PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2009-04-01 NOTE = "Description of the EXTRAS directory contents for the Lunar Prospector MAG/ER Level 1 data archive." END_OBJECT = TEXT END EXTRAS Directory Contents The EXTRAS directory contains ancillary geometry files for the Lunar Prospector data on this disk. The data includes spacecraft attitude, spin rate, and ephemeris. Many of these files do not belong to the main data set of this archive, but are included here because of their usefulness in connection with the main data. The following files are found in this directory. XTRAINFO.TXT - The file you are reading. ATTITUDE.TAB - A sparse table giving the time and new spacecraft orientation after each major change in spacecraft attitude or spin rate. Parameters are spin averaged. ATTITUDE.LBL - PDS label for ATTITUDE.TAB. The ATTITUDE.* files were derived from the Lunar Prospector Level 0 archive. The SPICE kernels provided on this product represent the best data available from NAIF at the time of original archiving of the LP data; however, each of these kernels is dynamic and is subject to updates with time. The official archive of all SPICE products is maintained by the Navigation and Ancillary Information Facility (NAIF) at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, CA. In addition to being the PDS archive site for the SPICE kernels, NAIF provides and maintains a software toolkit (SPICELIB) for accessing the kernels. For more information about NAIF or SPICELIB please visit the NAIF website (http://pds.jpl.nasa.gov/naif.html). LP_EPHEM.TSP - A SPICE spacecraft/planetary ephemeris kernel that contains ephemerides for the Earth, Moon, and Sun. This kernel can be used to generate LP trajectory data in alternative coordinate systems and to generate transformation matrices that can rotate the magnetometer data into these systems. This kernel is provided in transfer format. P_CONST.TPC A SPICE kernel containing planetary constants data in transfer format. LEAP_SEC.TLS A SPICE kernel containing leapsecond data in transfer format. The following file, though not a SPICE kernel, serves related purposes: MOON_POS.TAB A table of positions of the Moon relative to Earth. Each kernel is accompanied on the disk by a detached PDS label file, which has the same filename but with the extension replaced by .LBL.