Galileo Magnetometer Pre-Jupiter Calibrated Bundle Galileo Solar System Magnetometer Averaged Cruise RTN Coordinates Calibrated Data Collection PDS3 DATA_SET_ID = GO-SS-MAG-4-SUMM-CRUISE-RTN-V1.0 PDS3 DATA_SET_NAME = GALILEO MAGNETOMETER CRUISE DATA (RTN COORDINATES) START_TIME = 1989-12-31T00:14:12.369 STOP_TIME = 1994-12-31T03:58:41.145 PDS3 DATA_SET_RELEASE_DATE = 1996-06-01 PRODUCER_FULL_NAME = MARGARET G. KIVELSON References: Kivelson, M.G., Khurana, K.K., Russell, C.T., Walker, R.J., Joy, S.P.,Green, J., Aiken, W.C. GALILEO MAGNETOMETER CRUISE DATA (RTN COORDINATES), GO-SS-MAG-4-SUMM-CRUISE-RTN-V1.0, NASA Planetary Data System, 1996" Collection Data Overview ================ This collection contains data acquired by the Galileo Magnetometer during the Interplanetary Cruise to Jupiter. The data are at varying resolution depending on the averaging constant applied by the instrument. These data have been fully processed to remove instrument response function characteristics. The data are provided in physical units (nanoTesla) and in 2 coordinate systems. This set of data files contains data in Inertial Rotor Coordinates (IRC= despun spacecraft). These files contain some of the data processing parameters from the AACS system as well as the sensor zero level for the spin aligned sensor. The data are also being archived in RTN coordinates which are provided on a separate collection. Trajectory have been provided in heliographic coordinates as a separate collection. In order to provide a more complete solar wind collection the high resolution magnetometer data from the Earth1 encounter, Earth2 encounter and Ida encounter was averaged down to 16 minute resolution and included with this interplanetary cruise data. The 16 minute averages are derived from the following collections: urn:nasa:pds:galileo-mag-prejup-calibrated:data-earth1-rdr-high-res urn:nasa:pds:galileo-mag-prejup-calibrated:data-earth2-rdr-high-res Data inside the earth's bowshock was excluded from the 16 min averages. Data Columns (IRC): sc_clk S/C clock counter given in the form rim:mod91:mod10:mod8 time S/C event time (UT) given in the form yyymmddT