PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2017-05-12 NOTE = "Description of this BROWSE directory." END_OBJECT = TEXT END The BROWSE directory within the Mercury Energetic Particle and Plasma Spectrometer (EPPS) MESSEPPS_DDR data volume contains viewable image products that are intended to complement the corresponding data products in the DATA directory within the volume. Subdirectory EPS_PA_DIST: The EPS_PA_DIST directory contains pitch-angle distribution function spectrograms provided as browse plots for selected energetic electron events based on the selection criteria outlined in Ho et al. (2012, JGR) during the Mercury Orbit phase. The pitch angle spectrogram browse products were a one-time delivery included in release 9. The pitch angle value table DDRs are included in both releases 9 and 11. The pitch angle value tables in release 11 include the entire EPS data set covering the Mercury Orbit Year 2. Subdirectory BROWSE/EPS_PA_DAILY_SPECTROGRAM: This directory contains plots of the daily pitch angle distributions. Each file is a PNG format image that corresponds to a TAB file in the DATA/EPS_PA_DAILY_SPECTROGRAM directory. As is the case with the DATA directory, the BROWSE/EPS_PA_DAILY_SPECTROGRAM directory is further organized by year and month with each year directory containing from one to twelve month directories. These products are provided only for the on orbit phases of the mission. The plot PNG products are accompanied by PDS labels. EPS_PASD_IMAGE__DDR_V.PNG yyyy = the year in which the data were collected doy = the day of the year in which the data were collected nn = the product version number For example the file below is a PNG image file containing data collected in day 100 (April 10) of 2014: BROWSE/EPS_PA_DAILY_SPECTOGRAM/2014/APR/EPS_PASD_IMAGE_2014100_DDR_V01.PNG