Galileo Jupiter Radio Science Subsystem Derived Bundle - Errata This document describes known errors or deficiencies in the Galileo Jupiter Radio Science Subsystem Derived Bundle. This bundle was produced for the Planetary Data System (PDS) at the Planetary Plasma Interactions (PPI) node. For questions or problems regarding this bundle, please contact the PDS/PPI operator: Email This document is in place for any errors found in the PDS3 GO-J-RSS-5-ROCC-V1.0 ( These data were originally a partial of the remake of the PDS3 volumes GORSS_9001 for the ESA Special Publication 1230. There were no known deficiencies or errors reported in the errata.txt files under PDS3. During the migration from PDS3 to PDS4 no issues were found and corrected in the PDS4 metadata. The data remain unchanged.