Cassini MIMI INCA Calibrated Data Description MIMI - Magnetospheric Imaging Instrument INCA - Ion and Neutral Camera This document describes known errors or deficiencies in the Cassini MIMI INCA Calibrated Data Collection. This bundle was produced for the Planetary Data System (PDS) at the Planetary Plasma Interactions (PPI) node. For questions or problems regarding this bundle, please contact the PDS/PPI operator: Email These data were originally archived in the following PDS3 data sets: CO-S-MIMI-4-INCA-CALIB-V1.0 ( These data were originally archived under PDS3 in the following volume: COMIMI_I001 =============================================================================== General Comments NOTE 2015-05-27: It was discovered that there was an error in the DATA/*/*.LBL files. The keyword FIELDS had a value of 87. The actual data has 25 fields and the labels describe 25 fields. This was corrected by changing the value of the keyword FIELDS to 25. NOTE: On May 28, 2015 it was discovered that the pointer to the data files used incorrect units for the offsets for the start of objects. Prior to that date pointers used offsets in rows, which is not allowed for spreadsheet objects. Spreadsheet objects require pointer offsets to be given in bytes since the record length is variable. NOTE: During the migration from PDS3 to PDS4 the above mentioned issues have been resolved in the migrated labels. Also discovered was a discrepancy between the PDS3 label data headings and CSV data headings. Please refer to the migrated PDS4 xml label files for the appropriately matching headings to data. During the migration, some data products found in the Angle Image Average (data-iangave_*) collections had data that occured during the INCA out of calibration periods. These products have been removed. The formatting was modified in the following data products: IANGAVE0_M_2015002_02.CSV IANGAVE0_S_2015002_02.CSV IANGAVE0_S_2015003_02.CSV IANGAVE0_T_2015002_02.CSV IANGAVE0_T_2015002_02.CSV The files were modified to correctly fit the headings in the CSV files. The data values themselves remain unchanged. For documentation purposes, the browse collection: Cassini MIMI INCA ENA Sky Map Movies at Saturn (urn:nasa:pds:cassini-mimi-inca-cal:browse-ienamv-movies) are browse products but labeled as document products because MPEG-4 files are not supported under Product_Browse. The valid maximum 65535 is the largest value available for a 16-bit number. There were instances during the mission when INCA data was corrupted by bad memory locations in the Cassini SSR. The valid maximum '1000000.0' is a flagged value by the instrument team where excceding this maximum would result in unphysically high values for the derived intensities which indicate corrupted data.