PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2015-05-11 NOTE = "GEOMINFO.TXT describes the position data files available on this volume." END_OBJECT = TEXT END POSyy_mm.TAB The POSyy_mm.TAB files in this directory contain spacecraft position data for the Lunar Prospector mission. Each of these files contains one month of data in table form. These data are based on those in the Level 0 position dataset, but they have been reprocessed and reformatted, and position vectors in several new coordinate systems have been added. Filenames in this directory follow the pattern POSyy_mm.TAB, where yy and mm are the year and month of the file. Files named POSyy_mm.LBL are detached PDS labels for the corresponding files POSyy_mm.TAB. The format of the files is described in each label. MOON_POS.TAB A table of positions of the Moon relative to Earth.