PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2011-05-18 NOTE = "This file describes the Browse plot files for the Plasma data on this volume." END_OBJECT = TEXT END This directory contains the following browse plot files for the Plasma data from the Voyager 2 Jupiter encounter period: SHEATH_L_MODE_I_I.PDF inbound magnetosheath L-mode ion density and velocity for 1979-07-02 to 1979-07-05. SHEATH_L_MODE_I_II.PDF inbound magnetosheath L-mode ion temperature for 1979-07-02 to 1979-07-05. SHEATH_L_MODE_II_I.PDF inbound magnetosheath L-mode ion density, velocity, and thermal speed for 1979-07-23 to 1979-08-12. SHEATH_L_MODE_II_II.PDF inbound magnetosheath L-mode ion fit density, velocity, and thermal speed for 1979-07-23 to 1979-08-12. Each PDF file is accompanied by a PDS label file that describes property of the PDF file.