Prepared by
C. W. Piker
W. S. Kurth
Dept. of Physics & Astronomy
The University of Iowa
Iowa City, IA 52242
This document has been reviewed for export control and does NOT contain technical information controlled under the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (22 CFR 120-130).
Christopher W. Piker Waves Archivist/Document Custodian |
William S. Kurth Waves Lead Co-Investigator/Juno Archivist |
David Gell JSOC Manager |
Raymond J. Walker PDS/PPI Node Manager |
Reta Beebe PDS/ATMOS Node Manager |
Michael New PDS Program Scientist |
Bill Knopf PDS Program Executive |
Tom Morgan PDS Program Manager |
This software interface specification (SIS) describes the format and content of the Juno Waves Investigation (Waves) Planetary Data System (PDS) data archive. It includes descriptions of the Standard Data Products and associated meta data, and the volume archive format, content, and generation pipeline.
Name | Organization | |
Chris Piker | U. of Iowa | |
William Kurth | U. of Iowa | |
Steve Joy | UCLA/PDS/PPI | |
Joe Mafi | UCLA/PDS/PPI | |
Ray Walker | UCLA/PDS/PPI | |
David Gell | SwRI/JSOC | |
Change | Date | Affected portion |
Initial template | 2010-01-15 | All |
Waves IOT Draft | 2010-06-03 | All |
Converted to 2 Volume Layout | 2011-07-15 | Section 5 split to become 5 & 6 |
Adjusted file names | 2011-12-01 | File names for L3 volume updated |
Adjustments after PDS 2nd review | 2012-06-04 | All |
Adjustments after W. Kurth's review | 2012-06-18 | All, except Appendices |
Changed cal table name, new BURST products | 2012-06-25 | Section 6.3, Section 6.5.2 |
Added L2 product description | 2013-02-01 | Appendix C |
Final Edits for 1st Revision. | 2013-04-12 | Sections 1 |
Post-Review Lien Resolution Edits - 2nd Revision | 2015-09-23 | Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and C |
Table 1.3 lists items that are not yet finalized.
Item | Section(s) |
Add instrument paper when it's available | 1.9 |
Determine CATS like tool for tracking Juno Submissions and the method by which JSOC will deliver data to PPI | 4.1 |
Abbreviation | Meaning |
A/D | Analog to Digital |
ADC | Analog to Digital Converter |
ASCII | American Standard Code for Information Interchange |
ATLO | Assembly, Test and Launch Operations - Typically refers to pre-launch ground testing. |
CATS | Cassini Archive Tracking System |
CCSDS | Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems |
CD-ROM | Compact Disc -- Read-Only Memory |
CDR | Calibrated Data Record |
CFDP | CCSDS File Delivery Protocol |
CODMAC | Committee on Data Management, Archiving, and Computing |
C&DH | Command and Data Handler -- Juno's central electronic system |
CRC | Cyclic Redundancy Check |
DMAS | Data Management and Storage |
EDR | Experiment Data Record |
EFB | Earth Fly-By |
FEI | File Exchange Interface - a JPL provided software package |
FFT | Fast Fourier Transform - An efficient digital algorithm for calculating discrete Fourier transformations of a number series |
GB | Gigabyte(s) |
GSFC | Goddard Space Flight Center |
HFR | High Frequency Receiver - A section of the Waves main electronics |
HK | Housekeeping - instrument and spacecraft health and status monitoring information |
HRS | High Rate Science - Refers to science data collected at higher rate than normal, antonym of LRS |
HTML | Hypertext Markup Language |
ICD | Interface Control Document |
IOT | Instrument Operations Team |
ISO | International Standards Organization |
JADE | Jovian Auroral Plasma Distributions Experiment |
JEDI | Jupiter Energetic Particle Detector Instrument |
JIRAM | Jupiter InfraRed Auroral Mapper |
JPL | Jet Propulsion Laboratory |
JSOC | Juno Science Operations Center |
LFR | Low Frequency Receiver - A section of the Waves main electronics |
LRS | Low Rate Science - Refers to science data collected at a nominal rate, antonym of HRS |
MAG | Magnetometer Instrument |
MB | Megabyte(s) |
MOS | Mission Operations System |
MSB | Most Significant Byte First -- layout for multibyte fields, colloquially called "big endian" |
MWR | Microwave Radiometer Instrument |
NAIF | Navigation and Ancillary Information Facility (JPL) |
NASA | National Aeronautics and Space Administration |
NSSDC | National Space Science Data Center |
ODL | Object Description Language |
PDDU | Power Distribution and Drive Unit - a Juno spacecraft component |
PDS | Planetary Data System |
PPI | Planetary Plasma Interactions Node (PDS) |
SCET | Spacecraft Event Time |
SCLK | Spacecraft Clock |
SFTP | Secure File Transfer Protocol |
SIS | Software Interface Specification |
SOS | Science Operations System |
SPDR | Standard Product (Experiment and Pipeline) Data Record |
SPICE | Spacecraft, Planet, Instrument, C-matrix, and Events (NAIF data format) |
SPK | SPICE (ephemeris) Kernel (NAIF) |
SwRI | Southwest Research Institute |
TBC | To Be Confirmed |
TBD | To Be Determined |
UVS | Ultraviolet Spectrometer Instrument |
ΔV-EGA | Earth Gravity Assist |
Archive -- An archive consists of one or more data sets along with all the documentation and ancillary information needed to understand and use the data. An archive is a logical construct independent of the medium on which it is stored.
Archive Volume -- A volume is a logical organization of directories and files in which data products are stored. An archive volume is a volume containing all or part of an archive; i.e. data products plus documentation and ancillary files.
Archive Volume Set -- When an archive spans multiple volumes, they are called an archive volume set. Usually the documentation and some ancillary files are repeated on each volume of the set, so that a single volume can be used alone.
Catalog Information -- High-level descriptive information about a data set (e.g. mission description, spacecraft description, instrument description), expressed in Object Description Language (ODL), which is suitable for loading into a PDS catalog.
Data Product -- A labeled grouping of data resulting from a scientific observation, usually stored in one file. A product label identifies, describes, and defines the structure of the data. An example of a data product is a planetary image, a spectral table, or a time series table.
Data Set -- A data set is an accumulation of data products together with supporting documentation and ancillary files.
Experiment Data Record -- An accumulation of raw output data from a science instrument, in chronological order, with duplicate records removed, together with supporting documentation and ancillary files.
Standard Data Product -- A data product generated in a predefined way using well-understood procedures and processed in "pipeline" fashion. Data products that are generated in a non-standard way are sometimes called special data products.
Juno launched aboard an Atlas V rocket from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station on August 5th 2011. The spacecraft uses a ΔV-EGA trajectory consisting of a deep space maneuver on 12 September 2012 followed by an Earth gravity assist on 9 October 2013 at an altitude of 500 km. Jupiter arrival is on 5 July 2016 using a 107-day capture orbit prior to commencing operations for a 1-(Earth) year long prime mission comprising 32 high inclination, high eccentricity orbits of Jupiter. The orbit is polar (90° inclination) with a periapsis altitude of 4500 km and a semi-major axis of 19.91 RJ giving an orbital period of 10.9725 days.
During each orbit primary science data are acquired for approximately 12 hours centered on each periapsis. In addition fields and particles data are acquired at low rates for the remaining apoapsis portion of each orbit. Currently, 5 of the first 7 periapses are dedicated to microwave radiometry of Jupiter's deep atmosphere with the remaining orbits dedicated to gravity measurements to determine the structure of Jupiter's interior. All orbits will include fields and particles measurements of the planet's auroral regions. Data acquired during the periapsis passes are recorded and played back over the subsequent apoapsis portion of the orbit.
Juno is spin stabilized with a rotation rate of 1 -- 5 revolutions per minute (RPM). The planned spin rate varies during the mission: 1 RPM for cruise, 2 RPM for science operations, and 5 RPM for main engine maneuvers. For the radiometry orbits the spin axis is precisely perpendicular to the orbit plane so that the radiometer fields of view pass through the nadir. For gravity passes, the spin axis is aligned to the Earth direction, allowing for Doppler measurements through the periapsis portion of the orbit. The orbit plane is initially very close to perpendicular to the Sun-Jupiter line and evolves over the 1-year mission.
Juno's instrument complement includes Gravity Science using the X and Ka bands to determine the structure of Jupiter's interior; vector fluxgate magnetometer (MAG) to study the magnetic dynamo and interior of Jupiter as well as to explore the polar magnetosphere; and a microwave radiometer (MWR) experiment covering 6 wavelengths between 1.3 and 50 cm to perform deep atmospheric sounding and composition measurements. The instrument complement also includes a suite of fields and particle instruments to study the polar magnetosphere and Jupiter's aurora. This suite includes an energetic particle detector (JEDI), a Jovian auroral (plasma) distributions experiment (JADE), a radio and plasma wave instrument (Waves), an ultraviolet spectrometer (UVS), and a Jupiter infrared auroral mapping instrument (JIRAM). The JunoCam is a camera included for education and public outreach. While this is not a science instrument, the Juno mission team plans to capture the data and archive them in the PDS along with the other mission data.
Section 2 describes the Waves instrument. Section 3 provides a data overview and defines the production methods and schedule. Section 4 describes the data sets, data flow, and validation. Section 5 describes the structure of the archive volumes and contents of each file. Section 7 describes the file formats used in the archive volumes. Individuals responsible for generating the archive volumes are listed in Appendix A. PDS-compliant label files for all Waves standard data products are itemized and described in Appendix B, while the operation of the HFR frequency down-mixers are described in Appendix C.
The specifications in this SIS apply to all archive volumes containing Waves data products submitted for archive to the Planetary Data System (PDS), for all phases of the Juno mission. Some sections of this document describe parts of the Waves archive and archiving process that are managed by the PDS archive team. These sections have been provided for completeness of information and are not maintained by the Waves team.
This document is useful to those wishing to understand the format and content of the Waves PDS data product archive collection. Typically, these individuals would include scientists, data analysts, or software engineers.
One of the four overarching science objectives of the Juno mission is to explore, for the first time, the three-dimensional structure of Jupiter's polar magnetosphere and aurorae. The Waves investigation directly supports this theme. The Wave science objectives supporting this overarching objective are to (1) determine the nature of coupling between Jupiter's internal magnetic field, the ionosphere, and the magnetosphere, (2) investigate and characterize the three-dimensional structure of Jupiter's polar magnetosphere, and (3) identify and characterize auroral processes at Jupiter. These main objectives are further broken down into the following:
Additional issues to be addressed by the Waves investigation include (1) the determination of dust flux in the region above the atmosphere and below Jupiter's ring system at and near the Jovigraphic equator and (2) look for lightning-generated whistlers.
The Waves instrument utilizes two sensors. For the detection of the electric component of waves, an electric dipole antenna is used. The antenna is mounted on the aft flight deck, centered under solar panel wing #1 which has the Magnetometer boom at its end. Each element of the dipole is 2.8 m long. The two elements are deployed shortly after launch in a plane that is tilted aft of the aft flight deck by 45° and with a subtended angle between the two elements of 120°. An electric preamp is housed at the root of the two dipole elements. The symmetry axis of the dipole projected into the aft flight deck plane is parallel to the Magnetometer solar panel. The antenna pattern of the dipole for low frequencies is approximately a dipole with maximum sensitivity to electric fields parallel to the Y-axis of the spacecraft, i.e. perpendicular to both the MAG boom axis and the spin axis.
For the detection of the magnetic component of waves, a magnetic search coil (MSC) is used. The search coil consists of a rod of mu-metal (permalloy) material 15 cm long with 10,000 turns of copper wire on a bobbin surrounding the rod. The coil is attached to the aft flight deck with its preamplifier mounted close by. The long axis of the MSC is parallel to the spacecraft Z axis (along the high gain antenna axis), hence, the antenna pattern is approximately that of a dipole with maximum sensitivity parallel to the spin axis of the spacecraft. This configuration minimizes the variation of signal at the spin frequency.
The Waves electronics (other than the preamplifiers mentioned above) reside in the main electronics box in the Juno radiation vault. A simple block diagram of the instrument is provided in Figure 2.2. There are three receivers.
The Low Frequency Receiver (LFR) comprises two identical low-frequency channels (LFR-Lo) covering the range from 50 Hz to 20 kHz and allows measurements of both the electric and magnetic component of waves (utilizing both sensors). A third channel in the LFR (LFR-Hi) analyzes signals only from the electric dipole and covers the frequency range of 10 to 150 kHz. The outputs from the two LFR-Lo channels are digitized waveforms consisting of 50 ksps at 16 bit resolution. The waveforms are sent to the Digital Signal Processor (DSP) for spectrum analysis. The output from the LFR-Hi channel is digitized at a rate of 375 ksps with 16 bit accuracy. This waveform is also analyzed by the DSP.
Utilizing signals from the electric dipole, the High Frequency Receivers (HFR) are capable of covering the range from 100 kHz to 45.25 MHz, though typical science data cover the range from 137 kHz to 41 MHz. The baseband channel of each HFR (100 kHz -- 3 MHz) is a broadband channel that is sampled at a rate of 7 Msps with 12 bit resolution. To cover the frequency range above 3 MHz, a synthesized frequency is mixed with the incoming signals and the resulting combined signal is filtered to remove components above 500 kHz. This down-mixes high frequency information that was within 1 MHz of the synthesized frequency into the 0 to 0.5 MHz range. The mixed signal may be measured via two different analog signal pathways depending on the desired resolution of the data products. Each receiver may be used to generate low resolution survey data products or higher resolution burst products. The HFR-44 receiver is tuned to step it's internal frequency synthesizer slightly faster than the other HFR and is typically used to produce survey products, though either receiver may be commanded to produce either product type.
Survey HFR data records are produced in the 100 kHz to 3 MHz range by sending the output of the baseband channel (7 Msps at 12-bit resolution) to the Waves DPU for spectrum analysis. The resulting data products covering the range of 137 kH to 2.98 MHz in 27 logarithmically spaced frequency bins. To produce survey data records above 3 MHz, the power in each 1 MHz band is recorded via a log amplifier whose output is sampled with 8 bit resolution. Power levels are collected sequentially as in a swept frequency receiver. Though the instrument may be commanded to set the center frequency of these 1 MHz bands as high as 44.75 MHz, standard HFR science operations are conducted with a top mixer frequency of 40.5 MHz and thus a 41 MHz top edge for the detection range.
Burst HFR data records are gathered when Juno passes near or through the source regions of Jovian radio emissions. Since these data have a much higher frequency and time resolution not all bands are collected on a regular cadence. Instead only the band which overlaps the electron cyclotron frequency. Band selection is driven by magnetic field values received from the Magnetometer once per 2 seconds. Using fce = 28*|B| where fce is the electron cyclotron frequency in Hz and |B| is the magnitude of the magnetic field in nT, a 1-MHz band including fce is selected for waveform measurements. This is because the Jovian auroral radio emissions are generally believed to be generated via the cyclotron maser instability very close to fce.
Unlike the Survey HFR value, all burst HFR products are waveforms. The baseband waveforms samples (7 Msps) are stored as is, without reduction in the DPU. High-frequency (above 3 MHz) science products are not derived from log amplifier measurements. Instead two internally synthesized signals are mixed with the incoming signal from the electric preamp. Both synthesized signals are at the same frequency but second signal is phase shifted by 90 degrees relative to the first. As in the survey measurement case, the resulting combined signals are filtered below 500 kHz but instead of measuring the the power of the entire band, both are sampled at 1.3125 Msps with 12-bit resolution for storage and transmission. This sampling rate is more than twice the Nyquist frequency of the down-mixed signal. Further processing of the two simultaneous waveforms is preformed on the ground to separate the upper and lower sidebands and produce a high resolution 1 MHz spectrogram centered on the mixer frequency. The specific processing algorithm required to separate frequency components is provided in Appendix C.
Figure 2.3: Waves Block Diagram
The Digital Signal Processor serves both as a spectrum analyzer for the waveforms from the various receivers as well as the data processing unit for the Waves instrument, receiving and acting on commands from the spacecraft as well as building and transmitting data packets to the spacecraft. The DPU consists of a Y180 processor core and various utility functions implemented in a field-programmable gate array (FPGA) and a fast Fourier transform (FFT) engine implemented in a second FPGA. The FFT engine can be considered as a floating point arithmetic unit under control of the Y180 processor. The signal processing tasks of the DPU include controlling the A/D converters in the various receivers, collecting waveforms, running lossless Rice compression on waveforms (in the case of burst waveform data which is to be sent to the ground without spectrum analysis), Fourier transforming the waveforms, binning and averaging the resulting Fourier components, and optionally performing noise cancellation of the LFR-Lo and LFR-Hi signals.
Juno Waves returns two types of data products. The instrument produces a magnetic spectrum from 50 Hz to 20 kHz and an electric spectrum from 50 Hz to 41 MHz at a regular cadence, depending on where it is in orbit about Jupiter. During perijove passes, nominally the 12 hours centered on Jupiter closest approach, the cadence is a full magnetic and electric spectrum every second. For most of the remainder of the orbit, the cadence is a spectrum every 30 seconds. An intermediate rate mode has been defined for specific intervals, such as just outside perijove and for plasma sheet crossings near apojove, which has a cadence of one spectrum per 10 seconds.
The second type of data product consists of waveforms from the various receivers. The waveform products are obtained by compressing the waveforms from one or more of the Wave analysis bands in the LFR and possibly one from an HFR during commanded burst modes (see below for a description of the burst modes).
All digital LFR survey measurements as well as the HFR Baseband survey measurements begin as waveform samples within the receivers. LFR data are collected via 16-bit ADCs and HFR baseband measurements are made using 12-bit Analog to Digital conversion. In each case 6144 samples are collected at the sample rate given in Table 6.8. These are then transformed via a hardware FFT algorithm as 6 individual 1024 point time series with no overlap and then autocorrelated. The lower half of the 6 spectra autocorrelations are averaged resulting in a single 512 point spectra. The spectra values are binned in frequency into logarithmically spaced set. Each receiver band uses a different frequency bin table. The binning tables are defined in the "Juno Project -- Waves Investigation, Software Final Detailed Design" document referenced in section 1.9. Finally, to preserve telemetry bandwidth while maintaining a large dynamic range, the value of each bin is converted to a 9-bit floating point number before transmission to the Juno spacecraft C&DH system. Details of the 9-bit float format can also be found in the previous reference.
The upper bands of the HFR (3 to 41 MHz) are sampled much like a traditional sweep frequency receiver. The power in a 1 MHz band is recorded via an 8-bit ADC and saved as a single byte value. No further manipulations are preformed on these measurements in-flight.
Compared to Survey data, Burst mode values undergo relatively few manipulations within the instrument. LFR burst measurements as well as HFR baseband burst measurements are typically collected as 6144 point time series. The LFR waveforms are sampled with 16-bit resolution while the HFR baseband is sampled with 12-bit resolution. After collection, the time series are compressed using the lossless Rice compression algorithm and transmitted to the C&DH.
HFR burst measurements above 3 MHz are pairs of 1024 point time series collected simultaneously at 12-bit resolution from the output of the in-phase and quadrature mixers. These pairs are also passed through a lossless Rice compression algorithm and transmitted to the C&DH. Further processing is required to unambiguously assign amplitude values to frequencies. These details are provided in Appendix C of this document.
It is the intention of the Waves Instrument Operations Team (IOT) to conduct science activities using the following instrument modes.
Waves has three survey (or low-rate) modes.
During perijove passes, nominally the 12 hours centered on Jupiter closest approach, the cadence is a full magnetic and electric spectrum every second.
For most of non-perijove portion of the orbit, the cadence is a spectrum every 30 seconds.
An intermediate rate mode has been defined for specific intervals, such as just outside perijove and for plasma sheet crossings near apojove, which has a cadence of one spectrum per 10 seconds.
Waves has two types of burst modes.
In this mode, when enabled, Waves looks for intense, broadband signatures of crossings of auroral field lines carrying a host of intense wave modes. It continuously sends burst mode data, usually from LFR-Lo (E and B), LFR-Hi, and the tuned HFR band including fce to the Command and Data Handling (C&DH) system which stores them in two or more buffers sized to hold approximately a minute's worth of waveform data (although this length and the number of buffers is selectable). Waves also characterizes such broadband bursts with a quality factor (defined below), which the C&DH uses to determine whether to keep or over-write a buffer. At the end of the binning session, the buffers with the highest quality factor (QFactor) will be formatted by the C&DH for transmission to the ground. JADE will normally participate in Binning mode burst periods in conjunction with Waves. The two instruments will have the same number of buffers defined for a binning session with lengths that are designed to record similar (time) durations of high rate data. The Waves quality factors will be used to identify which of the JADE buffers are kept, as well, so that both instruments have high rate burst data for approximately the same intervals.
Binning mode QFactors are calculated using survey data. While this may seem counter intuitive for a waveform product it is a straight forward operation for the onboard software. As explained in Section 2.4.1 above, all LFR survey products, as well as all HFR baseband survey products, are generated via an on-board FFT of time series waveforms along with some binning of the resulting spectral value autocorrelations. To calculate the QFactor for a set of waveform measurements, a program in the DPU adds the exponents of a programmed set of LFR and/or HFR baseband bins together. The sum of the exponents is then scaled by a constant to put the resulting value into the range of 1 to 128. For a single binning session all QFactors are derived from the same set of frequency bins. However the selection of frequency bins used to calculate the qfactor may change from one binning session to another. Thus QFactors are useful as a relative measure of spectral power within a single binning session but comparison of QFactors across binning sessions requires careful consultation of the instrument command logs to insure that no changes to the QFactor frequency set have been introduced.
In this mode, a single buffer is defined and waveform data from one or more of the Waves receivers are recorded for a commanded interval of time. This mode was designed with crossings of the Jovian equator near perijove in mind. Typically data from just the LFR-Lo (E) channel will be recorded to be used to identify micron-sized dust particle impacts with the spacecraft as Juno crosses the ring plane.
While both burst modes were designed with specific Jovian observations in mind, either can be used at any time and for any purpose, including distant plasma sheet crossings or simply for instrument checkout.
Waves is part of the Juno auroral suite of instruments and is scheduled to be on basically for the entire prime mission, both the Gravity and MWR orbits. Waves' power requirements vary with data production and the data volume afforded Waves is limited, hence, it is not possible for Waves to be in perijove mode for large portions of the orbit and burst modes are even more restricted. Since in burst mode Waves can generate data at about 1 Mbps, and a nominal data volume allocation for Waves is limited to about 2 Gigabit per orbit, burst mode usage is limited to only a few minutes of each orbit. These are typically divided among the northern and southern auroral crossings and an equator crossing. The event quality determination algorithm is parametrized and it is anticipated that a fair amount of experimentation with these parameters in the early orbits will be required to tune them for optimum use.
The bulk of the Waves calibrations are carried out on the ground prior to integration on the spacecraft with spot checks of these carried out during ATLO. The calibrations involve precisely measuring the gains of the preamps and gain amplifiers (and attenuators) in the receivers, the filter responses of each of the receivers, the transfer function of the search coil, and the base capacitance of the electric preamp. The ultimate goal of the calibrations is to be able to accurately relate the telemetered values to physical field strengths and spectral densities.
Waves carries no in-flight calibration signal, hence, the possibilities for in-flight calibration are limited. For past wave instruments, in-flight calibrations have been attempted using radio signals (such as solar type III radio bursts) simultaneously observed by another space borne receiver, although such a calibration is fraught with uncertainties and will likely only serve to confirm that the instrument calibration has not drifted significantly. Another calibration possibility is using the galactic background as a calibration source. This was performed on the Cassini RPWS data with good success. However, with the short Juno antennas and the likelihood of significant spacecraft EMI, it is unlikely that Waves will be able to detect the galactic background.
One significant calibration is planned for flight. This has to do with using Waves data to perform limited direction-finding measurements on Jovian radio signals. Since the Waves electric antenna rotates with the spacecraft, a null will be seen in the electric field signal when the dipole axis (spacecraft Y axis) is most closely pointed toward the source. Said another way, Waves will be able to determine the plane containing the source and the spacecraft spin (Z) axis. This could be quite useful near Jupiter over the poles when the distance to sources are small and the motion of the spacecraft provides a range of perspectives to a given source, even though it does not replicate the 2-dimensional direction-finding capability of multi-antenna instruments such as that on Cassini. In order to carry out the so-called 'rotating dipole' direction-finding technique, it is necessary to accurately determine the beaming pattern of the antenna. This is done while on approach to Jupiter when Jupiter is far enough from Juno such that the location of the radio sources with respect to the direction of Jupiter can be assumed to be a small angle, yet close enough that the Jovian radio emissions are reliably detectable. The useful distance range for this calibration is thought to be between about 400 and 100 Jovian radii (RJ), subject to the in flight noise levels including spacecraft electromagnetic interference.
The standard product types generated by the Waves IOT as well as which volumes contain those types are listed in Tables 3.1 and 3.2. See section 6.3.2 of the Planetary Data System Standards Reference for definition of the data processing levels. This document will only use the CODMAC processing level designation.
Together the HK, LRS, and HRS data sets include all Waves science and housekeeping data. These products consist of raw instrument data packets that have been minimally and reversibly transformed along with the instrument housekeeping data. These data are included for completeness and as a way to re-generate higher level products if necessary. They are not intended for general use. The SURVEY, and BURST products provide the same data coverage at the same resolution in a much more usable form. Only minimal PDS labels will be accompany these products, though complete documentation will be provided in the volume's DOCUMENT directory.
The data set ID for these raw products is: JNO-E/J/SS-WAV-2-EDR-V1.0.
Standard Data Product ID | Content | NASA Level | CODMAC | Processing Inputs | Product Format | Filename Token |
HK | Housekeeping Data Records | 0 | 2 | Housekeeping data from the DMAS | Binary TABLEs | _HSK_ |
LRS | Decompressed, Unsegmented EDRs | 0 | 2 | Level 2 low rate science data from the DMAS | Binary FILEs | _LRS_ |
HRS | Decompressed, Unsegmented EDRs | 0 | 2 | Level 2 high rate science data from the DMAS | Binary FILEs | _HRS_BIN_ _HRS_REC_ |
Level 3 products consist of two product sets, SURVEY and BURST. The SURVEY products consist of calibrated electric and magnetic spectral density measurements collected via the LFR and HFR receivers at the sampling rates given in Table 6.8. This is a full resolution data set that will include all spectra received from Waves, from launch to end of mission.
The data set ID for SURVEY products is: JNO-E/J/SS-WAV-3-CDR-SRVFULL-V2.0.
BURST products consist of electric and magnetic waveforms primary collected via the LFR and HFR receivers during auroral and equatorial crossings. These waveforms are filtered and sampled at a variety of frequencies as listed in Table 6.9. All waveforms from launch to end-of-mission are to be included in the BURST data set.
The data set ID for BURST products is: JNO-E/J/SS-WAV-3-CDR-BSTFULL-V2.0.
Standard Data Product ID | Content | NASA Level | CODMAC | Processing Inputs | Product Format | Primary Filename Tokens |
SURVEY | Wave amplitudes vs. frequency and time |
1B | 3 | HK and LRS data products Spice Spacecraft Clock kernel Calibration Tables Mission Phase and Orbit boundaries |
BURST | Time-ordered waveforms, Wave amplitudes vs. frequency and time |
1B | 3 | HK and HRS data products Spice Spacecraft Clock kernel Calibration Tables Mission Phase and Orbit boundaries |
Binary TABLEs | _E_BIN_ _E_REC_ _B_BIN_ _B_REC_ _NBS_BIN_ _NBS_REC_ |
The Juno Data Management and Storage (DMAS) system will receive packets and CCSDS File Delivery Protocol (CFDP) products from the Deep Space Network (DSN) and place these on the Project data repository system. The DMAS will provide the initial processing of the raw telemetry data bringing it to Committee on Data Management and Archive (CODMAC) Level 2 science data, comprising bested and de-overlapped data. At this point compressed data are not decompressed. The Waves Instrument Operations Team (IOT) will retrieve the CODMAC Level 2 data from the DMAS using FEI services and ancillary data from the JPL Mission Support Area (MSA) via Juno Science Operations Center (JSOC). The Waves IOT will decompress the Level 2 data, where necessary, and deliver them to the JSOC. The JSOC will also receive and organize higher level data products developed by the Science Investigation Teams associated with each instrument. JSOC development and operations will be carried out at SwRI, in coordination with the MOS at JPL.
Once science Experiment Data Records, or EDRs (CODMAC Level 2 data), have been produced by the JPL MOS they will be transferred to the Instrument Operation Team. Decompression of compressed data and any necessary restructuring of the data will be carried out by the Waves IOT. The Waves Science Investigation Team will verify the content and the format will be validated. The resulting decompressed, restructured Level 2 data will constitute the lowest level of data to be archived with the PDS. While not the most useful data for the community, these uncalibrated data comprise a data set of last resort, should later, irreversible processing errors be discovered at some later date. JSOC will coordinate the validation of the edited (CODMAC Level 2) data archive products created by the Waves IOT. The Science Investigation Team will develop higher level data products based on the Level 2 data and ancillary data and return these to the JSOC. JSOC will support archiving the Level 2 data by building archive volumes and verifying the format of the volumes and included data and metadata. Higher level data set archives will be coordinated through the JSOC. The Science Investigation Team will be responsible for ensuring that the metadata and documentation included with these data sets are complete and accurate. This means that both JSOC and the Science Investigation Team will need to work closely with the PDS. This coordination will be fostered via the Data Archive Working Group.
A comprehensive description of the Juno Mission System is provided in the Juno Mission Operations Concept. A data flow diagram for the downlink process is shown in Figure 3.1. In the figure, White boxes are processes and solid arrows indicate data flow.
Raw science and housekeeping data files are automatically transferred to the Waves IOT via an FEI subscription registered with the DMAS. From these inputs, and local calibration data, PDS products are produced automatically for inclusion in the JNOWAV_0000 and JNOWAV_1000 archive volumes.
The basic unit of output for the Waves instrument is a packet. Each product file transferred to the Waves IOT from the DMAS is simply a set of instrument packets concatenated end-to-end without meta-data. Since packets do not have a one-to-one correspondence with EDRs, the purpose of the Level 2 data production pipeline is to reversibly recover individual measurements from instrument generated packets.
For each science and housekeeping file set the following operations are preformed:
Both SURVEY and BURST products are produced as follows:
Extraction -- Level 2 science EDRs are scanned for instrument generated survey mode spectra, and burst mode waveforms. During extraction, CRCs are recalculated for each EDR and compared to the encoded value. If the calculated value is not the same as the encoded value processing is halted and operator intervention is required as this may indicate an error in the Level 2 data product or the Level 2 data processing pipeline.
Fine time offsets are located in the Level 2 housekeeping records.
Calibration -- The best known calibration is applied to each point in the spectra and waveform data.
SCET application -- The most up to date Spice Spacecraft Clock kernel is used to convert the SCLK with the fine time offset to spacecraft event time.
Output -- PDS data files are generated containing the calibrated data. In the case of survey mode data, PDS SPREADSHEET objects are generated. For burst mode waveforms, PDS SERIES objects are generated.
Label Generation -- PDS labels are generated for each output file. Each label includes the MD5 hash of the associated data file.
The local JNOWAV_1000 volume index is updated. Label file MD5 hashes are stored in the index file.
CDR Transmission -- The Calibrated Data Record (CDR) files are delivered to the JSOC via SFTP.
Products submitted to the JSOC and to PDS will be validated via automatic software checks and routine use.
Waves generates and transmits a Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) field with each packet. Though CRCs can not absolutely guarantee that data were not altered in transmission, they require relatively little processing time and do provide reasonable assurance of data integrity. The Level 2 data processing pipeline validates each packet's CRC, logging and dropping any packets which fail. In addition each EDR output by this pipeline carries a newly generated CRC. The Level 3 pipeline halts on CRC failure, forcing operator intervention and correction. Finally each PDS product label carries an MD5 checksum for the associated product data file.
In addition to these transmission integrity checks, basic data sanity checks are to be built into the production pipelines. The following conditions will automatically alert the Waves IOT.
1.Raw data contains zeros not indicated in the transmission log file.
2.Data is at the noise floor and gain control is not at maximum.
3.Data is clipped.
No doubt others will be added as the mission evolves. At a minimum these checks will affect the data quality index, in extrema cases, individual EDRs and CDRs may be excluded from higher level data sets.
Finally alarms in instrument housekeeping records may indicate invalid blocks of science data records. These will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Waves investigators will use the same files for their science analyses as are archived with the PDS. Further, other Juno scientists will access and use these same files from JSOC prior to archiving for their analyses. The Waves investigators have found repeatedly that the best way to validate science data is to use the data for science analyses. In accordance with the principle of "use what you archive":
Level 3 products shall be generated from archived Level 2 products.
Browse images shall be generated from archived Level 3 products.
All display and analysis software created or modified for Waves investigators shall use level 3 PDS products.
We believe this plan will result in the best validation of the products before they are archived.
In the event that a data file or range of data files are determined to be in error, one of two courses of action are possible. If the error is discovered prior to releasing the data to PDS, new files containing the revised data will be submitted to the JSOC and the old file will be removed. If an error is discovered in data released to the PDS, new files are submitted to the JSOC, then JSOC will then re-summit the new files to PDS for validation.
In either case, all replacement science data files shall increment the version number in the file name, and in the PRODUCT_VERSION_ID element of the associated PDS label.
The processing pipelines are 'cron' jobs that will execute once every hour to check for and process new data received via FEI subscriptions from the DMAS. Pipeline generated errors will be handled on a daily basis or ASAP by the Waves archivist. The Waves Science Team will review data products on a daily basis.
The Waves Standard Data Record archive collection is produced by the Waves IOT in cooperation with the JSOC, and with the support of the PDS Planetary Plasma Interactions (PPI) Node at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). The archive volume creation process described in this section sets out the roles and responsibilities of both these groups. The assignment of tasks has been agreed by both parties, and codified herein. Archived data received by the PPI Node from the Waves IOT will be made electronically available to PDS users as soon as practicable but no later than as laid out in Table 4.1.
Data products delivered to PDS will accrue on one of two volumes. Raw data products will be added to volume JNOWAV_0000, while the much more useful full-resolution, calibrated science products become part of the JNOWAV_1000 volume.
The Waves IOT will deliver data to the JSOC. JSOC will transfer the data to the PPI Node in standard product packages containing three months of data, also adhering to the schedule set out in Table 4.1. Each package will comprise both data and ancillary data files organized into directory structures consistent with the volume design described in Section 5, and combined into a deliverable file(s) using file archive and compression software. When these files are unpacked at the PPI Node in the appropriate location, the constituent files will be organized into the archive volume structure.
Data Product (CODMAC) | Volume | Provider | Earth Flyby | Other Cruise | Orbital Phase |
HK, LRS, HRS (level 2) | JNOWAV_0000 | Waves, C.W. Piker | EFB + 18 months | Jupiter + 4 months | EDA + 3 to 6 months |
BURST, SURVEY (level 3) | JNOWAV_1000 | Waves, C.W. Piker | EFB + 18 months | Jupiter + 4 months | EDA + 3 to 6 months |
EFB -- Earth Flyby, EDA -- End of data acquisition
The archive products will be sent electronically from the Waves IOT to the JSOC using the SFTP protocol. JSOC, acting as an agent of the Waves Investigating Team, will transfer the data to the PPI node. The IOT operator will copy volume files (see Table 4.3) to an appropriate location within the JSOC file system. Only those files that have changed since the last delivery will be included. The JSOC operator or software will run basic validation checks as defined in the JSOC-IOT Interface Control Document, 12029.02-JSOC_IOT_ICD-01. JSOC will transfer the contents of the data delivery to the PPI node using the process defined in the "Juno Mission SOC -- PDS Atmospheres Node/PPI Node Interface Control Document". Each step of data submission process will be due to be tracked in a TBD version of CATS (Cassini Archive Tracking System) which has been adapted for use by Juno.
Following receipt of a data delivery, PPI will organize the data into PDS archive volume structure within its online data system. PPI will generate all of the required files associated with a PDS archive volume (index file, read-me files, etc.) as part of its routine processing of incoming Waves data. Newly delivered data will be made available publicly through the PPI online system once accompanying labels and other documentation have been validated. It is anticipated that this validation process will require at least fourteen working days from receipt of the data by PPI. The first two data deliveries are expected to require somewhat more time for the PPI Node to process before making the data publicly available.
All PDS data are subject to Peer Review under the auspices of the PDS. Data acquired during the Earth flyby was the pathfinder data set for PDS archiving. Early cruise data, including Earth flyby, were the first to undergo peer review Processing this initial data-set has taken likely longer than the pipeline flow expected during the prime mission at Jupiter. The peer review has validated the data processing pipelines, the SIS, and all data formats and meta-data. It is anticipated that subsequent archive deliveries will be subjected to content and format validation by both the science team and the PDS, but that a formal peer review panel will not be required.
The archiving schedule is defined in Table 4.1 and is designed to be consistent with the archiving schedule in the Juno Science Data Management and Archive Plan.
The Waves standard data archive volume set will include all data acquired during the Juno mission. The archive validation procedure described in this section applies to volumes generated during both the cruise and prime phases of the mission.
PPI node staff will convene a peer review panel consisting of PDS personnel and likely data users outside the Juno Mission. The panel will review the first versions of the archive volumes containing data from the Earth Flyby to determine whether the archive is appropriate to meet the stated science objectives of the instrument. The peer panel will also review the archive product generation process for robustness and ability to detect discrepancies in the end products; documentation will be reviewed for quality and completeness.
Additionally, the Waves team may generate and archive special data products that cover specific observations or data-taking activities. This document does not specify how, when, or under what schedule, any such special archive products are generated. It is assumed this SIS would be revised to include such additional data sets and/or products.
Waves standard data products are organized into files that span one Earth solar day or less, breaking at 0h UTC. Files vary in size depending on the telemetry rate and allocation. Table 4.2 summarizes the expected sizes of the Waves standard products. Burst data will be packaged in files individually covering the three (typically) burst mode collections per orbit (North auroral crossing binned data, Equator crossing recorded data, and South auroral crossing binned data). In addition to one-day files, it is anticipated that tools will be provided on the Level 3 volume (JNOWAV_1000) in the EXTRAS directory to display and output periapsis survey data covering the ~12-hours of periapsis data collection.
Data Product | PDS Volume | Production rate (approximate) |
Size for primary mission (approximate) |
HK, LRS, HRS | JNOWAV_0000 | 370 MB per 11-day orbit | 12 GB |
SURVEY | JNOWAV_1000 | 130 MB per 11-day orbit | 4 GB |
BURST | JNOWAV_1000 | 523 MB per 11-day orbit | 17 GB |
Total | 1023 MB per 11-day orbit | 33 GB |
All Waves standard data are organized by the PDS team onto two archive volumes. The products on the L2 raw data volume are to be organized in to one sub-directory per 100 Earth solar days and then into one sub-directory per Earth solar day. The data on the L3 calibrated science data volume are to be organized into sub-directories by mission phase and after Jupiter capture, by orbit number, and then into one sub-directory per Earth solar day. Following receipt of Waves data by the PPI Node it is expected that fourteen working days will be required before the data are made available on PPI web pages.
The PPI Node keeps three copies of each archive volume. The primary copy is the version maintained online at UCLA, and distributed through the PPI webpages. A second copy is stored locally on an offline disk. The third copy is on an off-site mirror maintained at the University of Iowa. Once the archive pipeline has been fully validated, copies of the data products will be periodically transmitted by PPI to the National Space Science Data Center (NSSDC) for long-term archive in a NASA-approved deep-storage facility. The PPI Node may maintain additional copies of the archive volumes, either on or off-site as deemed necessary. The process for the dissemination, and preservation Waves archive volumes is illustrated in Figure 4.1.
Each Waves data volume bears a unique volume ID using the last two components of the volume set ID (PDS Standards Reference, section 19.1). The volume IDs are USA_NASA_PDS_JNOWAV_nnnn, where JNOWAV is the VOLUME_SET_ID defined by the PDS and nnnn is either 0000, for the raw data volume, or 1000 for the calibrated science data volume. This is summarized in Table 4.3.
Level 2 | JNO-E/J/SS-WAV-2-EDR-V1.0 | USA_NASA_PDS_JNOWAV_0000 |
The JNOWAV_0000 volume contains the safed Experiment Data Records (EDRs) from the Juno Waves instrument starting from launch though the end of mission. Though an organized raw data collection is prudent, this volume is not intended for use by the wider public and is thus minimally described. All files defined in this section, except those specifically noted, are to be provided by the Waves IOT. The complete directory structure is shown in Figure 5.1
.The files listed below are contained in the (top-level) root directory, and are produced by the Waves team in consultation with the PPI node of the PDS. With the exception of the hypertext file and its label, all of these files are required by the PDS volume organization standards.
File Name | File Description |
AAREADME.HTM | This file completely describes the volume organization and contents. |
AAREADME.LBL | A PDS detached label that describes AAREADME.HTM |
AAREADME.TXT | This file completely describes the volume organization and contents (PDS label attached) |
ERRATA.TXT | A text file containing a cumulative listing of comments and updates concerning all Waves EDR products on all JNOWAV_0000 volume versions published to date. |
VOLDESC.CAT | A description of the contents of this volume in a PDS format readable by both humans and computers |
The files in the CATALOG directory provide a top-level understanding of the Juno mission, spacecraft, instruments, and data sets in the form of completed PDS templates. The information necessary to create the files is provided by the Waves team and formatted into standard template formats by the PPI Node. The files in this directory are coordinated with PDS data engineers at both the PPI Node and the PDS Engineering Node.
File Name | File Description |
CATINFO.TXT | A description of the contents of this directory |
DATASET.CAT | PDS data set catalog description of the HK, LRS and HRS EDRs (PPI Node shares responsibility for this file) |
INSTHOST.CAT | A description of the Juno Spacecraft (Supplied by Juno Project) |
MISSION.CAT | PDS mission catalog description of the Juno mission (Supplied by Juno Project) |
PERSON.CAT | PDS personnel catalog description of Waves team members and other persons involved with generation of Waves standard data products |
PROJREF.CAT | References mentioned in INSTHOST.CAT and MISSION.CAT (Supplied by Juno Project) |
WAVESINST.CAT | PDS instrument catalog description of the Waves instrument |
WAVESREF.CAT | Waves related references mentioned in other CATALOG files |
The DATA directory contains the data files produced by the Waves IOT for the standard product types; HK, LRS and HRS. Together these data set consists of raw binary instrument reformatted experiment data records (EDRs) and housekeeping data, organized into correct time sequence, time tagged, and edited to remove obviously bad data. All data files are of the highest quality possible. Any residual issues are documented in AAREADME.TXT and ERRATA.TXT. Users are referred to these files for a detailed description of any outstanding matters associated with the archived data. Additional files relevant to the data files are located in the EXTRAS/SEQUENCE sub-directory (see Section 6.7).
Item Name | Item Description |
DATAINFO.TXT | A file describing the of the contents of this directory. |
YYYY_DXX | Sub-directories containing raw instrument Experiment Data Records (EDRs) and housekeeping data. Each sub-directory all EDRs for SCET year "yyyy" and hundred day, day-of-year block beginning with digit "d". For example, 2011_2XX includes the range 2011-200T00:00:00.000 (Midnight, July 19) up to, but not including, 2011-300T00:00:00.000 (Midnight, October 27). |
This directory tree contains the standard products, HK - Housekeeping, LRS - Low Rate Science, and HRS - High Rate Science telemetry packets. Though this data set is not intended for general use, steps have been taken to place the science data in a more usable form. Since much of the Waves data is compressed within the instrument, this data set includes uncompressed data so that a user would not have to determine how to correctly decompress the different types of data using different compression schemes. Also, since the Waves telemetry packets include a secondary level of organization referred to as minipackets (a Waves minipacket includes telemetry from a single receiver for a given interval of time, usually a measurement cycle), and since a single measurement cycle can be segmented - split across minipackets, we have unsegmented these and made sure that all data for a given measurement cycle are one cohesive structure. Because of these simplifications, the reformatted telemetry packets are not fixed length and their individual fields can not be described by current PDS labels. Also, since all of these data are archived as calibrated records with standard PDS labeling elsewhere, we have included only minimal PDS labels for the science data files. The WAVESEDR.HTM document within the DOCUMENT directory provides information on how to extract and use data from this data set, should that extraordinary circumstance arise.
Unlike its science counterpart, waves housekeeping telemetry is inherently fixed length, though it has its own complications. The first half of each housekeeping record contains a fixed structure. The second half includes optional information whose field definitions can change from record to record. Thus we have labeled housekeeping data sufficiently to allow the fixed portion to be read automatically by PDS software tools such as NASAView, and tbtool. The optional fields are described in the University of Iowa document, 98-90016: Juno/Waves Housekeeping Telemetry Formats Reference Manual.
In order to manage files in an archive volume more efficiently, and assist users who are manually locating products, the DATA directory is divided into sub-directories as listed in Figure 5.1. A simple "1 directory equals 1 SCET day" scheme is employed.
A PDS label describes each file in the DATA path of an archive volume. Text documentation files have attached (internal) PDS labels and data files have detached labels. Detached PDS label files have the same root name as the file they describe but have the extension LBL.
Products in this directory make up the JNO-E/J/SS-WAV-2-EDR-V1.0 data set, which includes both science and housekeeping telemetry. As shown in Table 5.4, data in the housekeeping and survey mode files span an interval of one day, the particular day is indicated in the file name. The file name also includes a file version number. These are included for tracking reissued data, should the need arise. As required, each file is accompanied by a PDS label (LBL) describing its contents. In the file name patterns below yyyy is the year, ddd is the day of year, hh is the hour of the day, mm is the minute of the hour, and ss is the second of the minute, and nn is the product version number, starting at 01.
File Name Pattern | Standard Product ID | File Description |
WAV_yyyyddd_HSK_Vnn.DAT | HK | This pattern is used for daily housekeeping data files. All housekeeping packets whose report time is within the day are included within the file. |
WAV_yyyyddd_HSK_Vnn.LBL | HK | Labels for files with the pattern Tyyyyddd_HSK_Vnn.DAT. Housekeeping packets start with an fixed format 64 bytes portion followed by a variable content 64 byte portion. Since PDS labels do not have the required flexibility to describe the variable content portion, these labels only provide sufficient information to extract fields from the initial 64 bytes of each housekeeping packet. |
WAV_yyyyddd_LRS_Vnn.PKT | LRS | This is a daily level 2 Low Rate Science file. All low rate raw science EDRs, regardless of the instrument mode, whose measurement start times are within the day are included in the file. |
WAV_yyyyddd_LRS_Vnn.LBL | LRS | Rudimentary PDS labels for WAV_yyyyddd_LRS_Vnn.PKT files. Due to the inability of PDS labels to describe variable length structures these labels merely define a file object and point to the appropriate documentation. |
WAV_yyyydddThhmmss_HRS_BIN_Vnn.PKT | HRS | Files with this pattern contain waveforms selected on-board via a desirability algorithm. Here yyyy is the year, ddd is the day of year (1st day has the value 1), hh is the hour of day, mm is the minute of the hour, ss is the second of the minute, and nn is the version number. The coverage period of these files varies based on the size of the burst mode bin specified in the controlling activity sequence. |
WAV_yyyydddThhmmss_HRS_BIN_Vnn.LBL | HRS | Rudimentary PDS labels for WAV_yyyydddThhmmss_HRS_BIN_Vnn.PKT files. Due to the inability of PDS labels to describe variable length structures these labels merely define a file object and point to the appropriate documentation. |
WAV_yyyydddThhmmss_HRS_REC_Vnn.PKT | HRS | Files with this pattern contain waveforms recorded over a pre-selected time period without regard for the data content. The coverage period of these files varies based on the length of the sequenced record mode session. |
WAV_yyyydddThhmmss_HRS_REC_Vnn.LBL | HRS | Rudimentary PDS labels for WAV_yyyydddThhmmss_HRS_REC_Vnn.PKT files. Due to the inability of PDS labels to describe variable length structures these labels merely define a file object and point to the appropriate documentation. |
The DOCUMENT directory contains a range of documentation considered either necessary or useful for users to understand the archive data set. Documents may be provided in ASCII, HTML, or PDF format, though PDS standards require that any documentation needed for use of the data be available as plain text. HTML is acceptable as a plain text. The following files are contained in the DOCUMENT directory, grouped into the sub-directories shown.
File Name | Description |
DOCINFO.TXT | A description of the contents of this directory tree |
VOLSIS/VOLSIS*.PNG | Graphics files used by VOLSIS.HTM |
VOLSIS/VOLSIS.LBL | A detached label for the HTML and PDF versions of this document |
VOLSIS/VOLSIS.PDF | This document in PDF |
VOLSIS/VOLSIS.HTM | This document as HTML text with minimal markup. |
WAVESINST/WAVESINST.LBL | A detached label for the PDF and HTML versions of the instrument document |
WAVESINST/WAVESINST.HTM | A description of the Waves instrument in HTML text with minimal markup |
WAVESINST/WAVESINST.PDF | A description of the Waves instrument in PDF |
WAVESINST/IMAGE*.PNG | Graphics files used by WAVESINST.HTM |
WAVESEDR/WAVESEDR.LBL | A detached label for the raw packet document. |
WAVESEDR/WAVESEDR.HTM | Raw Waves packet documentation as HTML text with minimal markup |
The EXTRAS directory is reserved for items that, while deemed useful enough to include on the volume, are outside the scope of PDS archive requirements. One item of note is a collection of the commands send to the Waves instrument. These are stored in the EXTRAS/SEQUENCE directory. These files are a bit cryptic and no attempt has been made to define nor explain their contents. Other content may be added to EXTRAS over the course of the mission. Consult the EXTRINFO.TXT file on each version of the JNOWAV_0000 volume for more information on any items contained within this directory.
The INDEX.TAB file contains a listing of all data products on the archive volume. The index (INDEX.TAB) and index information (INDXINFO.TXT) files are required by the PDS volume standards. The format of these ASCII files is described in Section 7.2.6. An online and web-accessible index file will be available at the PPI Node while data volumes are being produced. As the Waves IOT plans to release updates to single comprehensive volumes, there is no need for a CUMINDX.TAB file within the INDEX directory.
File | Description |
INDXINFO.TXT | A description of the contents of this directory |
INDEX.LBL | A PDS detached label that describes INDEX.TAB |
INDEX.TAB | A table listing all Waves data products on this volume |
This section describes the contents of the Waves standard product archive collection volume, JNOWAV_1000, including the file names, file contents, and file types. All files, except those specifically noted, are to be provided by the Waves IOT. The major directory structure is shown in Figure 6.1. The top-level sub-directories of BROWSE, DATA/WAVES_SURVEY, DATA/WAVES_BURST in the figure below begin with a date. These dates denote the beginning of the associated mission phase or Jupiter orbit. Since it is desirable to break up this level of the archive by mission phase (during cruise) and then by orbit (during the prime mission), date prefixes were added so that these items appear in time order in most file browsers.
All ancillary files described herein appear on each volume revision. Because Waves data releases are handled by releasing entire revised volumes, not by providing companion volumes containing only new data, each release must constitute a complete set of information.
The files listed below are contained in the (top-level) root directory, and are produced by the Waves team in consultation with the PPI node of the PDS. With the exception of the hypertext file and its label, all of these files are required by the PDS volume organization standards.
File Name | File Description |
AAREADME.HTM | This file completely describes the volume organization and contents, it also contains links to the volume's graphical data browser. |
AAREADME.LBL | A PDS detached label that describes AAREADME.HTM |
AAREADME.TXT | This file completely describes the volume organization and contents (PDS label attached) |
ERRATA.TXT | A text file containing a cumulative listing of comments and updates concerning all Waves standard products on all Waves volumes in the volume set published to date |
VOLDESC.CAT | A description of the contents of this volume in a PDS format readable by both humans and computers |
The BROWSE directory contains frequency-time spectrogram images in Portable Network Graphics (PNG) generated from the SURVEY and BURST data products. Though each image is generated from full resolution data, the rendering process often involves combining multiple measurements into a single pixel. Thus browse images typically contain less information in the time domain for SURVEY data and less information in the frequency domain for BURST data than the input data products. Multiple data points are reduced by simple averaging when necessary.
Browse data have been divided into cruise and orbit categories so that the subdirectory layouts may be tailored to each situation. Layout and coverage periods are detailed in subsequent sections.
Item Name | Item Description |
BROWINFO.TXT | A file describing the of the contents of this directory |
yyyyddd_ORBIT_xx | Sub-directory for browse images for data collected during a single Jupiter orbit. This storage scheme is used after Jupiter orbit insertion. |
yyyyddd_phase_name | Sub-directory for browse images for data collected during a single mission phase. Sub-directories further divided plots by Earth solar day. This storage scheme is used to store cruise data, including Earth flyby plots. |
This directory contains all browse plots generated from data collected during a single Jupiter orbit. For the file name patterns in Table 6.3, yyyy, ddd, hh, mm, and ss denote the year, day of year, hour of day, minute of hour and second of minute of the starting coverage period of the data products used to generate the plot. Thus data may not start an the time point given in the file name. Plot file versions are indicated by nn and match the highest version number of the input data products. For the periapsis survey plots, xx is the number of the orbit containing the periapsis pass.
Source Product Type | File Name Pattern | File Description |
SURVEY | WAV_yyyydddThhmmss_SRV_Vnn.PNG WAV_yyyydddThhmmss_SRV_Vnn.LBL |
Survey mode magnetic field spectrogram from 50 Hz to 20 kHz and electric field spectrograms from 50 Hz to 41 MHz spanning a single Earth solar day |
Survey mode magnetic field spectrogram from 50 Hz to 20 kHz and electric field spectrograms from 50 Hz to 41 MHz spanning roughly 12 hours, centered on periapsis |
BURST | WAV_yyyydddThhmmss_BST_150K_Vnn.PNG WAV_yyyydddThhmmss_BST_150K_Vnn.LBL |
High frequency resolution electric field spectrograms spanning 50 Hz to 150 kHz and a magnetic field spectrogram from 50 Hz to 20 kHz, of up to 20 minute duration |
BURST | WAV_yyyydddThhmmss_BST_45M_Vnn.PNG WAV_yyyydddThhmmss_BST_45M_Vnn.PNG |
High frequency resolution, electric field spectrograms spanning the range of 135 Hz up to 45.25 MHz, of up to 20 minute duration |
In each orbit directory are spectrograms generated from SURVEY products. There is one survey spectrogram per Earth solar day, or partial Earth solar day per orbit. In addition, an extra survey image is included which "zooms in" to the periapsis pass. Periapsis images cover roughly a 12 hour period centered on Jupiter closest approach.
Each orbit sub-directory also contains frequency-time spectrograms generated from the BURST products. Compared to survey mode browse data, each spectrogram image depicts a much shorter time span at higher frequency and time resolutions. Since these data are typically acquired for brief intervals with long time intervals in between, there will be one file for each acquisition interval, unless another acquisition interval follows within 20 minutes, in which case the time range of the burst spectrograms may extend up to 20 minutes in duration. Typically the time component of the browse plot file names matches the time component of the input product file. In cases where more than one product file contribute data to the browse plot the time of the first file is used.
Cruise browse images are stored in directories such as these. The contents of this directory tree are very similar to the YYYYDDD_ORBIT_xx directories above with the exception that only a single day's images with be contained within a single directory instead of a multi-day orbital period. For the top level cruise directories, YYYYDDD is the day on which the mission phase starts, and yyyy_ddd is a sub-directory named for a single day within the phase. In this way directories naturally sort in time order. Though the directory dates align with mission phases, daily subdirectories only exist during periods when Waves is operating. There are large blocks of time when Waves was shutoff during cruise.
Each daily subdirectory contains only a single SURVEY plot but there are as many BURST plots as needed to present all the burst mode sessions that were initiated on the associated UTC day. The coverage period for each survey file is a single solar day beginning at 0h UTC. Coverage periods for the burst plots are the same as described in Section 6.2.1 above. Unlike orbit directories, burst data collection periods may extend across directory boundaries during cruise. In these instances BURST plots are placed in the daily directories corresponding to the beginning of their associated data product's coverage period, and thus the first plotted information may actually correspond to a UTC day different from that denoted on the filename.
Source Product Type | File Name Pattern | File Description |
SURVEY | WAV_yyyydddThhmmss_SRV_Vnn.PNG WAV_yyyydddThhmmss_SRV_Vnn.LBL |
Survey mode magnetic field spectrogram from 50 Hz to 20 kHz and electric field spectrograms from 50 Hz to 41 MHz, spanning a single Earth solar day |
BURST | WAV_yyyydddThhmmss_BST_150K_Vnn.PNG WAV_yyyydddThhmmss_BST_150K_Vnn.LBL |
High frequency resolution electric field spectrograms spanning 50 Hz to 150 kHz and a magnetic field spectrogram from 50 Hz to 20 kHz, of up to 20 minute duration |
BURST | WAV_yyyydddThhmmss_BST_45M_Vnn.PNG WAV_yyyydddThhmmss_BST_45M_Vnn.PNG |
High frequency resolution, electric field spectrograms within the range of 135 Hz up to 45.25 MHz, of up to 20 minute duration |
The CALIB directory contains the ancillary data used to calibrate the Waves instrument. These tables are used with the HK, LRS, and HRS CODMAC level 2 products from the JNOWAV_0000 volume to produce the level 3 data sets on this volume. Though they are not expected to change often, all of the calibration table files below carry a version number, indicated as nn, starting with 01. The contents of this directory are described in the following table.
File Name Pattern | File Description |
CALINFO.TXT | A description of the contents of this directory |
Defines the attenuation values corresponding to a given state of the Electric Preamp and the Receivers. Preamp and receiver states change from packet to packet, but the relationship between a given state and it's signal attenuation is fixed. |
The calibration table used to produce the directly sampled BURST mode electric and magnetic field amplitude products volume. Waveforms sampled at 50kHz, 375kHz, and 7 MHz are calibrated at a mid-band frequency using coefficients from these files. |
The mid-band amplitude calibration coefficients for BURST mode 1MHz wide spectra products produced from down-mixed electric waveform samples. |
Frequency response adjustments to the amplitude calibrations for BURST mode 1MHz wide spectra products produced from down-mixed electric waveform samples. Normalizations included in these files have not been applied to the data but the table has been included for completeness in the case that it may be useful. |
A look-up table providing the conversion for instrument values to physical units for measurements collected via the electric antenna, filtered through one of the HFR upper bands, down mixed via a local oscillator, integrated over a set time period, and sampled once per channel. |
A look-up table providing the conversion for instrument values to physical units for measurements collected via the electric antenna, filtered through one of the HFR upper bands, down mixed via a local oscillator, integrated over a set time period, and sampled once per channel. |
A look-up table providing the conversion from instrument values to physical units for measurements collected via the electric antenna, filtered through the HFR base band, sampled at 7 MHz and then digitally converted to spectra. |
A look-up table providing the conversion from instrument values to physical units for measurements collected via the electric antenna, filtered through the HFR base band, sampled at 7 MHz and then digitally converted to spectra. |
A look-up table providing the conversion from instrument values to physical units for measurements collected via the electric antenna, filtered through the LFR high band, sampled at 375 kHz and then digitally converted to spectra. |
A look-up table providing the conversion from instrument values to physical units for measurements collected via the spacecraft power supply noise input, filtered through the LFR high band, sampled at 375 kHz and then digitally converted to spectra. |
A look-up table providing the conversion from instrument values to physical units for measurements collected via the magnetic search coil, filtered through the LFR low band, sampled at 50 kHz and then digitally converted to spectra. |
A look-up table providing the conversion from instrument values to physical units for measurements collected via the electric antenna, filtered through the LFR low band, sampled at 50 kHz and then digitally converted to spectra. |
A look-up table providing the conversion from instrument values to physical units for measurements collected via the spacecraft power supply noise input, filtered through the LFR low band, sampled at 50 kHz and then digitally converted to spectra. |
Provides the center frequencies and noise bandwidths for the upper bands of the high frequency receivers. |
Provides the center frequencies and noise bandwidths for the digital spectra channels from the baseband frequency path within the HFR receivers. |
Provides the center frequencies and noise bandwidths for the digital spectra channels from the high frequency path within the LFR receiver. |
Provides the center frequencies and noise bandwidths for the digital spectra channels from the low frequency path within the LFR receiver. |
The files in the CATALOG directory provide a top-level understanding of the Juno mission, spacecraft, instruments, and data sets in the form of completed PDS templates. The information necessary to create the files is provided by the Waves team and formatted into standard template formats by the PPI Node. The files in this directory are coordinated with PDS data engineers at both the PPI Node and the PDS Engineering Node.
File Name | File Description |
BURST_DS.CAT | PDS data set catalog description of the WAVES_BURST products (PPI Node shares responsibility for this file) |
CATINFO.TXT | A description of the contents of this directory |
INSTHOST.CAT | A description of the Juno Spacecraft (Supplied by Juno Project) |
MISSION.CAT | PDS mission catalog description of the Juno mission (Supplied by Juno Project) |
PERSON.CAT | PDS personnel catalog description of Waves team members and other persons involved with generation of Waves standard data products |
PROJREF.CAT | References mentioned in INSTHOST.CAT and
MISSION.CAT (Supplied by Juno Project) |
SURVEY_DS.CAT | PDS data set catalog description of the WAVES_SURVEY products (PPI Node shares responsibility for this file) |
WAVESINST.CAT | PDS instrument catalog description of the Waves instrument |
WAVESREF.CAT | Waves related references mentioned in other CATALOG files |
The DATA directory contains the data files produced by the Waves IOT for the standard product types; SURVEY and BURST. The SURVEY data set consists of ASCII comma-separated-values files that result from passing the corresponding HK and LRS product files through the CDR data processing pipeline (see Section 3.3.2). The BURST data set consists of binary data files that are also generated from the CDR pipeline but where HK and HRS products are the inputs. All data files are of the highest quality possible. Any residual issues are documented in ERRATA.TXT and the CONFIDENCE_NOTE section in the BURST_DS.CAT and SURVEY_DS.CAT catalog files. Users are referred to these files for a detailed description of any outstanding matters associated with the archived data.
Item Name | Item Description |
DATAINFO.TXT | A file describing the of the contents of this directory. |
WAVES_SURVEY | Sub-directory for standard resolution electric and magnetic field spectra making up the standard SURVEY data products. |
WAVES_BURST | Sub-directory containing electric and magnetic field waveforms making up the standard BURST data products. |
The Waves Level 3 archive contains both SURVEY and BURST standard products. SURVEY mode products contain spectra at a lower frequency resolution than those provided by ground processing of BURST products. Due to telemetry bandwidth limitations BURST products are only available for selected time periods, while SURVEY products are generated whenever the Waves instrument is operating.
For SURVEY products the LFR and HFR receivers are run a regular cadence that usually allows a single row of an E field spectra data file to contain a complete set of measurements, running from 50 Hz to 41 MHz. Magnetic field spectra data files contain a complete set of measurements running from 50 Hz to 20 kHz. The SURVEY products intended for the archive user are those with "_E_" and "_B_" as part of the file name. Though other files are present and these bear explanation.
In an attempt to remove interference from the spacecraft power system the Waves instrument can be commanded into a noise mitigation mode. When noise mitigation is enabled the LFR samples signals from the spacecraft Power Distribution and Drive Unit (PDDU) as well as each sensor. Using both the signal from the sensor as well as the signal from the PDDU a noise-mitigated spectrum is calculated. Nominally only the noise-mitigated spectrum or the unaltered spectrum is transmitted to the ground, though Waves can be commanded to down-link all three spectra (original sensor signal, noise signal, noise canceled signal). In this case three files will be present for each sensor for each day as given in Table 6.8.
Table 6.8 summarizes the types of SURVEY products. Note the difference between the highest frequency electric field survey data and the rest. Unlike the lower frequency bands, the high frequency survey mode data are generated in steps. The A/D converters within the instrument are not capable of running at the rates needed to directly sample waveforms above 3 MHz. To measure electric waves at higher frequencies the input signal is down mixed with a signal generated within the HFR receiver. The amplitude level of the resulting mixed signal is recorded via a simple log-amplifier, not an A/D converter. The mixer frequency is adjusted 38 times during a single sweep of the HFR to produce the upper frequency survey mode data.
File Mnemonic | Standard Product ID | Contents & Sensor | Input Filters | Sampling Rates | Onboard FFT |
_E_ (primary file) |
SURVEY | Noise-mitigated electric field spectra if available, if noise-mitigation is not enabled then this file contains uncorrected electric field spectra. | 50Hz-20kHz | 50kHz | Yes |
10kHz-150kHz | 375kHz | ||||
100kHz-3MHz | 7MHz | ||||
Stepped from 3MHz to 41MHz. | N/A | No | |||
_EUNC_ (secondary file) |
SURVEY | Serves as a storage location for uncorrected spectra when noise-mitigated spectra are using up the 'E' file slot. | 50Hz-20kHz | 50kHz | Yes |
10kHz-150kHz | 375kHz | ||||
_EINT_ (secondary file) |
SURVEY | PDDU Interference spectra, when available. | 50Hz-20kHz | 50kHz | Yes |
10kHz-150kHz | 375kHz | ||||
_B_ (primary file) |
SURVEY | Noise-mitigated magnetic filed spectra if available, if noise-mitigation is not enabled then this file contains uncorrected magnetic field spectra. | 50Hz-20kHz | 50kHz | Yes |
_BUNC_ (secondary file) |
SURVEY | Serves as a storage location for uncorrected spectra when noise-mitigated spectra are using up the 'B' file slot. | 50Hz-20kHz | 50kHz | Yes |
_BINT_ (secondary file) |
SURVEY | PDDU Interference spectra, when available. | 50Hz-20kHz | 50kHz | Yes |
Table 6.9 summarizes the various types of BURST products. Except for the "_NBS_" products, these contain waveforms generated via the various Waves A/D converters. These data have not been transformed to frequency space on-board, nor have the component amplitudes been combined into spectral bands. The narrow band spectra files, denoted by the file mnemonic "_NBS_", are a bit different. These are generated by combining each set of in-phase and quadrature waveforms on the ground via the algorithm given in Appendix C. The resulting spectra are centered at the mixing frequency and cover a 1.3125 MHz range, of which only 1 MHz is within the pass band. The outer edges of the spectra are outside the range of analog filters within the receiver. Note that "_NBS_" data are only provided as spectra, the source waveforms are only present on the companion JNOWAV_0000 volume. If absoutly required, source waveform data may be extracted from the EDRs. See section 3.1 of the WAVESEDR.HTM document on the JNOWAV_0000 volume, namely PSID's 0x88, 0x8C, 0x89 and 0x8D, for more information.
Like the SURVEY products, BURST waveforms may have noise mitigation corrections applied on-board. Also, depending on instrument commanding, both the mitigated and un-corrected waveforms can be delivered to the ground. In cases where both versions are present extra files are needed to contain both product types. Table 6.9 below provides greater detail on storage mechanisms.
File Mnemonic | Standard Product ID | Contents | Source | Input Filters | Sampling Rates | Ground FFT |
_E_BIN_ _E_REC_ (primary file) |
BURST | Noise-mitigated LFR low, LFR hi and HFR low band waveforms if available, otherwise uncorrected waveforms are present | Electric Dipole | 50Hz-20kHz | 50kHz | No |
10kHz-150kHz | 375kHz | |||||
100kHz-3MHz | 7MHz | |||||
_EUNC_BIN_ _EUNC_REC_ (secondary file) |
BURST | LFR lo and hi band waveforms, serves as a storage slot when both corrected and uncorrected waveforms are present | Electric Dipole | 50Hz-20kHz | 50kHz | No |
10kHz-150kHz | 375kHz | |||||
_B_BIN_ _B_REC_ (primary file) |
BURST | Noise-mitigated LFR low band waveforms if available, otherwise uncorrected LFR lo band waveforms are present | Magnetic Search Coil | 50Hz-20kHz | 50kHz | No |
_BUNC_BIN_ _BUNC_REC_ (secondary file) |
BURST | LFR lo band waveforms, serves as a storage slot when both corrected and uncorrected waveforms are present | Magnetic Search Coil | 50Hz-20kHz | 50kHz | No |
_NBS_BIN_ _NBS_REC_ (primary file) |
BURST | 1 MHz Spectra centered on the mixing frequency, since these are down-mixed data waveforms are not provided, see Appendix C for more information. | Electric Dipole, Local Oscillator |
Varies by band | 1.3125 MHz | Yes |
In order to manage files in an archive volume more efficiently, and assist users who are manually locating products, the DATA directory is divided into sub-directories as listed in Figure 6.1. Data products intended for the general usage are organized by orbit number. For example, all survey mode data collected on Nov 15th 2016 UTC would be contained in DATA below the directory WAVES_SURVEY, within the sub-directory 2016310_ORBIT_03 (provided this data was indeed collected during the third orbit).
A PDS label describes each file in the DATA path of an archive volume. Text documentation files have attached (internal) PDS labels and data files have detached labels. Detached PDS label files have the same root name as the file they describe but have the extension LBL.
This directory contains standard SURVEY products. Here YYYYDDD is the starting day for an orbit measured at apoapsis. This data set includes all spectral density measurements acquired by Waves in units of electric or magnetic field spectral density. For days when data exist, there will be 2 product data files per day. There will be one file containing all calibrated electric field spectral densities from the Low Frequency Receiver (LFR) and High Frequency Receiver (HFR). Another will contain all calibrated magnetic field spectral densities from the low band of the LFR.
Each file will consist of an ASCII comma separated values (CSV) spreadsheet with columns for time (both SCET and SCLK), noise mitigation status, and an array of spectral densities for the set of frequency channels described in the header row. See Appendix B.2.2 for a complete column listing, and see Section 7.2.3 for a description of the spreadsheet file format used on this volume. File name patterns are given in Table 6.10, in each pattern the time portion is defined by the beginning of the coverage period of the file. Coverage periods always begin and end on UTC day boundaries, unless this would cross into a different orbit. The time range of an orbit is defined as beginning at one apoapsis and ending an the next apoapsis. The nn replacement is the product version number starting at 01.
File Name Pattern | File Description |
WAV_yyyydddThhmmss_EUNC_Vnn.CSV WAV_yyyydddThhmmss_EUNC_Vnn.LBL |
Overflow area for uncorrected electric field spectral densities. Only present when both corrected and uncorrected measurements are delivered. |
WAV_yyyydddThhmmss_EINT_Vnn.CSV WAV_yyyydddThhmmss_EINT_Vnn.LBL |
Spacecraft Power Systems interference measurements when available. |
WAV_yyyydddThhmmss_E_Vnn.CSV WAV_yyyydddThhmmss_E_Vnn.LBL |
A primary product. Noise corrected electric field spectral densities, if these are not available, uncorrected spectra are used to fill the gaps. |
WAV_yyyydddThhmmss_BUNC_Vnn.CSV WAV_yyyydddThhmmss_BUNC_Vnn.LBL |
Overflow area for uncorrected magnetic field spectral densities. Only present when both corrected and uncorrected measurements are delivered. |
WAV_yyyydddThhmmss_BINT_Vnn.CSV WAV_yyyydddThhmmss_BINT_Vnn.LBL |
Spacecraft Power Systems interference measurements when available. |
WAV_yyyydddThhmmss_B_Vnn.CSV WAV_yyyydddThhmmss_B_Vnn.CSV |
A primary product. Noise corrected magnetic field spectral densities, if these are not available, uncorrected spectra are used to fill the gaps. |
If Waves was commanded to produce survey data at its highest rate for an entire day, a single file would contain 86401 rows, though in practice each spreadsheet will contain fair less, thus allowing these file to be read directly via standard office software.
The files in these directories follow the same convention as Section 6.5.5 though were collected prior Juno's entrance into Jupiter orbit. See Table 6.10 for a file pattern listing. Coverage periods are a single UTC day, unless this would cross a mission phase boundary.
This directory contains BURST products which are calibrated full-resolution electric and magnetic waveforms collected using the LFR and HFR receivers. The YYYYDDD portion of the sub-directory name refers to the UTC day of the orbit's beginning apoapsis. Any of four distinct sensor and sampling rate combinations may be present for a given time period, as well as generated narrow band spectra as listed in Table 6.9.
The length of each waveform varies in a non-trivial manner. During burst mode data acquisition, compressed waveform data accumulates in a fixed length buffer within the Juno Flight Data System. Waves employs a lossless compression method where the compression ratio is proportional to the entropy in the signal. As PDS does not provide a method for describing a series of variable length vectors, fill values are used to pad to a uniform number of items in each series.
File name patterns are given in Table 6.11. In the patterns below the time portion indicates the start of the burst data collection session, nn is the product version number, and qqq is replaced with 'BIN' if these data were collected as part of a binning session and thus have associated Q-Factors or 'REC' if the data were simply recorded consistently over a given time period.
File Name Pattern | File Description |
WAV_yyyydddThhmmss_E_qqq_Vnn.DAT WAV_yyyydddThhmmss_E_qqq_Vnn.LBL |
Electric waved amplitudes versus time sampled at 50 kHz, 375 kHz and/or 7 MHz. |
WAV_yyyydddThhmmss_EUNC_qqq_Vnn.DAT WAV_yyyydddThhmmss_EUNC_qqq_Vnn.LBL |
Overflow area for uncorrected magnetic field waveforms. Only present when both corrected and uncorrected measurements are delivered. See Section 6.5.2 for more information on Waves spacecraft noise mitigation. |
WAV_yyyydddThhmmss_B_qqq_Vnn.DAT WAV_yyyydddThhmmss_B_qqq_Vnn.LBL |
Magnetic wave amplitudes versus time sampled at 50 kHz. |
WAV_yyyydddThhmmss_BUNC_qqq_Vnn.DAT WAV_yyyydddThhmmss_BUNC_qqq_Vnn.LBL |
Overflow area for uncorrected magnetic field waveforms. Only present when both corrected and uncorrected measurements are delivered. |
WAV_yyyydddThhmmss_NBS_qqq_Vnn.DAT WAV_yyyydddThhmmss_NBS_qqq_Vnn.LBL |
1 MHz band spectra centered at the mixing frequency. As these are spectra are generated from down-mixed data no corresponding time domain waveform files are provided. See Appendix C for more information. |
The files in these directories follow the same convention as Section 6.5.7 though were collected prior Juno's entrance into Jupiter orbit. See Table 6.11 for a file pattern listing. Here YYYYDDD refers to the start of the mission phase.
The DOCUMENT directory contains a range of documentation considered either necessary or useful for users to understand the archive data set. Documents may be included in multiple forms, for example, ASCII, PDF, MS Word, or HTML. PDS standards require that any documentation needed for use of the data be available in an ASCII format. HTML is an acceptable ASCII format in addition to plain text. The following files are contained in the DOCUMENT directory, grouped into the sub-directories shown.
File Name | Description |
DOCINFO.TXT | A description of the contents of this directory tree |
VOLSIS/VOLSIS*.PNG | Graphics files used by VOLSIS.HTM |
VOLSIS/VOLSIS.LBL | A detached label for the HTML and PDF versions of this document |
VOLSIS/VOLSIS.PDF | This document in PDF |
VOLSIS/VOLSIS.HTM | This document as HTML text with minimal markup. |
WAVESCAL/WAVESCAL.LBL | A detached label for the DOC and PDF versions of the calibration document. |
WAVESCAL/WAVESCAL.PDF | Waves Calibration document in PDF |
WAVESINST/WAVESINST.LBL | A detached label for the PDF and HTML versions of the instrument document |
WAVESINST/WAVESINST.HTM | A description of the Waves instrument in HTML text with minimal markup |
WAVESINST/WAVESINST.PDF | A description of the Waves instrument in PDF |
The EXTRAS directory is reserved for items that, while deemed useful enough to include on the volume, are outside the scope of PDS archive requirements. Files within this directory facilitate the use of the archive volume but are not considered part of the archive itself. The contents of the EXTRAS directory are subject to change as new software capabilities are added to the archive volumes. The required file, EXTRINFO.TXT shall be kept current with changes within the the EXTRAS tree and changes by volume revision number and date shall be listed in RELEASE.TXT.
Item Name | Description |
EXTRINFO.TXT | A description of the contents of this directory. As required, this file will be updated to reflect the current contents of the EXTRAS directory in the event that new capabilities are added the the Waves standard product archive volumes. |
RELEASE.TXT | A text file with an attached PDS label describing changes from one version of the extras directory to the next. |
Everything Else | All other files and directories provided in this area shall be described in EXTRINFO.TXT and structural changes are tracked in RELEASE.TXT. Other files may include HTML navigation pages, Java software, or any other items deemed useful to the archive user on a release-to-release basis. |
The INDEX.TAB file contains a listing of all data products on the archive volume. The index (INDEX.TAB) and index information (INDXINFO.TXT) files are required by the PDS volume standards. The format of these ASCII files is described in Section 7.2.6. An online and web-accessible index file will be available at the PPI Node while data volumes are being produced. As the Waves IOT plans to release updates to a single comprehensive volume, there is no need for a CUMINDX.TAB file within the INDEX directory.
File | Description |
INDXINFO.TXT | A description of the contents of this directory |
INDEX.LBL | A PDS detached label that describes INDEX.TAB |
INDEX.TAB | A table listing all Waves data products on this volume |
Data that comprise the Waves standard product archives will be formatted in accordance with PDS specifications [see Planetary Science Data Dictionary, PDS Archiving Guide, and PDS Standards Reference in Section 1.9].
Although the Waves team does not control the volume format to be used by the PDS, it is necessary to define the format in which the data sets are to be transmitted via network from the JSOC to the PPI node. The detailed delivery schedule and transmission format are defined in the "Juno Mission SCO -- PDS Atmospheres Node/PPI Node Interface Control Document."
The following section describes file formats for the kinds of files contained on archive volumes. For more information, see the PDS Archive Preparation Guide and the PDS Standards Reference which are referenced in Section 1.9.
Document files with a TXT extension exist in nearly all directories. They are ASCII files with embedded PDS labels. All ASCII document files have a line length restricted to 78 characters of fewer. Each line must be terminated with a carriage return (ASCII 13) and line feed character (ASCII 10) sequence. This format allows the files to be read by many operating systems, e.g., UNIX, MacOSX, Windows, etc.
In general, documents are provided in ASCII text format. However, some documents in the DOCUMENT directory contain formatting and figures that cannot be rendered as ASCII text. Hence these documents are also given in additional formats such as hypertext, Microsoft Word, Open Document Text, and Adobe Acrobat (PDF). Hypertext files contain ASCII text plus hypertext mark-up language (HTML) commands that enable them to be viewed in a web browser such as Firefox or Microsoft Internet Explorer. Hypertext documents may reference ancillary files, such as images, that are incorporated into the document by the web browser.
Tabular files (TAB extension) exist in the DATA and INDEX directories. Tabular files are ASCII files formatted for direct reading into database management systems on various computers. Columns are fixed length, separated by commas or white space, and character fields are enclosed in double quotation marks ("). Character fields are padded with spaces to keep quotation marks in the same columns of successive records. Character fields are left justified, and numeric fields are right justified. The start byte and bytes values listed in the labels do not include the commas between fields or the quotation marks surrounding character fields. The records are of fixed length, and the last two bytes of each record contain the ASCII carriage return and line feed characters. This line format allows a table to be treated as a fixed length record file on computers that support this file type and as a text file with embedded line delimiters on those that don't support it.
Detached PDS label files will describe all tabular files. A detached label file has the same name as the data file it describes, but with the extension LBL. For example, the file INDEX.TAB is accompanied by the detached label file INDEX.LBL in the same directory.
Spreadsheets exist under the DATA directory. On Waves volumes these are ASCII files suitable for direct reading by standard office productivity software. Each file contains a series of comma separated fields. String data fields are enclosed in double quotes and may contain embedded commas. Commas within string data are not treated as field separators. ISO time values are treated as numeric data. Numeric field values are not quoted. There are no fill values, empty fields are merely indicated by adjacent commas, or a line that starts with or ends with a comma. Files with these formatting rules have the extension CSV.
Detached PDS label files will describe all spreadsheet files. A detached label file has the same name as the data file it describes, but with the extension LBL. For example, the survey mode data file T2016170_SRV_EV01.CSV is accompanied by the detached label file T2016170_SRV_EV01.LBL in the same directory.
All data files in the Waves Standard Product Archive Collection have associated detached PDS labels [see the Planetary Science Data Dictionary and the PDS Standards Reference in Section 1.9]. These label files are named using the same prefix as the data file together with an LBL extension. Labels consist entirely of Object Description Language (ODL) statements, which are primarily sets of "keyword = value" declarations. ODL was designed with both human and machine readability in mind.
A PDS label, whether embedded or detached from its associated file, provides descriptive information about the associated file. The object that the label refers to (e.g. IMAGE, TABLE, etc.) is denoted by a statement of the form:
^object = location
in which the carat character (^, also called a pointer in this context) indicates where to find the object. In a PDS label, the location denotes the name of the file containing the object, along with the starting record or byte number, if there is more than one object in the file. For example:
^HEADER = ("98118.TAB", 1) ^TABLE = ("98118.TAB", 1025<BYTES>)
indicates that the HEADER object begins at record 1 and that the TABLE object begins at byte 1025 of the file 98118.TAB. The file 98118.TAB must be located in the same directory as the detached label file.
Below is a list of the possible formats for the ^object definition in labels in this product.
^object = n ^object = n <BYTES> ^object = "filename.ext" ^object = ("filename.ext", n) ^object = ("filename.ext", n <BYTES>)
n is the starting record or byte number of the object, counting from the beginning of the file (record 1, byte 1),
<BYTES> indicates that the number given is in units of bytes (the default is records),
filename is the up-to-27-character, alphanumeric upper-case file name,
ext is the up-to-3-character upper-case file extension,
and all detached labels contain ASCII records that terminate with a carriage return followed by a line feed (0x0D 0x0A). This allows the files to be read by most computer operating systems, e.g., UNIX, MacOS, MSWindows, etc.
Examples of PDS labels required for the Waves archive are shown in Appendix B.
Programs looking to extract an entire PDS object from a file may use the PDS label to determine the size in bytes of the object, though the exact keywords values to use vary from one PDS object to another. For TABLE objects to total size can be found from the following keyword values within the TABLE object definition:
However for a HEADER object the total size is simply the value of the:
In most cases, extracting individual records from data objects requires knowledge of the length of each record with in the data object. This information is also provided in the PDS labels but again the exact keywords to consult vary from one object to the next. For TABLE objects the length of the record is given by the ROW_BYTES keyword. However reading programs must also read and discard the ROW_PREFIX_BYTES and ROW_SUFFIX_BYTES if padding is specified. Other data objects such as SPREADSHEETS have no defined total record length, but instead require that reading programs search for the record delimiter, which in this case is the byte pair, carriage return - line feed (0x0D 0x0A).
There are no requirements within PDS that all bytes within a product file correspond to labeled objects. In such cases undocumented sections should be regarded as random filler and skipped over when reading data products. Consult the PDS 3.8 Standards Reference for more information on parsing the labels contained on this volume.
Catalog files (extension CAT) exist in the Root and CATALOG directories. Like PDS labels, catalog files consisting entirely of human readable Object Description Language (ODL) statements. ODL is an ASCII text object-oriented syntax designed to be easily readable by people and software. The structure essentially consists of sets of "keyword = value" declarations, though in the case of CATALOG objects many of the values are multi-paragraph expository text. See the Planetary Data System Standards Reference for an introduction to ODL syntax.
The PDS team provides PDS index files. The format of these files is described in this SIS document for completeness.
A PDS index table contains a listing of all data products on an archive volume. When a data product is described by a detached PDS label, the index file points to the label file, which in turn points to the data file. When a data product is described by an attached PDS label, the index file points directly to the data product. A PDS index is an ASCII table composed of required columns and optional columns (user defined). When values are constant across an entire volume, it is permissible to promote the value out of the table and into the PDS label for the index table.
To facilitate users' searches of the Waves data submission, a few optional columns will be included in the index table. In particular, the file start and stop times will be included. Sections 5.6 and 6.8 contain a description of the Waves archive volume index files. Index files are, by PDS definition, fixed length ASCII files containing comma-delimited fields. Character strings are quoted using double quotes, and left justified in their field, followed where necessary by trailing blanks. The "Start Byte" column in Table 7.1 below gives the location of the first byte (counting from 1) of the column within the file, skipping over delimiters and quotation marks.
Column Name | Start Byte | Bytes | Description |
VOLUME_ID | 2 | 11 | Contains the fixed value JNOWAV_1000. |
STANDARD_DATA_PRODUCT_ID | 16 | 6 | The "type" of the data file. (see Table 4.2) |
DATA_SET_ID | 25 | 33 | The PDS ID of the data set of which this file is a member. (see Table 4.3) |
PRODUCT_ID | 61 | 23 | This is equivalent to the file name however the extension and version information is removed, for ex: WAV_2011235T000000_BINT_V01.CSV has the product ID: WAV_2011235T000000_BINT. |
START_TIME | 86 | 19 | Start time (UTC) of the products' coverage period. |
STOP_TIME | 106 | 19 | Stop time (UTC) of the products' coverage period. |
FILE_SPECIFICATION_NAME | 127 | 81 | The full specification name of the PDS label file (including the file name and the path) that describes the product, relative to the root of the archive volume. |
PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME | 210 | 10 | Creation time of the PDS labeled data product. |
PRODUCT_LABEL_MD5CHECKSUM | 222 | 32 | Labels contain product checksums, this field records the label's checksum. |
PNG Image files may be found under the BROWSE directory. On Waves volumes, ISO standard (ISO/IEC 15948:2003) Portable Network Graphics (PNG) files are used to contain pre-plotted data. These are not to be confused with PDS IMAGE objects. PNG images have the PNG extension and may be viewed in wide variety of software packages including web browsers such as Mozilla Firefox or Microsoft Internet Explorer.
All PNG images on the volume are described via detached PDS labels. A detached label file has the same name as the image file it describes, but with the extension LBL. For example the image T2016175_SRV_B_V01.PNG will be accompanied by the detached label file T2016175_SRV_B_V01.LBL in the same directory.
Binary series files exist in the sub-directories of the DATA directory. These files are the individual data products for the WAVES_BURST data set. Binary series files end in the extension, 'DAT'. Unlike the previously described formats, binary series files have a format that is only understood within the confines of PDS aware tools and usually cannot be viewed with general purpose programs. This is not to say that the format of such files is undefined. Each DAT file on the volume will be accompanied by a detached PDS label which supplies the information required to extract any and all data within the files. For example, the series data file T2016175_BIN_B_V01.DAT would be accompanied by the detached label file T2016175_BIN_B_V01.LBL in the same directory.
The CODMAC level 2 volume contains reformatted telemetry packets stored in files with the extensions .DAT and .PKT. DAT files are used to store housekeeping packets as this packet type has a fixed length. Science packets are stored in .PKT since these packets can vary quite a bit in size depending on the data type and current instrument settings. Not only are science packet files unreadable by general purpose software, the fields within these files are not detailed in the associated labels. Though each PKT file is accompanied by a detached PDS label there is no facility within PDS for defining variable length structures so only minimal labels are included. These minimal labels give the collection times for data within the PKT files and record the file's MD5 sum but that is about it. Telemetry data are preserved on the volume to insure that the original bits are saved, but these data are not intended to be used by the wider scientific community. Thus no software is provide to export these data to a more general form. The WAVESEDR.HTM document is provided in the DOCUMENT directory in the unlikely event that PKT files must be read by someone outside the Waves instrument team.
Waves team | |||
Name | Address | Phone | |
Chris Piker Waves Archivist | Dept. of Physics & Astronomy, The University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242, USA | +001 319 335 1960 | |
Dr. William Kurth Waves Lead Co-I | Dept. of Physics & Astronomy, The University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242, USA | +001 319 335 1926 | |
UCLA | |||
Name | Address | Phone | |
Dr. Steven Joy PPI Operations Manager | IGPP,
University of California 405 Hilgard Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90095-1567 USA | +001 310 825 3506 | |
Mr. Joseph Mafi PPI Data Engineer | IGPP, University
of California 405 Hilgard Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90095-1567 USA | +001 310 206 6073 | |
All Waves instrument data files are accompanied by PDS label files, possessing the same names are the files they describe, but with the extension LBL. The basic content for these label files is as follows, where the NOTE field is reserved for product-specific comments
PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = DATA_SET DATA_SET_ID = "JNO-E/J/SS-WAV-2-EDR-V1.0" OBJECT = DATA_SET_INFORMATION DATA_SET_NAME = " JUNO E/J/S/SS WAVES EXPERIMENT DATA RECORDS V1.0" DATA_SET_COLLECTION_MEMBER_FLG = "N" DATA_OBJECT_TYPE = FILE ARCHIVE_STATUS = "PRE PEER REVIEW" START_TIME = NULL STOP_TIME = NULL DATA_SET_RELEASE_DATE = NULL PRODUCER_FULL_NAME = "DR. WILLIAM S. KURTH" DETAILED_CATALOG_FLAG = "N" DATA_SET_TERSE_DESC = " The Juno Waves EDR complete data set includes all Waves science and housekeeping instrument packets for the entire Juno mission." ABSTRACT_DESC = " The Juno Waves EDR complete data set includes all Waves science and housekeeping data for the entire Juno mission. This data set consists of reformatted, uncalibrated, spectra and waveforms as well as unaltered housekeeping packets. The reformatting operation re-assembles measurements which were too long to fit with in a single transmission unit to the Juno flight data system as well as decompressing data that were transmitted in compressed form. The data for this set were acquired from the Waves Low Frequency Receiver (LFR), and High Frequency Receivers (HFR-44, HFR-45), as well as the Digital Signal Processor's housekeeping output. This data set is intended to preserve the uncalibrated instrument packets and is to be used only as a last resort. Other Waves archived data sets are designed to be complete and more easily used. Browse images associated with the other data sets provide a graphical search of the data included in this data set." CITATION_DESC = "Kurth, W.S., and Piker C.W., JUNO E/J/S/SS WAVES EXPERIMENT DATA RECORDS V1.0, JNO-E/J/SS-WAV-2-EDR-V1.0, NASA Planetary Data System, 2012." DATA_SET_DESC = " Data Set Overview ================= The Juno Waves EDR complete data set includes all Waves science and housekeeping data for the entire Juno mission. This data set consists of reformatted, uncalibrated, spectra and waveforms as well as unaltered housekeeping packets. The reformatting operation re-assembles measurements which were too long to fit with in a single transmission unit to the Juno flight data system as well as decompressing data that were transmitted in compressed form. The data for this set were acquired from the Waves Low Frequency Receiver (LFR), and High Frequency Receivers (HFR-44, HFR-45), as well as the Digital Signal Processor's housekeeping output. This data set is intended to preserve the uncalibrated instrument packets and is to be used only as a last resort. Other Waves archived data sets are designed to be complete and more easily used. Browse images associated with the other data sets provide a graphical search of the data included in this data set. The primary usefulness of these data lay in preserving the inputs to higher level calibrated data sets so that such sets may be regenerated in the event that better calibrations become available or in the event that mistakes are uncovered in the data processing pipelines. In either event the Waves instrument team is intended as the user of these data, *not* the wider scientific community. Parameters ========== The fundamental unit of this data set is a Waves packet. In the case of science packets, each packet contains a single measurement along with information required to calibrate the measurement and determine when it was collected. Actually producing calibrated data from these raw packets requires detailed knowledge of the Waves instrument. Housekeeping packets are also included as these contain fine timing information. Processing ========== The data included in this data set were processed by the EDR processing pipeline as described in section 3.3 of the VOLSIS document found under the DOCUMENTS subdirectory. In short, this pipeline consists of programs which reassemble fragmented packets, decompress packets and check for CRC errors. Data ==== Products in this data set are simply described as PDS FILE objects with minimal detached labels as no more specific PDS objects exist to define a file consisting of variable length packets. The WAVESEDR.HTM file in the DOCUMENTS directory describes the data format of these raw packets. Ancillary Data ============== This data set is complete, though the generation of higher level calibrated data from this raw data set requires the following additional information: 1. Navigation and Ancillary Information Facility's SPICE toolkit and Juno mission SPICE kernels. 2. Calibration tables supplied on this volume by the Waves instrument team Coordinate Systems ================== As these are raw data they are recorded in the frame of the electric and magnetic sensors and are not rotated into any other coordinate system. The WAVESINST.CAT catalog file, located in this directory, contains a description of the detectors' orientation with respect to the Juno spacecraft coordinate frame. Software ======== No software is provided to view, interpret, or convert this data set. Media/Format ============ This data set is provided to the Planetary Data System electronically as part of a volume level 'tarball' file, though the standards for file names, directory names and path lengths follow the guidelines provided in the 'Planetary Data System Standards Reference', version 3.8, under section 10.1.3, 'Specification for Files Delivered Electronically'. The 'tarball' file contains all files for a release of this volume in a single GNU Tar file that has then been compressed via the GNU gzip utility. The tar file preserves the relative directory path for each file so when unpacked the original volume directory structure is recreated. See Section 4 of the VOLSIS for more details on the data transfer methods." CONFIDENCE_LEVEL_NOTE = " Confidence Level Overview ========================= This data set contains all instrument packets for the Juno Waves experiment for the interval described in the labels for the individual product files. Every effort has been made to ensure that all data returned to the Juno Science Operations Center from the spacecraft are included, even those packets which fail checksum tests. Review ====== The Waves raw complete data will be reviewed internally by the Juno Waves instrument team prior to release to the PDS. The data set will also be reviewed by the PDS. Data Coverage and Quality ========================= TBD Limitations =========== Limitations on the data set may be defined as the Waves team gains experience operating the instrument in flight conditions. The only known a priori limitation is that some packets may become corrupted during transmission over the space link. Each packet contains a CRC generated within the instrument prior to transmission to the Juno flight data system. Packets with CRC failures are retained in this raw data set but should not be used to generate higher level products." END_OBJECT = DATA_SET_INFORMATION OBJECT = DATA_SET_TARGET TARGET_NAME = "EARTH" END_OBJECT = DATA_SET_TARGET OBJECT = DATA_SET_TARGET TARGET_NAME = "JUPITER" END_OBJECT = DATA_SET_TARGET OBJECT = DATA_SET_TARGET TARGET_NAME = "SOLAR SYSTEM" END_OBJECT = DATA_SET_TARGET OBJECT = DATA_SET_HOST INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID = "JNO" INSTRUMENT_ID = "WAV" END_OBJECT = DATA_SET_HOST OBJECT = DATA_SET_MISSION MISSION_NAME = "JUNO" END_OBJECT = DATA_SET_MISSION OBJECT = DATA_SET_REFERENCE_INFORMATION REFERENCE_KEY_ID = "NULL" END_OBJECT = DATA_SET_REFERENCE_INFORMATION END_OBJECT = DATA_SET END
PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 /* Version 3.8 February 27, 2009 */ LABEL_REVISION_NOTE = "Draft version. C. Piker, May 2010" NOTE = " WAV_2016315_LRS_V02.PKT contains all decompressed, unsegmented science telemetry from the Juno Waves instrument with data collection start times from 2016-315T00:00:00.000 up to, but not including, 2016-316T00:00:00.000" /* Identification Data Elements */ INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID = JNO INSTRUMENT_NAME = "WAVES" MISSION_PHASE_NAME = "SCIENCE ORBITS" TARGET_NAME = {"JUPITER", "SOLAR SYSTEM"} ORBIT_NUMBER = 3 START_TIME = 2016-11-10T00:00:00.000 STOP_TIME = 2016-11-11T00:00:00.000 SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_START_COUNT = "1/0532008002.000" SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_STOP_COUNT = "1/0532094402.000" DATA_SET_ID = "JNO-E/J/SS-WAV-2-EDR-V1.0" PROCESSING_LEVEL_ID = "2" STANDARD_DATA_PRODUCT_ID = "LRS" PRODUCT_ID = "WAV_2016315_LRS" PRODUCT_VERSION_ID = "02" PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME = 2011-06-12 /* File characteristics, data are not fixed length */ OBJECT = FILE FILE_NAME = "WAV_2016315_SRV_V02.PKT" RECORD_TYPE = VARIABLE_LENGTH RECORD_BYTES = 776 /* Max record, many are smaller */ FILE_RECORDS = 87340 INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = BINARY MD5_CHECKSUM = "77190ad4b9a48280e6f3d0f468983d07" ^DESCRIPTION = "WAVESEDR/WAVESEDR.HTM" END_OBJECT = FILE END
PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 LABEL_REVISION_NOTE = " 2010-05-25, C. Piker (U. IOWA), initial; 2010-05-29, W. Kurth (U. IOWA), general revision;" RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = DATA_SET DATA_SET_ID = "JNO-E/J/SS-WAV-3-CDR-SRVFULL-V2.0" OBJECT = DATA_SET_INFORMATION DATA_SET_NAME = " JUNO E/J/SS WAVES CALIBRATED SURVEY FULL RESOLUTION V2.0" DATA_SET_COLLECTION_MEMBER_FLG = "N" DATA_OBJECT_TYPE = SPREADSHEET ARCHIVE_STATUS = "PRE PEER REVIEW" START_TIME = NULL STOP_TIME = NULL DATA_SET_RELEASE_DATE = NULL PRODUCER_FULL_NAME = "DR. WILLIAM S. KURTH" DETAILED_CATALOG_FLAG = "N" DATA_SET_TERSE_DESC = " The Juno Waves calibrated full resolution survey data set includes all low rate science spectral information calibrated in units of spectral density for the entire Juno mission." ABSTRACT_DESC = " The Juno Waves calibrated full resolution survey data set includes all low rate science electric spectral densities from 50Hz to 41MHz and magnetic spectral densities from 50Hz to 20kHz with complete sweeps at 30, 10 and 1 second intervals depending on the instrument mode. This is a complete full resolution data set containing all low rate science data received from Waves from launch until the end of mission including initial checkout, the Earth flyby, the Jupiter orbits and all cruise data. Data are acquired from the Waves Low Frequency Receiver (LFR) and High Frequency Receiver (HFR) and are processed into spectra on board. These data are presented as ASCII text spreadsheets for ease of use. This data set is intended to be the most comprehensive and complete data set included in the Juno Waves archive. Pre-rendered spectrograms generated from these data are included as well to lead the user to the particular data file(s) of interest. This data set should be among the first used of any in the Waves archive as it will lead one to the information required to locate more detailed products." CITATION_DESC = "Kurth, W.S., and Piker C.W., JUNO E/J/S/SS WAVES CALIBRATED SURVEY FULL RESOLUTION V2.0, JNO-E/J/SS-WAV-3-CDR-SRVFULL-V2.0, NASA Planetary Data System, 2012." DATA_SET_DESC = " Data Set Overview ================= The Juno Waves calibrated full resolution survey data set includes all low rate science electric spectral densities from 50Hz to 41MHz and magnetic spectral densities from 50Hz to 20kHz with complete sweeps at 30, 10 and 1 second intervals depending on the instrument mode. This is a complete full resolution data set containing all low rate science data received from Waves from launch until the end of mission including near Earth checkout, the Earth flyby, the Jupiter orbits and all cruise data. Data are acquired from the Waves Low Frequency Receiver (LFR) and High Frequency Receiver (HFR) and are processed into spectra in flight. These data are presented as ASCII text spreadsheets for ease of use. This data set is intended to be the most comprehensive and complete data set included in the Juno Waves archive. Pre-rendered spectrograms generated from these data are included as well to lead the user to the particular data file(s) of interest. This data set should be among the first used of any in the Waves archive as it will lead one to the information required to locate more detailed products. Parameters ========== This data set consists of electric and magnetic field spectral densities in the following frequency bands: 1. Magnetic Spectral Densities - 50 Hz to 20 kHz 2. Electric Spectral Densities - 50 Hz to 20 kHz 3. Electric Spectral Densities - 19 kHz to 150 kHz 4. Electric Spectral Densities - 133 kHz to 3 MHz 5. Electric Spectral Densities - 3 MHz to 41 MHz The frequency bands are derived from the analysis bandwidths of the Low Frequency Lo, Low Frequency Hi, and High Frequency Receivers (LFR-LO, LFR-HI, and HFR respectively). The the center frequencies of the bins are roughly log spaced in frequency. The time between frequency sweeps depends on the instrument operating mode as follows: 1. Periapsis Cadence - 1 complete sweep per second* 2. Intermediate Cadence - 1 complete sweep every 10 seconds 3. Apoapsis Cadence - 1 complete sweep every 30 seconds Additional cadences can be programmed in flight should the science or unknown operating constraints dictate. *When collecting noise reduction diagnostic data, only one spectrum every 2 seconds is possible from the instrument. Processing ========== Data products for this data set were generated by the CDR data production pipeline as described in section 3 of the VOLSIS document found under the DOCUMENTS sub-directory. The inputs to the processing are: 1. Science and Housekeeping packets from the HK, LRS & HRS data sets. 2. Calibration tables located on this volume. 3. NAIF Juno mission SPICE kernels. 4. A listing of mission phase names and orbit number by UTC. The result of the processing is one spreadsheet file per frequency band per day in which data are available. The WAVESCAL.HTM document in the DOCUMENT directory provides details of the calibration process. These data are calibrated using the best calibration tables and algorithms available at the time the data were archived. Should a significant improvement in calibration become available, an erratum will be noted in the erratum section. Later versions of the products may contain better calibrations. Data ==== The Waves calibrated full resolution survey mode data set includes five ASCII spreadsheets of wave spectra as a function of time from both the upper and lower band of the LFR, the lower band of the HFR as well as the upper spectrum analyzer bands of the HFR. Each spreadsheet contains a fixed number of fields containing the measurement initiation times by spacecraft clock and UTC, a flag to indicate the employment of on-board noise mitigation techniques, a flag to indicate whether the row is a science measurement or a noise sample spectra, and a flag to indicate the presence of burst mode data near the given measurement time, as well as one field for each frequency bin. Ancillary Data ============== Ancillary data included with the data set collection include a series of files that describe the Waves operating modes as a function of time and provide a time-ordered listing of the Instrument Expanded Block (IEB) trigger commands (WAV_MAJOR_MODE) (the mode by which Waves is reconfigured). Also a detailed description of each of the modes (or IEBs) is provided. Other data which are ancillary to this data set, but which are archived separately from this collection are the Navigation and Ancillary Information Facility's SPICE kernels describing the position and attitude of Juno and various solar system bodies as a function of time. Coordinate Systems ================== The data in this data set are measurements of wave electric and magnetic field spectral densities measured by the Waves electric and magnetic sensors. These fields are presented as detected by the sensors and are not rotated into any other coordinate system. If desired the SPICE kernels can be used with the SPICE toolkit to convert from the spacecraft frame to virtually any frame which may be of use in analyzing these data. However, for many purposes, because of the broad beam of the dipole-like sensors, the spectral densities are extremely useful and may be entirely adequate with no coordinate transformations at all. Software ======== As these data are calibrated and in simple ASCII form, no software is provided, and none is required, for conversion or interpretation. Media/Format ============ This data set is provided to the Planetary Data System electronically as part of a volume level 'tarball' file, though the standards for file names, directory names and path lengths follow the guidelines provided in the 'Planetary Data System Standards Reference', version 3.8, under section 10.1.3, 'Specification for Files Delivered Electronically'. The 'tarball' file contains all files for a release of this volume in a single GNU Tar file that has then been compressed via the GNU gzip utility. The tar file preserves the relative directory path for each file so when unpacked the original volume directory structure is recreated. See Section 4 of the VOLSIS for more details on the data transfer methods." CONFIDENCE_LEVEL_NOTE = " Confidence Level Overview ========================= This data set contains all survey mode full resolution calibrated data for the Juno Waves instrument for the interval defined by the START_TIME and STOP_TIME elements above. Every effort has been made to ensure that all data returned to the ground from the spacecraft are included and that the calibration is accurate. Typically during the 12 hours near periapsis survey sweeps are preformed once per second, though during diagnostic burst mode collection, which returns raw sensor data, noise data as well as noise-canceled data, only one spectrum every two seconds is possible from the instrument. This section will be updated with information on known issues with the data, such as interference from other spacecraft systems, or other information needed to use the data with confidence. Review ====== The Waves calibrated full resolution survey data will be reviewed internally by the Juno Waves team prior to release to the PDS. The data set will also be peer reviewed by the PDS. Data Coverage and Quality ========================= TBD Limitations =========== Limitations on the data set may be defined as the Waves team gains experience operating the instrument in flight conditions. " END_OBJECT = DATA_SET_INFORMATION OBJECT = DATA_SET_TARGET TARGET_NAME = "EARTH" END_OBJECT = DATA_SET_TARGET OBJECT = DATA_SET_TARGET TARGET_NAME = "JUPITER" END_OBJECT = DATA_SET_TARGET OBJECT = DATA_SET_TARGET TARGET_NAME = "SOLAR SYSTEM" END_OBJECT = DATA_SET_TARGET OBJECT = DATA_SET_HOST INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID = "JNO" INSTRUMENT_ID = "WAV" END_OBJECT = DATA_SET_HOST OBJECT = DATA_SET_MISSION MISSION_NAME = "JUNO" END_OBJECT = DATA_SET_MISSION OBJECT = DATA_SET_REFERENCE_INFORMATION REFERENCE_KEY_ID = "NULL" END_OBJECT = DATA_SET_REFERENCE_INFORMATION END_OBJECT = DATA_SET END
Each WAVES_SURVEY product file consists of data from only one of four frequency ranges, LFR Low Band, LFR High Band, HFR Low Band, and HFR High Band. In addition LFR Low Band data may be collected via the magnetic sensor or the electric sensor for a total of five distinct file types. Since all five file types follow a very similar structure, the LFR high band electric is given as a representative example.
PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 LABEL_REVISION_NOTE = " Oct. 2011 - Draft Version, C. Piker" NOTE = "WAV_2011235T000000_E_V01.CSV contains all survey mode electric field spectral densities from the LFR_LO channels (24Hz - 21kHz), the LFR_HI channels (19kHz - 149kHz), the HFR_LO channels (134kHz - 2.98 MHz), and the HFR_HI channels (3.0 MHz - 41 MHz) of the Juno Waves instrument collected from 2011-08-23T00:00:00 up to, but not including 2011-08-24T00:00:00. These data were calibrated using the best known transfer functions as recorded in the files: CALIB/WAV_CAL_ATTN_V00.CSV CALIB/WAV_CAL_SRV_HFR_HI_44_V00.CSV CALIB/WAV_CAL_SRV_HFR_HI_PROP_V00.CSV CALIB/WAV_CAL_SRV_HFR_LO_44_V00.CSV CALIB/WAV_CAL_SRV_HFR_LO_45_V00.CSV CALIB/WAV_CAL_SRV_HFR_LO_PROP_V00.CSV CALIB/WAV_CAL_SRV_LFR_HI_E_V00.CSV CALIB/WAV_CAL_SRV_LFR_HI_PROP_V00.CSV CALIB/WAV_CAL_SRV_LFR_LO_E_V00.CSV CALIB/WAV_CAL_SRV_LFR_LO_PROP_V00.CSV The spreadsheet file begins with a 5 row text header defining the centers of the frequency and the noise bandwidth of each bin. The header conforms to the field rules for comma separated values files. Thus this file read directly by most standard office productivity spreadsheet packages. " /* Identification Data Elements */ INSTRUMENT_HOST_NAME = "Juno" INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID = JNO INSTRUMENT_NAME = "Waves" INSTRUMENT_ID = WAV DATA_SET_ID = "JNO-E/J/SS-WAV-3-CDR-SRVFULL-V2.0" STANDARD_DATA_PRODUCT_ID = "SURVEY" PROCESSING_LEVEL_ID = "3" PRODUCT_ID = WAV_2011235T000000_E PRODUCT_VERSION_ID = 01 PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME = 2011-11-29 MISSION_PHASE_NAME = "INNER CRUISE 1" TARGET_NAME = {"EARTH", "SOLAR SYSTEM"} ORBIT_NUMBER = "N/A" START_TIME = 2011-08-23T00:00:00 STOP_TIME = 2011-08-24T00:00:00 SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_START_COUNT = "1/0367329602:000" SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_STOP_COUNT = "1/0367416002:000" /* File characteristics Data Elements */ OBJECT = FILE FILE_NAME = "WAV_2011235T000000_E_V01.CSV" RECORD_TYPE = STREAM RECORD_BYTES = 1953 /* Longest Line */ FILE_RECORDS = 8038 MD5_CHECKSUM = "64785a2d91deee2968fcf288417ba513" ^SPREADSHEET = ("WAV_2011235T000000_E_V01.CSV",6024<bytes>) /* Data Object */ OBJECT = SPREADSHEET NAME = E_FIELD_SURVEY ROWS = 8033 ROW_BYTES = 1554 /* Maximum */ FIELDS = 153 FIELD_DELIMITER = COMMA OBJECT = FIELD NAME = SCLK FIELD_NUMBER = 1 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_REAL BYTES = 13 /* Maximum */ DESCRIPTION = "The spacecraft clock, in floating point seconds, around which this instrument cycle was scheduled. This is the base time for the set of measurements in a row. Spectra from individual receiver signal paths are offset from this time as denoted in fields, LFR_LO_OFFSET, LFR_HI_OFFSET, HFR_LO_OFFSET and HFR_HI_OFFSET. If time resolution to within a second is all that's desired by the user of these products then the offset columns may be ignored, and this value (or it's SCET equivalent) may be used for positioning E-field spectra on a time axis." END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = SCET FIELD_NUMBER = 2 DATA_TYPE = TIME BYTES = 21 /* Maximum */ DESCRIPTION = "SCLK field conversion using the SPICE c-toolkit." END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = BURST_FLAG FIELD_NUMBER = 3 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 1 /* Maximum */ DESCRIPTION = "Indicates the existence of burst mode data within 60 seconds of the SCLK value. This field will have the value 0, indicating no known burst mode data within 60 seconds of SCLK, or 1, indicating that one or more measurements from the BURST data set has a collection initiation time within 60 seconds of the SCLK value in field 1." END_OBJECT = FIELD /** LFR_LO E Field Survey Section Header ********************************/ OBJECT = FIELD NAME = LFR_LO_OFFSET FIELD_NUMBER = 4 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_REAL BYTES = 6 /* Maximum */ DESCRIPTION = "The offset in seconds from the SCLK at the start of this row to initiation of data collection for the LFR LO band waveform. Add this value to the SCLK field to get a more precise time axis value for the beginning of the waveform collection resulting in the LFR_LO band spectra for this row." END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = LFR_LO_PA_ATTN FIELD_NUMBER = 5 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 1 /* Maximum */ DESCRIPTION = "The in-packet value of the preamp attenuation flag. This value is used for cross-checks and may be ignored. Preamp attenuation settings have already been 'figured in' to the spectra densities in this data object." END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = LFR_LO_REC_ATTN FIELD_NUMBER = 6 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 1 /* Maximum */ DESCRIPTION = "The in-packet value of the LFR LO band receiver attenuation flag. This value is used for cross-checks and may be ignored. Receiver attenuation settings have already been 'figured in' to the spectra densities in this data object." END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = LFR_LO_CAL_VERS FIELD_NUMBER = 7 DATA_TYPE = CHARACTER BYTES = 8 /* Maximum */ DESCRIPTION = "Used to store the cal file version numbers resulting in the LFR LO band spectral densities in the row. This value is used for cross-checks and may be ignored." END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = LFR_LO_NR_ON FIELD_NUMBER = 8 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 1 /* Maximum */ DESCRIPTION = "This value reads 1 if the on-board noise mitigation algorithms were in use, and 0 if not. Note that even if the algorithms are running this row MAY or MAY NOT contain data altered by the noise mitigation process. Use field LFR_LO_SRC to determine if the sampled waveforms were altered by the noise mitigation algorithms prior to conversion to spectra." END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = LFR_LO_SRC FIELD_NUMBER = 9 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 1 /* Maximum */ DESCRIPTION = "Waves can perform in-flight mitigation of spacecraft power system noise. During standard operations, the data delivered to the ground are frequency spectra of the signal at the sensor minus the local solar-panel noise. However other spectra may be delivered as indicated by the values below: 1 - External signal plus power supply noise (uncorrected mode) 3 - External signal minus power supply noise (nominal mode) For any given SCLK value, spectra of type 3 will be included in this file if present. If not then then type 1 spectra will be present. Though the noise spectra are useful for certain analyzes, they do not contain science data and will never be present in this product type." END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = LFR_LO_SRC_NAME FIELD_NUMBER = 10 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 11 /* Maximum */ DESCRIPTION = "This field contains the same data as the LFR_LO_SRC field but in a more human readable form. If may have one of the following values: 'S+f(N)' - External signal plus some function of the power system noise, corresponds to value 1 in LFR_LO_SRC. 'S+f(N)-m(N)' - The external signal plus some function of the power system noise minus the output of the noise mitigation algorithm. This corresponds to value 3 in LFR_LO_SRC" END_OBJECT = FIELD /** LFR_HI E Field Survey Section Header *******************************/ OBJECT = FIELD NAME = LFR_HI_OFFSET FIELD_NUMBER = 11 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_REAL BYTES = 5 /* Maximum */ DESCRIPTION = "The offset in seconds from the SCLK at the start of this row to initiation of data collection for the LFR HI band waveform. Add this value to the SCLK field to get a more precise time axis value for the beginning of the waveform collection resulting in the LFR_HI band spectra for this row." END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = LFR_HI_PA_ATTN FIELD_NUMBER = 12 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 1 /* Maximum */ DESCRIPTION = "The in-packet value of the preamp attenuation flag. This value is used for cross-checks and may be ignored. Preamp attenuation settings have already been 'figured in' to the spectra densities in this data object." END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = LFR_HI_REC_ATTN FIELD_NUMBER = 13 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 1 /* Maximum */ DESCRIPTION = "The in-packet value of the LFR HI band receiver attenuation flag. This value is used for cross-checks and may be ignored. Receiver attenuation settings have already been 'figured in' to the spectra densities in this data object." END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = LFR_HI_CAL_VERS FIELD_NUMBER = 14 DATA_TYPE = CHARACTER BYTES = 8 /* Maximum */ DESCRIPTION = "Used to store the cal file version numbers resulting in the LFR_HI band spectral densities in the row. This value is used for cross-checks and may be ignored." END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = LFR_HI_NR_ON FIELD_NUMBER = 15 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 1 /* Maximum */ DESCRIPTION = "Records the on/off state of the noise mitigation algorithms at the LFR HI band waveform was captured. See the description of LFR_LO_NR_ON." END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = LFR_HI_SRC FIELD_NUMBER = 16 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 1 /* Maximum */ DESCRIPTION = "Records the source of the LFR HI spectra in this row. See the description of LFR_LO_SRC." END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = LFR_HI_SRC_NAME FIELD_NUMBER = 17 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 11 /* Maximum */ DESCRIPTION = "Alternate presentation of the source of the LFR HI spectra in this row. See the description of LFR_LO_SRC_NAME." END_OBJECT = FIELD /** HFR_LO E Field Survey Section Header ********************************/ OBJECT = FIELD NAME = HFR_LO_OFFSET FIELD_NUMBER = 18 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_REAL BYTES = 6 /* Maximum */ DESCRIPTION = "The offset in seconds from the SCLK at the start of this row to initiation of data collection for the HFR LO band waveform. Add this value to the SCLK field to get a more precise time axis value for the beginning of the waveform collection resulting in the HFR_LO band spectra for this row." END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = HFR_LO_PA_ATTN FIELD_NUMBER = 19 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 1 /* Maximum */ DESCRIPTION = "The in-packet value of the preamp attenuation flag. This value is used for cross-checks and may be ignored. Preamp attenuation settings have already been 'figured in' to the spectra densities in this data object." END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = HFR_LO_REC_ATTN FIELD_NUMBER = 20 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 2 /* Maximum */ DESCRIPTION = "The in-packet value of the LFR HI band receiver attenuation flag. This value is used for cross-checks and may be ignored. Receiver attenuation settings have already been 'figured in' to the spectra densities in this data object." END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = HFR_LO_CAL_VERS FIELD_NUMBER = 21 DATA_TYPE = CHARACTER BYTES = 8 /* Maximum */ DESCRIPTION = "Used to store the cal file version numbers resulting in the LFR_HI band spectral densities in the row. This value is used for cross-checks and may be ignored." END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = HFR_LO_BOARD_NUM FIELD_NUMBER = 22 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 2 /* Maximum */ DESCRIPTION = "The waves main electronics contains two nearly identical high frequency receiver boards, numbered 44 and 45. Nominally board 44 is used to collect E-field survey spectra, while board 45 is used to collect high resolution E-field waveform measurements. However, this is selectable in software. Thus this field records with board was used to collect the HFR LO band spectra measurements for this row by including the board number here." END_OBJECT = FIELD /** HFR_HI E Field Survey Section Header ******************************/ OBJECT = FIELD NAME = HFR_HI_OFFSET FIELD_NUMBER = 23 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_REAL BYTES = 6 /* Maximum */ DESCRIPTION = "The offset in seconds from the SCLK at the start of this row to initiation of data collection for the HFR HI band waveform. Add this value to the SCLK field to get a more precise time axis value for the beginning of the waveform collection resulting in the HFR_HI band spectra for this row." END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = HFR_HI_PA_ATTN FIELD_NUMBER = 24 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 1 /* Maximum */ DESCRIPTION = "The in-packet value of the preamp attenuation flag. This value is used for cross-checks and may be ignored. Preamp attenuation settings have already been 'figured in' to the spectra densities in this data object." END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = HFR_HI_REC_ATTN FIELD_NUMBER = 25 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 2 /* Maximum */ DESCRIPTION = "The in-packet value of the LFR HI band receiver attenuation flag. This value is used for cross-checks and may be ignored. Receiver attenuation settings have already been 'figured in' to the spectra densities in this data object." END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = HFR_HI_CAL_VERS FIELD_NUMBER = 26 DATA_TYPE = CHARACTER BYTES = 8 /* Maximum */ DESCRIPTION = "Used to store the cal file version numbers resulting in the LFR_HI band spectral densities in the row. This value is used for cross-checks and may be ignored." END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = HFR_HI_BOARD_NUM FIELD_NUMBER = 27 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 2 /* Maximum */ DESCRIPTION = "Denotes the receiver board used to collect the HFR HI spectra, see field HFR_LO_BOARD_NUM for details." END_OBJECT = FIELD /** BEGINNING OF ALL 126 SPECTRAL DENSITIES *****************************/ /** LFR_LO E field spectral densities section ***************************/ OBJECT = FIELD NAME = LFR_LO_BIN_0 FIELD_NUMBER = 28 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_REAL BYTES = 10 /* Maximum */ UNIT = "(V**2/m**2)/Hz" DESCRIPTION = "Calibrated electric field spectral density for field oscillations between 2.44e+01 and 7.32e+01 Hz" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = LFR_LO_BIN_1 FIELD_NUMBER = 29 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_REAL BYTES = 10 /* Maximum */ UNIT = "(V**2/m**2)/Hz" DESCRIPTION = "Calibrated electric field spectral density for field oscillations between 7.32e+01 and 1.22e+02 Hz" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = LFR_LO_BIN_2 FIELD_NUMBER = 30 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_REAL BYTES = 10 /* Maximum */ UNIT = "(V**2/m**2)/Hz" DESCRIPTION = "Calibrated electric field spectral density for field oscillations between 1.22e+02 and 1.71e+02 Hz" END_OBJECT = FIELD
... remaining 40 LFR Lo E frequency bins omitted for brevity.
/** LFR_HI E field spectral densities section ***************************/ OBJECT = FIELD NAME = LFR_HI_BIN_0 FIELD_NUMBER = 71 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_REAL BYTES = 10 /* Maximum */ UNIT = "(V**2/m**2)/Hz" DESCRIPTION = "Calibrated electric field spectral density for field oscillations between 1.89e+04 and 2.11e+04 Hz" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = LFR_HI_BIN_1 FIELD_NUMBER = 72 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_REAL BYTES = 10 /* Maximum */ UNIT = "(V**2/m**2)/Hz" DESCRIPTION = "Calibrated electric field spectral density for field oscillations between 2.11e+04 and 2.37e+04 Hz" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = LFR_HI_BIN_2 FIELD_NUMBER = 73 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_REAL BYTES = 10 /* Maximum */ UNIT = "(V**2/m**2)/Hz" DESCRIPTION = "Calibrated electric field spectral density for field oscillations between 2.37e+04 and 2.66e+04 Hz" END_OBJECT = FIELD
... remaining 15 LFR HI E frequency bins omitted for brevity.
/** HFR_LO E field spectral densities section ***************************/ OBJECT = FIELD NAME = HFR_LO_BIN_0 FIELD_NUMBER = 89 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_REAL BYTES = 10 /* Maximum */ UNIT = "(V**2/m**2)/Hz" DESCRIPTION = "Calibrated electric field spectral density for field oscillations between 1.34e+05 and 1.48e+05 Hz" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = HFR_LO_BIN_1 FIELD_NUMBER = 90 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_REAL BYTES = 10 /* Maximum */ UNIT = "(V**2/m**2)/Hz" DESCRIPTION = "Calibrated electric field spectral density for field oscillations between 1.48e+05 and 1.69e+05 Hz" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = HFR_LO_BIN_2 FIELD_NUMBER = 91 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_REAL BYTES = 10 /* Maximum */ UNIT = "(V**2/m**2)/Hz" DESCRIPTION = "Calibrated electric field spectral density for field oscillations between 1.68e+05 and 1.88e+05 Hz" END_OBJECT = FIELD
...remaining 24 HFR Baseband frequency bins omitted for brevity.
/** HFR_HI E field spectral densities section ***************************/ OBJECT = FIELD NAME = HFR_HI_BIN_0 FIELD_NUMBER = 116 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_REAL BYTES = 10 /* Maximum */ UNIT = "(V**2/m**2)/Hz" DESCRIPTION = "Calibrated electric field spectral density for field oscillations between 3.00e+06 and 4.00e+06 Hz" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = HFR_HI_BIN_1 FIELD_NUMBER = 117 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_REAL BYTES = 10 /* Maximum */ UNIT = "(V**2/m**2)/Hz" DESCRIPTION = "Calibrated electric field spectral density for field oscillations between 4.00e+06 and 5.00e+06 Hz" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = HFR_HI_BIN_2 FIELD_NUMBER = 118 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_REAL BYTES = 10 /* Maximum */ UNIT = "(V**2/m**2)/Hz" DESCRIPTION = "Calibrated electric field spectral density for field oscillations between 5.00e+06 and 6.00e+06 Hz" END_OBJECT = FIELD
...remaining 35 HFR spectrum analyzer frequency bins omitted for brevity.
PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 LABEL_REVISION_NOTE = " 2010-05-29, W. Kurth (U. IOWA), initial; 2010-05-31, C. Piker (U. IOWA), general revision; 2012-05-30, C. Piker (U. IOWA), changed high-rate data layout 2012-06-04, C. Piker (U. IOWA), added notes on dataset limitations" RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = DATA_SET DATA_SET_ID = "JNO-E/J/SS-WAV-3-CDR-BSTFULL-V2.0" OBJECT = DATA_SET_INFORMATION DATA_SET_NAME = " JUNO E/J/S/SS WAVES CALIBRATED BURST FULL RESOLUTION V2.0" DATA_SET_COLLECTION_MEMBER_FLG = "N" DATA_OBJECT_TYPE = TABLE ARCHIVE_STATUS = "PRE PEER REVIEW" START_TIME = NULL STOP_TIME = NULL DATA_SET_RELEASE_DATE = NULL PRODUCER_FULL_NAME = "DR. WILLIAM S. KURTH" DETAILED_CATALOG_FLAG = "N" DATA_SET_TERSE_DESC = " The Juno Waves calibrated burst waveform full resolution data set includes all high rate science waveform information calibrated in units of electric or magnetic field for the entire Juno mission." ABSTRACT_DESC = " The Juno Waves calibrated burst waveform full resolution data set includes all high rate science electric field waveforms from 50Hz to 41MHz and magnetic field waveforms from 50Hz to 20kHz with sample rates that depend on the receiver used to obtain the waveforms. This is the complete waveform data set containing all high rate burst data and record mode data received from Waves from launch until the end of mission including initial checkout, the Earth flyby, the Jupiter orbits and cruise. Data are acquired from the Waves Low Frequency Receiver (LFR) and High Frequency Receiver (HFR) and are typically losslessly compressed on board. These data are presented in binary SERIES objects. This data set comprises highest temporal resolution data obtained by Waves (or all other Juno instruments, for that matter). Pre-rendered spectrograms generated from these data are included as well to provide the user with a quick view of the content of the data. This data set should be among the last used of any in the Waves archive as it provides highly detailed information on very short isolated intervals in time. The Waves full resolution survey data provide context for these data." CITATION_DESC = "Kurth, W.S., and Piker C.W., JUNO E/J/S/SS WAVES CALIBRATED BURST FULL RESOLUTION V2.0, JNO-E/J/SS-WAV-3-CDR-BSTFULL-V2.0, NASA Planetary Data System, 2012." DATA_SET_DESC = " Data Set Overview ================= The Juno Waves calibrated burst waveform full resolution data set includes all high rate science electric field waveforms from 50Hz to 41MHz and magnetic field waveforms from 50Hz to 20kHz with sample rates that depend on the receiver used to obtain the waveforms. This is the complete waveform data set containing all high rate burst data and record mode data received from Waves from launch until the end of mission including initial checkout, the Earth flyby, the Jupiter orbits and cruise. Data are acquired from the Waves Low Frequency Receiver (LFR) and High Frequency Receiver (HFR) and are typically losslessly compressed on board. These data are presented in binary SERIES objects. This data set comprises highest temporal resolution data obtained by Waves (or all other Juno instruments, for that matter). Pre-rendered spectrograms generated from these data are included as well to provide the user with a quick view of the content of the data. This data set should be among the last used of any in the Waves archive as it provides highly detailed information on very short isolated intervals in time. The Waves full resolution survey data provide context for these data. Parameters ========== This data set consists of calibrated electric and magnetic field waveforms obtained in the following manner: 1. Magnetic field waveforms from the LFR-LO receiver sampled at a rate of 50 ksps with 16 bit resolution. 2. Electric field waveforms from the LFR-LO receiver sampled at a rate of 50 ksps with 16 bit resolution. 3. Electric field waveforms from the LFR-HI receiver sampled at a rate of 375 ksps with 16 bit resolution. 4. Electric field waveforms from an HFR baseband receiver with a sample rate of 7 Msps with 12 bit resolution. 5. Electric field waveforms from an HFR receiver in a selected 1-MHz bandwidth sampled at an effective rate of 3 Msps with 12 bit resolution. Each set of waveforms are sampled regularly at the rates stated above to comprise a series of samples of at least 1024 samples. Series length may vary by instrument mode, compression efficiency and for other reasons. Because of telemetry limitations, none of the receivers is the sampling continuous in time. After a 1024 sample collection, there will be a time gap of a fraction of a second or more. These gaps are important to understand should the data be Fourier transformed, as including the gaps in a Fourier transform will introduce artifacts into the resulting spectrum. Processing ========== Data products for this data set were generated by the CDR data production pipeline as described in section 3.3.2 of the VOLSIS document found under the DOCUMENTS sub directory. The inputs to the processing are: 1. Science and Housekeeping packets from the HK, LRS & HRS data sets. 2. Calibration tables located on this volume. 3. NAIF Juno mission SPICE kernels. 4. A listing of mission phase names and orbit number by UTC. The result of the processing is one file per receiver band per burst interval. The WAVESCAL.HTM document in the DOCUMENT directory provides details of the calibration process. These data are calibrated using the best calibration tables and algorithms available at the time the data were archived. Should a significant improvement in calibration become available, an erratum will be noted in the erratum section. Later versions of the products may contain better calibrations. The calibration for these data are performed, basically, by applying a multiplicative factor to the waveform based on the receiver gain (including any gain/attenuation settings) at the center of the receiver band. An alternate method of calibrating these data is to Fourier transform the data, apply the frequency response of the receiver (convoluted with the preamp, where necessary), apply the gain factor, and then perform an inverse Fourier transform. The information required to perform this type of calibration, starting from the EDR data set is provided in the calibration documentation on this volume, however, it is not the intention of the Waves team to archive data using this calibration method. Data ==== The Waves calibrated burst waveform data set includes files from each of the receiver/sensor combinations from which there are waveform data for the burst interval. These include magnetic field waveforms the LFR-LO receiver, and electric field waveforms from both the LFR-LO and LFR-HI, the lower band of the HFR as well as one or more of the upper spectrum bands of the HFR. Each file contains a fixed number of fields containing the measurement initiation times by spacecraft clock and UTC, a flag to indicate the employment of on-board noise mitigation techniques, a column indicating the count of data samples (as opposed to fill) in the row, as well as one field, with an item for each waveform sample. Ancillary Data ============== Ancillary data included with the data set collection include a series of files that describe the Waves operating modes as a function of time and provide a time-ordered listing of the Instrument Expanded Block (IEB) trigger commands (WAV_MAJOR_MODE) (the mode by which Waves is reconfigured). Also a detailed description of each of the modes (or IEBs) is provided. Other data which are ancillary to this data set, but which are archived separately from this collection are the Navigation and Ancillary Information Facility's SPICE kernels describing the position and attitude of Juno and various solar system bodies as a function of time. Coordinate Systems ================== The data in this data set are measurements of electric and magnetic field waveforms measured by the Waves electric and magnetic sensors. These fields are presented as detected by the sensors and are not rotated into any other coordinate system. If desired the SPICE kernels can be used with the SPICE toolkit to convert from the spacecraft frame to virtually any frame which may be of use in analyzing these data. However, for many purposes, because of the broad beam of the dipole-like sensors, the waveforms are extremely useful and may be entirely adequate with no coordinate transformations at all. Software ======== TBD - We may include software to output these data as ASCII comma separated values. Media/Format ============ This data set is provided to the Planetary Data System electronically as part of a volume level 'tarball' file, though the standards for file names, directory names and path lengths follow the guidelines provided in the 'Planetary Data System Standards Reference', version 3.8, under section 10.1.3, 'Specification for Files Delivered Electronically'. The 'tarball' file contains all files for a release of this volume in a single GNU Tar file that has then been compressed via the GNU gzip utility. The tar file preserves the relative directory path for each file so when unpacked the original volume directory structure is recreated. See Section 4 of the VOLSIS for more details on the data transfer methods." CONFIDENCE_LEVEL_NOTE = " Confidence Level Overview ========================= This data set contains all calibrated waveform data for the Juno Waves instrument for the interval defined by the START_TIME and STOP_TIME elements above. Every effort has been made to ensure that all data returned to the ground from the spacecraft are included and that the calibration is accurate. This section will be updated with information on known issues with the data, such as interference from other spacecraft systems, or other information needed to use the data with confidence. Review ====== The Waves calibrated burst waveform data will be reviewed internally by the Juno Waves team prior to release to the PDS. The data set will also be peer reviewed by the PDS. Data Coverage and Quality ========================= TBD Limitations =========== Waves amplitude data from the upper bands of the high frequency receivers are not collected via a direct sampling of the electric field in time. Since the A/D converters employed in the instrument are not capable of sampling at the rates needed for direct measurements the incoming 'real-world' signal has been mixed with the output of a local oscillator. The down-mixed in-phase and quadrature signals are then sampled at a fixed 1.3125 MHz rate, regardless of the band of interest. This produces a set of waveforms with ambiguous frequency components. Using both waveforms as the input to a complex signal Fourier Transform the frequency components may be disentangled revealing both the upper and lower side-bands. The product product files containing the results of this operation have the name pattern: WAV_yyyydddThhmmss_E_NBS_qqq_Vnn.DAT which contain electric field amplitudes versus frequency. In this case the first amplitude of each row is not a DC component. Rather these spectra comprise a roughly 1 MHz band centered on the frequency of the local oscillator used to down-mix the signal to a measurable range. This center frequency changes from row to row in an attempt to track the electron cyclotron frequency. At the center frequency instrument response drops to zero. Instead of putting a hole in the center of each spectra, data running through the center dead-band are provide as they may have some utility. However to avoid artificially inflating electrical noise to an undeserved status amplitudes within +/- 50kHz of the center frequency do not share the same calibration as samples further from the center. Amplitudes less 50 kHz of the center frequency and should *not* be directly compared to amplitudes at 50 kHz or greater from the center mixing frequency. " END_OBJECT = DATA_SET_INFORMATION OBJECT = DATA_SET_TARGET TARGET_NAME = "EARTH" END_OBJECT = DATA_SET_TARGET OBJECT = DATA_SET_TARGET TARGET_NAME = "JUPITER" END_OBJECT = DATA_SET_TARGET OBJECT = DATA_SET_TARGET TARGET_NAME = "SOLAR SYSTEM" END_OBJECT = DATA_SET_TARGET OBJECT = DATA_SET_HOST INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID = "JNO" INSTRUMENT_ID = "WAV" END_OBJECT = DATA_SET_HOST OBJECT = DATA_SET_MISSION MISSION_NAME = "JUNO" END_OBJECT = DATA_SET_MISSION OBJECT = DATA_SET_REFERENCE_INFORMATION REFERENCE_KEY_ID = "NULL" END_OBJECT = DATA_SET_REFERENCE_INFORMATION END_OBJECT = DATA_SET END
PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 LABEL_REVISION_NOTE = " June 2012 - Draft Version, C. Piker " NOTE = "WAV_2012074T131508_E_REC_V01.DAT contains all record mode electric field waveforms from the LFR_LO channels (24Hz - 21kHz), the LFR_HI channels (19kHz - 149kHz), and the HFR_LO channels (134kHz - 2.98 MHz) of the Juno Waves instrument collected from 2012-074T13:15:08 up to, but not including, 2012-074T13:21:13. These data were calibrated using mid-band transfer functions as recorded in the files: CALIB/WAV_CAL_BST_DIRECT_AMP_V01.CSV Unlike the almost continuous coverage of the survey mode data, Waves high rate data is recorded for shorter sessions, typically 4 to 10 minutes. The binary table file contains all data for a single continuous collection period. The first record in the file provides information on the session as a whole and it's format differs from all other records in the file. Note that high rate data my be produced via one of two methods either: 1. All Waves high-data for a defined time period is saved on-board as one continuous high-rate session. or 2. Along with the high-rate data, Waves periodically emits a measure of the usefulness of the data called a 'quality factor'. Data with a higher quality factor over-writes lower quality factor data on-board. Data collected via the first method has the mnemonic 'REC' in the file names, and the Q_FACTOR column in the header is 0. Data collected via the second method has the mnemonic 'BST' in the file names and the Q_FACTOR column in the header is non-zero. " /* Identification Data Elements */ INSTRUMENT_HOST_NAME = "Juno" INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID = JNO INSTRUMENT_NAME = "Waves" INSTRUMENT_ID = WAV DATA_SET_ID = 'JNO-E/J/SS-WAV-3-CDR-BSTFULL-V2.0' STANDARD_DATA_PRODUCT_ID = "BURST" PROCESSING_LEVEL_ID = "2" PRODUCT_ID = WAV_2012074T131508_E_REC PRODUCT_VERSION_ID = "01" PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME = 2012-06-04 MISSION_PHASE_NAME = "INNER CRUISE 2" TARGET_NAME = "SOLAR SYSTEM" ORBIT_NUMBER = "N/A" START_TIME = 2012-074T13:15:08 STOP_TIME = 2012-074T13:21:13 SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_START_COUNT = "1/385002910:000" SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_STOP_COUNT = "1/385003275:000" /* File characteristics Data Elements */ OBJECT = FILE FILE_NAME = "WAV_2012074T131508_E_REC_V01.DAT" RECORD_TYPE = FIXED_LENGTH RECORD_BYTES = 4164 FILE_RECORDS = 1501 MD5_CHECKSUM = "da7c70fd5903a2f7baeee176125aca65" ^HEADER_TABLE = ("WAV_2012074T131508_E_REC_V01.DAT", 1) ^DATA_TABLE = ("WAV_2012074T131508_E_REC_V01.DAT", 2) /**************************************************************************/ /* Header Table */ /**************************************************************************/ OBJECT = TABLE NAME = "HEADER" INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = "BINARY" COLUMNS = 10 ROWS = 1 ROW_BYTES = 136 ROW_SUFFIX_BYTES = 4028 DESCRIPTION = "Provides the overall information on the record-mode session or binning-mode bin in which these measurements were obtained." OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = "RECORD_LENGTH" COLUMN_NUMBER = 1 DATA_TYPE = LSB_UNSIGNED_INTEGER START_BYTE = 1 BYTES = 4 DESCRIPTION = "Embedded record length, used by the label generator tool." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = "SESSION_START_SCLK" COLUMN_NUMBER = 2 DATA_TYPE = PC_REAL START_BYTE = 5 BYTES = 8 DESCRIPTION = "SCLK of first packet, of any type, in the session. Since BURST products are divided into files by sensor type, the first waveform capture of the session may not be in this file." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = "SESSION_START_SCET" COLUMN_NUMBER = 3 DATA_TYPE = TIME START_BYTE = 13 BYTES = 23 DESCRIPTION = "The SCET that results from converting the SESSION_START_SCLK to SCET via the NAIF cspice toolkit. The value is in ISO 8601 CCYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sss format." END_OBJECT = COLUMN /* 1-Byte Null Pad here */ OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = "Q_FACTOR_SCLK" COLUMN_NUMBER = 4 DATA_TYPE = PC_REAL START_BYTE = 37 BYTES = 8 DESCRIPTION = "The time stamp sent by the Waves instrument with the quality factor that caused the bin to be saved. For bins filled with initialization data for which there is no Waves quality factor, this value is 0." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = "Q_FACTOR_SCET" COLUMN_NUMBER = 5 DATA_TYPE = TIME START_BYTE = 45 BYTES = 23 DESCRIPTION = "The SCET that results from converting the Q_FACTOR_SCLK to SCET via the NAIF cspice toolkit. The value is in ISO 8601 CCYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sss format." END_OBJECT = COLUMN /* 1-Byte Null Pad here */ OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = "PROCESSING_SCLK" COLUMN_NUMBER = 6 DATA_TYPE = PC_REAL START_BYTE = 69 BYTES = 8 DESCRIPTION = "The SCLK when either: 1) The spacecraft software processed the Waves quality factor that caused the bin, or 2) For bins with data with no quality factor, the time when the bin completed filling." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = "PROCESSING_SCET" COLUMN_NUMBER = 7 DATA_TYPE = TIME START_BYTE = 77 BYTES = 23 DESCRIPTION = "The SCET that results from converting the SESSION_START_SCLK to SCET via the NAIF cspice toolkit. The value is in ISO 8601 CCYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sss format." END_OBJECT = COLUMN /* 1-Byte Null Pad here */ OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = "Q_FACTOR" COLUMN_NUMBER = 8 DATA_TYPE = LSB_UNSIGNED_INTEGER START_BYTE = 101 BYTES = 1 DESCRIPTION = "For data selected for storage via quality factors, this column contains the quality factor applicable to the entire file. For data collected as recording session this column reads 0. See the NOTE above and the VOLSIS for more details." END_OBJECT = COLUMN /* 3 null pad bytes here */ OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = "SESSION_STOP_SCLK" COLUMN_NUMBER = 9 DATA_TYPE = PC_REAL START_BYTE = 105 BYTES = 8 DESCRIPTION = "The SCLK at 1/40th of a second after the last packet, of any type, in the record-mode or binning-mode session. Since BURST products are divided into files by sensor type, the last waveform capture of the session may not be in this file." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = "SESSION_STOP_SCET" COLUMN_NUMBER = 10 DATA_TYPE = TIME START_BYTE = 113 BYTES = 23 DESCRIPTION = "The SCET that results from converting the SESSION_STOP_SCLK to SCET via the NAIF cspice toolkit. The value is in ISO 8601 CCYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sss format." END_OBJECT = COLUMN /* Many Null Pad Bytes Here... Enough to get the record length right */ END_OBJECT = TABLE /**************************************************************************/ /* Data Table */ /**************************************************************************/ OBJECT = TABLE NAME = "DATA" INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = "BINARY" ROWS = 1500 ROW_BYTES = 4164 COLUMNS = 12 DESCRIPTION = "The electric waveform measurements, 1/per continuous capture" OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = "CHANNEL" COLUMN_NUMBER = 1 DATA_TYPE = CHARACTER START_BYTE = 1 BYTES = 14 DESCRIPTION = "The name of the analog electrical path over which the signal arrived. These correspond with the CHANNEL column in: CALIB/WAV_CAL_BST_DIRECT_Vnn.CSV. Using this value one may find the filter edges as well as the sampling frequency in the accompanying calibration files. In addition the calibration files above, along with those mentioned in the PREAMP_ATTN_SETTING column may be used to convert back to instrument units, if desired. If the character string is less than 14 characters long the remaining bytes are NULL padded." END_OBJECT = COLUMN /* 2 Null Pad bytes */ OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = "TRIG_SCLK" COLUMN_NUMBER = 2 DATA_TYPE = PC_REAL START_BYTE = 17 BYTES = 8 DESCRIPTION = "The SCLK value at which collection was triggered for this continuous waveform." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = "TRIG_SCET" COLUMN_NUMBER = 3 DATA_TYPE = TIME START_BYTE = 25 BYTES = 23 DESCRIPTION = "The SCET that results from converting the TRIG_SCLK to SCET via the NAIF cspice toolkit. The value is in ISO 8601 CCYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sss format. The first sample in the waveform may be considered to begin at this time, though there exists a delay of less than 0.0125 seconds from this time until the capture of the first data point in a row." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = "NR_ON" COLUMN_NUMBER = 4 DATA_TYPE = BOOLEAN START_BYTE = 48 BYTES = 1 DESCRIPTION = "This value reads 1 if the on-board noise mitigation algorithms were applied to this waveform, and 0 if not." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = "CAL_VER_BST" COLUMN_NUMBER = 5 DATA_TYPE = LSB_UNSIGNED_INTEGER BYTES = 1 START_BYTE = 49 DESCRIPTION = "The version number of the WAV_CAL_BST_DIRECT_Vxx.CSV file in the CALIB directory used to generate this data row" END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = "CAL_VER_ATTN" COLUMN_NUMBER = 6 DATA_TYPE = LSB_UNSIGNED_INTEGER BYTES = 1 START_BYTE = 50 DESCRIPTION = "The version number of the WAV_CAL_ATTN_Vxx.CSV file in the CALIB directory used to generate this data row" END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = "PREAMP_ATTN_SETTING" COLUMN_NUMBER = 7 DATA_TYPE = LSB_UNSIGNED_INTEGER START_BYTE = 51 BYTES = 1 DESCRIPTION = "The in-packet value of the preamp attenuation flag. This value is used for cross-checks and to undo gain factors. Preamp attenuation settings have already been 'figured in' to the electric field values in this data object. To undo the attenuation calibration use this column along with the CHANNEL and RECEIVER_ATTN columns to find the correction factor in: CALIB/WAV_CAL_ATTN_Vxx.CSV and divide waveform values by that factor." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = "RECEIVER_ATTN_SETTING" COLUMN_NUMBER = 8 DATA_TYPE = LSB_UNSIGNED_INTEGER START_BYTE = 52 BYTES = 1 DESCRIPTION = "The in-packet value of the receiver attenuation flag. This value is used for cross-checks and to undo gain factors. See the description of column PREAMP_ATTN_SETTING for information on how to remove gain factors." END_OBJECT = COLUMN /* Mixer is not used for directly sampled data, but 4 bytes are skipped here to maintain alignment with those products */ OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = "CLIPPED_FRACTION" COLUMN_NUMBER = 9 DATA_TYPE = PC_REAL BYTES = 4 START_BYTE = 57 DESCRIPTION = "The fraction of samples in this waveform that are within 0.3% of the minimum or maximum possible instrument values for the channel." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = "SAMPLING_INTERVAL" COLUMN_NUMBER = 10 DATA_TYPE = PC_REAL UNIT = "second" BYTES = 4 START_BYTE = 61 DESCRIPTION = "The time between each waveform sample point in seconds." END_OBJECT = COLUMN /* Number of actual samples, since PDS tables are fixed width */ OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = "SAMPLES" COLUMN_NUMBER = 11 DATA_TYPE = LSB_UNSIGNED_INTEGER BYTES = 4 START_BYTE = 65 DESCRIPTION = "The actual number of measurements in the WAVEFORM column. Since the ITEMS value is fixed, this is the only way to tell zero values in the data from measurement padding" END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = "WAVEFORM" COLUMN_NUMBER = 12 DATA_TYPE = "PC_REAL" UNIT = "volts/meter" START_BYTE = 69 BYTES = 4096 ITEMS = 1024 ITEM_BYTES = 4 DESCRIPTION = "The sampled waveform converted to physical units. Not all items contain data. Due to PDS restrictions against variable length records zero padding is used to keep the record length's constant across the file. Use the value from the SAMPLES column to determine the actual number of valid items." END_OBJECT = COLUMN END_OBJECT = TABLE END_OBJECT = FILE END
Most waveform data provided by the Waves instrument is basically a measurement of the instantaneous output voltage of a sensor, or at least a measurement of a voltage that is directly correlated to the output of a sensor. Though the measured signals may have different gains and phases compared to the sensor output the two are correlated in time and frequency. These measurements are simple to understand and standard Fourier techniques transform these time domain voltages into frequency domain spectra. However, the HFR high band measurements are different. The data that are captured are not sensor output voltages, but instead are the sensor output signals multiplied via locally synthesized signals. Thus high-band waveforms from Waves do not have such a simple relationship between the raw time domain voltage captures and electric spectral density. This appendix starts with a description of an ideal mixer and proceeds to explain how the final frequency spectra data products are produced. This description applies to products with the name pattern WAV_yyyydddThhmmss_NBS_qqq_Vxx.DAT. See Section 6.5.2 for an overview of the Waves standard data products.
An ideal mixer simply multiplies one time domain signal by another. Given a pure tone emission that we wish to measure at frequency fe, with amplitude Ae, and mixer frequency fm, the relation:
(1) |
represents the operation of the mixer.
The first term in last equality above represents low frequency beats. These are the signals that the A/D converters within the Waves HFR actually measure, not the incident signal. The last term represents higher frequency components that are damped out via the band-pass filters depicted in the figure below. Since only the fe - fm terms are sampled, it is impossible to recover the full time domain waveform of the input signal. This is an important point. The main reason that time series data are not present on the JNOWAV_1000 volume for high frequency HFR burst measurements is that these data are relatively useless as transmitted to the ground. However, as it will be described below, it is possible to determine the amplitude of all frequency components near fm, so these spectra are provided on the calibrated volume instead of the raw waveform data.
Measuring the low frequency beats, instead of the sensor output itself, is an engineering trade off allowing relatively low speed A/D converters to capture spectral information far above their Nyquist frequency. Due to power and other constraints, the fastest A/D converters on-board Waves run at 7 Msps. Thus without mixing, the highest frequency emissions for which Waves HFRs could produce detailed spectra would be 3.5 MHz. This is insufficient for the task at hand. Due to Jupiter's strong magnetic field, emissions produced via the cyclotron maser instability near the Jovian poles are expected to be well above 10 MHz. Measuring these emissions near their source region is one of the primary tasks of the instrument.
The figure above provides a block diagram of the signal conditioning and measurement apparatus within the Waves High Frequency Receivers. Incoming signals either pass through the baseband pathway, which omits the mixers, or through one of 6 band pass filters. The output of the selected filter is split and sent to two frequency mixers. Each mixer multiplies it's input signal by a locally synthesized pure tone, however for the lower mixer (the Q channel) the tone is 90 degrees out of phase with the upper mixer (the I channel). As demonstrated in equation (1), mixing in this manner produces both low frequency beats along with much higher frequency components. To keep from aliasing the high frequency fe + fm components into the final sampled signal, a downstream band pass filter is used which rolls off at less than the Nyquist frequency of the final A/D conversion stage. In this case the high point roll-off is at 500 kHz. Finally, both signals are sampled simultaneously at 1.3125 MHz and stored for transmission to the ground.
Equation (1) provided the output of an ideal mixer for which a single pure tone, Aecos(2πfet), is present on the input. But Waves has two mixers whose local oscillator is out of phase by 90°, so for the same incident tone the ideal mixing equation for the second mixer follows.
(2) |
As in equation (1) only the first term of the last equality matters as the fe + fm term is filtered after mixing.
Combining (1) and (2) as a complex value, and dropping the high frequency terms to represent the action of the downstream filters, gives the following relationship between the mixed signal and incident pure tone.
(3) |
Note that unlike MI(t) and MQ(t), V(t) is only a function of fe - fm and time. Since only the frequency difference matters equation (3) can be simplified by defining f to be difference between the mixer frequency and the incoming tone. So using f = (fe - fm) we have:
(4) |
The form of equation (4) is starting to look familiar. In essence, mixing an input signal with a local oscillator and then truncating higher order frequencies is starting to look a lot like operating on the emission amplitudes with a Fourier kernel in fe - fm space, instead of the traditional fe space.
The relation above is only true for an incident signal which is a pure sine wave. This is rarely the case, however making the safe assumption that the incident emission can be described as a superposition of pure tones of arbitrary phase, equation (4) becomes:
(5) |
where Ae(f) is a complex amplitude containing both magnitude and phase information. Finally in this form we can see, just by inspection, that equation (5) is the inverse Fourier transform of amplitude components Ae(f).
In the analog world the voltage out of the band-pass filter is a continuous function of time, however we only know these voltages at specific time intervals, as determined by the sampling rate of the A/D converts. By the sampling theorem we will only be able to determine the amplitude for N discrete frequency bins, where N is the number of points collected as a single time series by the A/D converters. So, writing (5) for discrete sampling gives:
(6) |
where f = k fs / N and t = n / fs.
Again, by inspection, this relationship is just the inverse Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) of Ae(k), up to a scaling constant. Thus the associated forward transform is:
(7) |
Equation (7) forms the basis of how the ground software recovers spectral information from emissions whose frequencies are above the Nyquist frequency of the A/D converters.
Specifically, to recover the spectral information the ground software preforms the forward transform of V(n), which is the complex vector with components, VI(n) + iVQ(n). The output of this transform is scaled using calibration constants for the mixer gain to produce the vector Ae(k). Finally, frequency values are assigned to the resulting bins via the relation:
(8) |