PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 1999-03-11 NOTE = "This file contains EPAC-EV.PRO IDL code." END_OBJECT = TEXT END ev=fltarr(512,256) b=bytarr(3) !x.style=1 !y.style=1 loadct,40 set_plot,'ps' device,filename='epac-ev.ps',/color,xoffset=3.5,yoffset=27.0,$ xsize=26,ysize=16,/landscape filename='EV .BIN' for iyear=92,92 do begin strput,filename,string(long(iyear),format="(i2.2)"),2 for doy=25,42 do begin strput,filename,string(long(doy),format="(i3.3)"),4 openr,1,filename,error=ierror,/binary,/NONE,/BLOCK if ierror eq 0 then begin while not eof(1) do begin readu,1,b idx1=b(0) idx2=b(1) flag=b(2) idx1=idx1+255*FIX(flag AND 128b)/128 TID=FIX(flag AND 12b)/4 CeID=FIX(flag AND 3b) ev(idx1,idx2)=ev(idx1,idx2)+1 endwhile close,1 endif endfor endfor if max(ev) gt 0 then maxev=alog10(max(ev)) D1=fltarr(512) D2=fltarr(256) plot,D2,D1,xrange=[0.0,512.0],yrange=[0.0,256.0],/nodata,$ xtitle='B channel',ytitle='A channel',$ title='EPAC-EV: ' DE1=0.46 DE2=0.46 for i=0,511 do begin for j=0,255 do begin E1=float(i+0.5) E2=float(j+0.5) EE1=[E1-DE1,E1+DE1,E1+DE1,E1-DE1] EE2=[E2-DE2,E2-DE2,E2+DE2,E2+DE2] if ev(i,j) ne 0 then begin icol=fix(alog10(ev(i,j))*254/maxev) polyfill,EE1,EE2,color=icol endif endfor endfor device,/close end