Voyager 2 Plasma Experiment (PLS)

This directory provides 96 second averaged Plasma Experiment data during the Voyager 2 Jupiter encounter between 6/25/79 and 8/12/79. There are 5 types of data product. ELE_MOM.TAB contains the electron moment data for 7/6/79-7/9/79. ION_MOM.TAB consists of the ion moment data for 7/4/79-7/10/79. SHEATH_L_MODE_I.TAB has the inbound magnetosheath L-Mode ion data for 7/2/79-7/5/79. SHEATH_L_MODE_II.TAB has the inbound magnetosheath L-Mode ion data for 7/23/79-8/12/79. SHEATH_M_MODE.TAB contains the outbound magnetosheath M-Mode ion data for 7/23/79-8/10/79. Finally SWIND.TAB contains the inbound solar wind data for 6/25/79-7/5/79. Jupiter has a spin period of 10 hours.

Voyager 2 Mission Document
Instrument Host Document
Instrument Document
Reference Information

Voyager 2 Jupiter Flyby Trajectory Overview Plots: X-Y Plane, X-Z Plane, Y-Z Plane
Ephemeris data
SPICE data

INFO.TXT - General and statistical information regarding this dataset

DataPDS LabelContentsData PlotDescription
ELE_MOM ELE_MOM 96 sec res. electron moment density and temperature for 7/6/79-7/9/79 6 Jovian-Day Plot Electron Moment
ION_MOM ION_MOM 96 sec res. ion moment density for 7/4/79-7/10/79 6 Jovian-Day Plot Ion Moment
96 sec res. inbound magnetosheath L-mode ion velocity and density for 7/2/79-7/5/79 (Part I.I) 6 Jovian-Day Plot Sheath L Mode
96 sec res. inbound magnetosheath L-mode ion temperature for 7/2/79-7/5/79 (Part I.II) 6 Jovian-Day Plot
96 sec res. inbound magnetosheath L-mode ion density, velocity, and thermal speed for 7/23/79-8/12/79 (Part II.I) 6 Jovian-Day Plot
96 sec res. inbound magnetosheath L-mode ion fit density, velocity, and thermal speed for 7/23/79-8/12/79 (Part II.II) 6 Jovian-Day Plot
96 sec res. outbound magnetosheath M-mode ion density, velocity, and thermal speed for 7/23/79-8/10/79 (Part I) 6 Jovian-Day Plot Sheath M Mode
96 sec res. outbound magnetosheath M-mode ion fit density, velocity, and thermal speed for 7/23/79-8/10/79 (Part II) 6 Jovian-Day Plot
SWIND SWIND 96 sec res. inbound solar wind ion density, velocity, and temperature for 6/25/79-7/5/79 (Part I) 6 Jovian-Day Plot Solar Wind
96 sec res. inbound solar wind ion fit density, velocity, and temperature for 6/25/79-7/5/79 (Part II) 6 Jovian-Day Plot

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