PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2009-02-01 NOTE = "GEOMINFO.TXT describes the geometry data available on this volume." END_OBJECT = TEXT END The GEOMETRY directory contains ORBFACTS.TAB, an ASCII file that summarizes orbit information for the time period of the data. This information includes orbit number; periapsis data (time, spacecraft clock, longitude and latitude of spacecraft and Sun, altitude, and Mars-Sun distance); and apoapsis time. The data columns in ORBFACTS.TAB are indicated by column headings. The GEOMETRY directory also contains the following kernel files, which are ASCII text files. MAG_ER.TI, a SPICE MAG/ER instrument kernel containing a MAG/ER instrument mounting description. (JPL NAIF) This file defines the various coordinate systems associated with the spacecraft and the mounting positions for the MAG and ER. ASCII drawings are included. PCK.TPC, a "planetary constants" (PCK) kernel file, which contains constants needed by NAIF subroutines which require body size, orientation, etc. (JPL NAIF) Any coordinate system transformation to body fixed or quasi body fixed coordinates consults this file. It will be altered from time to time as deemed necessary by NAIF. MO_MAGS.KER, a magnetometer constants file used for conversion of telemetry. MO_OBJ.KER, a file that provides information about program variables used in preparation of the data. (GSFC MAG) SCLK.KER, a spacecraft clock kernel file for the time period spanned by the data. (JPL NAIF) This is one of two files needed to convert spacecraft tics - the long binary word in the header, roughly equal to seconds past a specific date - to Universal Time. This file will change from time to time. LEAP.KER, a "leapseconds" file; contains time conversion data needed by NAIF subroutines. (JPL NAIF) This is a short file that contains a list of leapseconds, also needed to convert spacecraft tics to UTC. HGA.TF, a Frames Kernel file (FK); contains set of frame definitions for the Mars Global Surveyor Surveyor High and Low gain antennas. (JPL NAIF) SC_MOD.KER, Spacecraft Magnetic Field Model File for Mars Global Surveyor. (GSFC MAG) The NAIF node of the Planetary Data System (PDS) maintains an archive of SPICE kernel files, which contain ancillary geometry data for planetary missions. NAIF also maintains software for the utilization of SPICE data. For further information on NAIF and SPICE data, consult the NAIF Website at http://pds.jpl.nasa.gov/naif.html. Besides the files mentioned above, the GEOMETRY directory contains two image files, MGS_ER_1.JPG and MGS_ER_2.JPG, which show the geometry of the ER instrument on the MGS spacecraft. As their filename extensions indicate, these files are in JPEG format. These files were provided by Dr. David Mitchell. The GEOMETRY directory also contains a detached PDS label for each of the above mentioned files. The label describing a given file has the same filename as the file, but with the extension changed to LBL (for example, ORBFACTS.LBL). Additional spacecraft ephemeris data are contained in the magnetic field data in Sun-State (like GSE) and Planetocentric coordinates. These data can be found in the MGS Level 1 Magnetometer data (PDS data set IDs MGS-M-MAG-3-MAP1/FULLWORD-RES-MAG-V1.0 and MGS-M-MAG-3-PREMAP/FULLWORD-RES-MAG-V1.0).