PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 DATA_SET_ID = "LP-L-6-EPHEMERIS-V1.0" RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2013-01-24 NOTE = "ERRATA.TXT reflects any known deficiencies with files contained on this volume." END_OBJECT = TEXT END Users are encouraged to provide comments back to the PPI Node of the PDS if errors or omissions are found either in data or in documentation. Please send comments by e-mail or U.S. mail to the PPI Node PDS Operator: Email pds_operator@igpp.ucla.edu Telephone (310) 206-6073 U.S. Mail PDS Operator c/o Dr. Raymond Walker 3845 Slichter Hall UCLA - IGPP Los Angeles, CA 90095-1567 ERRATA This file contains a list of all deficiencies and irregularities that are known to exist at the time of production of this volume. Non-standard practices The PDS standards do not specify where to store the required MD5 checksum file for a volume. We have placed it in the root directory of the volume with the file name "CHECKSUMS.TXT". This may be considered invalid by some verifiers. =========================================================================== This dataset was originally part of a CD volume set containing several different Lunar Prospector datasets across several volumes. The following is the original errata for that volume set: This document contains the original errata for the Lunar Prospector Level 0 data, together with some new comments added later. The PDS originally released the Level 0 data on a set of 19 CDs named LP_0001 through LP_0019. In the original release, the errata were sorted by CD volume and included errata for all the Level 0 data sets. The Lunar Prospector data have since been divided into separate volumes with one data set per volume. To simplify the presentation and to keep the errata organized, we have left the errata in their original arrangement. Therefore, the errata list still mentions CD volumes, and comments are grouped according to CD volume. Since the original CDs contained multiple data sets, the list below may refer to files not on the present volume. COMMENTS ON LUNAR PROSPECTOR LEVEL 0 DATA The listing below contains a cumulative set of comments and errors concerning the Lunar Prospector Level 0 data archive. I. General comments 1. The PDS standards do not specify where to store the required MD5 checksum file for a volume. We have placed it in the root directory of the volume with the file name "CHECKSUMS.TXT". This may be considered invalid by some verifiers. 2. Merged telemetry files In most cases, the first record of a merged telemetry file is the same as the last record of the previous file. There are, however, cases where there are time gaps between two merged telemetry files and, thus, no overlapping records. There are also a few cases where two files do not have these overlapping records. 3. PDS catalog objects The catalog objects on this volume for the five science instruments are somewhat brief. This is because at the time that the volume was released, published papers about the instruments were not available. When the Lunar Prospector Science Teams publish instrument papers, the catalog objects will be revised and expanded. The revised catalog objects will be included on later volumes. Several of the Lunar Prospector catalog object files have been updated for Level 0 volume LP_0013 to include information about significant events in the Primary and Extended Missions. The revised catalog files include the mission, spacecraft, and data set files. Several of the Lunar Prospector catalog object files have been updated again for Level 0 volume LP_0019 to include information about significant events for the complete Primary and Extended Missions. The revised catalog files include the mission and data set files. 4. Uplink command files Occasionally a given command is listed twice by the software that generates the command files. This can be detected because the two commands are identical (same command and same transmit time). However, these duplicate commands were only transmitted once to the spacecraft. 5. Spacecraft clock The LP spacecraft clock or frame counter increments once every 2 seconds. It is stored in a 24-bit register. This means that the clock will reset to zero after about 33.5 million seconds or about one year. The LP spacecraft clock reset on January 30, 1999 at about 12:09 UTC, which was early in the Extended Mission. Level 0 data files containing the reset clock counter are found on volumes LP_0013 and above. II. Comments on volume LP_0001 1. ATTITUDE.TAB file on volume LP_0001 Attitude determinations from 1/7/98 through 1/15/98 are based on Sun sensor data only. Determinations starting on 1/16/98 are based on a combination of Sun sensor data, Earth-Moon limb sensor data, and the definitive ephemeris. 2. Uplink command files on volume LP_0001 In command file C9802342.TAB on volume LP_0001, the MERHTROFF command transmitted at 1998-01-23T00:49:53 did not execute on the spacecraft because the command format was incorrect due to a configuration error in the command system at the Mission Control Center. III. Comments on volume LP_0003 1. ATTITUDE.TAB file on volume LP_0003 Attitude determinations from 3/1/98 through 3/3/98 are based on a combination of Sun sensor and Earth-Moon limb sensor data. Determinations from 3/4/98 through 3/31/98 are based only on Sun sensor data due to poor Earth-Moon limb sensor geometry 2. File names for sun pulse and merged telemetry files on volume LP_0003 PDS file names for the sun pulse and merged telemetry files are based on the date and hour for the start of the file. On volume LP_0003 there was two sun pulse and merged telemetry files that began in the same hour (hour 19 of 3/20/98). To avoid having files with the same name, the start hour used for one set was 19, whereas hour 20 was used for the second set. The files involved are: s9807919.b m9807919.b s9807920.b m9807920.b IV. Comments on volume LP_0004 1. ATTITUDE.TAB file on volume LP_0004 Attitude determinations from 4/1/98 through 4/12/98 and for 4/16/98 are based only on Sun sensor data due to poor Earth-Moon limb sensor geometry. Determinations for other times in April 1998 are based on a combination of Sun sensor and Earth-Moon limb sensor data. 2. Uplink command files on volume LP_0004 The commands listed in file C9811346.TAB did not reach the spacecraft due to a configuration error in the command system. V. Comments on volume LP_0005 1. ATTITUDE.TAB file on volume LP_0005 Attitude determinations from 5/3/98 through 4/9/98 are based only on Sun sensor data because of Earth interference with the Earth-Moon limb sensor. Also determinations for 5/31/98 are based only on Sun sensor data due to poor Earth-Moon limb sensor geometry. Determinations for other times in May 1998 are based on a combination of Sun sensor and Earth-Moon limb sensor data. 2. Revised format for MAG/ER data starting with volume LP_0005 On May 14, 1998, commands were sent to the Lunar Prospector spacecraft to reprogram onboard data processing and formatting in the MAG/ER instrument. The new data format is described in the MAGERFMT.PDF file found in the DOCUMENT directory. This file is a revision of Appendix G (LP MAG/ER Telemetry Format) of the Level 0 Data Product SIS document found in the LVL0SIS.PDF file. VI. Comments on volume LP_0006 1. ATTITUDE.TAB file on volume LP_0006 Attitude determinations from 6/1/98 through 6/30/98 are based only on Sun sensor data due to poor Earth-Moon limb sensor geometry. 2. Uplink command file C9815961.TAB on volume LP_0006 In command file C9815961.TAB, the command "GHV1LEV, 206" was transmitted multiple times due to a command system configuration error at the mission control center. The command was transmitted three times incorrectly (and one of those commands is duplicated in the command file). The command system was reconfigured and the command transmitted at 20:46:24.7 was accepted by the spacecraft. VII. Comments on volume LP_0007 1. ATTITUDE.TAB file on volume LP_0007 Attitude determinations from 7/1/98 through 7/31/98 are based only on Sun sensor data due to poor Earth-Moon limb sensor geometry. VIII. Comments on volume LP_0008 1. ATTITUDE.TAB file on volume LP_0008 Attitude determinations from 8/1/98 through 8/31/98 are based only on Sun sensor data due to poor Earth-Moon limb sensor geometry. 2. Sun pulse file s9823322.b The sun pulse file s9823322.b (and its label) is not included on volume LP_0008. This file covers the time period of 1998-08-21T22:21 to 1998-08-23T03:12 UTC. The spacecraft was in eclipse during this time and the spacecraft spin rate solutions are still being analyzed. This sun pulse file will be included on a later volume. IX. Comments on volume LP_0009 1. ATTITUDE.TAB file on volume LP_0009 Attitude determinations from 9/1/98 through 9/30/98 are based only on Sun sensor data. 2. Sun pulse file s9826610.b The sun pulse file s9826610.b (and its label) is not included on volume LP_0009. This file covers the time period of 1998-09-23T10:13 to 1998-09-23T16:36 UTC. The spacecraft spin rate solutions are still being analyzed. This sun pulse file will be included on a later volume. 3. Uplink command files C9826116.TAB, C9826746.TAB, and C9827027.TAB Several command files on volume LP_0009 contain commands that were not received by the spacecraft. In C9826116.TAB the spacecraft did not receive the two pairs of XMTON and EXEC commands between 15:05:00 and 15:10:11 because the DSS antenna was not pointing at the spacecraft. In C9826746.TAB the XMTON and EXEC commands between 06:24:00 and 06:24:02 and 08:22:00 and 08:22:02 were not received by the spacecraft because of a DSS problem. In C9827027.TAB the spacecraft did not receive two pairs of XMTON and EXEC commands between 03:10:00 and 03:15:28 because of an uplink failure at the station. X. Comments on volume LP_0010 1. ATTITUDE.TAB file on volume LP_0010 Attitude determinations from 10/1/98 through 10/31/98 are based only on Sun sensor data. XI. Comments on volume LP_0011 1. ATTITUDE.TAB file on volume LP_0011 Attitude determinations from 11/1/98 through 11/30/98 are based only on Sun sensor data. 2. Uplink command files C9830542.TAB, and C9830642.TAB Two command files on volume LP_0011 contain commands that were not properly executed by the spacecraft. In C9830542.TAB the first 4 commands between 11:10:17 and 12:00:34 were delayed because of a command system failure. In C9830642.TAB the six commands between 09:36:00 and 09:55:50 did not work. XII. Comments on volume LP_0012 1. ATTITUDE.TAB file on volume LP_0012 Attitude determinations from 12/1/98 through 12/31/98 are based only on Sun sensor data. XIII. Comments on volume LP_0013 1. ATTITUDE.TAB file on volume LP_0013 Attitude determinations from 1/1/99 through 1/31/99 are based only on Sun sensor data. 2. Sun pulse file s9902903.b Sun pulse file s9902903.b (and its label) is not included on volume LP_0013. This file covers the time period of 1999-01-29T03:16 to 1999-01-29T08:51 UTC. The spacecraft was in eclipse during this time and the spacecraft spin rate solutions are still being analyzed. This sun pulse file will be included on a later volume. 3. Uplink command file C9903146.TAB This command file on volume LP_0013 contains two commands that were not properly received by the spacecraft. The two commands between 16:53:39 and 16:53:41 did not get into the spacecraft. XIV. Comments on volume LP_0014 1. ATTITUDE.TAB file on volume LP_0014 Attitude determinations from 2/1/99 through 2/28/99 are based only on Sun sensor data. 2. Sun pulse file s9905611.b Sun pulse file s9905611.b (and its label) is not included on volume LP_0014. This file covers the time period of 1999-02-25T11:37 to 1999-02-25T15:40 UTC. The spacecraft was in eclipse during this time and the spacecraft spin rate solutions are still being analyzed. This sun pulse file will be included on a later volume. XV. Comments on volume LP_0015 1. ATTITUDE.TAB file on volume LP_0015 Attitude determinations from 3/1/99 through 3/31/99 are based only on Sun sensor data. 2. Missing sun pulse files The following sun pulse files are not included on volume LP_0015. s9907708.b s9907815.b s9907913.b s9908015.b s9908019.b s9908314.b s9908318.b These sun pulse files will be included on a later volume. 3. Uplink command files on volume LP_0015 In command file C9906146.TAB, the spacecraft received only the last four commands because the DSS had wrong settings. In command file C9906316.TAB, the spacecraft did not receive the first two commands. In command file C9908066.TAB, commands three through six were not received by the spacecraft. In command file C9908916.TAB, the spacecraft did not accept the command at 1999-03-30T04:36:23.500. XVI. Comments on volume LP_0016 1. ATTITUDE.TAB file on volume LP_0016 Attitude determinations from 4/1/99 through 4/30/99 are based only on Sun sensor data. 2. Missing sun pulse files The following sun pulse files are not included on volume LP_0016. s9911100.b s9912019.b These sun pulse files will be included on a later volume. XVII. Comments on volume LP_0017 1. ATTITUDE.TAB file on volume LP_0017 Attitude determinations from 5/1/99 through 5/31/99 are based only on Sun sensor data. 2. Missing sun pulse files The following sun pulse files are not included on volume LP_0017. s9912101.b s9912517.b These sun pulse files will be included on a later volume. 3. Uplink command files on volume LP_0017 In command file C9914966.TAB, the commands at 21:11:02.000 and 21:14:22.200 were executed on the spacecraft. In command file C9915066.TAB, the first four commands did not get into the spacecraft. XVIII. Comments on volume LP_0018 1. ATTITUDE.TAB file on volume LP_0018 Attitude determinations from 6/1/99 through 6/30/99 are based only on Sun sensor data. 2. Missing sun pulse files The following sun pulse files are not included on volume LP_0018. s9915221.b s9916716.b These sun pulse files will be included on a later volume. 3. Uplink command file on volume LP_0018 In command file C9918146.TAB, the commands between 14:35:15.000 and 14:37:20.600 were resent to the spacecraft to allow verification of each command. When these commands were resent between 14:40:22.900 and 14:51:29.000 they were not properly confirmed by the spacecraft. The sequence of commands were correctly received and confirmed by the spacecraft when they were sent a third time starting at 14:58:33.800. XIX. Comments on volume LP_0019 1. ATTITUDE.TAB file on volume LP_0019 Attitude determinations from 7/1/99 through 7/31/99 are based only on Sun sensor data. 2. Sun pulse files missing from previous volumes A. Seventeen sun pulse files that were missing from previous level 0 volumes are included on volume LP_0019 in the directory SUNPULSE/DXXX. In addition, this directory contains a replacement for the sun pulse file S9812114.B that is also on volume LP_0005. The version on volume LP_0019 should be used. B. Sun pulse data are only valid when the spacecraft spin rate is less than 15 rpm. During the final phase of the mission in preparation for the spacecraft impact, the spin rate was increased to about 24 rpm. Therefore, there are no sun pulse data for this high spin rate period, which started on 7/29/99 and continued until the end of mission on 7/31/99. 3. Position file P99212.DAT on volume LP_0019 The height above the surface parameter (HGT) is invalid for times between 9:21 and 10:10 (end of file) for the position file P99212.DAT. This is during the final descent to impact into the surface. The HGT values appear to be relative to a sphere with radius of 1500 km for this time period as opposed to the nominal lunar radius value of 1738 km. 4. Ephemeris and position files missing from volume LP_0001 Ephemeris and position files for the cruise and orbit insertion phases of the mission were not on the first level 0 data volume. These data were recovered and included on volume LP_0019 in the GEOMETRY directory. Data for most of the cruise and orbit insertion phases are contained in these extra files. However, there are gaps in the data around the times of spacecraft maneuvers. In addition, the time sampling for position file P98009.DAT is once an hour instead of the normal once a minute sampling.