PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2002-03-29 NOTE = "EXTRINFO.TXT describes the files in the EXTRAS directory of this disk." END_OBJECT = TEXT END The EXTRAS directory contains files which facilitate the use of the data on the disk, but which are not actually required for the use or understanding of those data. Among the files in the EXTRAS directory are HTML documents which can be viewed with a Web browser and used to navigate the disk via links. These files include: BROWSE.HTM - an HTML document with links to browse plots CATALOG.HTM - an HTML document with links to CATALOG files DOCUMENT.HTM - an HTML document with links to DOCUMENT files MAGDATA.HTM - an HTML document with links to Magnetometer (MAG) data files, and to other files relevant to those data These files may be accessed individually or may be reached from links in the HTML file AAREADME.HTM, which is in the root directory of the disk. The EXTRAS directory also contains the subdirectory SPLASH. This houses the Splash software and a number of subdirectories containing files which can be used with the Splash program for the display of data. Please see the INFO.TXT in SPLASH for further information.