The VG1 directory contains 7 types of Voyager 1 instrument and ephemeris data files from the Saturn encounter period. These instruments include: 1) CRS, 2) LECP, 3) MAG, 4) PLS, 5) PRA, and 6) PWS. The spacecraft position data are stored in a directory named EPHEM. Please refer to the following list of directories for information on each instrument data files, which also contain INFO.TXT files, that describe the directory file contents.

VG1 data directory structure:

        |- INFO.TXT            (This file) describes contents of the /VG1 tree.
        |- [CRS]               Cosmic Ray Subsystem (CRS) electron
        |                      counting rate data covering 1980-11-11
        |                      to 1980-11-14.
        |- [EPHEM]             Voyager 1 ephemeris data near Saturn:
             |-[HG]            Heliographic coordinates covering 
             |                 1980-11-10 to 1980-11-20.
             |-[L1]            Kronographic (L1) coordinates covering 
             |                 1980-11-10 to 1980-11-18.
        |- [LECP]              Low Energy Charged Particle Analyzer (LECP)
             |                 particle flux data:
             |-[AVERAGE]       Scan averaged data covering 1980-11-11 to
             |                 1980-11-16.
             |-[SECTOR]        Sectored data covering 1980-11-11 to
             |                 1980-11-16.
        |- [MAG]               Triaxial Fluxgate Magnetometer (MAG) 
             |                 field data:
             |-[HG]            1.92 second, 9.6 second, and 48 second
             |                 data in Heliographic coordinates covering
             |                 1980-11-10 to 1980-11-21.
             |-[L1]            1.92 second, 9.6 second, and 48 second
             |                 data in Kronographic (L1) coordinates
             |                 covering 1980-11-10 to 1980-11-18.
             |-[SC]            48 second magnetometer offset data in 
             |                 Spacecraft coordinates covering 
             |                 1980-11-10 to 1980-11-20.
        |- [PLS]               Plasma Science Receiver (PLS) electron 
             |                 and ion moment and fit data (96 second
             |                 averages): 
             |-[ELE_FBR]       Electron browse data covering 1980-11-12
             |                 to 1980-11-13.
             |-[ELE_FIT]       Electron fit data covering 1980-11-12 to
             |                 1980-11-13.
             |-[ION_FBR]       Ion browse data covering 1980-11-12 to
             |                 1980-11-13.
             |-[ION_FIT]       Ion fit data covering 1980-11-12 to
             |                 1980-11-13.
             |-[ION_MOM]       Ion moment data covering 1980-11-12 to
             |                 1980-11-13.
             |-[ION_WBR]       Ion solar wind browse data covering 
             |                 1980-11-11 to 1980-11-21.
             |-[ION_WIND]      Ion solar wind data covering 1980-11-11 to 
             |                 1980-11-12.
        |- [PRA]               Planetary Radio Astronomy Receiver (PRA)
        |                      6 second data covering 1980-11-11 to
        |                      1980-11-16. 
        |- [PWS]               Plasma Wave Receiver (PWS) spectrum analyzer
             |                 wave electric field intensities covering:
             |- [4S]           4 second averaged uncalibrated data
             |                 covering 1980-11-11 to 1980-11-17.
             |- [48S]          48 second averaged data covering
             |                 1980-11-11 to 1980-11-17.

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