PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2024-06-11 NOTE = "AAREADME.TXT describes this volume." END_OBJECT = TEXT END Volume JNOWAV_0000 -- Version 27 Coverage Period 2011-08-05 to 2024-01-01 Released 2024-03-24 Juno Waves Standard Raw Products Waves Data Archive Entire Mission Planetary Plasma Interactions Discipline Node of the Planetary Data System ============================================================================= Introduction ============================================================================= The JNOWAV_0000 volume contains the safed Experiment Data Records (EDRs) from the Juno Waves instrument starting from launch though the end of mission. The products on this volume consist of raw instrument data packets that have been minimally and reversibly transformed along with the instrument housekeeping data. These data are included for completeness and as a way to re-generate higher level products if necessary, but they are not intended for use by the wider public. The companion volume JNOWAV_1000, version 27 contains calibrated full-resolution data for the same time period as this volume and should be consulted first. Every effort has been made to assure that the data and documentation are of the best possible quality. However, mistakes are inevitable. The PPI Node of the PDS will maintain an online list of ERRATA where errors and updates are documented. Should any user of this product find an error on this volume, please report the error to the PPI Node so that the finding can be made public. ============================================================================= Quick Start Summary ============================================================================= This volume, JNOWAV_0000, contains Juno Waves raw scientific data, instrument command sequences, and housekeeping records from the entire mission, and will be updated as new data become available. This release, Version 27, includes all available EDRs for spacecraft event time (SCET) dates 2011-08-05 through 2024-01-01. KEY THINGS TO KNOW IN USING DATA ON THIS DISK: * These data are *not* calibrated. For calibrated data see the companion volume JNOWAV_1000. * Science EDRs are stored under the DATA directory in files with the extension *.PKT. * Waves raw EDRs are not fixed length. In order to parse the science EDRs a program must read the length of each packet before reading in the associated packet bytes. See document DOCUMENT/WAVESEDR/WAVESEDR.HTM for details on parsing raw Waves packets. * General information on all Waves data sets may be found in the volume software interface document (VOLSIS) in DOCUMENT/VOLSIS/INDEX.HTM. ============================================================================= Relationship to Other Data Sets ============================================================================= The companion standard products volume, JNOWAV_1000, contains all calibrated full resolution electric and magnetic spectragrams as well as all full resolution electric and magnetic waveforms collected via the Waves Instrument from launch to end-of-mission. It is the JNOWAV_1000 volumes that is intended for general investigation purposes, not this one. In addition, many plasma wave phenomena are easier to interpret in the presence of other particles and fields measurements. In particular knowing the local DC magnetic field is useful for determining key frequencies such as the electron cyclotron frequency and the upper and lower hybrid resonances. Since the Waves instrument does not directly measure DC fields these measurements must be obtained from another source. The recommended source is volume(s) JNOFGM_1000 from the Juno MAG instrument team. The Juno MAG volume should be available from PDS/PPI node operator. ============================================================================= Errata ============================================================================= There is a file called ERRATA.TXT found at the root level of this volume which contains a list of known deficiencies or caveats associated with data on this volume. Any changes or errors that are found on the JNOWAV_0000 volume set can be found on the PPI Node errata Web page (http://www.igpp.ucla.edu/cgi-bin/ditdos?errata=JNOWAV_0000). Only through support and feedback of the users of these data can an effective errata list be maintained. ============================================================================= File Formats ============================================================================= The primary data files on this volume are custom binary files. They are specific to the Juno Waves instrument and do not follow any general use format. The primary unit of data in these files is a Waves Ground Data System (WGDS) packet. WGDS packets are described in the Waves EDR Format document, DOCUMENT/WAVESEDR/WAVESEDR.HTM. Both Housekeeping and Science data files are included on this volume. Science packets are stored in files ending in the suffix '.PKT'. Housekeeping packets are stored in files ending in the suffix '.DAT'. Despite this difference both file types contain a pure stream of WGDS packets with no other headers or padding. Each packet file is described by a detached PDS label. A detached label file has the same name as the data file that it describes, but with the extension .LBL. For example, the file WAV_2014042_LRS_V01.PKT is accompanied by the detached label file WAV_2014042_LRS_V01.LBL in the same directory. All documents, detached PDS labels, and HTML files are stream format files, with a carriage return (ASCII 13) and a line feed character (ASCII 10) at the end of the record. This allows the files to be read by Android, iPhone, Linux, MacOS, and Windows systems. Many users may see an unnecessary carriage return character (^M) at the end of each line. MacOS and iPhone users may see an unnecessary line feed character (^J) at the start of each line. ASCII tabular data files (.TAB) are formatted so that they may be read directly into many database management systems (DBMS) or by common office productivity software on various computers. All fields are of fixed length and are separated by white space or commas. Character fields are left justified, and numeric fields are right justified. The records are of fixed length, and the last two bytes of each record contain the ASCII carriage return and line feed characters. This allows a table to be treated as a fixed length record file on computers that support this file type and as a normal text file on other computers. ASCII comma separated values files (.CSV) are also formatted so that they may be read directly into many database management systems or by office productivity software. In these files all fields are separated by a comma. Text fields are contained in double-quotes and all rows end with an ASCII carriage return and an line feed character. This allows the file to be read either as a spreadsheet, or as a normal text file. The document, PDS label, and ASCII table files on this volume can be viewed with a Web browser. Note that to view these files, the browser may need to be configured to recognize files with extensions of .CAT, .LBL, and .TAB as text files. Users with Web browsers also can navigate the disk via the HTML file AAREADME.HTM in the disk's root directory (this file). PDS labels are object-oriented. The object to which the label refers (e.g., FILE, TABLE, etc.) is denoted by a statement of the form: ^object = location in which the caret character (^, also called a pointer in this context) indicates that the object starts at the given location. For an object in the same file as the label, the location is an integer representing the starting record number or byte of the object (the first record/byte in the file is 1). For an object located outside the label file, the location denotes the name of the file containing the object, along with the starting record or byte number. For example: ^INDEX_TABLE = ("INDEX.TAB", 2) indicates that the INDEX_TABLE object begins at record 2 of the file INDEX.TAB, in the same directory as the detached label file. Below is a list of the possible formats that use the ^object keyword. ^object = n ^object = n ^object = ("filename.ext",n) ^object = ("filename.ext",n) where n - is the starting record or byte number of the object, counting from the beginning of the file (record 1, byte 1); default is record number. - indicates that number given is in units of bytes. filename - upper-case file name. ext - upper-case file extension. NOTE: In common PDS usage the label file would provide sufficient information to decode the associated binary data file. This is not the case with this volume. Waves science data packets are not fixed length data units, and the PDS data description language does not have the ability to define variable length objects and fields. Thus one must fall back on the WAVESEDR.HTM document to understand packet file contents. ============================================================================= Software ============================================================================= No end-user example code is provided for reading data on this volume. This volume exists merely to "safe" the Waves EDRs in case they must be re-processed by a third party. Instead a TAR archive of the software used by the waves team to process L2 to L3 data is provided in the file EXTRAS/SOFTWARE/WAVES_L2_TO_L3.TGZ ============================================================================= Volume Contents and Structure ============================================================================= This section describes the volume structure and naming conventions. Below is a tree diagram of the volume, followed by a description of the directory function and key files in each directory. [JNOWAV_0000] (root directory) | |- AAREADME.HTM (This file) | |- AAREADME.TXT Describes volume contents, organization, and use | |- ERRATA.TXT Describes known deficiencies or caveats in the | data on this volume. | |- VOLDESC.CAT High level description of volume contents. | | |- [CATALOG] Information on data sets and how they are | processed and produced, on the Juno spacecraft | and mission, on the Waves instrument, on cognizant | personnel, and on references to various related | documents. | |- [DATA] Contains text and binary files of instrument | measurements and supporting information | constituting the primary archive products. | |- [DOCUMENT] Waves EDR format document, Volume Software | Interface Specification, and the Waves Instrument | User's Guide. | |- [EXTRAS] Bonus content not necessarily conforming to | PDS archive standards. | |- [INDEX] Volume and cumulative indices of archive products. ============================================================================= Contacts ============================================================================= Chris Piker handles downlink operations for the Waves Instrument Operation team the University of Iowa and prepares the Waves data archive. David Gell operates the Juno Science Operations Center at the Southwest Research Institute. William Kurth is the Waves principle investigator. Jack Connerney is the MAG instrument principle investigator. For questions or problems relating to functionality or technical details of this archive, please contact the Waves downlink operator. Email: chris-piker@uiowa.edu Telephone: (319) 335-1960 U.S. Mail: Chris Piker 203 Van Allen Hall Department of Physics and Astronomy The University of Iowa Iowa City, IA 52242-1479 For science or collaboration inquiries, please contact the Waves Principle investigator: Email: william-kurth@uiowa.edu Telephone: (319) 335-1926 U.S. Mail: Dr. William Kurth 203 Van Allen Hall Department of Physics and Astronomy The University of Iowa Iowa City, IA 52242-1479 For data usage inquiries regarding Juno Magnetometer data, please contact the MAG Principle investigator: Email: Jack.Connerney@nasa.gov Telephone: (301) 286-5884 U.S. Mail: Dr. John E.P. Connerney NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Code 695 Greenbelt, MD 20771 For questions or problems gathering Juno Waves data from JSOC please contact the Juno Science Operations Center manager: Email: david.gell@swri.org Telephone: (210) 522-5559 U.S. Mail: Space Sciences and Engineering, Div 15 Southwest Research Institute PO Drawer 28510 San Antonio, TX 78228-0510 For questions or problems regarding the JNOWAV_0000, and JNOWAV_1000 volumes, please contact the PDS/PPI operator: Email: pds_operator@igpp.ucla.edu Telephone: (310) 206-6073 U.S. Mail: PDS Operator c/o Dr. Raymond Walker 3845 Slichter Hall UCLA - IGPP Los Angeles, CA 90095-1567 For questions regarding PDS Standards or other archive volumes available from the PDS, please contact PDS Operator at the PDS Central Node (at JPL): Email: pds_operator@jpl.nasa.gov U.S. Mail: Planetary Data System, PDS Operator Jet Propulsion Laboratory Mail Stop 202-101 4800 Oak Grove Dr. Pasadena, CA 91109-8099 ============================================================================= Disclaimer ============================================================================= The PDS, the Planetary Plasma Interactions (PPI) Node, the Juno Science Operation Center (JSOC) and the Juno Waves team assume no legal liability for errors in this archive. All users are encouraged to verify the "correctness" of the data prior to submitting any publications or other work based on these data. Errors in this archive should be reported back to the Juno Waves team through the ERRATA reporting procedures described above. All trademarks are acknowledged as the property of their respective owners. The producers and publishers of this archive do not endorse any commercial entities which may be mentioned for clarity. ============================================================================= Acknowledgments ============================================================================= These data were collected under the auspices of the Juno Project. Dr. William Kurth was the Waves Science Principal Investigator. The archiving effort at The University of Iowa was supported by Chris Piker. This archiving effort was supported by the Planetary Plasma Interactions Node of the Planetary Data System. Assistance was provided by S. Joy of the University of California, Los Angeles, and by R. Joyner of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory.