File: P11UVP.FMT Version: NSSDC 12/28/98 JFC ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pioneer 11 Ultraviolet Photometer Cruise Data: Daily Averages for 1973 - 1993 Principal Investigator: Professor D. J. Judge University of Southern California Data Set Contact: P. Gangopadhyay University of Southern California Dataset Description: Pioneer 11 UV photometer dataset (NSSDC ID 73-019A-06C) for daily averages of the spin-averaged short and long wavelength channels from April 6, 1973 onward. These data are used to study the interaction of the solar wind with the interstellar medium by measurements of spatial and temporal variations of the intensity of backscattered solar Lyman alpha emission at 1216 A and of the solar Helium line at 584 A. See the SFDU files in this directory for detailed descriptions, VOLDESC_yy.sfdu for the spacecraft, experiment, and dataset overviews, and FORMAT_yy.sfdu for the parameter formats. The "yy_yy" fields denote the start and stop years of the two separate updates of this data set. Parameter Description: DAY COR DRATLW DRATSW CLATSP CLONSU CLATSU CLONSU CLATEA CLONEA DAY = Day of year (1 - 366) COR = Indicator of spacecraft orientation (1 = correction maneuver occurred, 0 = no correction) DRATLW = Counts/second for long wavelength channel (below 1400 Angstroms) DRATSW = Counts/Second for short wavelength channel (below 800 Angstroms) HRADSP = Heliocentric distance of spacecraft in A.U. CLATSP, CLONSP = Celestial pointing latitude and longitude of s/c +Z-axis, pointing along spin axis approximately towards the Earth. CLATSU, CLONSU = Celestial latitude and longitude of Sun as seen from s/c CLATEA, CLONEA = Celestial latitude and longitude of Earth as seen from s/c The FORMAT statement for a FORTRAN write command would be as follows: FORMAT(I4,1X,I1,1X,F8.1,1X,F8.2,1X,F8.4,6(1X,F7.3)) All the data and ephemeris parameters are daily averages. Related Information and Data: Further details on the spacecraft, experiment, data sets at NSSDC, and related WWW sites can be found on the Pioneer 10/11 flight project page under Hour averages of the interplanetary solar wind data from, and hourly heliocentric coordinates of, Pioneer 10/11 and other interplanetary spacecraft may be also be accessed and plotted on-line through the COHOWeb service based at the same WWW site as above. Acknowledgement: Use of these data in publications should be accompanied at minimum by acknowledgements of the National Space Science Data Center and the responsible Principal Investigator defined in the experiment documentation provided here.