PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2002-06-21 INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = ASCII NOTE = "Description of the SPLASH directory contents." END_OBJECT = TEXT END SPLASH Subdirectory Contents The directory EXTRAS/SPLASH on this CD contains the program SPLASH.EXE. Running this program will install the Splash software on the user's hard disk. Please read the file SPLASH.TXT before attempting to install the software. SPLASH.TXT contains important information about the installation process. This file is in EXTRAS/SPLASH. Splash is a program for data display. It will allow users to make customized plots of the data on this disk. The file SPLASH.TXT contains an introduction to the use of Splash. The EXTRAS/SPLASH directory also includes subdirectories containing Splash files (extension SPH). By opening a *.SPH file with Splash, the user can view a plot of the corresponding *.TAB file under the DATA directory. At present, Splash is available only for Windows PC platforms. Splash must be installed on the user's hard drive to run. The Splash software is copyrighted material, and is the property of The Regents of the University of California. Users are responsible for respecting all copyrights. The use of Splash is subject to a licensing agreement, which is bundled with the software.