PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 1991-02-01 NOTE = "IOWADESC.TXT describes the original submission of the PWS Neptune 48 second browse data on 9-track tape and the contents of each file." END_OBJECT END OBJECT = VOLUME DATA_SET_ID = 'VG2-N-PWS-4-SA-48.0SEC' NOTE = " This data set consists of 48-second calibrated, averaged wave electric field intensities from the Voyager 2 Plasma Wave Receiver spectrum analyzer obtained in the vicinity of the Neptunian magnetosphere. This volume is part of a volume set of 12 volumes containing data sets from the Voyager Plasma Wave Spectrometer instrument. Each data set contains either 4-second raw data or 48-second averaged data, and represents a specific encounter period (Voyager 1, Jupiter; Voyager 2, Jupiter; Voyager 1, Saturn; Voyager 2, Saturn; Voyager 2, Uranus; or Voyager 2, Neptune), resulting in a total of 12 data sets. Each data set consists of: 1. a VOLDESC.SFD file, which provides a file directory and catalog information about the instrument and data set contents. 2. supplementary format and calibration files. 3. the data files themselves, which are organized by UTC day." NAME = PWS010 MEDIA = TAPE TAPE_DENSITY = 6250 TAPES = 1 TAPE_SEQUENCE_NUMBER = 1 PROCESS_NAME = COPY FORMAT = ANSI BLOCK_BYTES = 1800 HARDWARE_NAME = "VAX 11/780" OPERATING_SYSTEM_NAME = "VMS 5.3-1" FILES = 12 DATE = 1991-02-01 OBJECT = DIRECTORY NAME = ROOT OBJECT = FILE NAME = 'VOLDESC.SFD' RECORD_TYPE = STREAM END_OBJECT = FILE OBJECT = FILE NAME = 'VGRPWSEB.LBL' RECORD_TYPE = STREAM END_OBJECT = FILE OBJECT = FILE NAME = 'V2PWS233.BRO' RECORD_TYPE = FIXED_LENGTH RECORD_BYTES = 180 FILE_RECORDS = 1793 SPACECRAFT_NAME = VOYAGER_2 INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID = VG2 MISSION_PHASE_NAME = NEPTUNE_ENCOUNTER TARGET_NAME = NEPTUNE INSTRUMENT_NAME = PLASMA_WAVE_RECEIVER INSTRUMENT_ID = PWS INSTRUMENT_MODE_ID = 'GS3GAINHI/WFMPWRON' DATA_SET_ID = 'VG2-N-PWS-4-SA-48.0SEC' EVENT_START_TIME = 1989-08-21 EVENT_STOP_TIME = 1989-08-22 OBJECT = TABLE ROWS = 1793 ^STRUCTURE = 'VGRPWSEB.LBL' END_OBJECT = TABLE END_OBJECT = FILE OBJECT = FILE NAME = 'V2PWS234.BRO' RECORD_TYPE = FIXED_LENGTH RECORD_BYTES = 180 FILE_RECORDS = 1794 SPACECRAFT_NAME = VOYAGER_2 INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID = VG2 MISSION_PHASE_NAME = NEPTUNE_ENCOUNTER TARGET_NAME = NEPTUNE INSTRUMENT_NAME = PLASMA_WAVE_RECEIVER INSTRUMENT_ID = PWS INSTRUMENT_MODE_ID = 'GS3GAINHI/WFMPWRON' DATA_SET_ID = 'VG2-N-PWS-4-SA-48.0SEC' EVENT_START_TIME = 1989-08-22 EVENT_STOP_TIME = 1989-08-23 OBJECT = TABLE ROWS = 1794 ^STRUCTURE = 'VGRPWSEB.LBL' END_OBJECT = TABLE END_OBJECT = FILE OBJECT = FILE NAME = 'V2PWS235.BRO' RECORD_TYPE = FIXED_LENGTH RECORD_BYTES = 180 FILE_RECORDS = 1788 SPACECRAFT_NAME = VOYAGER_2 INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID = VG2 MISSION_PHASE_NAME = NEPTUNE_ENCOUNTER TARGET_NAME = NEPTUNE INSTRUMENT_NAME = PLASMA_WAVE_RECEIVER INSTRUMENT_ID = PWS INSTRUMENT_MODE_ID = 'GS3GAINHI/WFMPWRON' DATA_SET_ID = 'VG2-N-PWS-4-SA-48.0SEC' EVENT_START_TIME = 1989-08-23 EVENT_STOP_TIME = 1989-08-24 OBJECT = TABLE ROWS = 1788 ^STRUCTURE = 'VGRPWSEB.LBL' END_OBJECT = TABLE END_OBJECT = FILE OBJECT = FILE NAME = 'V2PWS236.BRO' RECORD_TYPE = FIXED_LENGTH RECORD_BYTES = 180 FILE_RECORDS = 1790 SPACECRAFT_NAME = VOYAGER_2 INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID = VG2 MISSION_PHASE_NAME = NEPTUNE_ENCOUNTER TARGET_NAME = NEPTUNE INSTRUMENT_NAME = PLASMA_WAVE_RECEIVER INSTRUMENT_ID = PWS INSTRUMENT_MODE_ID = 'GS3GAINHI/WFMPWRON' DATA_SET_ID = 'VG2-N-PWS-4-SA-48.0SEC' EVENT_START_TIME = 1989-08-24 EVENT_STOP_TIME = 1989-08-25 OBJECT = TABLE ROWS = 1790 ^STRUCTURE = 'VGRPWSEB.LBL' END_OBJECT = TABLE END_OBJECT = FILE OBJECT = FILE NAME = 'V2PWS237.BRO' RECORD_TYPE = FIXED_LENGTH RECORD_BYTES = 180 FILE_RECORDS = 1799 SPACECRAFT_NAME = VOYAGER_2 INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID = VG2 MISSION_PHASE_NAME = NEPTUNE_ENCOUNTER TARGET_NAME = NEPTUNE INSTRUMENT_NAME = PLASMA_WAVE_RECEIVER INSTRUMENT_ID = PWS INSTRUMENT_MODE_ID = 'GS3GAINHI/WFMPWRON' DATA_SET_ID = 'VG2-N-PWS-4-SA-48.0SEC' EVENT_START_TIME = 1989-08-25 EVENT_STOP_TIME = 1989-08-26 OBJECT = TABLE ROWS = 1799 ^STRUCTURE = 'VGRPWSEB.LBL' END_OBJECT = TABLE END_OBJECT = FILE OBJECT = FILE NAME = 'V2PWS238.BRO' RECORD_TYPE = FIXED_LENGTH RECORD_BYTES = 180 FILE_RECORDS = 1797 SPACECRAFT_NAME = VOYAGER_2 INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID = VG2 MISSION_PHASE_NAME = NEPTUNE_ENCOUNTER TARGET_NAME = NEPTUNE INSTRUMENT_NAME = PLASMA_WAVE_RECEIVER INSTRUMENT_ID = PWS INSTRUMENT_MODE_ID = 'GS3GAINHI/WFMPWRON' DATA_SET_ID = 'VG2-N-PWS-4-SA-48.0SEC' EVENT_START_TIME = 1989-08-26 EVENT_STOP_TIME = 1989-08-27 OBJECT = TABLE ROWS = 1797 ^STRUCTURE = 'VGRPWSEB.LBL' END_OBJECT = TABLE END_OBJECT = FILE OBJECT = FILE NAME = 'V2PWS239.BRO' RECORD_TYPE = FIXED_LENGTH RECORD_BYTES = 180 FILE_RECORDS = 1797 SPACECRAFT_NAME = VOYAGER_2 INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID = VG2 MISSION_PHASE_NAME = NEPTUNE_ENCOUNTER TARGET_NAME = NEPTUNE INSTRUMENT_NAME = PLASMA_WAVE_RECEIVER INSTRUMENT_ID = PWS INSTRUMENT_MODE_ID = 'GS3GAINHI/WFMPWRON' DATA_SET_ID = 'VG2-N-PWS-4-SA-48.0SEC' EVENT_START_TIME = 1989-08-27 EVENT_STOP_TIME = 1989-08-28 OBJECT = TABLE ROWS = 1797 ^STRUCTURE = 'VGRPWSEB.LBL' END_OBJECT = TABLE END_OBJECT = FILE OBJECT = FILE NAME = 'V2PWS240.BRO' RECORD_TYPE = FIXED_LENGTH RECORD_BYTES = 180 FILE_RECORDS = 1791 SPACECRAFT_NAME = VOYAGER_2 INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID = VG2 MISSION_PHASE_NAME = NEPTUNE_ENCOUNTER TARGET_NAME = NEPTUNE INSTRUMENT_NAME = PLASMA_WAVE_RECEIVER INSTRUMENT_ID = PWS INSTRUMENT_MODE_ID = 'GS3GAINHI/WFMPWRON' DATA_SET_ID = 'VG2-N-PWS-4-SA-48.0SEC' EVENT_START_TIME = 1989-08-28 EVENT_STOP_TIME = 1989-08-29 OBJECT = TABLE ROWS = 1791 ^STRUCTURE = 'VGRPWSEB.LBL' END_OBJECT = TABLE END_OBJECT = FILE OBJECT = FILE NAME = 'V2PWS241.BRO' RECORD_TYPE = FIXED_LENGTH RECORD_BYTES = 180 FILE_RECORDS = 1800 SPACECRAFT_NAME = VOYAGER_2 INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID = VG2 MISSION_PHASE_NAME = NEPTUNE_ENCOUNTER TARGET_NAME = NEPTUNE INSTRUMENT_NAME = PLASMA_WAVE_RECEIVER INSTRUMENT_ID = PWS INSTRUMENT_MODE_ID = 'GS3GAINHI/WFPWRON' DATA_SET_ID = 'VG2-N-PWS-4-SA-48.0SEC' EVENT_START_TIME = 1989-08-29 EVENT_STOP_TIME = 1989-08-30 OBJECT = TABLE ROWS = 1800 ^STRUCTURE = 'VGRPWSEB.LBL' END_OBJECT = TABLE END_OBJECT = FILE OBJECT = FILE NAME ='V2PWS242.BRO' RECORD_TYPE = FIXED_LENGTH RECORD_BYTES = 180 FILE_RECORDS = 1794 SPACECRAFT_NAME = VOYAGER_2 INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID = VG2 MISSION_PHASE_NAME = NEPTUNE_ENCOUNTER TARGET_NAME = NEPTUNE INSTRUMENT_NAME = PLASMA_WAVE_RECEIVER INSTRUMENT_ID = PWS INSTRUMENT_MODE_ID = 'GS3GAINHI/WFMPWRON' DATA_SET_ID = 'VG2-N-PWS-4-SA-48.0SEC' EVENT_START_TIME = 1989-08-30 EVENT_STOP_TIME = 1989-08-31 OBJECT = TABLE ROWS = 1794 ^STRUCTURE = 'VGRPWSEB.LBL' END_OBJECT = TABLE END_OBJECT = FILE NJPL1K00PDS100037668 = SFDU_LABEL OBJECT = CATALOG OBJECT = DATASET DATA_SET_ID = 'VG2-N-PWS-4-SA-48.0SEC' OBJECT = DATASETINFO DATA_SET_NAME = "VOYAGER 2 NEPTUNE PLASMA WAVE SPECTROMETER RESAMP SPEC 48.0SEC" EVENT_START_TIME = 1989-08-21T00:00:00Z EVENT_STOP_TIME = 1989-08-31T00:00:00Z NATIVE_START_TIME = 11265.22 NATIVE_STOP_TIME = 11565.22 DATA_OBJECT_TYPE = TIME_SERIES DATA_SET_RELEASE_DATE = 1991-04-10 PROCESSING_LEVEL_ID = 4 PRODUCER_FULL_NAME = "DR. WILLIAM S. KURTH" PRODUCER_INSTITUTION_NAME = "THE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA" SOFTWARE_FLAG = Y DETAILED_CATALOG_FLAG = Y PROCESSING_START_TIME = 1991-04-01 PROCESSING_STOP_TIME = 'N/A' DATA_SET_DESC = " This data set consists of 48-second calibrated, averaged wave electric field intensities from the Voyager 2 Plasma Wave Receiver spectrum analyzer obtained in the vicinity of the Neptunian magnetosphere. For each 48-second interval, a geometric average field strength is determined for each of the 16 spectrum analyzer channels whose center frequencies range from 10 Hertz to 56.2 kiloHertz and which are logarithmically spaced in frequency, four channels per decade. The time associated with each set of averages is the beginning of the averating interval. Averages are stored in units of volt/meter. During data gaps where complete 48-second intervals are missing, no entries exist in the file, that is, the gaps are not zero-filled or tagged in any other way. Additional information about this dataset and the instrument which produced it can be found elsewhere in this catalog. An overview of the data in this data set can be found in Gurnett et al. [1986] and a complete instrument description can be found in Scarf and Gurnett [1977]." CONFIDENCE_LEVEL_NOTE = " This data set includes all available spectrum analyzer data within the interval of time covered. The data set has been cleaned as well as possible for periodic noise spikes due to a stepper motor operating on the LECP and a modulated grid within the PLS. The averages do not include these noise spikes. Other possible sources of noise which have not been eliminated include random intense spikes of noise below 1 kiloHertz due to the operation of attitude control thrusters. Other randomly occurring spikes or time periods of intense spikes over the entire frequency range are indicative of telemetry errors. No attempt has been made to remove spikes since some could be valid data, i.e. real bursts of wave activity. The 17.8-Hz channel is sometimes contaminated by interference from the PRA instrument, depending on that instrument's mode. This interference is at a relatively constant level. A failure in the Voyager 2 flight data system a few months after launch has decreased the sensitivity and the calibration accuracy of the upper 8 spectrum analyzer channels (i.e. 1 kiloHertz and higher). During the closest approach to Neptune, an enhancement of the periodic PLS noise was observed and has remained unchanged through the end of the Neptune encounter. This interference occurs in the 100 Hz channel." END_OBJECT = DATASETINFO OBJECT = DATASETTARG TARGET_NAME = NEPTUNE END_OBJECT = DATASETTARG OBJECT = DSPARMINFO SAMPLING_PARAMETER_NAME = TIME SAMPLING_PARAMETER_RESOLUTION = 48.0 MINIMUM_SAMPLING_PARAMETER = 1977-08-20T15:53:00Z MAXIMUM_SAMPLING_PARAMETER = 'N/A' SAMPLING_PARAMETER_INTERVAL = 48.0 MINIMUM_AVAILABLE_SAMPLING_INT = 4.0 SAMPLING_PARAMETER_UNIT = SECOND DATA_SET_PARAMETER_NAME = "PLASMA WAVE SPECTRUM" NOISE_LEVEL = 0.000005 DATA_SET_PARAMETER_UNIT = 'V/m' END_OBJECT = DSPARMINFO OBJECT = SCDATASET INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID = VG2 INSTRUMENT_ID = PWS END_OBJECT = SCDATASET OBJECT = DSREFINFO REFERENCE_KEY_ID = GURNETTETAL1989 OBJECT = REFERENCE DOCUMENT_TOPIC_TYPE = "VG2 PWS NEPTUNE OVERVIEW" JOURNAL_NAME = SCIENCE PUBLICATION_DATE = 1989-12-15 REFERENCE_DESC = " Gurnett, D. A., W. S. Kurth, R. L. Poynter, L. J. Granroth, I. H. Cairns, W. M. Macek, S. L. Moses, F. V. Coroniti, C. F. Kennel, and D. D. Barbosa, First plasma wave observations at Neptune, Science, 246, 1494, 1989." OBJECT = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "DR. DONALD A. GURNETT" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS OBJECT = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "DR. WILLIAM S. KURTH" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS OBJECT = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "DR. ROBERT L. POYNTER" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS OBJECT = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "MR. LARRY J. GRANROTH" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS OBJECT = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "DR. IVAR H. CAIRNS" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS OBJECT = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "DR. WIESLAW M. MACEK" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS OBJECT = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "DR. STEWART L. MOSES" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS OBJECT = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "DR. FERDINAND V. CORONITI" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS OBJECT = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "DR. CHARLES F. KENNEL" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS OBJECT = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "DR. DAVID D. BARBOSA" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS END_OBJECT = REFERENCE END_OBJECT = DSREFINFO END_OBJECT = DATASET OBJECT = DSPROCESSING SOURCE_DATA_SET_ID = 'VG2-N-PWS-2-SA-4.0SEC' SOFTWARE_NAME = V2U48 PRODUCT_DATA_SET_ID = 'VG2-N-PWS-4-SA-48.0SEC' END_OBJECT = DSPROCESSING OBJECT = SOFTWARE SOFTWARE_NAME = V2U48 NODE_ID = "F&P-IOWA" SOFTWARE_RELEASE_DATE = 1988-08-01 SOFTWARE_TYPE = FORTRAN COGNIZANT_FULL_NAME = "MR. LARRY J. GRANROTH" SOFTWARE_ACCESSABILITY_DESC = "NOT FOR PUBLIC USE" SOFTWARE_DESC = " V2U48 is a specialized, hard-coded routine to process a specific interval of Voyager 2 PWS spectrum analyzer data around Uranus encounter. Input is from MSF or CD data sets produced and stored at the University of Iowa, and output is to ASCII text files which are compatible with PDS data loading procedures. These files contain information corresponding to the VG2-N-PWS-4-SA-48.0SEC data set." END_OBJECT = SOFTWARE OBJECT = SCINSTRUMENT SPACECRAFT_ID = VG2 INSTRUMENT_ID = PWS OBJECT = INSTINFO INSTRUMENT_NAME = "PLASMA WAVE RECEIVER" INSTRUMENT_TYPE = "PLASMA WAVE SPECTROMETER" PI_PDS_USER_ID = DGURNETT NAIF_DATA_SET_ID = 'N/A' BUILD_DATE = 1976-11-28 INSTRUMENT_MASS = 1.4 INSTRUMENT_HEIGHT = 0.048 INSTRUMENT_LENGTH = 0.318 INSTRUMENT_WIDTH = 0.185 INSTRUMENT_MANUFACTURER_NAME = "THE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA" INSTRUMENT_SERIAL_NUMBER = 3 INSTRUMENT_DESC = " The Plasma Wave Receiver on Voyager consists of both a 16-channel spectrum analyzer covering the range of 10 Hertz to 56.2 kiloHertz and a wideband waveform receiver which returns the waveform of waves in the frequency range of 40 Hertz to 12 kiloHertz. The spectrum analyzer provides data on a continual basis with a maximum temporal resolution of one spectrum per 4 seconds. The waveform receiver returns 4-bit samples of the electric field measured at a rate of 28,800 samples per second. Because of the very high data rate, the waveform samples must be transmitted in the same manner as the Voyager imaging information. At Jupiter, some 10,000 48-second waveform frames were obtained. At Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune, the number of frames obtained was very small due to the lower telemetry rates available at the greater distances of those planets." SCIENTIFIC_OBJECTIVES_SUMMARY = " The primary science objective of the Voyager plasma wave investigation is to make the first surveys of the plasma wave and low frequency radio wave spectra in the magnetospheres of the outer planets: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Plasma waves participate in a fundamental manner in the dynamics of planetary magnetospheres and in the interactions of that magnetosphere with the external solar wind and internal perturbations such as those induced by satellites interior to the magnetosphere. Plasma waves also provide diagnostic information about the plasma environment near the planets including such parameters as electron density and sometimes temperature. The instrument is also sensitive to low frequency radio emissions and, therefore, acts as a low frequency extension to the Planetary Radio Astronomy investigation. Radio waves are often the only means of remotely observing regions of plasma not accessible to the spacecraft and also lead to remote diagnostics of plasma conditions. The plasma wave receivers are also sensitive to the results of small dust particles impacting on various parts of the spacecraft at high velocities and, hence, provide a direct measure of the rate of impact, the density of the dust, and an estimate of the mass distribution of dust in the vicinity of the large planets, especially those with rings and otherwise dusty environments. Finally, the Plasma Wave Receiver will characterize the plasma wave and radio wave spectrum of the outer heliosphere and perhaps beyond, extending our understanding of solar wind plasma processes and wave-particle interactions to several tens of Astronomical Units." INSTRUMENT_CALIBRATION_DESC = " The Voyager plasma wave receiver spectrum analyzers were calibrated by first establishing a relationship between input voltage (of a sine wave at the filter center frequency) and output voltage and second by measuring the effective bandwidth of the filter. The bandwidth is measured by applying a random noise signal of known spectral density and by measuring the output voltage which, by the first part of the calibration, is related to the rms voltage of a sine wave. Dividing the equivalent sine wave voltage squared by the input spectral density gives a bandwidth. This procedure is repeated for each of the frequency channels. A special calibration problem exists for the upper 8 frequency channels (1 kiloHertz and above) due to a failure of a 'tree switch' in the Flight Data System. An in-flight recalibration was attempted by using a Solar type III radio burst observed by both Voyager 1 and 2. The recalibration has known deficiencies, but it has been impossible to date to improve on them. The deficiencies include 'flat-topped' emissions where the emission appears to grow in amplitude up to some plateau level and then stay artificially flat for long periods of time. The background level for each of the channels can vary in step-level fashion based on a number of engineering parameters which utilize the same failed circuitry. Other results of the tree-switch recalibration is that the instrument sensitivity is decreased by some amount which is not well known and the absolute calibration could be off as well. The calibration validity could be a function of frequency since some channels' (mostly the upper 3 channels, 17.8 kHz and above) calibration has been verified with the PRA, but others have not and seem internally inconsistent with the lower frequency, unaffected channels." OPERATIONAL_CONSID_DESC = " The primary operational considerations of the PWS include maintaining the proper operating mode and obtaining waveform samples as often as the spacecraft tape recorder/downlink capabilities allow. The standard instrument mode is with Waveform Power On and Input Gain State Hi. For encounter periods, this corresponds to GS3GAINHI/WFMPWRON. Since there has never been a period when the signal levels were so high as to require the Low input gain state, and it is highly unlikely that such levels will ever be encountered, Low Input Gain State should never be selected. As long as there is power margin available, it is most straightforward to leave the Waveform Receiver Power on. The power consumption is less than 0.5 Watt for this section, hence, the power savings afforded by turning it off is not large. The most involved operational consideration is providing for the transmission of waveform data to the ground. At Jupiter, the majority of the waveform data could be sent directly to the ground via the 115200 bps downlink. This capability disappeared after Jupiter, however, because of the greater distance to the spacecraft, hence, lower telecon rates. Since operating the A/D converter at a rate less than 28800 Hertz would result in aliasing, it is necessary to record the data at the 115200 bps rate on the spacecraft tape recorder using the appropriate data mode and playback the recorded data at a lower rate, commensurate with the link capabilities. Again, a choice of the proper playback mode is required. Since the data modes available on the spacecraft are highly dependent on mission phase, these modes are not described here." END_OBJECT = INSTINFO OBJECT = INSTDETECT DETECTOR_ID = "PWS ANTENNA" DETECTOR_TYPE = "DIPOLE ANTENNA" DETECTOR_ASPECT_RATIO = 'N/A' MINIMUM_WAVELENGTH = 'N/A' MAXIMUM_WAVELENGTH = 'N/A' NOMINAL_OPERATING_TEMPERATURE = 298 DETECTOR_DESC = " The PWS uses a pair of 10 meter antenna elements as a balanced dipole antenna. The two elements are extended from the spacecraft at right angles to each other. (The elements are shared with the Planetary Radio Astronomy instrument, which uses them as a pair of monopoles so that measurements of the degree of right and left hand circular polarization can be made.) The PWS measures the voltage difference between the two elements which, when coupled with the effective length of the antenna system (7.07 m) yields an electric field strength in units of volt/meter. The antenna system has the usual dipole antenna pattern which yields nearly 4*pi steradians in its field of view, although there is a range of fields of view where the detector response drops dramatically as one expects from a dipole pattern." SENSITIVITY_DESC = " The PWS antenna, used as a balanced dipole with an effective length of 7.07 meters gives a sensitivity to fluctuating (wave) electric fields down to the range of 5.E-6 volt/meter. Even though the antenna elements are extended orthogonally to each other, the antenna pattern is still a dipole since the elements are short with respect to the wavelengths of the waves. The presence of the various parts of the spacecraft in close proximity to the antenna can result in a distorted pattern, but this has not been studied in the frequency range of the PWS." END_OBJECT = INSTDETECT OBJECT = INSTELEC ELECTRONICS_ID = PWS ELECTRONICS_DESC = " The PWS electronics system consists of three basic sections. The first is the power supply system which regulates and filters the 28 volt, 2400 Hertz spacecraft power supply and provides DC voltages to the remainder of the instrument electronics. The second section is the spectrum analyzer which consists of two banks of 8 narrowband filters, and two logarithmic detectors, each of which provides an analog voltage proportional to the log of the signal strength delivered to the detector from any of the eight filters it services. The analog outputs from these two compressors, as they are called, are sent to the Flight Data System of the spacecraft for conversion to an 8-bit digital value. The spacecraft steps the inputs to the two compressors periodically (once per 0.5 seconds in GS3 or encounter mode) so that signal strengths in each of the 16 channels is measured over a 4-second interval. The third section consists of a single broadband filter of 40 Hertz to 12 kiloHertz, an automatic gain controlled amplifier, and a 4-bit A/D converter. This section digitizes the electric field waveform at a 28800 Hertz rate. The output amplitude is controlled by the automatic gain control in order to keep the signals within the useful range provided by the 4-bit digitization." END_OBJECT = INSTELEC OBJECT = INSTFILTER FILTER_NUMBER = 'N/A' FILTER_NAME = 'N/A' FILTER_TYPE = 'N/A' MINIMUM_WAVELENGTH = 'N/A' CENTER_FILTER_WAVELENGTH = 'N/A' MAXIMUM_WAVELENGTH = 'N/A' MEASUREMENT_WAVE_CALBRT_DESC = 'N/A' END_OBJECT = INSTFILTER OBJECT = INSTOPTICS TELESCOPE_ID = 'N/A' TELESCOPE_FOCAL_LENGTH = 'N/A' TELESCOPE_DIAMETER = 'N/A' TELESCOPE_F_NUMBER = 'N/A' TELESCOPE_RESOLUTION = 'N/A' TELESCOPE_TRANSMITTANCE = 'N/A' TELESCOPE_T_NUMBER = 'N/A' TELESCOPE_T_NUMBER_ERROR = 'N/A' TELESCOPE_SERIAL_NUMBER = 'N/A' OPTICS_DESC = 'N/A' END_OBJECT = INSTOPTICS OBJECT = SCINSTOFFSET PLATFORM_OR_MOUNTING_NAME = "SPACECRAFT BUS" CONE_OFFSET_ANGLE = 'N/A' CROSS_CONE_OFFSET_ANGLE = 'N/A' TWIST_OFFSET_ANGLE = 'N/A' INSTRUMENT_MOUNTING_DESC = " The PWS is mounted on top of the Planetary Radio Astronomy experiment on top of spacecraft bus bays 8 and 9. The two orthogonal antenna elements are attached to the Planetary radio astronomy package." END_OBJECT = SCINSTOFFSET OBJECT = INSTSECTION SECTION_ID = SA OBJECT = INSTSECTINFO SCAN_MODE_ID = 'N/A' DATA_RATE = 32 SAMPLE_BITS = 8 TOTAL_FOVS = 1 OBJECT = INSTSECTFOVS FOV_SHAPE_NAME = DIPOLE HORIZONTAL_PIXEL_FOV = 'N/A' VERTICAL_PIXEL_FOV = 'N/A' HORIZONTAL_FOV = 360 VERTICAL_FOV = 180 FOVS = 1 END_OBJECT = INSTSECTFOVS END_OBJECT = INSTSECTINFO OBJECT = INSTSECTPARM INSTRUMENT_PARAMETER_NAME = "WAVE ELECTRIC FIELD INTENSITY" MINIMUM_INSTRUMENT_PARAMETER = 0.000005 MAXIMUM_INSTRUMENT_PARAMETER = 0.5 NOISE_LEVEL = 0.000005 INSTRUMENT_PARAMETER_UNIT = 'V/m' SAMPLING_PARAMETER_NAME = TIME MINIMUM_SAMPLING_PARAMETER = 1977-08-20T15:53:00Z MAXIMUM_SAMPLING_PARAMETER = 'N/A' SAMPLING_PARAMETER_INTERVAL = 4.0 SAMPLING_PARAMETER_RESOLUTION = 4.0 SAMPLING_PARAMETER_UNIT = SECOND END_OBJECT = INSTSECTPARM OBJECT = INSTSECTDET DETECTOR_ID = "PWS ANTENNA" END_OBJECT = INSTSECTDET OBJECT = INSTSECTELEC ELECTRONICS_ID = PWS END_OBJECT = INSTSECTELEC OBJECT = INSTSECTFILT FILTER_NUMBER = 'N/A' END_OBJECT = INSTSECTFILT OBJECT = INSTSECTOPTC TELESCOPE_ID = 'N/A' END_OBJECT = INSTSECTOPTC END_OBJECT = INSTSECTION OBJECT = INSTSECTION SECTION_ID = WFRM OBJECT = INSTSECTINFO SCAN_MODE_ID = 'N/A' DATA_RATE = 115200 SAMPLE_BITS = 4 TOTAL_FOVS = 1 OBJECT = INSTSECTFOVS FOV_SHAPE_NAME = DIPOLE HORIZONTAL_PIXEL_FOV = 'N/A' VERTICAL_PIXEL_FOV = 'N/A' HORIZONTAL_FOV = 360 VERTICAL_FOV = 180 FOVS = 1 END_OBJECT = INSTSECTFOVS END_OBJECT = INSTSECTINFO OBJECT = INSTSECTPARM INSTRUMENT_PARAMETER_NAME = "ELECTRIC FIELD COMPONENT" MINIMUM_INSTRUMENT_PARAMETER = 0.000005 MAXIMUM_INSTRUMENT_PARAMETER = 0.5 NOISE_LEVEL = 0.000005 INSTRUMENT_PARAMETER_UNIT = 'V/m' SAMPLING_PARAMETER_NAME = TIME MINIMUM_SAMPLING_PARAMETER = 1978-10-10T10:20:00.858Z MAXIMUM_SAMPLING_PARAMETER = 'N/A' SAMPLING_PARAMETER_INTERVAL = 0.0000347 SAMPLING_PARAMETER_RESOLUTION = 0.0000347 SAMPLING_PARAMETER_UNIT = SECOND END_OBJECT = INSTSECTPARM OBJECT = INSTSECTDET DETECTOR_ID = "PWS ANTENNA" END_OBJECT = INSTSECTDET OBJECT = INSTSECTELEC ELECTRONICS_ID = PWS END_OBJECT = INSTSECTELEC OBJECT = INSTSECTFILT FILTER_NUMBER = 'N/A' END_OBJECT = INSTSECTFILT OBJECT = INSTSECTOPTC TELESCOPE_ID = 'N/A' END_OBJECT = INSTSECTOPTC END_OBJECT = INSTSECTION OBJECT = INSTMODEINFO INSTRUMENT_MODE_ID = 'GS3GAINHI/WFMPWRON' GAIN_MODE_ID = HI DATA_PATH_TYPE = "REAL-TIME PLAYBACK" INSTRUMENT_POWER_CONSUMPTION = 1.6 INSTRUMENT_MODE_DESC = " The PWS instrument gain is high and the waveform receiver power is on. This is the normal encounter operating mode of the instrument and places it in its most sensitive input gain state with the waveform receiver section turned on. The fact that the waveform receiver power is on does not guarantee that waveform data is available. The spacecraft is in the GS-3 data mode which cycles the plasma wave spectrum analyzer so that a complete spectrum is obtained every 4 seconds." OBJECT = INSTMODESECT SECTION_ID = SA END_OBJECT = INSTMODESECT OBJECT = INSTMODESECT SECTION_ID = WFRM END_OBJECT = INSTMODESECT END_OBJECT = INSTMODEINFO OBJECT = INSTMODEINFO INSTRUMENT_MODE_ID = 'GS3GAINHI/WFMPWRON' GAIN_MODE_ID = HI DATA_PATH_TYPE = "RECORDED DATA PLAYBACK" INSTRUMENT_POWER_CONSUMPTION = 1.6 INSTRUMENT_MODE_DESC = " The PWS instrument gain is high and the waveform receiver power is on. This is the normal encounter operating mode of the instrument and places it in its most sensitive input gain state with the waveform receiver section turned on. The fact that the waveform receiver power is on does not guarantee that waveform data is available. The spacecraft is in the GS-3 data mode which cycles the plasma wave spectrum analyzer so that a complete spectrum is obtained every 4 seconds." OBJECT = INSTMODESECT SECTION_ID = SA END_OBJECT = INSTMODESECT OBJECT = INSTMODESECT SECTION_ID = WFRM END_OBJECT = INSTMODESECT END_OBJECT = INSTMODEINFO OBJECT = INSTREFINFO REFERENCE_KEY_ID = SCARFETAL1977 OBJECT = REFERENCE DOCUMENT_TOPIC_TYPE = "INSTRUMENT DESCRIPTION" JOURNAL_NAME = "SPACE SCIENCE REVIEWS" PUBLICATION_DATE = 1977-12-01 REFERENCE_DESC = " Scarf, F. L., and D. A. Gurnett, A plasma wave investigation for the Voyager mission, Space Sci. Rev., 21, 289, 1977." OBJECT = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "DR. FREDERICK L. SCARF" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS OBJECT = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "DR. DONALD A. GURNETT" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS END_OBJECT = REFERENCE END_OBJECT = INSTREFINFO END_OBJECT = SCINSTRUMENT OBJECT = FPPWSCHAN SPACECRAFT_ID = VG2 INSTRUMENT_ID = PWS INSTRUMENT_MODE_ID = 'GS3GAINHI/WFMPWRON' SECTION_ID = SA CHANNEL_ID = CH1 CENTER_FREQUENCY = 10 BANDWIDTH = 2.16 SAMPLING_PARAMETER_NAME = FREQUENCY SAMPLING_PARAMETER_UNIT = HERTZ END_OBJECT = FPPWSCHAN OBJECT = FPPWSCHAN SPACECRAFT_ID = VG2 INSTRUMENT_ID = PWS INSTRUMENT_MODE_ID = 'GS3GAINHI/WFMPWRON' SECTION_ID = SA CHANNEL_ID = CH2 CENTER_FREQUENCY = 17.8 BANDWIDTH = 3.58 SAMPLING_PARAMETER_NAME = FREQUENCY SAMPLING_PARAMETER_UNIT = HERTZ END_OBJECT = FPPWSCHAN OBJECT = FPPWSCHAN SPACECRAFT_ID = VG2 INSTRUMENT_ID = PWS INSTRUMENT_MODE_ID = 'GS3GAINHI/WFMPWRON' SECTION_ID = SA CHANNEL_ID = CH3 CENTER_FREQUENCY = 31.1 BANDWIDTH = 4.5 SAMPLING_PARAMETER_NAME = FREQUENCY SAMPLING_PARAMETER_UNIT = HERTZ END_OBJECT = FPPWSCHAN OBJECT = FPPWSCHAN SPACECRAFT_ID = VG2 INSTRUMENT_ID = PWS INSTRUMENT_MODE_ID = 'GS3GAINHI/WFMPWRON' SECTION_ID = SA CHANNEL_ID = CH4 CENTER_FREQUENCY = 56.2 BANDWIDTH = 10.7 SAMPLING_PARAMETER_NAME = FREQUENCY SAMPLING_PARAMETER_UNIT = HERTZ END_OBJECT = FPPWSCHAN OBJECT = FPPWSCHAN SPACECRAFT_ID = VG2 INSTRUMENT_ID = PWS INSTRUMENT_MODE_ID = 'GS3GAINHI/WFMPWRON' SECTION_ID = SA CHANNEL_ID = CH5 CENTER_FREQUENCY = 100 BANDWIDTH = 13.8 SAMPLING_PARAMETER_NAME = FREQUENCY SAMPLING_PARAMETER_UNIT = HERTZ END_OBJECT = FPPWSCHAN OBJECT = FPPWSCHAN SPACECRAFT_ID = VG2 INSTRUMENT_ID = PWS INSTRUMENT_MODE_ID = 'GS3GAINHI/WFMPWRON' SECTION_ID = SA CHANNEL_ID = CH6 CENTER_FREQUENCY = 178 BANDWIDTH = 28.8 SAMPLING_PARAMETER_NAME = FREQUENCY SAMPLING_PARAMETER_UNIT = HERTZ END_OBJECT = FPPWSCHAN OBJECT = FPPWSCHAN SPACECRAFT_ID = VG2 INSTRUMENT_ID = PWS INSTRUMENT_MODE_ID = 'GS3GAINHI/WFMPWRON' SECTION_ID = SA CHANNEL_ID = CH7 CENTER_FREQUENCY = 311 BANDWIDTH = 39.8 SAMPLING_PARAMETER_NAME = FREQUENCY SAMPLING_PARAMETER_UNIT = HERTZ END_OBJECT = FPPWSCHAN OBJECT = FPPWSCHAN SPACECRAFT_ID = VG2 INSTRUMENT_ID = PWS INSTRUMENT_MODE_ID = 'GS3GAINHI/WFMPWRON' SECTION_ID = SA CHANNEL_ID = CH8 CENTER_FREQUENCY = 562 BANDWIDTH = 75.9 SAMPLING_PARAMETER_NAME = FREQUENCY SAMPLING_PARAMETER_UNIT = HERTZ END_OBJECT = FPPWSCHAN OBJECT = FPPWSCHAN SPACECRAFT_ID = VG2 INSTRUMENT_ID = PWS INSTRUMENT_MODE_ID = 'GS3GAINHI/WFMPWRON' SECTION_ID = SA CHANNEL_ID = CH9 CENTER_FREQUENCY = 1000 BANDWIDTH = 75.9 SAMPLING_PARAMETER_NAME = FREQUENCY SAMPLING_PARAMETER_UNIT = HERTZ END_OBJECT = FPPWSCHAN OBJECT = FPPWSCHAN SPACECRAFT_ID = VG2 INSTRUMENT_ID = PWS INSTRUMENT_MODE_ID = 'GS3GAINHI/WFMPWRON' SECTION_ID = SA CHANNEL_ID = CH10 CENTER_FREQUENCY = 1780 BANDWIDTH = 151.0 SAMPLING_PARAMETER_NAME = FREQUENCY SAMPLING_PARAMETER_UNIT = HERTZ END_OBJECT = FPPWSCHAN OBJECT = FPPWSCHAN SPACECRAFT_ID = VG2 INSTRUMENT_ID = PWS INSTRUMENT_MODE_ID = 'GS3GAINHI/WFMPWRON' SECTION_ID = SA CHANNEL_ID = CH11 CENTER_FREQUENCY = 3110 BANDWIDTH = 324.0 SAMPLING_PARAMETER_NAME = FREQUENCY SAMPLING_PARAMETER_UNIT = HERTZ END_OBJECT = FPPWSCHAN OBJECT = FPPWSCHAN SPACECRAFT_ID = VG2 INSTRUMENT_ID = PWS INSTRUMENT_MODE_ID = 'GS3GAINHI/WFMPWRON' SECTION_ID = SA CHANNEL_ID = CH12 CENTER_FREQUENCY = 5620 BANDWIDTH = 513.0 SAMPLING_PARAMETER_NAME = FREQUENCY SAMPLING_PARAMETER_UNIT = HERTZ END_OBJECT = FPPWSCHAN OBJECT = FPPWSCHAN SPACECRAFT_ID = VG2 INSTRUMENT_ID = PWS INSTRUMENT_MODE_ID = 'GS3GAINHI/WFMPWRON' SECTION_ID = SA CHANNEL_ID = CH13 CENTER_FREQUENCY = 10000 BANDWIDTH = 832.0 SAMPLING_PARAMETER_NAME = FREQUENCY SAMPLING_PARAMETER_UNIT = HERTZ END_OBJECT = FPPWSCHAN OBJECT = FPPWSCHAN SPACECRAFT_ID = VG2 INSTRUMENT_ID = PWS INSTRUMENT_MODE_ID = 'GS3GAINHI/WFMPWRON' SECTION_ID = SA CHANNEL_ID = CH14 CENTER_FREQUENCY = 17800 BANDWIDTH = 1260.0 SAMPLING_PARAMETER_NAME = FREQUENCY SAMPLING_PARAMETER_UNIT = HERTZ END_OBJECT = FPPWSCHAN OBJECT = FPPWSCHAN SPACECRAFT_ID = VG2 INSTRUMENT_ID = PWS INSTRUMENT_MODE_ID = 'GS3GAINHI/WFMPWRON' SECTION_ID = SA CHANNEL_ID = CH15 CENTER_FREQUENCY = 31100 BANDWIDTH = 2400.0 SAMPLING_PARAMETER_NAME = FREQUENCY SAMPLING_PARAMETER_UNIT = HERTZ END_OBJECT = FPPWSCHAN OBJECT = FPPWSCHAN SPACECRAFT_ID = VG2 INSTRUMENT_ID = PWS INSTRUMENT_MODE_ID = 'GS3GAINHI/WFMPWRON' SECTION_ID = SA CHANNEL_ID = CH16 CENTER_FREQUENCY = 56200 BANDWIDTH = 3800 SAMPLING_PARAMETER_NAME = FREQUENCY SAMPLING_PARAMETER_UNIT = HERTZ END_OBJECT = FPPWSCHAN OBJECT = FPPWSCHAN SPACECRAFT_ID = VG2 INSTRUMENT_ID = PWS INSTRUMENT_MODE_ID = 'GS3GAINHI/WFMPWRON' SECTION_ID = WFRM CHANNEL_ID = WIDE SAMPLING_PARAMETER_NAME = FREQUENCY MINIMUM_SAMPLING_PARAMETER = 40 MAXIMUM_SAMPLING_PARAMETER = 12000 SAMPLING_PARAMETER_UNIT = HERTZ END_OBJECT = FPPWSCHAN OBJECT = FPPWSMODE SPACECRAFT_ID = VG2 INSTRUMENT_ID = PWS INSTRUMENT_MODE_ID = 'GS3GAINHI/WFMPWRON' SECTION_ID = SA INSTRUMENT_PARAMETER_NAME = "WAVE ELECTRIC FIELD INTENSITY" CHANNELS = 16 GAIN_STATES = 1 END_OBJECT = FPPWSMODE OBJECT = FPPWSMODE SPACECRAFT_ID = VG2 INSTRUMENT_ID = PWS INSTRUMENT_MODE_ID = 'GS3GAINHI/WFMPWRON' SECTION_ID = WFRM INSTRUMENT_PARAMETER_NAME = "ELECTRIC FIELD COMPONENT" CHANNELS = 1 GAIN_STATES = 1 END_OBJECT = FPPWSMODE OBJECT = FPPWSSAMPD SPACECRAFT_ID = VG2 INSTRUMENT_ID = PWS INSTRUMENT_MODE_ID = 'GS3GAINHI/WFMPWRON' SECTION_ID = SA SAMPLING_DESC = "The 16 channels are each sampled once every 4 seconds. The Voyager Flight Data System samples two channels, nearly coincidentally every 0.5 seconds in the following order: CH9, CH1; CH10, CH2; CH11, CH3;... and CH16, CH8." END_OBJECT = FPPWSSAMPD OBJECT = FPPWSSAMPD SPACECRAFT_ID = VG2 INSTRUMENT_ID = PWS INSTRUMENT_MODE_ID = 'GS3GAINHI/WFMPWRON' SECTION_ID = WFRM SAMPLING_DESC = "The single wideband channel is sampled and digitized to 4 bits once every 34.7 microseconds to give 28800 voltage samples per second in order to characterize the actual waveform of the received signals. The samples are taken for 55.56 milliseconds before a 4.44 millisecond gap occurs. This process repeats typically 800 times for a total of 48 seconds." END_OBJECT = FPPWSSAMPD END_OBJECT = CATALOG END_OBJECT = DIRECTORY END_OBJECT = VOLUME END