DATA_SET_ID = "CO-E/J/S/SW-CAPS-5-DDR-DERIVED-V1.0" DATA_SET_NAME = " CASSINI ORBITER SAT/SW CAPS DERIVED V1.0" DATA_SET_COLLECTION_MEMBER_FLG = N START_TIME = 1999-004T00:00:00 STOP_TIME = 2012-154T06:12:17 DATA_SET_RELEASE_DATE = 2013-077 PRODUCER_FULL_NAME = "JUDITH D. FURMAN" DETAILED_CATALOG_FLAG = N DATA_OBJECT_TYPE = "TABLE" CITATION_DESC = " Waite, J.H., Furman, J.D., CASSINI ORBITER SAT/SW CAPS DERIVED V1.0, CO-S/SW-CAPS-5-DDR-DERIVED-V1.0, NASA Planetary Data System, 2013." DATA_SET_TERSE_DESC = "This data set consists of all of the electron moments generated from the Cassini Plasma Spectrometer (CAPS) electron spectrometer uncalibrated data." ABSTRACT_DESC = " This data set consists of all of the electron moments data generated from the Cassini Plasma Spectrometer (CAPS) electron spectrometer uncalibrated data. The data set contains the derived electron moments data as follows: Electron Moments (ELS_3DMOMT) Density, Temperature, Signal to Noise, spacecraft potential, Spacecraft Charge State, Penetrating Radiation info Potentially contains data with Penetrating Radiation correction The uncalibrated data were acquired in a mix of CAPS operating modes beginning with the first instrument checkout in January 1999 and containing throughout the Cassini Tour and through the end of prime mission. The data set covers the time period from 1999-004T03:07:47 UT until end of prime mission (July 2008). In addition, it will cover data received during extended missions. Sampling rates were variable and depended upon the downlink capabilities and other activities on-board. For times when CAPS is not producing data due to being turned off or due to communication issues, the data set will not contain data. Additionally, there will be no data during times when the calculations are not possible." DATA_SET_DESC = " Data Set Overview ================= This data set consists of all of the electron moments data generated from the Cassini Plasma Spectrometer (CAPS) electron spectrometer uncalibrated data. The data set contains the derived electron moments data as follows: Electron Moments (ELS_3DMOMT) Density, Temperature, Signal to Noise, spacecraft potential, Spaacecraft Charge State, Penetrating Radiation info Potentially contains data with Penetrating Radiation correction The uncalibrated data were acquired in a mix of CAPS operating modes beginning with the first instrument checkout in January 1999 and containing throughout the Cassini Tour and through the end of prime mission. The data set covers the time period from 1999-004T03:07:47 UT until end of prime mission (July 2008). In addition, it will cover data received during extended missions. Sampling rates were variable and depended upon the downlink capabilities and other activities on-board. For times when CAPS is not producing data due to being turned off or due to communication issues, the data set will not contain data. Additionally, there will be no data during times when the calculations are not possible. Electron Moment File Discussion ========== First, some notes on the code itself - it assumes a zero bulk flow velocity, due to the limited view of the ELS. Zero velocity in assumed in the spacecraft frame. In plasmas, the zeroth moment gives the density, the first moment gives the bulk flow velocity vector, and the second moment gives a pressure tensor or a temperature tensor. Each moment in turn requires the previous moments, i.e. the velocity moment requires density and the pressure moment requires density and velocity. But as we don't have a 3d sensor (like Cluster), we have to assume the plasma is isotropic, i.e. what you see in one direction you also see in the opposite direction. So, any velocity vector that you measure in one direction will be exactly cancelled by the velocity vector in the opposite direction. So in our case the bulk flow velocity will be zero. In this case the pressure/temperature tensor will become a scalar. Secondly, the calibrated numbers. We have to convert the data into phase space density so we can subtract off the photoelectrons properly. This can be summarized as follows: The ELS accumulation time is 0.0234375s. So: data in counts/sec = data recorded / accumulation time after taking into account telemetry periods where several accumulation periods were summed or averaged. To get the higher calibrated units, which are anode and energy dependent: data in DEF = data in counts/sec / geometric factor data in DNF = data in DEF / (energy * electron charge) data in PSD = (data in DEF * electron mass squared) / (2 * (energy * electron charge) squared) The geometric factor (with efficiency rolled in) can be found in the CALIB directory. The units on geometric factor are str m^2 eV/eV per anode. The updated file is always on the ELS managed web site: For more information, the ELS calibration paper talks in depth about the geometric factor. [LEWISETAL2010] Background subtraction comes from analysis of data from 15th Sep 06, 14th Jan 07 and 17th Jun 07, which assigns background levels per anode based on actuator position. The analysis was published in 2009 in a paper by Arridge et al [ARRIDGEETAL2009]. Here's a summary of what the code does. Read in data, average by A-cycle (and A-cycle is a 32 second instrument cycle). Per A-cycle: Subtract background, taking the actuator position from the mid-point of the A-cycle. Convert data to PSD (phase space density), remove photoelectrons. Remove spacecraft potential (also taken from mid-point of the A-cycle) from instrument energy array Get the radial cell limits for each energy bin in m/s from the spacecraft-potential-subtracted energy array For each bin, density = 4pi/3 * data * (top limit velocity ^3 - bottom limit velocity ^3) Sum all bin densities to get total density. Calculate temperature constant t_const = (4 * mass_electron * pi) / (15 * density * Boltzmann's constant) For each bin, temperature = t_const * data * (top limit velocity ^5 - bottom limit velocity ^5) Sum all bin temperatures to get total temperature. Convert temperature from Kelvin to eV with temperature = temperature * 8.61752d-5 Then get a quality factor by: Get peak energy of a Maxwellian from the actual density and temperature from the moments calculated. Calculate the theoretical peak energy that a Maxwellian would have with the temperature from the calculated moments (identically equal to TWICE the temperature in energy units): kbt = temperature * charge_e And work out the mid-energy of the bin that comes in (energy), and the geometric factor at that energy (geom) Get peak phase space density of same: peak_psd = density*SQRT((mass_e/(2*!PI*kbt))^3)*EXP(-1) Get the peak count rate from that lot: peak_cr=peak_psd*2(energy*charge_e)^2*geom/(mass_e^2) Get the Poissonian error on the peak count rate: std_dev_cr=SQRT(peak_cr/accutime) Roll them into a quality factor: quality_factor=(peak_cr-42.7)/std_dev_cr As a note, 42.7 Hz is the one count level. Data ==== The data are stored in multiple data files and have been organized in folders, first by higher order data type and then by year. Each file contains a maximum of 24 hours of data. Note that data is included in the file based on the start time, and not the end time of the data. Format of the data files can be found in the CAPS instrument archive specification [FURMANETAL2013]. The format can also be found in the .LBL files in the FM/HIGHERORDER/ELEMOMT/YYYY specific directory, co-located with the data. Ancillary Data ============== Ancillary data can be found in the ANC data file provided with the CAPS UNCALIBRATED data set. References ======== [FURMANETAL2005] CAPS standard data products and archive volume software interface specification, Version 1.9, JPL SIS ID: IO-AR-017, Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, TX 78250, 2005. [ARRIDGEETAL2009] The effect of spacecraft radiation sources on electron moments from the Cassini CAPS electron spectrometer, Planetary and Space Science, 57, 854-869, doi:10.1016/j.pss.2009.02.011, 2009. [GURNETTETAL2004] The Cassini Radio and Plasma Wave Investigation, Space Sci. Rev. 114, 395-463, 2004. [LEWISETAL2008] Derivation of density and temperature from the Cassini Huygens CAPS electron spectrometer, Planetary and Space Science, 56, 901-912, doi: 10.1016/j.pss.2007.12.017, 2008. [LEWISETAL2010] The calibration of the Cassini-Huygens CAPS Electron Spectrometer, Plan. and Space Sci., 58, 427?436, doi:10.1016/j.pss.2009.11.008, 2010. [THOMSENETAL2005] Numerical moments computation for CAPS/IMS, Los Alamos National Laboratory Report LA-UR-05-1542, 2005. [THOMSENETAL2010] Survey of ion plasma parameters in Saturn's magnetosphere, J. Geophys. Res., 115, A10220, doi:10.1029/2010JA015267, 2010. [WILSONETAL2012] PDS User's Guide for Cassini Plasma Spectrometer (CAPS), 2012. [YOUNGETAL2004] Cassini Plasma Spectrometer Investigation, Space Sci. Rev. 114, 1-112, 2004." CONFIDENCE_LEVEL_NOTE = " Review ====== These data have been reviewed by the instrument team and are of the highest quality that can be generated at this time. Science results based on these data have been published in several journals (Science, Nature, JGR, etc.). After submission to the PDS, these data will be approved through the peer review process. Data Coverage and Quality ========================= Gaps ---- There are many gaps in the CAPS data stream and there are many different sources for these gaps. Sources of gaps are as follows: a. telemetry outages b. data policing violations (CAPS data volume higher than allocated) c. incorrect spacecraft data management commanding d. telemetry commanding during Cruise e. instrument anomalies f. instrument modes which don't return all data products g. planned instrument power-off and/or sleep periods h. instrument off due to bus imbalance/short issues When there is no data for a time period, one of the above sources is the reason behind the gap. There is no indicator to which of the sources is responsible for the gap in data coverage. Poor Data --------- When the code generating electron moments and spacecraft potential generates data that is outside the expected minimum or maximum, the data is replaced with fill values. Hence, some time periods may appear to have data, but many of records have been filled. The assumption is that the code is working, but enviormental effects do not lend to correct data. Limitations =========== The main limitation for the Electron moments and spacecraft potential files is when the code generates data outside the minimum and maximum values. This limitation will be addressed by the team with further use of the data."