. The browse contains image files (in GIF87A format) summarizing the Lunar Prospector Magnetometer/Electron Reflectometer (MAG/ER) data. Each of these files contains plots of 12 hours of data. The image files are organized into year and month subdirectories under the browse collection. The data-moon-pos collection contains data from the Lunar Prospector Electron Reflectometer (ER) and Magnetometer (MAG) Derived Data of the position of the Moon relative to the Earth in GSE and GSM coordinates. The data-spacecraft-pos collection contains data from the Lunar Prospector Electron Reflectometer (ER) and Magnetometer (MAG) Derived Data of the positions and velocities of the Lunar Prospector spacecraft as a function of time, expressed in several coordinate systems provided in 1 month ASCII tables from JAN 1998 JULY 1999. This bundle is intended for the use of scientists and students in the study of solar wind and planetary energetic and neutral particles. The data may be used for research and publication. Every effort has been made to insure that the data are of the best quality available. However, users are encouraged to verify the correctness of the data prior to submitting any publications or other work based on these data and report any issues to PDS/PPI. This bundle was migrated to PDS4 from the PDS3 data sets: LP-L-6-TRAJECTORY-V1.0 (https://10.17189/1519718) These data were originally archived under PDS3 in the following volumes: LP_1201, LP_1202, LP_1203. This bundle complies with Planetary Data System 4 (PDS4) standards. ============================================================================= Brief Bundle Description ============================================================================= Lunar Prospector (LP) was a simple spin-stabilized spacecraft with a nominal spin period of 5 seconds, operating in a circular, polar orbit around the Moon. The orbit during the Primary Mission had a 118 minute period and average altitude of about 100 km. The Primary Mission lasted for one year starting on January 16, 1998 and ending on January 16, 1999. The spacecraft orbit was then lowered to about 30 km to acquire higher resolution data during a 6-month Extended Mission. The Extended Mission began on January 16, 1999 and was completed on July 31, 1999. The mission ended when the spacecraft impacted into the surface of the Moon. The science goals of LP were to map the Moon's surface composition and its magnetic and gravity fields, to determine the frequency and location of gas release events, and to search for polar ice deposits. To meet these objectives, LP had five science instruments, housed on three booms: a gamma ray spectrometer, a neutron spectrometer, an alpha particle spectrometer, a magnetometer, and an electron reflectometer. In addition, a gravity experiment used Doppler tracking data to derive gravity measurements. This bundle includes Trajectory data for the Lunar Prospector (LP) spacecraft. This data volume was assembled at the Planetary Plasma Interactions Node (PPI) of the Planetary Data System (PDS). ============================================================================= Contacts ============================================================================= This bundle was produced for the Planetary Data System (PDS) at the Planetary Plasma Interactions (PPI) node. For questions or problems regarding this bundle, please contact the PDS/PPI operator: Email