PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = FIXED_LENGTH RECORD_BYTES = 80 OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 1981-04-23 NOTE = "Timeline for Voyager 2 Saturn Radio Science Events. This is Table A-1 in the Voyager 2 Saturn Encounter Radio Science Operations Plan (JPL Document 618-828; see also OP2S_TXT.LBL in the DOCUMENT directory of this archival volume." END_OBJECT = TEXT END TABLE A-1 MAJOR EVENT SUMMARY FOR SATURN AND RINGS, (Note: All times are approximate-- the ISOE is the controlling document.) TIME (ERT) EVENT 04:01 1. Fix subreflector focus for 450 elevation. 04:11 2. Begin roll turn to clear VRDYN obscuration. X-band signal begins gradual 1 dB decrease. 04:17 3. Turn CONSCAN off. 04:18 4. End roll turn. 04:25 5. Start MB and WB recording. Begin collection of open-loop S/X data for calibration purposes. 04:35 6. Begin FSMAN3 roll turn. X-band signal gradually decreases 2 dB, then gradually increases 1 dB. 04:52 7. End roll turn. 04:54 8. S/C executes boresight correction turn. X-band signal increases to pre-roll level. 04:59 9. Configure downlink for occultation. TWTA power modes changed to S-HI/X-LO. S/X telemetry drivers and ranging channels off. (Net signal increases of 10.3 dB S-band 13.1 dB X-band.) 05:03 10. TWNC On. S/C switches to stable on-board frequency reference (USO) for occultation measurement. Ground station goes to non-coherent two-way tracking. 05:10 11. Begin ionospheric occultation. Measurement of topside ionosphere primarily affects S/X doppler; signal levels stable. 05:24 12. Ionospheric occultation (entrance). Complex signal structure expected. Large 4/23/81 TABLE A-1 (Continued) signal level fluctuations and possibly large frequency excursions observed. 05:27 13. Nominal start of atmospheric occultation. Rapid decrease in S/X signal levels during first few minutes with probable large excursions in doppler pseudo-residuals. Signal dynamics can be monitored with SSI for at least several minutes. Part I of limb-tracking maneuver begins. 05:31 14. Probable loss of S/X signal. 05:32 15. End of limb-tracking maneuver (Part I). Latest possible loss of X-band signal. 05:39 16. Latest possible loss of S-band signal. 06:27 17. Begin ring-scatter experiment. S/C maneuvers to track rings while behind planet. Only signals scattered by rings will reach Earth, may be too weak to observe on SSI. 06:52 18. End of ring-tracking maneuver. Perform yaw turn to position S/C for start of limb-tracking maneuver, Part II. Earliest possible reappearance of S-band signal on SSI. 06:54 19. Begin limb-tracking maneuver (Part II). Earliest possible reappearance of X-band signal on SSI. 06:57 20. Probable reappearance of S/X signals. Rapid signal strength increase. 07:01 21. Exit atmospheric occultation. End limb-tracking maneuver (Part II). S/X signals return to pre-occultation levels. 07:04 22. Exit ionospheric occultation. Possible large fluctuation in signal strength and frequency. 07:07 23. S/C executes roll turn to align UVS slit. Negligible change in signal strength expected. 4/23/81 TABLE A-1 (Continued) 07:08 24. End roll turn. 07:10 25. S/C boresight correction turn. Negligible change in signal strength expected. 07:26 26. S/C executes mini-ASCAL turns. X-band signal varies 5.6 dB or more; S-band signal varies 0.3 dB or more. 07:33 27. End mini-ASCAL turns. 07:34 28. Reconfigure downlink for telemetry and ranging. TWTA power modes changed to X-HI/S-LO. S/X telemetry drivers and ranging channels on. (Net signal decreases of 10.3 dB S-band and 13.1 dB X-band.) 07:39 29. Possible change from one-way to two-way tracking. (Depends upon successful real- time commanding of a TWNC-off command.) Beginning of Tethys mass determination. 07:41 30. Resume normal subreflector refocusing. 07:42 31. Turn CONSCAN on. 08:00 32. End MB and WB recording. 4/23/81