PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2024-01-24 NOTE = "AAREADME.TXT describes this volume." END_OBJECT = TEXT END LP-L-ER-3-RDR-HIGHRESFLUX-V1.1 1998-01-16 to 1999-07-29 Planetary Plasma Interactions Discipline Node of the Planetary Data System ============================================================================= Brief Volume Description ============================================================================= Lunar Prospector (LP) was a simple spin-stabilized spacecraft with a nominal spin period of 5 seconds, operating in a circular, polar orbit around the Moon. The orbit during the Primary Mission had a 118 minute period and average altitude of about 100 km. The Primary Mission lasted for one year starting on January 16, 1998 and ending on January 16, 1999. The spacecraft orbit was then lowered to about 30 km to acquire higher resolution data during a 6-month Extended Mission. The Extended Mission began on January 16, 1999 and was completed on July 31, 1999. The mission ended when the spacecraft impacted into the surface of the Moon. The science goals of LP were to map the Moon's surface composition and its magnetic and gravity fields, to determine the frequency and location of gas release events, and to search for polar ice deposits. To meet these objectives, LP had five science instruments, housed on three booms: a gamma ray spectrometer, a neutron spectrometer, an alpha particle spectrometer, a magnetometer, and an electron reflectometer. In addition, a gravity experiment used Doppler tracking data to derive gravity measurements. This volume includes time ordered high resolution data from the Lunar Prospector Electron Reflectometer. Every effort has been made to assure that the data included on this volume are of the best quality available. However, the PDS and the Planetary Plasma Interactions (PPI) Node in particular, assume no liability for this volume or its contents. All users are encouraged to verify the "correctness" of the data prior to submitting any publications or other work based on these data. All data files are stored in the "DATA" branch of the directory tree. ============================================================================= File Formats ============================================================================= Detached version 3.x PDS labels describe all files on this volume. PDS labels are identified by a ".LBL" file name extension. There is one label file for each text and data file (1 flatfile) contained on this volume and the file name prefix is the same as the file the label describes. If the dataset is stored as multiple files (as most of them are), there will be a single format file which describes the physical structure of the data. This format file is then pointed to by all of the labels. Both the label files and the format files (*.FMT) are all located in the same directories as the data they describe. ============================================================================ Software =========================================================================== There are no software provided on this volume. ============================================================================= Volume Contents and Structure ============================================================================= This section describes the volume structure and naming conventions. Below is a tree diagram of the volume, followed by a description of the directory. LPER_0002 (root directory) | |- AAREADME.TXT Describes volume contents, organization and use | (this file) | |- ERRATA.TXT Describes known deficiencies or caveats in the data | or on this volume. | |- VOLDESC.CAT High level description of volume contents. | | [BROWSE] This directory contains plots which summarize | the MAG and ER data, in year and month | subdirectories. | |- [CATALOG] Information on the data set and how it was processed | and produced. Also contains information regarding | Lunar Prospector, the instrument covered by this | volume, personnel involved, and references from various | documents including those contained in the /CATALOG | and /DOCUMENT directories. | |- [DATA] Data from the ER instrument | The primary data are organized into subdirectories | by year and month. Ancillary data are in a separate | subdirectory. | |- [DOCUMENT] Contains documents that will be useful when analyzing | data. | | [EXTRAS} Contains such useful files as a SPICE planetary | ephemeris file (.TSP), a planetary constants kernel | (.TPC),a SPICE leap seconds kernel (.TLS). |- [INDEX] Contains a table of contents for all files located on this volume ============================================================================= Errata ============================================================================= Every effort has been made to assure that the data and documentation are of the best possible quality. However, mistakes are inevitable. The PPI Node of the PDS will maintain an online list of ERRATA where errors and updates are documented. Should any user of this product find an error on this volume, please report the error to the PPI Node so that the finding can be made public. All users are encouraged to verify the correctness of the data prior to submitting any publications or other work based on these data. There is a file called ERRATA.TXT found at the root level of this volume which contains a list of known deficiencies or caveats associated with data on this volume at the time that it was produced. If you find an error on this volume, please report it to the PDS Operator at the PPI Node of the PDS (contact information below). =========================================================================== Contacts =========================================================================== The person most directly responsible for the construction and release of this volume is Mr. Steven Joy. He was the PPI Node Data Administrator at the time this volume was created and understands as much about the volume structure and data organization as anyone. Other PPI personnel who may be aware of issues related to this volume include Dr. Raymond Walker, the PDS/PPI Node manager. For questions or problems regarding this dataset volume, please contact the PDS/PPI PDS operator: Email pds_operator@igpp.ucla.edu Telephone (310) 206-6073 U.S. Mail PDS Operator c/o Dr. Raymond Walker 3845 Slichter Hall UCLA - IGPP Los Angeles, CA 90095-1567 For questions regarding PDS Standards or other archives available from the PDS, please contact PDS Operator at the PDS Central Node (at JPL): Email pds_operator@jpl.nasa.gov Telephone (818) 354-4321 U.S. Mail Planetary Data System, PDS Operator Jet Propulsion Laboratory Mail Stop 202-101 4800 Oak Grove Dr. Pasadena, CA 91109-8099 The PDS and the Planetary Plasma Interactions (PPI) Node in particular, assume no legal liability for errors on this volume. All users are encouraged to verify the correctness of the data prior to submitting any publications or other work based on these data. Errors on this volume should be reported back to the PPI Node of the PDS through the ERRATA reporting procedures described above.