PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 1993-02-01 NOTE = "INFO.TXT describes the contents of this directory." END_OBJECT END Voyager 2 PLS ion fit data in the Uranus magnetosphere. The data are averaged to 48 second resolution and cover the time period 1986-01-24T15:01:48 to 1986-01-24T19:55:24. The data are stored as an IGPP flatfile (4 individual files per flatfile). The data are in the '.DAT' files which are described to the PPI software by the '.DES', '.ABS', and '.HED' files. Each data file has a PDS label file (.LBL) which describes some of the physical properties of the data. There is a single format file (.FMT) which describes the columns of the data files. Also included are two IGPP flatfiles, one called PLS_CUP, which is ancillary data, and one called SUMRY, which is an hourly summary of the percentage of data available with each hour. /-------------------------\ | D A T A | \-------------------------/ Data Files (.DAT extension) =============================================================================== Name Records Cols Len Start Stop ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- T860124 154 15 84 1986-01-24T15:01:48.451Z 1986-01-24T19:55:24.431Z Columns ===================================================== name type description ----------------------------------------------------- ctime float_8 secs since 1966-01-01T00:00:00 pdstime char_24 time in PDS standard format mode char_4 Instrument mode (L or M) den1 float_4 Density for the first fit comp sigden1 float_4 1 sigma uncertainty in den1 den2 float_4 Density for the second fit comp sigden2 float_4 1 sigma uncertainty in den2 den3 float_4 Density for the third fit comp sigden3 float_4 1 sigma uncertainty in den3 wth1 float_4 Therm. spd. for first fit comp sigwth1 float_4 1 sigma uncertainty in wth1 wth2 float_4 Therm. spd. for second fit comp sigwth2 float_4 1 sigma uncertainty in wth2 wth3 float_4 Therm. spd. for third fit comp sigwth3 float_4 1 sigma uncertainty in wth3 Catalog data which includes instrument, dataset, and data parameter descriptions are located at: /DATA/PLS/INST.CAT /DATA/PLS/ION_FIT/48S/DATASET.CAT /DATA/PLS/PARM.CAT =============================================================================== MAX/MIN Statistics for: T860124 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :::::::::::::: T860124.stats :::::::::::::: /=====================================================================\ | D A T A F L O W S T A T I S T I C S | \=====================================================================/ Number of columns in data flow: 15 --------- Aggregate Statistics ---------- Total number of records: 154 /======================================================================\ | COLUMN | MINIMUM | MAXIMUM | AVERAGE | # FLAGS | |======================================================================| |ctime | 6.33193e+08| 6.33211e+08| 6.33203e+08| 0| |den1 | 0| 3.49| 0.505203| 0| |sigden1 | 0| 0.287| 0.0526169| 0| |den2 | 0| 1.05| 0.178996| 0| |sigden2 | 0| 0.22| 0.0275706| 0| |den3 | 0| 0.519| 0.127938| 0| |sigden3 | 0| 0.108| 0.0106981| 0| |wth1 | 0| 76.5| 36.5292| 0| |sigwth1 | 0| 17| 3.81682| 0| |wth2 | 0| 249| 104.318| 0| |sigwth2 | 0| 102| 15.682| 0| |wth3 | 0| 904| 554.058| 0| |sigwth3 | 0| 217| 55.3994| 0| \======================================================================/ /============================================================================\ | | | | | MOST COMMON | NUMBER | | TIME | FIRST | LAST | AVERAGE | INCREMENTS | OF | | COLUMN | VALUE | VALUE | INCREMENT|---------+---------| FLAGS | | | | | | VALUE | COUNT | | |============================================================================| | ctime | 6.33193e+08| 6.33211e+08| 115.137|===================| 0| |----------+ | +----------| 48| 41| | |1986/01/24 15:01:48.451|1986/01/24 19:55:24.431| 47.999| 9| | |-----------------------|-----------------------| 48.001| 7| | | | 144| 6| | | | 96| 5| | | | 192| 4| | | | 124.799| 4| | | | 34.56| 4| | | | 143.999| 4| | | | 32.64| 3| | | | 34.559| 2| | | | 12.241| 2| | | | 124.801| 2| | | | 46| 2| | | | 32.641| 2| | | | 124.8| 2| | | | 98| 2| | | | 157.441| 2| | | | 192.001| 2| | | | 320.641| 2| | | | 159.359| 2| | | | 288| 2| | | | 336| 2| | | | 32.639| 1| | | | 207.361| 1| | | | 240| 1| | | | 80.64| 1| | | | 227.759| 1| | | | 179.759| 1| | | | 495.359| 1| | | | 124.798| 1| | | | 274.56| 1| | | | 80.639| 1| | | | 82.562| 1| | | | 96.001| 1| | | | 95.998| 1| | | | 253.439| 1| | | | 226.561| 1| | | | 397.439| 1| | | | 226.559| 1| | | | 368.64| 1| | | | 227| 1| | | | 50| 1| | | | 120| 1| | | | 36.999| 1| | | | 35.001| 1| | | | 33| 1| | | | 123.998| 1| | | | 35.002| 1| | | | 32.197| 1| | | | 239.999| 1| | | | 383.999| 1| | | | 128.64| 1| | | | 34.561| 1| | | | 141.998| 1| | | | 224.64| 1| | | | 207.36| 1| | | | 226.56| 1| | | | 368.639| 1| | | | 207.359| 1| | | | 320.639| 1| | | | 399.359| 1| | | | 335.999| 1| | \============================================================================/ /-------------------------\ | P L S _ C U P | \-------------------------/ Data Files (.DAT extension) =============================================================================== Name Records Cols Len Start Stop ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLS_CUP 621 6 48 1986-01-24T15:01:48.451Z 1986-01-24T19:55:24.431Z Columns ===================================================== name type description ----------------------------------------------------- ctime float_8 secs since 1966-01-01T00:00:00 pdstime char_24 time in PDS standard format cup char_4 Cup Identifier nchanset integer_4 Num of diff sets of channel fits start_ch integer_4 Starting channel in set for cup stop_ch integer_4 Ending channel in set for cup =============================================================================== MAX/MIN Statistics for: PLS_CUP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :::::::::::::: PLS_CUP.stats :::::::::::::: /=====================================================================\ | D A T A F L O W S T A T I S T I C S | \=====================================================================/ Number of columns in data flow: 6 --------- Aggregate Statistics ---------- Total number of records: 621 /======================================================================\ | COLUMN | MINIMUM | MAXIMUM | AVERAGE | # FLAGS | |======================================================================| |ctime | 6.33193e+08| 6.33211e+08| 6.33203e+08| 0| |nchanset | 0| 2| 0.402576| 0| |start_ch | 0| 96| 1.50564| 0| |stop_ch | 0| 128| 8.219| 0| \======================================================================/ /============================================================================\ | | | | | MOST COMMON | NUMBER | | TIME | FIRST | LAST | AVERAGE | INCREMENTS | OF | | COLUMN | VALUE | VALUE | INCREMENT|---------+---------| FLAGS | | | | | | VALUE | COUNT | | |============================================================================| | ctime | 6.33193e+08| 6.33211e+08| 28.4129|===================| 0| |----------+ | +----------| 0| 467| | |1986/01/24 15:01:48.451|1986/01/24 19:55:24.431| 48| 41| | |-----------------------|-----------------------| 47.999| 9| | | | 48.001| 7| | | | 144| 6| | | | 96| 5| | | | 192| 4| | | | 124.799| 4| | | | 34.56| 4| | | | 143.999| 4| | | | 32.64| 3| | | | 34.559| 2| | | | 12.241| 2| | | | 124.801| 2| | | | 46| 2| | | | 32.641| 2| | | | 124.8| 2| | | | 98| 2| | | | 157.441| 2| | | | 192.001| 2| | | | 320.641| 2| | | | 159.359| 2| | | | 288| 2| | | | 336| 2| | | | 32.639| 1| | | | 207.361| 1| | | | 240| 1| | | | 80.64| 1| | | | 227.759| 1| | | | 179.759| 1| | | | 495.359| 1| | | | 124.798| 1| | | | 274.56| 1| | | | 80.639| 1| | | | 82.562| 1| | | | 96.001| 1| | | | 95.998| 1| | | | 253.439| 1| | | | 226.561| 1| | | | 397.439| 1| | | | 226.559| 1| | | | 368.64| 1| | | | 227| 1| | | | 50| 1| | | | 120| 1| | | | 36.999| 1| | | | 35.001| 1| | | | 33| 1| | | | 123.998| 1| | | | 35.002| 1| | | | 32.197| 1| | | | 239.999| 1| | | | 383.999| 1| | | | 128.64| 1| | | | 34.561| 1| | | | 141.998| 1| | | | 224.64| 1| | | | 207.36| 1| | | | 226.56| 1| | | | 368.639| 1| | | | 207.359| 1| | | | 320.639| 1| | | | 399.359| 1| | | | 335.999| 1| | \============================================================================/ /-------------------------\ | S U M R Y | \-------------------------/ Data Files (.DAT extension) =============================================================================== Name Records Cols Len Start Stop ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMRY 5 7 84 1986-01-24T16:00:12.447Z 1986-01-24T19:55:24.431Z Columns ===================================================== name type description ----------------------------------------------------- Data_ID char_40 Data ID Start float_8 Start Mode char_20 Mode ID Percent float_4 Percent Quality integer_4 Quality Contam integer_4 Contam NumGood integer_4 Num good intervals in hr (avail =============================================================================== MAX/MIN Statistics for: SUMRY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :::::::::::::: SUMRY.stats :::::::::::::: /=====================================================================\ | D A T A F L O W S T A T I S T I C S | \=====================================================================/ Number of columns in data flow: 7 --------- Aggregate Statistics ---------- Total number of records: 5 /======================================================================\ | COLUMN | MINIMUM | MAXIMUM | AVERAGE | # FLAGS | |======================================================================| |Start | 6.33197e+08| 6.33211e+08| 6.33204e+08| 0| |Percent | 84| 218.667| 165.6| 0| |Quality | -1| -1| -1| 0| |Contam | -1| -1| -1| 0| |NumGood | 378| 984| 745.2| 0| \======================================================================/ /============================================================================\ | | | | | MOST COMMON | NUMBER | | TIME | FIRST | LAST | AVERAGE | INCREMENTS | OF | | COLUMN | VALUE | VALUE | INCREMENT|---------+---------| FLAGS | | | | | | VALUE | COUNT | | |============================================================================| | Start | 6.33197e+08| 6.33211e+08| 3528|===================| 0| |----------+ | +----------| 3168| 1| | |1986/01/24 16:00:12.447|1986/01/24 19:55:24.431| 3744| 1| | |-----------------------|-----------------------| 3600| 1| | | | 3600| 1| | \============================================================================/