PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 DATA_SET_ID = "ICE-C-EPAS-3-RDR-GIACOBIN-ZIN-V1.0" RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2012-03-21 NOTE = "ERRATA.TXT reflects any changes or errors made to this volume." END_OBJECT = TEXT END Non-Standard Practices The PDS standards do not specify where to store the required MD5 checksum file for a volume. We have placed it in the root dietary of the volume with the file name "CHECKSUMS.TXT". This may be considered invalid by some verifiers. ***************************************************************************** The following is the original ERRATA text for the HAL_0026 volume that this data set was included in. Note that not all of the files mentioned below are a part of the current data set volume. ***** File ERRATA.TXT Errors in the IHW CD set 1. Check vol 18, /summary/errata for listing by CD disc number and vol 23, /summary/errata for listing by IHW Discipline. 2. The insert booklet (HALGUIDE.TXT) for the release of the 24 volumes contains a list of general errata determined after the CD-ROMs were made. A.) In the text file /document/cdtree.txt of Vol. 7, the name of the compressed data directory is not c86mar07; it should be c86mar11. B.) The "Quick Look Indices"---QUIK0nn (nn=19-23)---are incorrect; corrected versions are placed in the summary directory of Vol. 23. C.) In the files /document/cdtree.txt of Vols. 20 and 21, the Quick Look Index is named QUIK019; correct names are QUIK020 and QUIK021. D.) On Vol. 22, several directories were emptied of their planned files to reduce the disc size (in Mb). The file aareadme.txt lists some files but refer to file /document/cdtree.txt of Vol. 22 for completeness. E.) The /aareadme.txt file of Vol. 19 is wrong; the correct date range of Vol. 19 is 1981 December 2 -- 1985 December 8. F.) The /ephem/ephem.tab ephemeris files on Vols. 19-23 lack line delimiters required by executable (and source) interpolation code in the /software/obsnterp directory. Difficulties may also arise when displaying the file using an editor or when typing to the screen. Solution: replace lines 211:212 and 244:245 in file obsnterp.for with "Read(10,'(17x,f9.1,(1xi2,1xf6.3),(2xa1,2xi2,1xf5.2),2(1xf7.4,1xf8.4), 5(1xf5.1))',end=80)", and run the compiled code on the ephemeris file /index/ephem.idx. It is possible to rebuild the ephem.tab file to include , and use the existing code. NOTE: delimited versions of ephem.tab called ephminfo.txt are present in each of the data directories, the time span of a ephminfo.txt file matching that of the directory. G.) On Vol. 24 there are some inconsistencies with the QUIK* and PATHTABL index files; the path separator is sometimes given as a "/" or "\" 3. Two publications are referenced in association with the Archive. In the Comet Halley Summary a series of articles, most of which are digitized on Vols 19-23 in the "appendix" subdirectory, describe the data collection, and science involved. A hardbound Atlas of Large-Scale Phenomena collects analog images, most of which are in the digital Archive; the data can be associated by identifying LSPN numbers in the Atlas with the LSPNSEQ number, not the actual CD-ROM file number. For example, for the picture of Comet Halley on page 36 for Konkoly Observatory, the LSPN-3431 number can be found as follows: search NETLARGE.IDX for date/time specified (1985 OCT 22.02434= 22/10/85,0.02434) and find column 16 - this contains LSPNSEQ #343131. The first 4 digits (of this I6 number) represent a unique running number used by LSPN to log all data; the last 2 digits (31) are a code for indicating that only one scan was used to digitize a plate. Now find the last column (73) which contains the filename (LSPN0099) which is an eight character (A8) field. 4. Known inadequacies not corrected include the following: a. the index files are sometimes very wide (upwards of 1000 characters) and lack padding for easy use as true FITS files b. the only supplied software (except for interpolation program) is that used in the production process on a DOS platform 5. New problems that have been identified with the IHW CDs a. Meteor Radar index table (with data) is not in strict time order b. set of 8 radio continuum data which indicate data are in fact zero c. Soviet photometry (narrow band) incorrectly reduced d. AAREADME.TXT file for disc 20 is incorrect (copy of file from 22) e. NETLARGE.IDX file on discs 19-23 has a missing sign in the x and y scan values (cdelta1, cdelta2) for the subsampled (browse) data f. the FORMAT for the QUIK_nnn.hdr files is incorrect; it states an A24 format which should be A44 but the byte count is correct g. The file CALIB_IR.TXT on Disc 23 is missing 2 entries for IRIM4028, IRIM4029; the data exist but the information was omitted here. h. The DAT-FORM keyword is mislabelled as DAT-TYPE in all the QUIK_nnn header and label files; the value is DAT-FORM given as A8 format. i. The files for LSPN0268 (.HDR,.LBL,.IBG, .IMQ) are listed as LSPN0269 in various index files (PATHTABL, LS_PHEN, NETLARGE) 6. Problems with the PDS labels that were discovered and not corrected a. wrong data_set_id for IRFCURV data b. calibration targets not consistent c. label for RSUV data has the wrong "OBJECT", it should consistently read TABLE; the current OBJECT = SPECTRUM is not correct when the recorded VLA data refers to a continuum measurement d. label for the IRSPEC data is missing a scale factor e. voldesc.sfd file on 19-22 has missing control characters 7. During PDS peer review for Vols. 1-23, there were some NNSN problems a. first identified by reviewers and then checked at SBN and GSFC b. series of images identified with observer (M. A'Hearn, et al.) c. range of problem scoped: 4/4/86 to 4/14/86, includes 130 images d. solution posed: identify observer/observatory/system values, treat as full FITS file with minimal header; loose bottom 3.5 lines 8. Other review errors identified in the metadata: a. CDSTRUCT.IDX has the wrong control characters (OA/OD) which need to be replaced by (OD/OA) b. PATHTABL.LBL has a reference to PATH_023.IDX not PATHTABL.IDX c. NETMETV has a misidentified column 17, which should read Total_- Minute_Count d. redefine SENSE keyword in NNSN in terms of NAXIS1 and NAXIS2 e. incorrect value "0" to indicate NULL field in SPEC header angles 9. Review errors in the data: a. IRSP0008.DAT has a bad point, probably a typo b. flux discrepancy between SPEC1687 and SPEC1693 c. flat fielding for NNSN3265,3277,3295,3296, and 3315 in doubt 10. A number of files on volumes 25 and 26 have a typo in the SFDU indentifier mistakenly the PDS version number is not shown as PDSX. In addition, a submitted PIA file on vol 25 was missing data see *.DOC.