PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 DATA_SET_ID = "MESS-E_V_H_SW-MAG-2-EDR-RAWDATA-V1.0" RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2015-10-20 NOTE = "This file describes known errors or deficiencies in this archive volume." END_OBJECT = TEXT END Non-Standard Practices The PDS standards do not specify where to store the required MD5 checksum file for a volume. We have placed it in the root directory of the volume with the file name "CHECKSUMS.TXT". This may be considered invalid by some verifiers. Users are encouraged to provide comments back to the Planetary Plasma Interactions (PPI) Node of the PDS if errors or omissions are found either in data or in documentation. Please send comments by e-mail or U.S. mail to the PPI Node PDS Operator: Planetary Plasma Interactions Node UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, LOS ANGELES INST. OF GEOPHYSICS AND PLANETARY PHYSICS 6707 GEOLOGY LOS ANGELES, CA 90095-1567 USA (310) 206-6073 WWW Site: http://pds-ppi.igpp.ucla.edu Electronic mail address: pds_operator@igpp.ucla.edu Cumulative errata for this archive volume: This file, ERRATA.TXT, contains release notes and errata concerning the MESSENGER MAG EDR archive. During the course of the MESSENGER mission the MAG science team may update previously released data products or documentation; for example, updates may occur due to changes in calibration data or procedures. Updates may be reported in this file. Section A of this file contains an entry for each MESSENGER release with general information about the contents of the release, in order from newest to oldest. Updates to previously released files are reported in these entries, along with any known errata. Section B of this file contains general notes, if any, concerning the archive as a whole. ******** SECTION A ******** RELEASE NUMBER: 14 RELEASE DATE: 2015-10-09 DATA COVERAGE: 2014-09-18 to 2015-04-30 (Mercury Orbit Year 4, Mercury Orbit Year 5) PRODUCT TYPES RELEASED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: MAG EDR PRODUCT TYPES UPDATED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: MAG EDR Notes: Redelivered the following products for the reasons stated below. MAGLAC082760001_V2.LBL MAGLAC082800000_V2.LBL These products had wrong file sizes, not matching the FILE_RECORDS*RECORD_BYTES values in the label files. MAGLAC130430000_V2.LBL MAGLAC130460000_V2.LBL These products had wrong TIME_TAG values in a small subset of records. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- RELEASE NUMBER: 13 RELEASE DATE: 2015-03-06 DATA COVERAGE: 2014-03-18 to 2014-09-17 (Mercury Orbit Year 4) PRODUCT TYPES RELEASED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: MAG EDR PRODUCT TYPES UPDATED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: None Notes: No known errors or variances. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- RELEASE NUMBER: 12 RELEASE DATE: 2014-09-05 DATA COVERAGE: 2013-09-17 to 2014-03-17 (Mercury Orbit Year 3) PRODUCT TYPES RELEASED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: MAG EDR PRODUCT TYPES UPDATED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: MAG EDR Many of the MAG Science (SCI), Science Header (SHD), and LogAC (LAC) EDRs were regenerated for release 12 to correct duplicate telemetry packet processing, correct file naming convention deviations, align product start/stop times to fall within terrestrial day boundaries, include MET subseconds in the SHD products, and remove data gaps. Details are given below: 1. MAG Science Header (SHD) EDRs: All SHD EDRs for the time period from launch through 17 September 2013 were modified. The format of the first column in the data product, TIME_TAG, was changed from ASCII_INTEGER (I12) format to ASCII_REAL (F14.2) format with decimal precision added. This caused a shifting of the other fields to the right. The labels were updated accordingly. 2. MAG Science (SCI) and LogAC (LAC) EDRs: A number of the SCI and LAC EDRs were modified to fix file naming mismatches with SHD products (see items 3 and 4 below), data gaps with subsequent products, start/end time tags that did not match those of the corresponding SHD products, and missing records due to erroneous removal of packets created within the same integer second. 3. MAG Science (SCI) and Science Header (SHD) EDR file naming mismatch: Some SCI EDRs delivered in this release have file names that differ from those in earlier deliveries in the last character of the file basename (the second character of the minute field (mm) of MAGSCI_V.TAB/.LBL). This is due to the fact that the START_TIMEs of the data were rounded to the nearest minute in past processing when the seconds should have been truncated. The SCI EDRs are redelivered to follow the established naming convention. For example, MAGSCI060630003_V1 from a previous delivery has a START_TIME of 2006-03-04T00:02:58 and was therefore renamed to MAGSCI060630002_V2. 4. MAG Science (SCI) and Science Header (SHD) EDR start/end times mismatch: MAG products are daily products that contain data collected from 00:00:00 through 23:59:59 UTC of the current day. Some of the previously delivered products contained data collected seconds before the beginning of the day. This caused their filenames to improperly indicate a collection time off by up to a few minutes. These products are redelivered to bring their start and stop times and file names in concordance with the corresponding SHD products. The products MAGSCI060670000_V1 (START_TIME = 2006-03-07T23:59:54) from a previous delivery and MAGSCI060670003_V2 (START_TIME = 2006-03-08T00:03:14) are examples of this. In some other cases, shifting the start times to be within the day boundaries created a data gap in the previous day's product. These products are also redelivered. On 2014-06-20, the EDR documentation was updated. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- RELEASE NUMBER: 11 RELEASE DATE: 2014-03-07 DATA COVERAGE: 2013-03-18 to 2013-09-17 (Mercury Orbit Year 3) PRODUCT TYPES RELEASED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: MAG EDR PRODUCT TYPES UPDATED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: None Notes: No known errors or variances. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- RELEASE NUMBER: 10 RELEASE DATE: 2013-09-06 DATA COVERAGE: 2012-09-18 to 2013-03-17 (Mercury Orbit Year 2) PRODUCT TYPES RELEASED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: MAG EDR PRODUCT TYPES UPDATED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: None Notes: No known errors or variances. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- RELEASE NUMBER: 9 RELEASE DATE: 2013-03-08 DATA COVERAGE: 2012-03-26 to 2012-09-17 (Mercury Orbit Year 2) PRODUCT TYPES RELEASED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: MAG EDR PRODUCT TYPES UPDATED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: None Notes: No known errors or variances. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- RELEASE NUMBER: 8 RELEASE DATE: 2012-09-07 DATA COVERAGE: 2011-09-18 to 2012-03-25 (Mercury Orbit, Mercury Orbit Year 2) PRODUCT TYPES RELEASED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: MAG EDR PRODUCT TYPES UPDATED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: None Notes: No known errors or variances. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- RELEASE NUMBER: 7 RELEASE DATE: 2012-03-15 DATA COVERAGE: 2011-05-18 to 2011-09-17 (Mercury Orbit) PRODUCT TYPES RELEASED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: MAG EDR PRODUCT TYPES UPDATED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: None Notes: No known errors or variances. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- RELEASE NUMBER: 6 RELEASE DATE: 2011-09-15 DATA COVERAGE: 2010-10-15 to 2011-05-17 (Mercury Orbit Insertion + 2 Months) PRODUCT TYPES RELEASED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: MAG EDR PRODUCT TYPES UPDATED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: MAG EDR REASON FOR UPDATES: Correction of processing errors. Updates are due to a change in determining the number of valid LogAC counts in the packet file. The following EDRs and their PDS labels are being redelivered in this release with updated version numbers. MAGLAC050700000_V2.TAB MAGLAC050900002_V2.TAB MAGLAC052200002_V2.TAB MAGLAC052210001_V3.TAB MAGLAC060550603_V2.TAB MAGLAC061090002_V3.TAB MAGLAC070700000_V3.TAB MAGLAC071530000_V2.TAB MAGLAC080120000_V2.TAB MAGLAC080150000_V2.TAB MAGLAC080190001_V2.TAB MAGLAC080540002_V2.TAB MAGLAC081280100_V2.TAB MAGLAC082340000_V2.TAB MAGLAC082400000_V2.TAB MAGLAC082410000_V2.TAB MAGLAC082770000_V2.TAB MAGLAC083060000_V2.TAB MAGLAC090120600_V2.TAB MAGLAC092360400_V2.TAB MAGLAC092690000_V2.TAB MAGLAC092760001_V2.TAB MAGSHD050700000_V2.TAB MAGSHD050900002_V2.TAB MAGSHD052200002_V2.TAB MAGSHD052210001_V3.TAB MAGSHD060550603_V2.TAB MAGSHD061090002_V3.TAB MAGSHD070700000_V3.TAB MAGSHD071530000_V2.TAB MAGSHD080120000_V2.TAB MAGSHD080150000_V2.TAB MAGSHD080190001_V2.TAB MAGSHD080540002_V2.TAB MAGSHD081280100_V2.TAB MAGSHD082340000_V2.TAB MAGSHD082400000_V2.TAB MAGSHD082410000_V2.TAB MAGSHD082770000_V2.TAB MAGSHD083060000_V2.TAB MAGSHD090120600_V2.TAB MAGSHD092360400_V2.TAB MAGSHD092690000_V2.TAB MAGSHD092760001_V2.TAB -------------------------------------------------------------------------- RELEASE NUMBER: 5 RELEASE DATE: 2010-03-15 DATA COVERAGE: 2008-10-21 to 2010-10-14 (Mercury Flyby 3) PRODUCT TYPES RELEASED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: MAG EDR PRODUCT TYPES UPDATED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: MAG EDR REASON FOR UPDATES: Correction of processing errors. Notes: Six EDRs and their labels were redelivered in this release. Since the file name includes the observation time in the EDR file name, and since the time changed for three of these EDRs, the file names are now completely different rather than just having "V1" replaced by "V2". These EDRs changed with no change in observation time: MAGLHD081840004_V1 -> superceded by MAGLHD081840004_V2 MAGLHK081840004_V1 -> superceded by MAGLHK081840004_V2 MAGSTA071080001_V2 -> superceded by MAGSTA071080001_V3 For these EDRs the filename itself has changed because packets from earlier in the day were recovered. The V1 file no longer exists in the archive: MAGLHD081851530_V1 -> superceded by MAGLHD081850005_V2 MAGLHK081851530_V1 -> superceded by MAGLHK081850005_V2 MAGSTA071090119_V1 -> superceded by MAGSTA071090001_V2 Although only six EDRs have been reprocessed, all previously released EDRs are included in this release for data synchronization and integrity purposes. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- RELEASE NUMBER: 4 RELEASE DATE: 2009-04-15 DATA COVERAGE: 2008-01-15 to 2008-10-20 (Mercury Flyby 2) PRODUCT TYPES RELEASED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: MAG EDR PRODUCT TYPES UPDATED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: MAG EDR REASON FOR UPDATES: Correction of processing errors. Notes: 364 EDRs and their labels were redelivered in this release. These files have a file name version number of V2. In addition, the PDS labels for these files have been updated to indicate a product version id of "V2". -------------------------------------------------------------------------- RELEASE NUMBER: 3 RELEASE DATE: 2008-07-15 DATA COVERAGE: 2007-06-06 to 2008-01-14 (Mercury Flyby 1) PRODUCT TYPES RELEASED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: MAG EDR PRODUCT TYPES UPDATED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: None. Notes: No known errors or variances. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- RELEASE NUMBER: 2 RELEASE DATE: 2007-08-20 DATA COVERAGE: 2004-08-03 to 2007-06-05 (Earth and Venus Flybys) PRODUCT TYPES RELEASED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: MAG EDR PRODUCT TYPES UPDATED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: None. Notes: Initial delivery. No known errors or variances. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- RELEASE NUMBER: 1 RELEASE DATE: n/a DATA COVERAGE: Pre-flight ground calibration data Notes: Ground calibration data and reports. ******** SECTION B ******** This section is provided for general notes concerning the archive as a whole. So far there are no general errors or notes to report.