Links To: Data | Documents | File Formats | File Naming
The dataset has fixed length records. Each record represents one complete OIMS experiment data cycle (normally 6.3 seconds but this time can vary with the bit rate). Within each record there are 55 samples of mass and 55 samples of densities associated with those masses. The sequence of masses within a record normally will follow the OIMS "explore" mode, but this sequence will vary when the experiment occasionally is in the "explore-adapt" mode.
To compute the time associated with a particular mass and density, the dwell time should be used, along with the time of day. The dwell time is the time interval (milliseconds) between samples. Thus, for the "nth" sample, the time (in seconds) would be computed as follows:
TIME = UT + (n-1) * DWELL/1000. (where UT is time of day)
The user should be aware that some of the data values have been coded. For example, a density of 9.9999e+04 indicates that a density could not be computed for that point. (This can be due to several reasons, such as telemetry interference or occurrence of a gap in data.) Also, a negative value of density represents a "flagged" data point and should be used with caution. Other flag values are described by the MISSING_CONSTANT lines in the format files (*.FMT) accompanying the data.
This disk contains documentation files which describe the datasets on the disk, the instruments from which the data came, and the Pioneer Venus Orbiter spacecraft and mission. These files are found in the CATALOG and DOCUMENT directories.
The following files in CATALOG are of particular interest to high-resolution data users.
The DOCUMENT directory contains a variety of documents which may be helpful to the users of the low-resolution data.
The files on this disk are in level 1 compliance with the ISO 9660 standard. The high-resolution data are provided as ASCII tables, with one table file (*.TAB) per orbit. These files reside under the /DATA/HIGH_RES directory on this disk, where they are organized into 100-orbit subdirectories.
What follows is a very brief summary of the format of the data in the high-resolution files. This format also is described in the PDS format file OIMSDATA.FMT found in each 100-orbit subdirectory of low-resolution data. This format file is both human-readable and machine-readable.
PVO time |
Date given in the format YRDOY FSEC, where YR is the year, DOY is the day-of-year (Jan 1 =1), and FSEC is the second-of-day. |
dwell |
Dwell time (time interval between samples) in msec. |
bits |
Bit rate (bits/sec). |
lat |
Venusian Latitude (degrees). |
lon |
Venusian Longitude (degrees). |
alt |
Altitude (km). |
sza |
Solar Zenith Angle (degrees). |
sha |
Solar Hour Angle (hours). |
mass1, den1, mass2, den2, ..., mass55, den55 |
55 pairs of colums, with each pair containing a mass column (mass in AMU) followed by a density column (number density, in particles per cubic cm, of particles with the given mass). |
The beginnings of two lines of data, with headings added, as an example of this format:
(Note: these data may be displayed with spacing different from that of the actual data. Each data line ends with two ASCII record delimiter characters, carriage return and line feed. The mass and density columns omitted here are formatted the same as the ones shown.)
PVO time |
dwell |
bits |
lat |
lon |
alt |
sza |
sha |
mass1 |
den1 |
mass2 |
den2 |
... |
81144 5824.673 |
225 |
512 |
70.82 |
145.78 |
6211.77 |
82.30 |
7.73 |
1 |
0.0000e+00 |
18 |
-1.8320e+01 |
... |
81144 5837.673 |
225 |
512 |
71.01 |
145.01 |
6156.55 |
82.17 |
7.77 |
1 |
0.0000e+00 |
18 |
-2.3150e+01 |
... |
The following links can be used to navigate the high-resolution data files on this disk.
The file naming convention for these data files is as follows:
The directory /DATA/HIGH_RES/ORBnnnn, where nnnn is a numeral, is the 100-orbit subdirectory containing the hundred orbits starting with nnnn. For example, /DATA/HIGH_RES/ORB0900 holds data from orbits 900 through 999. (Exception: /DATA/HIGH_RES/ORB0001 has orbits 1-99.)
The file ORBnnnn.TAB, where nnnn is a numeral, contains the data from orbit nnnn. For example, ORB0905.TAB contains the data from orbit 905 (and thus is found in directory /DATA/HIGH_RES/ORB0900).
ORBnnnn.LBL is the name of the PDS label file which describes the data file ORBnnnn.TAB. Example: ORB0905.LBL describes ORB0905.TAB. Such label files provide descriptive information in a format which is both human-readable and machine-readable.
Orbits |
Link to File Table |
1-99 |
100-199 |
200-299 |
300-399 |
400-499 |
500-599 |
600-699 |
700-799 |
800-899 |
900-999 |
1000-1099 |
1100-1199 |
1200-1299 |
1300-1399 |
1400-1499 |
1500-1599 |
1600-1699 |
1700-1799 |
1800-1899 |
1900-1999 |
2000-2099 |
2100-2199 |
2200-2299 |
2300-2399 |
2400-2499 |
2500-2599 |
2600-2699 |
2700-2799 |
2800-2899 |
2900-2999 |
3000-3099 |
3100-3199 |
3200-3299 |
3300-3399 |
3400-3499 |
3500-3599 |
3600-3699 |
3700-3799 |
3800-3899 |
3900-3999 |
4000-4099 |
4100-4199 |
4200-4299 |
4300-4399 |
4400-4499 |
4500-4599 |
4600-4699 |
4700-4799 |
4800-4899 |
4900-4999 |
5000-5099 |