PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = FIXED_LENGTH RECORD_BYTES = 80 OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2011-05-11 NOTE = "Description of contents of DOCUMENT directory " END_OBJECT = TEXT END The DOCUMENT directory contains a MISSION_DESCRIPTION dircetory, which contains ASCII and PDF copies of the Voyager mission description paper. Each individual file in the DOCUMENT directory is an ASCII file. The files are: DOCINFO.TXT This file, providing an overview of the directory contents. RSC_11_5.TXT The Software Interface Specification defining the format for binary POCA files. This document describes the format of VG1TPOC1.DAT in the CALIB directory. RSC_11_6.TXT The Software Interface Specification defining formats for binary open-loop data files. This document describes the format of the raw radio science data from this set of occultation measurements (all of the raw data files in the ODR directory). TK_DESCR.TXT Document describing the structure and contents of the current version of the NAIF SPICE toolkit (for Sun/Solaris). TK_FTP.TXT Document containing instructions for obtaining the NAIF Toolkit software via Internet. This document points to other documentation on Toolkit organization and use. TK_INSTL.TXT NAIF Toolkit Installation Instructions for the Sun/Solaris system. Structure, contents, and installation for other platforms will be similar; see TK_FTP.TXT for information on obtaining other versions.