Voyager 2 Ephemeris Data (EPHEM)

This directory provides the ephemeris data in both Heliographic (RTN) and Kronographic (L1) coordinates during the Voyager 2 Saturn encounter between 1981-08-23 to 1981-09-02. There are two versions of the ephemeris data available. One was generated by the Voyager MAG team from Voyager 2 SEDR (SEDR_HG.TAB and SEDR_L1_.TAB), the other, produced by the PDS/PPI node using Voyager 2 SPICE (SPICE_HG.TAB and SPICE_L1.TAB). Voyager 2 Saturn Flyby Trajectory Overview plots are also provided in X-Y, X-Z, and Y-Z planes. Saturn has a spin period of about 10 hours.

Voyager 2 Mission Document
Instrument Host Document
Reference Information

Voyager 2 Saturn Flyby Trajectory Overview Plots: X-Y Plane, X-Z Plane, Y-Z Plane
SPICE data

INFO.TXT - General and statistical information regarding this data set

DataPDS LabelContentsData PlotDescription
SEDR_HG SEDR_HG 96 sec res. ephemeris data from SEDR in RTN for 8/24/81-9/2/81 6 Saturnian-Day Plot HG
SPICE_HG SPICE_HG 96 sec res. ephemeris data from SPICE in RTN for 8/24/81-9/2/81 6 Saturnian-Day Plot
SEDR_L1 SEDR_L1 96 sec res. ephemeris data from SEDR in L1 for 8/23/81-8/29/81 6 Saturnian-Day Plot L1
SPICE_L1 SPICE_L1 96 sec res. ephemeris data from SPICE in L1 for 8/23/81-8/29/81 6 Saturnian-Day Plot

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