PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2014-04-18 NOTE = "AAREADME.TXT describes this volume." END_OBJECT = TEXT END GO-V-PWS-4-SUMM-VSA60S-V1.0 1990-02-10T04:32:00.000 to 1990-02-10T05:26:00.000 Planetary Plasma Interactions Discipline Node of the Planetary Data System ============================================================================= Brief Volume Description ============================================================================= This volume includes 1-minute averages of the electric and magnetic wave spectra obtained during the ~ 53-minute period that the Galileo plasma wave receiver was operated at Venus. All data files are stored in the 'DATA' branch of the directory tree. Most data are stored in ASCII tables although some binary data may also be included. All files give time values in Spacecraft Event Time (SCET). Some files may give an additional time column that contains the Earth Received Time (ERT) in addition to the SCET. Users of these data are encouraged to acknowledge both the PDS and the principal investigators of the instruments whose data is used in analysis in all publications. ============================================================================= Mission Facts ============================================================================= The Galileo spacecraft and some science instruments were reprogrammed after arrival at Jupiter so that data acquisition and downlink could be achieved at the low bit rates associated with the mission after the high gain antenna (HGA) anomaly (see GO_INST_HOST.CAT file in the CATALOG directory). New software was telemetered to the spacecraft in early May 1996 in a period known as the 'Inflight Load' or IFL. The mission prior to the IFL is known as the Phase 1 mission. After the IFL the mission is referred to as the Phase 2 mission. In Phase 1 raw data were provided to the instrument teams in Experiment Data Record (EDR) format. In Phase 2, the whole telemetry stream and ground data system were changed. The raw data were 'packetized' and delivered electronically as packet files or instrument packet files (IPF). The difference between a packet file and an IPF is a single 44 byte header called an SFDU. The Io data stored on this volume were acquired during Phase 1 and downlinked after the IFL by use of the new capabilities of the Phase 2 flight software. As such, they are a hybrid form of data that were acquired by using flight software that may differ from other files of the same raw data format. This is primarily of concern when instrument reprogramming has resulted in a change in the contents of the raw data (i.e. MAG). The Galileo orbits were named by concatenating the first letter of the name of the primary target in each orbit with the orbit number. Thus, the fourth Jupiter orbit, in which Europa is the primary target, is called E4. The project defined orbits according to spacecraft command load boundaries rather than the normal convention of apoapsis to apoapsis. The navigation team did not always adhere to this convention, causing some confusion. The PDS has organized the data and data delivery schedules around the project defined orbit boundaries. The following tables contain information about the orbital tour and satellite encounters: --------------------------------------------------------------------- Galileo Orbit Information --------------------------------------------------------------------- Orbit Orbit <--- Periapsis Info ----> <-- Apoapsis Info --> Num Start Periapsis Range Local Apoapsis Range Local Date Date/Time Time Date Time --------------------------------------------------------------------- J0 95-12-03 95-12-07 21:54 4.00 16:21 96-03-29 267.7 03:39 G1 96-06-23 96-06-28 00:31 11.03 15:36 96-08-09 125.3 03:24 G2 96-09-01 96-09-07 13:38 10.65 15:22 96-10-07 113.0 03:12 C3 96-11-02 96-11-06 13:31 9.21 15:34 96-11-27 89.1 03:28 E4 96-12-15 96-12-19 03:22 9.16 15:21 97-01-04 72.1 03:00 J5* 97-01-15 97-01-20 00:26 9.05 14:54 97-02-04 72.1 02:48 E6 97-02-16 97-02-20 20:55 9.12 14:28 97-03-14 89.2 02:20 G7 97-03-30 97-04-04 11:03 9.12 14:14 97-04-21 75.9 01:56 G8 97-05-04 97-05-08 11:42 9.27 13:29 97-06-02 100.2 01:21 C9 97-06-22 97-06-27 11:52 10.77 12:35 97-08-08 143.0 00:21 C10 97-09-14 97-09-18 23:10 9.17 12:44 97-10-13 98.9 00:36 E11 97-11-02 97-11-06 23:02 9.03 12:36 97-11-26 84.1 00:29 E12 97-12-15 97-12-16 06:35 8.80 12:29 97-12-20 46.6 00:37 J13* 98-02-09 98-02-10 23:09 8.85 12:33 98-03-06 95.2 00:25 E14 98-03-28 98-03-29 07:59 8.83 12:17 98-04-30 199.7 00:16 E15 98-05-30 98-06-01 02:34 8.85 12:12 98-06-26 100.4 00:03 E16 98-07-20 98-07-20 17:18 9.93 11:54 98-08-23 124.4 23:51 E17 98-09-25 98-09-26 08:26 8.91 11:44 98-10-24 110.4 23:34 E18 98-11-21 98-11-22 03:57 9.23 11:24 98-12-27 129.0 23:17 E19 99-01-31 99-02-01 02:38 9.24 10:56 99-03-18 154.3 22:40 C20 99-05-02 99-05-03 17:00 9.37 10:24 99-06-02 114.5 21:46 C21 99-06-29 99-07-02 05:04 7.27 10:04 99-07-22 89.0 21:57 C22 99-08-11 99-08-12 10:58 7.32 09:50 99-08-29 77.1 21:23 C23 99-09-13 99-09-14 19:57 6.55 09:17 99-09-27 65.7 20:46 I24 99-10-10 99-10-11 03:31 5.68 08:41 99-11-01 97.7 20:47 I25 99-11-25 99-11-26 23:30 5.94 08:39 99-12-15 87.2 20:28 E26 00-01-01 00-01-04 03:33 5.78 08:14 00-01-28 102.7 20:05 I27 00-02-20 00-02-22 12:30 5.85 07:56 00-04-06 154.4 19:55 G28 00-05-17 00-05-21 04:52 6.68 07:18 00-09-08 289.9 18:37 G29 00-12-27 00-12-29 03:26 7.49 06:03 01-03-11 216.3 17:37 C30 01-05-07 01-05-23 17:33 7.28 05:11 01-06-29 136.8 16:27 I31 01-08-04 01-08-06 04:52 5.93 04:14 01-09-10 132.2 16:05 I32 01-10-14 01-10-15 23:56 5.78 03:53 01-12-01 160.7 15:39 I33 02-01-16 02-01-17 16:23 5.54 03:13 02-06-13 348.1 14:21 A34 02-11-04 02-11-05 07:23 1.99 01:40 03-04-14 336.7 12:49 J35 03-09-21 03-09-21 18: 1.00 * Solar Conjunction - no data from this orbit ** Rj = 71492 km ------------------------------------------------------------ Satellite Flyby Characteristics* ------------------------------------------------------------ Satellite Planetocentric Coords Range Lat E Lon Orb Moon C/A Time (Rm**) (deg) (deg) Note ------------------------------------------------------------ 0 IO 95-12-07 17:45:58 1.50 -9.6 258.9 W 24 IO 99-10-11 04:33:03 1.34 4.5 135.9 U 27 IO 00-02-22 13:46:41 1.11 18.5 157.4 U 31 IO 01-08-06 04:59:21 1.11 77.5 187.7 P 32 IO 01-10-16 01:23:21 1.10 -78.5 135.3 P 33 IO 02-01-17 14:08:28 1.06 -43.5 41.8 F 4 EUR 96-12-19 06:52:58 1.45 -1.7 322.4 F 6 EUR 97-02-20 17:06:10 1.38 -17.0 34.7 F 11 EUR 97-11-06 20:31:44 2.31 25.7 218.7 F 12 EUR 97-12-16 12:03:20 1.13 -8.7 134.4 U 14 EUR 98-03-29 13:21:05 2.06 12.2 131.2 U 15 EUR 98-05-31 21:12:57 2.62 15.0 225.4 W 19 EUR 99-02-01 02:19:50 1.93 30.5 28.1 U 26 EUR 00-01-03 17:59:43 1.22 -47.1 83.4 U 1 GAN 96-06-27 06:29:07 1.32 30.4 246.7 W 2 GAN 96-09-06 18:59:34 1.10 79.3 236.4 P 7 GAN 97-04-05 07:09:58 2.18 55.8 270.4 W 8 GAN 97-05-07 15:56:10 1.61 28.3 84.8 U 28 GAN 00-05-20 10:10:10 1.31 -19.0 92.4 U 29 GAN 00-12-28 08:25:27 1.89 62.2 269.0 P 3 CALL 96-11-04 13:34:28 1.47 13.2 282.3 W 9 CALL 97-06-25 13:47:50 1.17 2.0 101.0 U 10 CALL 97-09-17 00:18:55 1.22 4.6 281.3 W 30 CALL 01-05-25 11:23:58 1.06 13.6 254.6 W 34 AMA 02-11-05 06:18:40 2.89 -47.7 74.8 U * Satellite encounters with recorded data only J2000 reference, body fixed spherical coordinates. ** Moon Rm (km) ======================= Amalthea 86.2 Io 1818 Europa 1560 Ganymede 2634 Callisto 2409 Notes: Negative latitudes are southern hemisphere, U = upstream F = flank W = wake P = polar ============================================================================= Volume Format Information ============================================================================= The volume is organized into a hierarchical directory structure. It complies with both the Universal Disk Format (UDF) and the ISO 9660 (level 2) file system standards in order to accommodate users on a wide variety of platforms. ============================================================================= File Formats ============================================================================= The data files on this volume are either ASCII text or binary files. All data files are described by detached PDS labels. A detached label file has the same name as the data file that it describes, but with the extension LBL. For example, the file ATTITUDE.TAB is accompanied by the detached label file ATTITUDE.LBL in the same directory. All data files on this volume are described by detached PDS labels (.LBL). Documentation formatted for inclusion in the PDS catalog can be found in the CATALOG directory. Additional documentation is generally located in the DOCUMENT directory. In particular, all of the Space Science Reviews (SSR) instrument papers can be found in subdirectories of the DOCUMENT directory. The documents are reprinted by permission of Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Boston, London. ASCII tabular data files (*.TAB) are formatted so that they may be read directly into many database management systems (DBMS) or spreadsheet programs on various computers. All fields are of fixed length and are separated by white space (blank characters or commas). Character fields are left justified, and numeric fields are right justified. The 'start byte' and 'bytes' values listed in a PDS label do not include the white space between fields. The records are of fixed length, and the last two bytes of each record contain the ASCII carriage return and line feed characters. This allows a table to be treated as a fixed length record file on computers that support this file type and as a normal text file on other computers. The document, PDS label, and ASCII table files on this volume can be viewed with a Web browser. Note that to view these files, the browser may need to be configured to recognize files with extensions of .LBL, .TAB, and .CAT as text files. PDS labels are object-oriented. The object to which the label refers (e.g., TIME_SERIES, TABLE, etc.) is denoted by a statement of the form: ^object = location in which the caret character (^, also called a pointer in this context) indicates that the object starts at the given location. For an object in the same file as the label, the location is an integer representing the starting record number or byte of the object (the first record/byte in the file is 1). For an object located outside the label file, the location denotes the name of the file containing the object, along with the starting record or byte number. For example: ^TIME_SERIES = ("20903684.DAT", 3) indicates that the TIME_SERIES object begins at record 3 of the file 20903684.DAT, in the same directory as the detached label file. Below is a list of the possible formats that use the ^object keyword. ^object = n ^object = n ^object = ("filename.ext",n) ^object = ("[dirlist]filename.ext",n) ^object = ("filename.ext",n) ^object = ("[dirlist]filename.ext",n) where n is the starting record or byte number of the object, counting from beginning of the file (record 1, byte 1); default is record number. indicates that number given is in units of bytes. filename upper-case file name. ext upper-case file extension. dirlist* period-delimited path-list of parent directories, in upper case, that specifies the object file directory (used only when the object is not in the same directory as the label file). * All PDS labels on this volume are located in the same directory as the file they describe so this construct is not used here. The data set description, instrument description, and other useful documents are in *.CAT files in the /CATALOG directory. The .CAT files contained in this volume are ASCII text files, and can be read by any form of text editor. ============================================================================ Software =========================================================================== There are no software provided on this volume. ============================================================================= Volume Contents and Structure ============================================================================= This section describes the volume structure and naming conventions. Below is a tree diagram of the volume, followed by a description of the directory function and key files in each directory. GOPWS_9008 (root directory) | |- AAREADME.TXT Describes volume contents, organization and use | (this file) | |- ERRATA.TXT Describes known deficiencies or caveats in the data or | on this volume. | |- VOLDESC.CAT High level description of volume contents. | | |- [CATALOG] Information on the data set and how it was processed and | produced. Also contains information regarding Galileo | orbiter, the instruments covered by this volume, | personnel involved, and references from various documents | including those contained in the /CATALOG and /DOCUMENT | directories. | |- [DATA] Data from the PWS instrument | |- [DOCUMENT] Contains instrument papers and other documents that will | be useful when analyzing data. All SSR instrument | description papers are copyrighted material reproduced | here with permission of Kluwer Academic Publishers. | |- [INDEX] Contains a table of contents for all files located on | this volume | ============================================================================= Errata ============================================================================= Every effort has been made to assure that the data and documentation are of the best possible quality. However, mistakes are inevitable. The PPI Node of the PDS will maintain an online list of ERRATA where errors and updates are documented. Should any user of this product find an error on this volume, please report the error to the PPI Node so that the finding can be made public. All users are encouraged to verify the correctness of the data prior to submitting any publications or other work based on these data. There is a file called ERRATA.TXT found at the root level of this volume which contains a list of known deficiencies or caveats associated with data on this volume at the time that it was produced. If you find an error on this volume, please report it to the PDS Operator at the PPI Node of the PDS (contact information below). =========================================================================== Contacts =========================================================================== The person most directly responsible for the construction and release of this volume is Mr. Steven Joy. He was the PPI Node Data Administrator at the time this volume was created and understands as much about the volume structure and data organization as anyone. Other PPI personnel who may be aware of about issues related to this volume include Joe Mafi, Bill Harris, and Dr. Raymond Walker, the PDS/PPI Node manager. For questions or problems regarding this archive, please contact the PDS/PPI PDS operator: Email pds_operator@igpp.ucla.edu Telephone (310) 206-6073 U.S. Mail PDS Operator c/o Dr. Raymond Walker 3845 Slichter Hall UCLA - IGPP Los Angeles, CA 90095-1567 For questions regarding PDS Standards or other archives available from the PDS, please contact PDS Operator at the PDS Central Node (at JPL): Email pds_operator@jpl.nasa.gov Telephone (818) 354-4321 U.S. Mail Planetary Data System, PDS Operator Jet Propulsion Laboratory Mail Stop 202-101 4800 Oak Grove Dr. Pasadena, CA 91109-8099 The PDS and the Planetary Plasma Interactions (PPI) Node in particular, assume no legal liability for errors on this volume. All users are encouraged to verify the correctness of the data prior to submitting any publications or other work based on these data. Errors on this volume should be reported back to the PPI Node of the PDS through the ERRATA reporting procedures described above.